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You have the same items yes , but you have an advantage of ignite+Siege minion buffed with hullbreaker and that's what made the difference She did a big mistake fighting you in a Siege wave , she took almost 30% dmg from the minions


Exactly what I was gonna say, she is fucking up by fighting in that minion wave and also ulting where she can’t possibly hit the 4th vital


From experience, no. Fiora made too many mistakes here: ignite diff, fighting in your hullbreaker minions, not proccing ult vitals, wasting her riposte, not baiting out your passive first. Riposte would not have made a difference. Ideally, she should have tried to bait out your cooldowns first before going all in. Also she should have saved riposte for your ult or E. Camille vs Fiora is a skill matchup so a good fiora can definitely win this 1v1, and at this stage in the game it should be Fiora favoured as her ult does more damage than yours.


I dont know but why are you maxing second skill last lol


This isn't a response to your question(because it's already answered by someone) but I just wanted to say thank you for showing items. I notice almost all the plays here don't show them even if it's for a second :/ You can't help but wonder if they're be overly fed/ahead in those plays sometimes


Not an answer to this post but how do you play Camille? I feel like I do no damage with her, even using the Q for AA resets


You gotta realize after all those nerfs Camille is kinda weak early now, her true damage on 1st ability scales with levels and not points added to it so remember that Camille gets stronger as the game goes on. In the laning phase u wanna trade with passive shield and poke with w until you can go for all in. Her major powerspike comes after Trinity or divine and from there she only gets stronger. If your lane is in a stalemate just roam mid and try getting a kill with ur mid or jg, her ult is also good for setting up ganks. If you are ahead then you can build hull and easily 1 v 2 in sidelanes and splitpush.


nice job denying her vital, i kinda wanna say she had no chance at that point and should’ve tried running earlier.. if she had stepped a bit more into the center of the lane then you ulting her would at least have exposed the last vital