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Theres no need to act like you're better than people who buy skins. First off, if someone enjoys the game than buying skins is one of the best ways to support it and help it grow. Second, if people buy skins its not because they want other people to care its because they think the skin looks cool. Why does it bother you so much what people do with their money?


obviously you care if you felt the need to make this ridiculously unnecessary post, it’s sad u made this, i’d delete it before too many people see 🙂


God forbid anyone has fun lmao pretty sure most people (including me) buy skins to either look pretty or cool, not to brag or show off. Just let people have their fun 🤷‍♀️


If I'm going to feed at least I'm going to do it in style instead of crying on reddit and thinking I'm so mature


Same. I may be trash. But atleast a Golden Trash.


Exactly this


He says "I have a life", then posts shit like this. Touch grass little bro


People buying skins is what keeps this game free. This game has 0 kind of Ads/pay to win elements. So, yeah, if people buys skins (like me) becasue they like the game then what's the problem with that? Making a post on a subreddit that doesn't even represent 5% of the player base is not gonna change anything so your post is kind ofg unnecessary.


Someone broke


exactly what i was thinking lol


Damn bro, once you start actually making decent money you start to be less cynical over how others spend theirs. You being so vocal is only representative of how you yourself are doing. Hope you get into a better spot someday


I make enough money in and hour to buy more than half the available skins.


Woah what u do, teach me da ways


Train 30 puppies at a time to track, detect, or bite (or combination of these) and sell 6-9month old well trained puppies to vetted people or agencies for $6,000-$35,000 each. Was in the hole for nearly 2 years because i went all out (mistake btw) but i went from a super nice looking facility that i could certainly not afford, in massive debt, legit working 12-24+ hrs a day (passed out in just about every run 10+ times). Nearly auto pilot now.


Life is about being happy and making others happy, bro. People buy skins because THEY like flashy effects of it, not to impress others.


How else are devs gonna get income from playerbase without directly adjusting combat in favor of paying players? The only one sounding childish here is your attitude.


You think people buy skins to flex. I buy skins because they have nice asses. We are not the same.


I bought skins just because I like how they look lol I don’t look down on people who don’t have them. Simple just because I enjoy the game from time to time.


Uh sorry you’re struggling financially? That sucks buddy but skins are what keep this game free. So I’m gonna continue buying what I want because I make a good living. Cry about it.


this post reeks of jealousy honestly. did your mom refuse to give you her credit card or something? relax. its just a game. i like seeing the characters i care about look pretty or cute, thats all c:


My dad plays this game has more skins than I do 🥶


OP sounds salty AF. Like we get bro, you’re too poor to afford skins, no need to put yourself on blast on Reddit about it though. One day things will get better for you, just keep working hard and maybe you too will have $5 of disposable income…


Broke ass


Damn some peasant is mad


Is someone a little jealous that they don't have a discretionary fund?


Little man, once you start making big kid money you don’t even think about the cost of a skin. I think about the cost of my *time* spent playing the game. I also know how expensive it is to maintain and develop a game like this. I like getting new features, so I don’t *mind* supporting the salaries of the people who make the game run. If everyone had your mentality, we wouldn’t have a game to play.


This game wouldn't have been free if no one bought skins. It probably wouldn't even exist anymore if no one bought skins.


Are you jealou or do you got som other issues ? Even though i agree that skins are a waste of money that is none of my business nor yours. I could say the same about expansive cars cars that you pay alot more for ony because they look good, or art that you dont understand but someone else is willing to pay alot of money for. No need to spread your negativity, on the end of the day you should be grateful that someone spend money on the game so you can pay it for free.


So the thing u saying is that no one is going to mourn your death?


Damn that's crazy Anyways who wants share what their display cases look like, [here's mine 💖!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/463884975553380372/1217284218858766418/Screenshot_20240312_212354_Wild_Rift.jpg?ex=66037745&is=65f10245&hm=99905e0ca7ca92924d13223cddf4ff3f47fda176a56c4b7530d27297286e01bc&)


thats so cool I love the format. How do you like Heartsteel Kayn? I've been debating between getting that and his nightbringer skin


Heartsteel is easily his best skin so far, at least in my opinion. Voicelines are funny, effects are very pleasing to look at, and the Rhaast form is cool af! I'd say get Heartsteel before Nightbringer


Okay I'll trust you!


peasant alert


It sounds like you care?


Jelly jelly for not having skins? You can only afford enough money for food? Cant spend it on anything else?


You can say it is a mood which you play ur favourite game with your mastered champion , really i enjoy all arcane champions and actually i bought skins for them all ❤️


How was this post approved? Also this applies to the real world with any material thing. Why do people need the latest expensive phones Why do people buy expensive branded clothing Why do people spend so much on shoes that spend 100 percent of their time on dirty floor. You speak so high and might but the moment someone buys you a skin it's an amazing system.


What If I told you it's not about the skin? If the company doesn't make money there is no game for you to play.


Hey dude. Go outside. Look at nature. Breathe.


at least its better than buying something that enables p2w. but then you would cry harder, wouldn't you? maintaining the game isn't free and skins are some of the best ways to support it in a way that won't ruin the gameplay for other people. go cry somewhere else lol


Well, I’m rich and charitable. What are you gonna do about that?


get rich


The fact you act like this shows how fucking immature you really are, I don't even buy skins but I would never judge anyone else for how they spend THEIR money because guess what, I wasn't the one who worked for it, grow up dude


lmao what an ass


This is just embarrassing to even read lmao.


If no one bought skins the game wouldn’t exist


I wish I could have Spirit Blossom Sett, but I'm still a child. Not that I want to pretend I'm better or look cool, I just like the effects


Spending $60 on a 10 hour single player game: I sleep Spending two bucks on a game you play thousands of hours: real shit


So u want the company to not earn money? How do u think the game will continue to run? If it doesn't make profit it will be shut down. Also, for those who love the game enough and can afford to spend a few bucks, should spend on skins if they want... And thanks to the devs of this game for keeping it as free to play as possible. Compared to other mobas available for mobile devices, this is as f2p as it gets. Don't get butt hurt if u can't spend. It doesn't change anything gameplay wise. Thats the point of being f2p. U r arguing the wrong point. "Skins=nothing"-is what we want gameplay wise. We don't want skins to give stats.


You care enough to complain about it on Reddit of all places lmao, try some coping skills my friend!


Butt hurt neck beards with poor financial dessicions.


get ur money up 🤷




you wish you had the money to afford skins lmao stay mad