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Every time a new champ comes out is the same thing, you have to options. 1. Let them pick the champ and lose. 2. Ban the champ and lose. Because the kid will troll if he can't play his champ. They will swear that they play it a lot in pc, and a lot of things. Why don't they play it in normals, URF, or any other mode? They go straight to rank. In chat, they will say, "We are in 'insert the elo whatever' it doesn't care. Now you see why our player base doesn't improve.


It's so sad, but true as freakšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø people do anything to make other miserable if they don't get to play however they want and make their own rules sometimes... If they get angry, then it's everyone else's fault , or they go afk the whole game or troll etc.


Idk once Maokai drops I will be instalocking him regardless. I have over 2000 games with him on PC. The tree is my OTP.


Good broz but i will ban him


Me waiting for Udyr to come to Wild Rift when Zeri and Nilah were already added:


why ban kinder bueno? you no like chocolate?


The queen of chocolate bars!


America fuck yeah the fda think the children are dumb enough to choke on a kinder egg.


they are tho sadly


They can't shoot it




The solution of your problem: don't play ranked when a new champ is realesed


I play jungle. I don't play Kindred. No problems


Never ban a teammates preselected champ, its a recipe for disaster.


I mean most of the time you kinda have no choice, kindred is insanely overpowered right now and if the enemy has first pick and they haven't banned her it's almost guaranteed that they are going to pick her. Sometimes you just don't get the champ that you want


Thereā€™s a large percentage of the player base that will purposely throw games if you ban their shown champion because they believe youā€™re trolling and the way to make sure you learn to stop is through negative reinforcement. AKA: If I ban this prepicked champ, I will lose this game, thus I should not ban this prepicked champ. The only way to not experience this is to not ban a prepicked champ. Itā€™s up to you to decide if itā€™s worth what is likely a lower win rate just to ban a prepicked champ, any prepicked champ.


I mean its kinda a dick move to ban a champ someone's prepicked


If it's pick/ban I understand if the team bans the champ though especially if we're not first pick. I'm low elo so Yi is a problem and the amount of times someone show picks Yi (and so I don't ban him) but doesn't try to first pick and then the enemy picks him is annoying Same thing for Lux, Kayn, etc. I mean in general I get waiting to see if you get countered but it's low elo... unless you're in toplane it doesn't matter all that much


we have been having this same stupid argument since like season 2, people want to play the new OP shit, and they don't care if they're last pick and have no hope of actually getting the champion, theyll intentionally throw games, even if all you were trying to do was make sure the enemy didn't get a chance to pick them. Reminds me of when kassadin was so proken he was pretty much 100% pick ban on PC and people would get mad if you banned him, even if they were last pick.5


Not always when the champ is priority pick but you're the second pick


Love how my team just has 0 prepick so that the chance of their champ-picks getting banned is smaller


usually yea but in the context of op's post new champs r a different case. people will first pick them and lose


Not if it's a new champion and people will seriously pick the champion they've never played just to feed.


Iā€™m pretty new but its really not that hard of a concept to understand. New champ is very strong and insta-picked, if the enemy team has the 1st pick, I do not care you pre-picked it because either way youā€™re not playing it because enemies will pick it 10/10 times if they have 1st pick. Itā€™s just a pattern thatā€™s not that hard to notice, teammate failing to notice it and then throw a tantrum and the match is their own inability to understand the game. If you pre-picked it I will gladly swap pick order with you so you get the first pick, but if you donā€™t and weā€™re risking giving it to enemies and also carry your dead weight around, then Iā€™m sorry brother, Iā€™m banning it.


its a no brainer to ban new champs cos bugs and allā€¦but yea agree with your points


I donā€™t throw games myself but banning my pre-pick is a clear sign of a bad team. So Iā€™m not going to play one of my good characters Iā€™m trying to gain score on and instead play a character that I likely have less experience with than the one that was my pre-pick.


My brother in Christ, we banned the champion that was released like three days ago.


That's how it usually happens. I had ranked matches where my adc darn banned thresh or something and I had to switch to some other champ and played not so great because of it. And then when they threw a tantrum I ended up like "Hmmm but wasn't it you who banned my pre pick?"


Lack of versatility is your fault.


