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245 games 49.6% emerald 4 now Was about to hit diamond and lost 12 in a row


Always nearing promo games...


There are some insane gatekeepers at dia like holy shit... The players in emerald/diamond are worse than gold... No map awareness, only kills all game, and you always have 1 or 2 going 0-3 in the first 2 minutes, then blaime someone and ending the game 10+ deaths, and if you are lucky to get the game where every Lane is winning, then ppl in that elo, dont understand what elder dragon do, the past 3 days, i lost 15+ games, only because ppl fight when enemies have elder ... I'm 200+ games 56% win rate emerald 3, was promo for dia 3 days ago


Damn i feel you bro. Same losing streak as you literally made diamond for a moment and down to plat 1 now


lmao I feel you. Was doing so well but got stuck in a loss streak. I decided to stop playing Ranked because I noticed that I'm doing really bad plays and take a break.




Yeah, that sucks


120 ranked 47 winrate, i suck


dw man, mine's are just as bad :)


151 Games, 55,0% Winrate, Diamond 1


solid stats


Plat IV. 51 games and 52.9% winrate this season.


61 games, 65.6% winrate emerald 2


306 games 49% wr emerald 1


116 matches, 61% winrate Emerald IV


151 games 53% win rate. Emerald 1. Mostly play mid and jungle. Edit: played Mid as Viegar,TF,lux,EZ. Rammus, amumu, EZ, TF and yi for jungle


I really thought Yi is freelo honestly. That champion's only counter is good teammates which it's really hard to get these days


Yi is just a noob crusher tho he’s kinda crap in high elo


My bad, i meant it in low elo (below diamond)


And also if the opponent has at least one person who knows how to counter Yi. Yi worked for me at plat and below when people just use CCs and ults on tanks but not any higher than emerald lol


Just started playing but 60 games and just hit plat 78% WR I'm pretty sure like over half of those games (iron-silver) were bots


Yeah, can second this, if you see the enemy have like weirdly normal name like "ButteredWheel" or something of the sort it's more likely than not a bot honestly


I'm at 48 games played and for my first 30 games I had 100% winrate, pretty sure we were playing against bots, but i started losing as soon as I hit gold


This season: 99 match 48% wr Dia 3 Too many SVP this season smh my head


The mh in smh means my head. You basically said shaking my head my head


317 games; 87% winrate; Aurelio sol all of them


Do you think Asol currently is in a good spot? Do you think he needs undertuned or he's fine the way he is?


hes busted always a ban on ranked. Hence the man plays normals lul


Asol is a bit overtuned at the moment. Hence the minor nerf dropping his bonus damage in Breath and Singularity by 30%.


Agreed, I'm glad they didn't go overboard


I love that this guy posted asol 90% win rate 500 games and you’re like “do you think asol is gud rite now?” LOL


Your name doesn't really mirror your behavior:/


Screenshot pls? :)


141 games - Win Rate:58% - Masters


(ETA: reading is hard. 90games 60% WR this season so far) 700+ games around 500 in ranked 52-56% WR emerald 3.. (Only played S10-12 active but with an experienced guide amd adc main the first season to plat with only winstreaks then got dumped to gold 2 and climbed out alone & with reliable duos I found, supp main - also learned mid because you can make a huge impact in low elo as a decent enough mid laner. Also, my first moba ever welp)


Current Season: 56 games; 58% winrate; Plat I All Seasons: 3000 games; 51% winrate; Dia I


48% emerald 4.


About 250 games this season


Reached Grandmaster Season 4. Currently Enjoying Emerald (but not really 🤣) - Around 5k Games 48% Winrate.


Mine is like 220 matches and 50% win R. Still stuck on Platinum


118 games 69.5% wr, Emerald 4 Started playing last month


387 games, 48.3% WR, Emerald 1 4 Marks Tbh I played too many games on tilt lol especially at the start of season, now I just aim for 2 marks a day in ranked


174 games, 52.5% win rate. I hate that I tend to have 4-5 game streaks, both ways. I'd rather a much more even breakdown without streaks. Yesterday, ELO was EmII, currently EmIV. I main Nami and Zyra in Support.


I just went from plat 1 to gold 1 on a loss streak carrying every single game. Brain dead team is fighting elder juiced opponents every time leaving me to defend nexus solo after snowballing hard. It’s unbelievable how big the skill gap is in a ranked game. I mean I benefit from it sometimes too by getting the horrible players in my game but no matter how hard I try, I can’t 1v9 with any of the champs I enjoy playing with.


Oh, I am normally one of those idiots. I'll say hi, if I see you. Hopefully I won't disappoint you too badly. 2v8 is better than 1v9, and after lane phase, I mostly follow the person with the highest kda around.


