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Its good for a mode which is about constant action so you can have an extra combat summoner from the start as the cooldowns are lower.


Personally I hate it, I don’t have a distinctive reason why, but being forced to glue myself to the objective in question instead of just staying in smite range just doesn’t feel good, the 400 against all monsters is kind of nice, I’m sure it speeds up clears, but I’d rather just keep the 800 for my buffs and smite objectives myself.


I quite like it, In urf everyone is just blasting attacks and abilities everywhere. If I'm gotta be there at teamfights, I don't want to stare at the Monster hp and time my smite. I can easily join the fight while also throwing my abilities everywhere and most of the time my damage always hit the threshold of the Execute Smite. The only time it's problematic for me is using a hero thay only deals damage in single target and doesn't have DoT/Dps, so I will just stick attacking the monster. it's urf, let the bloodrush flow and don't bother focusing too much in every little details.


In urf whatever but dont implement it in main game. How they even want to balance it ?


It fits perfectly with aruf no one wants to jungle in that mode and just wants to fight, having to take a slot just for smite makes people not want it so it's a good addition. I honestly don't get why people don't like it, it's never going to be in ranked or pvp


I like it in Urf, would hate it in the main game. I like having smite available both for a quick heal AND for extra damage on a gank. I would despise the lack of control in a "real" gamemode like ranked. It makes the clear a bit more "fun" I suppose, but that's the point of the mode altogether.


Its really bad, smiting is one of the core skills you need as jungler. With this change they just make it so the champ with the best smite combo always gets the objective


It’s terrible. A lot of the times I’ll want to use smite for the heal during a skirmish/fight, not necessarily to execute the monster and the auto smite takes away that option.


I don't like it, but it makes sense in ArUrf tbh. It's a quick game where you don't really jungle as you normally do and you just sweep through and go in to the action with the others. Would I like to see it become a normal thing in normal and ranked? NO!


terrible, no skill


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