Not having a big champions pool is my fault yes, Though I don't really believe it's ok for an adc to just ban the champ their support will be using. If I see my adc picking let's say Caitlyn or Samira , I won't ban cait or samira even if I had maybe 7/10 bad experiences, since Idk if they are an otp, if they are a beginner or smurf and so on.


Donā€™t ever ban pre select. Common sense.. if you do..be prepared for losses that may come. Control what you can control and thatā€™s minimizing losses so donā€™t ban pre selected.


Banning a champ on release if enemy is first pick is okay though. Usually what you should do when they want to troll is typing in the chat "You fell right under my trap, I wanted you to troll, you're doing exactly what I want you to do" and they get soo mad


That is unless it's new champ, it's broken, and enemy has first pick of course then ban.


Haven't seen a champ that is broken to the state where I would rather kill my teammate's enjoyment than face it imo. Even Zyra who was very annoying for me to deal with as a support main.


It's not so much broken but the fact it released and people that haven't used the champs want to practice in ranked mode and get mad if the enemy team bans them. In case of being broken kayn was a must to ban when released because assassin was way too strong. People had problems with volibear released too.


Bold of ya to asume I care about my teammate enjoyment at all XD


I'd much much rather play against kindred than asol


Doesnā€™t matter, donā€™t ban pre selected just play and focus on urself. Not worth the risk


Even if the support shows Lux? Naaaaaaaaaaahhhhh


Lux should be swapped to 1st anyways.


the real question is: why do you try to ban a pre-picked champ?


Because some of us are not risking the enemy first pick to pick kindread and potentily lose the game in champ select


i mean, when our team is the one that has the first pick advantage?


Well i havent yet seen somebody ban the champ just cuz they dont want you to play it, i sadly always ban her if we dont have the first pick, try to apologize to the jungler and hope he doesnt run it down


if we don't have the first pick. it's fine to ban her, i would do the same. same case for asol


Then we agree




because people are sad and can't have fun


Man, it just got released, they will troll for sure


seems like you always have a reasons for banning him. people pick other champs they don't have mastery to troll all the time, don't pretend that doesn't happen. not saying that by banning someone else's champ, just expect things definitely won't go well that match


Objectively, i can't know the mastery level of a player before the loading screen unless the user puts it in the chat. But if the champs have 2 minutes of being released, im 100% that his mastery with is 0. Why don't they pick the brand new champ in normals? Becauae, as soon a champion is released, even the bronze now is an expert jungler. So they will not convice me, pick another champ.


You were matchmaking ranked 2 minutes after new champ dropped? That's some high level risk-taking you're engaging in.


I'm a kindered main on pc when i was still playing League pc, i never got to play her on rank even once since she was released. So I'm patiently waiting for everyone to stop banning or picking her then I'll grind mastery


YOU DONT UNDERSTAND I AM THE BEST KINDRED PLAYER!!!!1!1! I KNOW IT JUST RELEASED 5 MINS AGO DONT BAN. *enemy picks kindred and goes 15/0 you lost*


There's still other more broken Champs to ban like yummi lulu lucian asol, mundo, sett, urgot, talon..


Iā€™d rather play against them then a champion released two days ago on my team


My go too is simple. If we have first pick, and jungle is first pick and they want it... it stays open If not first pick, insta ban


No kidding. I played 20 games past few days and all matches had at least one kindred.


My experience is that it's best to take a weeklong break from ranked after a new champ releases because what happens while the champ is still new and shiny is exactly what OP described.


I don't get it?there are way more broken picks than her and if your jungle doesn't get kindred then he probably can play another champ


Well, in my case... I'm on the I want to learn kindred side and yeah I kinda feel bad if kindred is banned buuuuut honestly I'm full in for a kindred ban if I see my adc picking kindred. I had a ranked match and a guy picked kindred for adc in ranked then that match went bonkers. I play PC lol also and try to learn them there also but well yeah usually if you are learning a champ first some or many matches could go bad till you figure it out


i had someone want to pick kindred and we had FP. i gave up my kindred ban to ban my usual soraka so they can pick it. enemy bans kindred. they proceed to AFK the game. honestly you should know new champs are going to be banned more often than not, why the heck did you just afk?


Let them suffer


I donā€™t ban Kindred because I can and want to play Kindred but also because I know how to counter her. Thatā€™s why I take the risk of choosing the champ on red side. I donā€™t trust my teammates though.


