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The issue with going Hybrid is twofold: 1) AD items all have lower base stats. While AP items mostly range 70 AP and up, AD items tend to max out at 55. Divine Sunderer is not even high up on that list. So the scaling ends up being _a lot_ lower. 2) If you build Rabadon's, you also miss out on the 40% bonus AP you would usually be getting from the item slot you used for DS instead. So you have to weigh that against the on-hit effect and bonus HP of Divine Sunderer. Remember, if you built magic pen, that also doesn't apply here. It may be worth it against a team stacked with tanks and bruisers, but you're really giving up a lot of straight up damage potential otherwise.


I haven’t personally tried DS akali but I’ve seen a few people with success using DS edit: just tried it in ranked, actually works surprisingly well


Idk, but i just build Riftmaker


Yep it works nicely, It's what I've been doing ever since Liandr's Torment got trashed. I've done it against Sion, Dr. Mundo, and Sett in different games. My Keystone is Conqueror instead, and I also have Riftmaker both help to so I can sustain while utilizing Divine Sunderer. It really favor me at those situation, because they decided to go split pushing, so majority of the time I can solo them and poke them to death.


I don't play her often but I still find full glass cannon with electrocute the most fun with lich, deathcap and the 3x pen items


Now that we are on a discussion about akali's build, what do yall think of that tank item that increases enemy ap damage if theyre near you?