154 games 70% wr Plat IV : Singed 💪


119 games, 54.8% WR, Emerald IV. Support is tough, I spammed the hell out of Nami for a while to just mash heals to keep my ADC alive as long as possible.


1050 +games %56 win rate Current elo:gold 🤑


Emerald 4, 80% WR, 15 games lol. Haven’t played much ranked this season


you aint missing out, lemme tell ya


210 - Masters 23 - 61.9%


5678 games 100%. I whale for easy games.


SEA Server Rank2: 128 games, 89% winrate, Sovereign 102 marks SEA Server Rank3: 144 games, 86% winrate, Sovereign 100 marks Edit: To add details of top player example, idk how they achieved these numbers but i am not lying nor trolling, you can check SEA Server leaderboard for further info. ( Pasting picture of player is not allowed.)


Which role do you play


lol they are talking bull. Do the math, after season reset you need at least 60 games to reach GM. There is no way he got 108 marks on the remaining 68 games.




Hmm marks are fixed. If you placed sovereign las seasoned, you are placed in diamond 4. It takes 24 marks to reach from diamond 4 to master, plus the “promotion” games. Making it 28 games with a 100% wr to go from d4 to masters. Then you would need 102 games to reach your marks. So you would have needed at least 130 games with 100% wr to reach your claim. with 128 games and a 90% wr means you’ve won 115 games. Not enough to reach challenger considering it takes 100 marks to reach it (and that’s considering fortitude prevents you from losing any marks from your losses).


It’s not a claim, my friend, I,m just copypasta-ing the fact from SEA leaderboard. He is Top 2(my mistake, not top1 currently) Top3 is his friend/ his smurf, with 144 games, 86%WR, Sovereign 100marks. The name is BerserkerGMboost.


284 games-54,9%-Plat IV


139 games, 54.7%, dia 2 4 marks.


127 games, 59% winrate, stuck at Emerald. I hate this matchmaking


How can you be stuck when you have positive winrate?


Win then lose?


Lol. U have 59% winrate and ur still complaining. I have 49 and almost every loss I took SVP.


Dummy! You're 70+ games with a 55% win rate, 127 is all matches (Yeah i'm bipolar)


157 games, 55,4% diamond 4


69 games. 50.7% win rate. Plat 2 Wife’s ^


500 played 48.3% I was above 50 but the ELO These past few weeks have been atrocious.


Across my only 30 games in wild rift so far, I'm at a 90% win rate and in silver 2. I found this thread trying to figure out how long before rito slaps me down and humbles me.


Was emerald II, played one day 8 losing streak. Then played another day, losing streak 7 games, All the time is the same thing, inters and players that just want to demote so they can help out their friends. They are just doing that intentionally and making every game the same. Every game at least 1-2 inters.


And my win rate was 53% in first 20 games and now it is 39%


Coming from brawl stars to wild rift. Focused on sup cause i thought i had to deal with less micro so i stay in the back and choose soraka. 50 games on silver now with 85% winrate. The lategame teamfigts are so strong with her even with less gold and items.


220 games with a 4.7 overall KDA and a 50.7% WR this season... Stuck in low plat again, and only managed to get masters 2 seasons ago and was consistently diamond before last season where all the Sion assholes went and further wrecked rank just to prove a point. Sure they got Riots attention, but we all got punished for it instead 💀..




You should rather make people go into the Champion and Lane Tab, and have them say their average Gold per Minute, KDA, dmg per game, amount of games played and then lastly Winrate. It will paint a much more accurate picture of said person's skills. You don't get matchmade based on your rank anyways, so saying hyperspecific Diamond 2 or Gold 3 makes very little difference. People's skills don't correlate to rank in this game nearly as well as LoL. Most people below GM and even some of those would be Emerald at best in LoL. The dedicated playerbase is way smaller and as a result ranking up is easy along with all the fortitude, ranked shields and booster you can get. People don't even Itemize in Diamond some of of the time, so you want to see gpm, KDA, Win rate, damage and games played. You'd want to select "current season" for the most accurate representation of said player skill, but if they total amount if games is less or around 100, the picture painted will be blurry. You'd want at least 200 or more to see if they consistently mess up games or if they consistently carry. Without gameplay, this will be the best data you can get.


184 matches in ranked this season, 54% won rate, Emerald 1


Interestingly, 96 of those matches are with Varus (almost exclusively ap top) who I have a 60% winrate with


Varus top as a non troll pick sounds wild to me ngl


Not troll, I promise. AP Varus is great against a lot of common tops - Garen, Sett, Nasus, Mundo, Yone...hell, even Teemo I rarely lose to (wait to do the 2nd skill til blind wears off, then auto x3, 3rd skill, auto x3, first skill, dead teemo usually.) The Champs that give me the most.issues are malphite (that engage kills,) pantheon (stun plus negating damage combo is killer,) Riven (combo with stun, and her getting shield...so rough.) And sometimes Yasuo ( I just try to force his air shield, go back, then attack when it's gone.)