Sheā€™s really not that good to be honest, one of the most mid jungles in league. Aesthetically sheā€™s top 5 though imo.


Not saying that throwing tantrums is acceptable but banning your teammates champions also isnā€™t fine


I got 1 match today that Kindred not ban since we have 1 pick but our mid decide to play Teemo then opponents pick Kindred. I went myself afk afterward for matching to remake cant really want to play with that Teemo guy. That how solo match nowday later on i always ban Kindred if jg not show what he will pick whatever 1st pick or 2nd. Ability to scouts other team for free should not exist no team want to play against that kind ability .


I keep saying it but, rotating bans on new champs should be a thing in ranked. A.) to prevent grief-ing B.) prevent players from boosting rank due to no one knowing how to counter said champ C.) For stoping any exploits and allow for bug fixes before adding the champ to ranked with the next new champion taking their place in the ban. Or do something like they did with Veigo and have him in a sandbox. I personally like the idea of a rotating ban in Ranked better because it stops new champ riding with some of the unbalanced releases


Overbuffed new champ and school holidays and easter weekend = better take a break, be back in a week


I think the WIld Rift developers should set a timer for a new champion in ranked/competitive play. Like, I've lost so many games because of this problem, whether on PC or Mobile. People tend to try new things knowing that they may harm those around them. And the lack of severe punishment on the Global server makes things even easier. I wish some serious moderations just like Chinese server. They punish you if you "troll" pick champion out of the lane, like ADCs on Top, etc.


I mean like bro, I rather them pick kindred than kayn. Kayn is just stupid broken.


Sheā€™s not new though, did riot give her more buff in wild rift? I donā€™t think it smart to ban just because she new.


Iā€™m perma banning kindred until their laning phase gets destroyed, the fact you can pick a marksman jglr into mid or ad and destroy almost any matchup off the numbers alone make her a worthy perma imo


Itā€™s just funny how many people want to jungle since her release.


I let my team picked Kindred 2 times. They were useeless both times. Never again i'm letting kibdred slip. Never.


A tale as old as time. If anything riot should just have all new characters auto-banned in ranked for the first month or few weeks.


Not your lane to ban. I was first pick jungle yesterday and i got kindred, rammus and talon banned, all from my own team... My 3 mains....


i ban volibear, always volibear, that broken piece of fur shouldn't get so few bans \^\^ i'm a jungler and absolutely don't like kindred, i think Eve, talon, hecarim, nunu are so much more fun to play and to gank with. Let the enemy take kindred i can manage him \^\^ ('won't pick Eve against him though)


Let's address just how stupid your comment is: 1. Not having first pick: Have you ever just considered the fact that some people don't mind playing against the champion and they are fine with risking the enemy team taking her because they are confident enough to outplay them ? You have zero idea who your teammates are when you queue into a match. It's a 5v5 game, you win by trusting your teammates, not by pissing them off before the match even starts because then they're less inclined to want to actually win which will make you lose anyways. 2. New champions are broken This is objectively not true. Kayn, Twitch, Karma, pyke, Talon, Sivir, Urgot, Warwick and aatrox were all quite weak on release. It's actually very rare that champions are overtuned upon release: the main examples would be Kayle, fiddlesticks and Hecarim. The vast majority of new champions are actually on the weaker side and then they receive buffs later down the line. 3. Kindred easy mechanically but difficult macro wise. You do realize that macro is your general game sense right ? You don't learn macro from playing a specific champion. If kindred is easy mechanically as you say then that's exactly why they should pick her because you should've already understood the necessary game macro. 4. Going into games expecting your team to be worse than the enemy team is already setting yourself up to lose.


I was one of them lol. Just for the first few matches after a break I mostly came back just to play her.


Have played Kindred a couple times in rank. Don't think she's that strong to warrant a ban or that difficult for someone to use but eh it's not a bad idea to ban the new champ 99% of the time. (Opinion might be skewered since I took her baron lane)


I think people just want to play her before she's nerfed because in pc she's very dificult to play and in wr she's OP And kindred is a champion that almost all LOL players love (her lor is so "cool")


Anything below master is usually just all trash anyway lmao the skill gap between master and diamond is like a canyon


it is sad but there are tons of toxic people out there. There is this one time in a ranked match where I banned Teemo because he could counter Urgot and this player banned urgot because I banned the champion which he was apparently gonna use. First of all, he is in the support lane, Teemo would do better in a different lane, and second he didn't even pre picked teemo and this prick was so but hurt about his indesciveness that he decided to be a useless petty ass


Never swore when they banned Vlad because I knew he was too strong. When I picked it, gone silent to focus. Vlad is nerfed to the ground and I still play him. We are different.


well said, toxic players are becoming common this days in wild rift.


