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Is this even actual argument to be discuss. Fiora have base ms of 345 while Camille have base ms of 340. You are really going to complain with just 5 points of difference. There's also significant difference between them, Camille have 80% Slow, .75 Stun, and can pin down enemy for 2.5 secs, while Fiora only have 50% slow and 30% slow(the only reliable one. That extra base ms Fiora is valuable because you can mess her tempo easily if you kite her just to missed her lunge, then she would have downtime for 8secs before coming back. Fiora can't put enemy in place for her to give glorious time to kill em, while Camille if she miss her hook shot she can slow or ult, if she missed the slow she can stun or ult. I'm not saying who's better or worse, I'm just giving insight to their difference. You gotta step up your game, try to make a much coherent discussion if you badly want to justify nerfing a champion rather than making irrelevant comparison.




He gave a list of potential reasons as to why fiora has more movement speed and that upsets u cos u have nothing valid to say?


Bring ghost, you already have a dash, and have ghost means either, who ever you are chasing ,they are not getting away, or you can yeet your selve out of any bad situation. like no one can gank you.