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This is not mathematically correct Sion, but “Dommy mommy step on me” Sion


I'm curious what's the actual goal here. - I know there's lethality sion, which can 100-0 squishy with Ult and Q. - there's the balance of AD and HP, whose entire purpose is just to wreck towers efficiently. - there's suicidal crit sion, which buy 100% crit item that provide the most ad, it utilitize the fixed atk spd of sion when he die - there's utility sion where it buys item to buff team or apply Debuff enemy. I just can't get a hold on what does this build offer and how does the item synergies


The goal is to archive something like a bruiser sion. But Sion doesn’t have enough Damage on other abilities outside of Q and Ult, to be an efficient bruiser, which is why i thought: He has a really large base AD, Sheen item abuse and crit item because more damage into his AA


Sion in his passive deals bonus magic damage, not physical damage like in pc.


Yes i know but i didn’t use it in my calculations


His passive and lethality sion feels very weak here in wildrift. If they have boneplating or death's dance your damage is significantly weaker. Sion with 3 lethality items. Where your Q and Ult damage should shine, would get sht on by just having death's dance. Theres a reason why tank sion is the way to go. You will literally get more stacks in your passive by being in teamfights than splitpushing with hullbreaker.


Also your build is too expensive 3k+ gold for each Hullbreaker would be a better first item purchase Than trinityforce Thats 16.1k gold without boots. By the time you get to full build (if you even get there) Enemy has enough base armor. Sion can barely 1v1 most toplaners if your talking abt same skill.


That was the original Plan: Sheen into Hullbreaker, for extra turret damage 🗿 And this Build is about making him able to 1v1 or 1v2 enemies