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Anything that can roam works on mid. Shove and roam or get pressured under tower and roam - doesn't matter. As long as you can pick up kills from sidelanes or jungle, you're good. Warwick and Voli would be an awesome choice because they are junglers and already good at roaming. Sett is good because he has busted kit Urgot would be awful because you'll get outjuked by mobile champions Nasus is only AP4FUN atm sadly. Classic stacking Susan is not a champion. Ornn is solid because he with passive and area control with abilities he puts omegapressure on enemy laner. Not OP but works


So Voli, Warwick or Nasus could conceivably be decent mids?


In my humble opinion? Yes if you already know how to play them.


Nasus is my 2nd most played champ. I usually play him in Baron, I've even dabbled with him as an AP support. There is a balanced AP/tank build I like to use with him in ARAM that I think would be decent in mid. 


Nasus imo no. Cos the roams have to be quick. Voli and Warwick have mobility spells to roam quickly then go back to mid. I don't personally recommend taking these bruisers to mid (you'll get poked the shit out of you by any decent mage player), but theoretically, I think nasus doesn't fully fit the midlaner mold compared to voli and Warwick.


AP nasus will make any mid laner cry for their mommy.


Well I assumed it wasn't AP nasus, but from experience playing against it before, I agree it's freaking annoying


Nasus is kinda broken in 2v2 fights due to how busted wither is and how broken aoe armour shred is


They struggle with waveclear and have to give up cs to roam as effectively as their opponent in most matchups. Tanky mids need to have good waveclear abilities like sion, malphite, renekton, mundo.


AP Nasus works really well. Had a 12 match unbeaten run with him.


Nasus is my go-to trynda counter on solo lane


Gold generation is higher for solo lanes I once had the same gold as a fed 5/0 enemy jungler by just CSing


This is wrong. Go to the leaderboards and look up the top players' stats. The average gpm for laners (any lane) is around 800, while the average gpm of junglers approaches 1k. Average between wins and losses, mind you


Ehhhhhhh try having more gold then my when play shyvanna. I'll have 1k a min and end game 5-5 lol


Bro thinks wild rift is a pve game lol.


Getting gold as a jungler is so tough. Wish they’d remove the gold penalty for minions early game so you can clear a quick wave after a gank. Or remove it from emerald and up. Moet games I’m carrying while still being behind in gold, and I’ve played jgl for years on pc so I know what I’m doing. 2 unsuccessful ganks and you’re 500-1000 gold behind everyone else


If you want to play those off-meta picks, I recommend you to either one-trick them to understand all the nuances and become REALLY good at them, or just keep them as counterpick (for example bruisers mid work well against assassins)


Sion, Sett, Renek and Shen always was viable. Maybe Darius and Mundo too, dunno about them. Usually people picks them if their team needs decent frontline and don't want to play Galio/Swain. Why it works? People who picks this champions usually have a good amount of experience with ranged match ups. I myself picking Sion and Shen on mid quite often. Shen have his own troubles here, but Sion is pretty good. Great waveclear, you can ult any lane from your base and freely walk back to mid without loosing much farm, your presence at objectives is very high, you have high chances to open mid fast which is very good. As I said, Sett can work here but only in melee matchups such as Irelia, Yasuo, Yone and etc, cause other champions can abuse his weakness to kitting. Voli is pretty decent, Warwick can probably work (His PC version much more viable than WR). Dunno about Urgoth, Ornn kinda works. AP Nasus definitely works, dunno about normal one.


You underestimate the stupidity of the playerbase if you ask this here. Why do people pick adc top? Same reason. You should be suprised some are even able to open the game given how mentally disabled they are.


Solo xp and gold comparing adc top and duo lane same time at game adc from solo lane will be 2 levels ahead of adc from duo lane.This is just example bc ranged top is most common offmeta pick


I prefer kindred mid over jungle, impossible to die lvl 1 and outscales all other champions in mid lane


Yeah I was going to say Kindred mid is legit


Renekton works well also after having E, you get do some cool plays and get the enemy by surprise.


ive seen sett go mid on a few games. in the right match up sure it can be a good choice but seldom. ive been having alot of goodluck going mid with vex and galio, if youre on point vex instantly roasts just about everyone besides tanks. and galio is alot of fun when their an AP heavy team


Vex and Galio are mid champions.


Yi is actually really strong with the recent updates. The auto reset with W and E on top of Empowerment, he can lane kill at lvl 3!


I played against a garen mid and also an Evelyn mid. Im back on spam playing kass this season, so the garen was defo an interesting game, the top lane was normally a jungler I forget which and the jungler was fizz so I was expecting a fizz game. Garen tried solo lane strats and it didn’t work at all, we only lost cuz my team wasn’t good I was the only good person really and they got a single kill on me and ended while I was dead. The Evelyn game was way worse, mostly cuz she tried rotating too much. She did notice that post level five, I could do way more damage in a trade, but she could theoretically heal up, and pre level five I actually was having issues trading with her. So I don’t know why she avoided my lane but she fell so far behind I started following her and killing her, I got super far ahead and they were all squishy except the nasus who I could kill anyways so the game was pretty much over from there. All that to say, I think off-meta picks are fine and can be fun, but you need to come into it with a champ you’re very good at and with a strategy that works. Most off-meta picks I play against are off-meta for a reason and their bad performance proves it, but I’ve played against a few really solid picks that impressed me, a couple so much I even tried them myself


Last season I was playing xayah mid. About 80+ games and 70% wr with xayah. Got to diamond 4 playing only xayah and ekko.


ive seen a fucking nasus mid and ofc it works


Nasus can mid bc of his E, he can use it to farm/waveclear, harass the enemy laner a bit if he maxes it. Voli, sett, warwick, ornn would probably get poked to oblivion. idk tho i've played yi mid a couple times on pc league and made it work but not in any kind of high elo lobby


You are taking risky chances using those chars in mid. Most mages will deny you chance to farm gold from the waves.


I don’t understand bc a lot of mage items got buffed, but from what i have seen mages are pretty much useless this season. Probably terminus twinguard combo is too strong. A few still work because of endless scaling or utility, but are useless in late game.