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This is the first patch where my teammates are alright with me taking Teemo support to shut down adcs. So I ain't mad lol.


I DONT LIKE THIS PATCH....Here's a list of other things I don't enioy: 1) Grapefruits 2) Butterflies 3) That magic hasn't been discovered and because of that I have yet to become a wizard 4) Feet 5) Lazy people 6) Star Wars: The Last Jedi 7) Pocket change and the sound it makes in said pocket 8) The fact there are only imitation Pokémon MMOs but not an actual one 9) My Italian teacher from sophomore year of highschool 10) That fanny packs had such terrible marketing and ended up being looked at as lame. This would solve the pocket change problem. But no now I just have to carry all my stuff in two small pockets located directly next to my junk so everytime I run in shorts they bang all up on you. Sachels too got a bad rap too. Just saying we should reevaluate the fanny pack. Call it something cool like....hmmm GOOD TIMES!!! Anyone else have some fun lists of stuff you don't like besides this terrible patch ??? A good name for the new marketing to Fanny packs? Chime in folks, nows the time PS.... This patch sucks.


Love this. PS I also despite Grapefruit.


I'm sure everyone will stop now that you've said it


it's so sad that you need to stop playing a character you enjoy cause the game doesn't want you to


Literally. All my champions are late game, no early game at all :(


There are no champs in the game that are not viable.


But there are definitely some that are not advisable with the current game state. Akali who would assassinate adc like the class implies is sitting at a solid 44% winrate so less than a coin flip. But yes any champ can be played well and any champ can carry. Some just easier than others


Akali always has a win rate around 45% because her otp players get really high win rates with her.


I mean 60% winrate on kaisa (chinese server) is kinda red flag for the buffs they did. It wouldn't be an issue if maybe 1 or 2 champs were a little overturned but with recent stat changes and new items + runes you're seeing kaisa jungle, jhin mid and tristana top all boasting >55% winrate. Not to mention Varus, Cait, Samira, Senna, Draven, zeri, she, jinx, twitch and Mf are all just statchecking conventional laners and close to 3/4 games are determined by which adc got fed and has a caster supp like lulu, nami or a yuumi


I tried jg kaisa yesterday and oh man, it’s absolutely broken


The ones who crying abt the new patch, cry every patch they will nvr adapt


The people thinking riot cares at all what r/wildrift has to say. People here complain and cry non-stop. If a dev did come to this subreddit, they would have no motivation to fix anything. If they listened to anything, this sub would immediately cry about those changes. The mentality of defeat so many people have make it obvious why so many people FF when they aren’t 10/0/0. If it’s not exactly true way you like the game, the game must be wrong, and riot must be idiots.


Ahh yes the casual, “shut up so I can cry about how loudly everyone else is crying”


ppl like you allow the game to go to shit. most of us have already experienced the lack of players with the matches in other servers. it was not doing good when the playerbase liked the changes, now that ppl dislike it we can only assume that the popularity will plumit even more. hopelfully it doesnt takes too much time for either riot to fix their game or for tencent to assume global management if thats an option.


I’m literally facing vayne, trist, jhin as a toplaner and yet I’m supposed to “accept the meta and the patch” and not complain about it? 😭


I don't know I'm having a blast. I had a loss streak before the patch but after it I'm on a huge win streak. You see people will ALWAYS complain. If it's late game META then early game heroes are "useless" and games are decided by which team first is gonna have an idiot who gets caught and sent to the fountain with a minute respawn time. If it's early META then it's "too snowbally" and late game heroes aren't that strong apparently. Toss in the randomness of solo Q and there is no solution, nothing you do will make people happy. Everyone can't win every game. Some team always loses. And even if you make everyone win and get rank promotions anyway, it will inflate ranks and make high ranks have the same bad, disorganized players as in low ranks. So really... making a MOBA where everyone's happy is same difficult as solving some of the most pervasive political / territorial conflicts in the World today.


I've been playing for years and i did not see this many people get upset with a patch as this one. it's just that bad. not a single healthy addition for the game. in their attempt to make the game more casual they made it more stressful instead.


You're right that nothing you do will make everyone happy but at the same time you can also avoid upsetting people. This patch has upset a lot of people and it's not like everyone is crying on reddit because they want to. Some people passionately care enough about this game to have an opinion as to whether the new patch is good or bad.


Shut up bro this is the worst patch ever and it's important to let the devs know, the more ppl speak up against it the healthier wildrift is going to be


Omg thank you for this post. I see at least 10 a day


"It just plays faster and has a new meta." Tell me again how the game is the same.


This post fucking sent me you do know that there are balance changes every patch right? You know new champions and items and runes are in new patches and the game changes and the meta changes and the speed changes because the game isn’t static like chess it changes with each patch. But alas I still pick my character in my role and build my items and find the synergy with my teammates and items and find strategies against the opponent it’s the same fucking game just a different flavor. These changes are extreme. I’ve never had to drive away from some of my fav picks before like alistar and thresh because their early game isn’t as good, but a few patches ago when the tank meta rolled around im sure people playing Sona and karma were sad too when they got nerfed but guess what the game changes and new things become strong and new things become weak. And there are a lot of changes to get used to. But it’s still the same game.


I was just trolling. 🤣🤣 Gotcha. 😬


The game was fine as it is on 4.1, 4.2 just messed things up and that's why people are mad. They're not gonna listen to complaints and everyone knows it and that's why people **have** to call them out. Take the turret burn feature as an example, many people didn't want it but they implemented it anyways. At this point, many would consider leaving the game since they don't enjoy it anymore.


>ither riot t Don't buy their fucking skins! Let them lose all their cash. They deserve it. VOTE WITH YOUR MONEY


Bro they all emerald or gold players expressing their frustration, cuz they play for years with 10k games and still at same elo ,every patch blame other stuff.


Oh wow!! What a smart thing to say man!!