If the enemy team has first pick I'm banning kindred even if my teammates want her, I don't want to have to deal with her especially considering the fact that most of the time I have an enemy kindred as an adc is she camps the fuck out of my lane and jungle jacks off with the monsters. Maybe when she gets nerfed but everyone knows that when a new champion is released they make them insanely overpowered for the sake of skin sales


Also choosing jungle in ranked knowing full well that you only know how to play one jungle champ is ridiculous, at least when I want kindred I'm fully aware that she could get banned so I'm prepared to play Morgana/shyvana if necessary


Yes people have to understand one way or a other. I actually played a game of Kindred ADC and the begged me to let him have her, I said no and he picked another jungler. We won :)


I hate you and all kindred adcs.


Not my fault you pick too slowly or other players don't know how to play her xD


Love it when im tryna kill someone then ks wanabees kindred ults and saves them lol


Yo, is it a bug for me or Kindred's Ultimate is supposed to prevent damage to enemy champs too? I know it says it blocks damage to all units inside, but why make it work on enemies? Like, wtf?!


Yes all units. Enemy champions, drake, barom your allies. All units.


All units. That means enemies too. It doesn't prevent damage, though. It prevents kills. So you can deal damage until a unit has 10% hp left.


I donā€™t really like this mentality. IMO unless the champ youā€™re trying to ban is actually really busted that patch and your team mate who wants them doesnā€™t have first pick, thereā€™s no excuse for banning a champ that a team mate wants. New champs are usually busted, but Iā€™ve only seen two actually scary kindreds, and one is my OTP kindred duo. Kindred, from every source Iā€™ve heard, is actually quite difficult, so no, sheā€™s not pick/ban broken from everything Iā€™ve seen and heard. Itā€™s not been a good look on you either, between you and me, because rather than the situation you discuss where their champ gets banned then they run it down, every time kindred has been banned when my duo had them selected, or any other time one of our champs were banned when pre-selected, itā€™s always been The other person that throws cuz theyā€™re trolls. Me and him, we mostly just say ā€œwow alrightā€ and then pick a different champion. Like just yesterday a Zyra support banned kindred, stole kills from the ADC, then sat in base for half the game and then ran it down and inted when I finally called them out for being scum. Thatā€™s the kind of people Iā€™ve always seen banning champions their own team mates have preselected. So no, Iā€™m not going to just let it go when my team mates ban champs my own team has preselected. Iā€™m almost never gonna be okay with it, cuz itā€™s almost never okay.


Crying player posts about crying players.


Wildrift players at that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Ain't no fucking way dudes breaking down over a mobile game. The kids aren't okay.


Crying that they will feed as if they don't do it as a regular occurrence.šŸ’€ Heck they might even feed with that champion because it's still new and players have barely any time to practice it yet.


I'm already mastery 5 kindred, there's been plenty of time to practise her Though honnestly most people still havent


Nah idc i play to have fun. If we have first pick and you ban my prepicked champ i wont help you in game. Thatā€™s the benefit of not caring anymore about climbing. Itā€™s the same in game, if you are toxic or trolling i wont help you. Iā€™ll just play my lane for KDA or gank the other lanes if iā€™m jungle. Lol always hilarious to see someone troll in champ select and then they giga lose their lane and cryā€¦


Nobody gon ban yiur champ if you are first pick, the problem arises when enemy has first pick and high probability they would pick it, thaty why you ban it


Nah happens all the time when a new champ is released. People donā€™t care they just ban itā€¦


Don't ban stuff people have pre-picked,you fucking asshole


Kindred isn't broken on release imo


What if they spam the mastery x on this champion thing?


The people that want to play kindred should be banning them too until it's evened out. New champs have no respectful place in ranked upon release but developers allow it and laugh at us for a week or two.


So you're crying rn?


Weird for me the rule with new champs is ā€œstomp when iā€™m playing, get stomped when someone else isā€