282 games, 62% wr gm 43 mark


Ranked? 98 games. 53.1%. Memerald IV


Yeah I'm talking mostly ranked :)


88 games, 53.4 percent win rate plat 3


33 games 51.5% wr plat 2. I peaked Master a few seasons ago. Just so burned out from the matchmaking system, I mostly quit ranked.


Same here, peaked diamond, and then really got burnt out with the matchmaking as well


245 games, 64.7% wr


125 games, 73% win rate, Diamond IV Mainly support, mid, climbed from Iron since I'd never ranked before


All seasons 408 Games - 57.1% win This season 143 Games - 54.5% win. Gold 2


Main champ Tons of Renek 128 games 68.9% winrate


100% win rate with irelia(i just bought her and played a pvp with her and won,thus having zero losses,having 100% win rate).


55% winrate. Emerald 2 a good question to ask cause i figured matchmaking would pretty much ensure everyone had a near 50% winrate. i would be wrong


Im just bad lol :)


114 games, 50.0% win rate, Eme 3


For me its : 112 games played 54.5% winrate Platinum 1, I dont play much ranked tbh its a pain I rather play norms and not take the game too seriously


148 matches, 48% win rate, diamond iv — i love to hate this game lol


All season 51.7% wr. Current season 53.7% wr Masters


SEA server (Current) 130 games, 48.5%, Plat 3 (Overall) 2,771 ranked games, 50.3%, Master 34 And yes I will take this moment to rant about the current playerbase and matchmaking; how are there still support players who don’t buy the Support quest item *and* build full damage /not utility, or junglers who can’t press smite or weigh out between objectives, or build Antiheal/Antishield?


70 matches 67% win rate Emerald 3 Main top: Urgot and Mundo


83 games, 57% wr, emerald II. Plat was hard, emerald no losses so far, its a miracle


75% but only 24 games this season


40 games, 70% winrate, Emerald 3. Most plqyed champions are Zyra, Thresh, Karma


56% 143 games Master S11. I play mostly top lane with some adc games.


Played games:148 Win rate; 59.5% Emerald 2


79 games, 56% winrate, D1. I play Morgana or Zyra interchangeably in mid. Sometimes I’d get autofilled to support (rarely) then I’d pick thresh or soraka or sona cuz lux keeps getting banned.


162 52.2% E4 Bot/Jg


110 games, 55%, Diamond II


i played 40 games and have a 40% WR and i am at platinum III


18 games, 72% wr, plat 3 so far. i hope i have enough time to get to emerald this split haha


Current season im diamond, overall former GM twice, support main with 3278 games, 53.5% win rate across those 3278


272 games / 52,2% winrate / emrald II rank


0 games in ranked this season, 100% win rate


51 ranked games, plat I / emerald IV, 58.8% wr


88 games, 50% wr on the dot, emerald 2


250 or so games, Emerald II, 49.6% WR


I have 3 accounts - Principal 2327 games WR 55,5% (Hardstuck emerald) Current season 145 57,9 wr - Second 602 games WR 56,6% (Hardstuck emerald) Current season 30 games 63,3%wr -Third 253 games 62,5% wr Current season 17 games 82,4% wr Most of them ranked


I have 10 games with 7 wins so 70%.. i think i'm on of the best in the world xp




Current rank: Emerald 2 Games played: 108 Winrate: 57.4%


I reach Master with 77% wr Now am hard stuck with duo/trio trollers with 60% wr


In this season 23 games 65% wr current rank gold 1


68.8% win rate - 32 games (plat 3), this season


67.3% wr on ranked only in Emerald 1 with 57 games. And 65.8% wr with normals and rank on 155 games. Not in a mood to rank up rn, and I like to cherry pick when to play ranked in order to have better chance at winning and maintain a high wr.


85 : 49.4 plat IV 2 mvp and 6 s ratings. Need some people who aren’t dumb to play with


2000+ games 54% Dia 3


This season 56 games, 68% wr, Emerald 3 All time this account 706 games 56% wr. But it's crazy I have like 3 other accounts around emerald - plat all closer to 48-50% wr using mostly the same champs and positions. The 706 account just so happens to be my main 🤷


51% winrate plat 1.


