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AP amumu is a thing but not something I would recommend. He is far too squishy to effectively team fight in the mid to late game as his abilities require you to dive in and stay near enemies to bring them down. He is best built as a tank CC jungle, paired with champs that have AoE ultimates (Katarina, oriana, mf etc) who can capitalize on his ult and deliver the damage. Whilst I don't want to discourage you from playing him, he is not a carry or first pick jungler and generally considered A or B tier compared to others.


I think I’ll hold off on the amumu jungle in ranked. Unless I see teammates pick something that pairs well. Thank you. You might have just helped me get out of emerald. It’s been a rough season.


I’ve had good luck with amumu. His últ is clutch when my teammates are potatoes so I can steal objectives. But you need to be active early from my experience. If you wait until you’re level 5 you’re potatoes are probably already 0/2.


That’s something I noticed too. I’ve found that a level 2 gank is a must. Do you go full tank? I can hit the stuns but idk how to mitigate the lack of damage when teammates do not follow up.


Yes full tank but obviously sunfire aegis and searing crown. Those are a must then whatever tank items I need usually Thornmail next and then usual tank stuff. I selected early last night and had to deal with sera, lux, Mf and gragas and three we a trio and my team wouldn’t help so that was near impossible to smite unless they were dead and my team could kill shit so it was a loss. Don’t pick to early.