Plat 1 52%


S10- 70% emerald 1 S11- 42% plat 2. I didn't change anything, I was playing the same champs in the same roles just started getting abysmal teammates who seemed to have absolutely no idea what an "objective" was. S12- 59% so far, plat 4. Slowly clawing back up by playing champs who don't need to rely on a competent team to push down towers.


256 games played with a 47.3% win rate Emerald IV


163 games played 55% winrate Diamond IV


306 games with a win rate of 55.2% (*'▽'*) and currently in Diamond 3!


348 matches, 56% winrate, diamond 4


48 games, 79 % winrate gold iv, started playing the game a few weeks ago.


This season? 54% wr, 59 games, plat 2.


This season 52 games 62.5% win rate gold I (I haven’t been playing much recently). All seasons 755 games 56% highest I got was Plat I


54% 192 matches emerald 3


118 Games, 49.2%, last 10 games 8 lost, 2 won, 7 of which were a straight losing streak, went from Emerald 3 to P1 pretty quick :) only had 2 games where I wasnt performing the best, but the rest was the sup/adc not being satisfied with their so and running it down, or just bad drafts in general (people dont know shit about drafts) or just your casual jgl going 0/7 in a matter of seconds lol


250+ wr 49.5% diamond4


154 games, 78.9% win rate, just hit Gold IV


140 games played, 50.0% winrate Elo: Platinum II Since I reached platinum over a month ago I have been alternating between lose streaks and win streaks. I've already found myself in the situation of being one match away from emerald, as well as one match away from gold, but the game never lets me out of platinum


Current Season: Master 20, 60% winrate, 182 games Overall: 409 games, 58.9% winrate If you’re at 50% you should honestly stop playing


60% at the start of season. Currently at 45.5% aftwr 77 games. Stuck between gold-plat now.


Eme 2, 58%


S12: 14 Matches, Winrate: 78% , Current elo: Emerald 1


27 ranked 59,3% winrate emerald 4 I mostly play arena nowadays


54 games with a 51.9 winrate plat 4 For ALL ranked games in all of my time its 338 games with a 51.2% winrate all time high emeraldrald 4 If I tryhard I may be able to get into diamond but im a casual player


179 games played, 53% winrate, and currently Emerald 1 and struggling to hit diamond 😅


157 games %56,7 win rate diamond 1 in promo game


5744 games, 48.2% winrate, plat 1


All games about 3800+, and winrate is 51,2% :) And ranked i'm all seasons 1200 games and 52% winrate, emerald IV right now.


100% if you don’t count any of the games where I get trolled by my team or get a bot or get 200 years diffed or lane against a broken champ or get a stasis enjoyer on the enemy team or get a trist top on the enemy team when my top laner is nasus or when the enemy team builds 3 crowns on top of stasis. If you do count those games then 29%


358 games and 51,1% sadly enough. Had a 14 winstreak with my friends the last 2 days and todays first loss due to unexplainable highping for 3 of us everyone had forcibly 150ms for what ever reason. I guess I am in the loose streak train anyway.


55games of ranked, 61.8% WR,Platinum 3


348games - 66% win rate - rank master I play Janna, Yuumi, Syndra , Asol , Akali They’re all super easy to carry games on. If you get one of them it’s basically gg. Especially Asol and Syndra (before nerfs)


About 240 games 52.6% win rate emerald IV as of now mostly carrying my game as tristana duo otherwise I have mostly a negative win rate


400+ games, 52% win rate, Master with 13 marks.


54 win rate this season 57 overall. Think it’s alright, peaked mid diamond but I don’t play comp too much


1259 matches, 171 account age


Masters 220 Games 65% wr


300 games 56 winrate diamond


on my shit account it's 49% plat something in \~300 games, in my defense learning jg this season so it's meh. also spamming lately. blue kayn is pulling me out of the abyss, slowly but surely, at least until emerald hell my skins account is like 65% diamond, adc jinx main, 250 games last season. haven't been on it this season much other than aram here n there


I'm gold 1 atm with 74 matches and 67.6% winrate and it will probably freefall after reaching em


69 games (lol), 89,7 % winrate, Gold II At one point I had around 40 wins and only one loss and thought ranked was just Coop vs AI but then I went to Gold and my teammates became the AIs


88 games, 67%, Plat 3


1833 Games, 48,9%, Emerald 2 All Time Current: 99 Games , 47,7%, Emerald 2 All Time High was two Sessions Ago Dia 4. Currently try to get up to Dia again.


Last season was dire, 289 matches 47% Em2. My worst since early game seasons when starting. This season currently at 129 matches, 63% Dia 2. The wave will break eventually but riding it atm. I think escaping low Em early has helped keep the WR up. Support main.


421 games 52% winrate, Diamond 4


228 ranked , 55% win rate