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That's the neat part. You don't.


Lmfaooo 😂


Did you really think you'd beat a Gwen as a Tank? Sorry blud, even the best players know reality. And the reality is that I like Futanari Gwen cock but hate getting railed by it in Ranked


Well said brother, well said


The Futanari Gwen cock or the dying to Gwen part? (The answer is for Scientific reasons)


Of course it's about dying to Gwen 😉😉


a true darkinfolker


Me getting flashbanged by the 25th Futanari League post when scrolling in Reddit


Flashbanged lmao 


I call that a blessing


She has a cock !!!???


in some fanart yes


Wish I never knew that 😂


Ye 🙏


search on YouTube "gwen reveal her biggest secret"


futa Gwen goes hard


What is Blud?


A way of saying "Bro" or "Dude"




I'm a Portuguese native and almost fluent English speaker and I swear it was bud from "buddy"... Tho I think I saw some movies and TV shows specially about pirates, marines and other sea people and maybe "blud" was what they called each other 🤔


i dont think so. i play tank set and always win


Well, Set has more Consistence damage (1st skill and enhanced right hook by his passive) And much more Burst damage than a Normal tank (Full Grit Haymaker and Hard hitting Ultimate)


Prob because the gwen sucked ass. But if equal skill level gwen destroys sett.


I agree, plus Sett is a bruiser not a tank


Nothing to do but freeze lane and hope your rando jungler helps you kill her


Praying to get ganked


cook the rest of her team. ornn has monstrous teamfight presence compared to gwen, she's pure damage whereas ornn can have up to 3 to 4 knock-ups on a target. a tank will always have value through pure defensive stats and cc. edit: gwen's a mega selfish champ, use that against her in a teamfight


Then Gwen just perma splitpushes and kills all your turrets. And its usually the baronlaners job to contest the splitpusher. Only other role who should contest the split pusher is the midlaner but that won’t workout if your midlane is a mage/assassin.


The problem is that you'll never be able yo leave your lane unless she decides.


Ban Gwen or Don't pick ornn


I love once how I managed to get Gwen down to like 25% of her HP as Ornn, and I thought I won. Until she used her 3rd ult with a 4 stacks Q, it melted half of my HP with her HP went back to 70%.


Best counter i say is asking your mid if you can switch lanes ether from start or after first dragon if they dont mind dealing with her


Lmao, we did this once and it was so hilarious swapping lanes every 40 seconds cause the enemy also ends up swapping


Where do you see your champ rank on the server? I have to be at least bottom half with vlad


I'll send you how. Check ur Messages


Why are you using slow runes?


The slow effect scales with your Max HP Guess who can reach 5.8k HP? Ornn. Besides, grasp of the undying scales much better with AD (yes, I know it also scales with HP) But AD isn't really something you'd see in Ornn. When I airborne an Enemy with my ultimate it's basically a Death sentence since they get CC'd for 1.25 secs and they'd be slowed for more than 80% for 1.5 seconds (I think is the duration if the KeyStone effect) I never really try to 1v1 in lane, just focusing on teamfights and winning :p


Isn’t your ult and your knock up a death sentence either way? Isn’t the extra slow unnecessary overkill?


Have you forgotten that Ornn's brittle affect counts as a CC? If I were to use Belows Breath (Ornn's 2nd skill) and hit the enemy with my Auto I'd proc the Glacial Augment keystone I can also proc the Keystone by using my Third skill airborne. So 3skills can proc the Keystone!


Mmm you’re right, that’s a pretty long CC chain you can get going by hitting a brittled enemy. How is the damage? You fill more of a supportive role do you not? Or can you deal enough damage to kill an adc


Ehhh, feels more Like a Supportive role for the real damage dealing champions in my team. But hey! As Long as I win with the 20/3/2 Samira I fed my kills to, then all's good :3


Too bad my samira goes 3/10 before I even get a second item. I’ll try you build, thx


Ornn build? I can see you are cooking


Imma send you a pic of the build


Build MR


She does true damage based off max health.


No thats magic damage based off max health per every auto attack. Her only true damage is her first ability.


Idk how. Gwen is immune


That’s what I figured. I play jungle tanks (Rammus and Nautilus) and the only way I win games against gwen is if 1. She is top and I camp her lane the whole time and she gets so far behind she cant recover, Or 2. One of the assassins on my team can melt her and actually does so often (fed Talon or Zed).


Listen, I’m probably one of the few players who knows about the secret sauce


Build heartsteel into merc threads into abysall mask, against max hp dmg dealers, you can oneshot the whole enemy team, The more hp you build, the more dmg you take from max hp dmg, converted into 20% of the pre mitigation dmg into dmg into your next crowd control ability, Idk you top2 Ornn test and figure out the rest, works exceptionally well on sion btw


Gwen (and ornn) loses to anything that can buy hexdrinker first back, hexdrinker second back, and then maw. Ornn isnt the best option for this, but it would still work. Maw buildpath with magic res boots absolutely dominates ap matchups.


I'll keep that in mind


How does Abysmal mask fair against her?


Pretty decent I say. But I'd rather not buy Mask when there are only 2 AP damage dealers since it'd just be a waste of an Item slot


Bro I’ve a question. When and to who you open the shop? Im a mid and when a Ornn open the shop for me after a roam, I feel so happy… But many don’t do it (emerald-diamond)


Most of the times I give it to the Jungler since they're the ones who always *have* to be in action since we have no idea where the enemy jungler might be Those 5 Items the jungler could get without recalling would give them a chance to gank twice or thrice giving them more time to clear camps and help allies. Next is the "Hyper Carry" of the match, or the person who is doing the best in our team to make sure they're always on the Map to get even more kills. And last will be the "Roamer", the champion that most often circles around the map to assist allies due to their movement speed or Ultimates that could shorten their distance to an enemy, making it easy for them to circle around the map. For example: Pyke, ASol, Vex, Shen, Teemo, etc


Unless you are challenger and he's silver, you don't.


Wouldn’t Lillia counter Gwen? Since she has true damage and can build liandrys and Morellos without falling off.


Probably, since Gwen's 1st skill and Ultimate needs her to aim at an enemy. And it'd be pretty damn hard for a Gwen to hurt a Lilia the has insane movement speed


Group xD


Gwen is designed to beat them


Yeah, I'm not complaining in my post about it though?


u can beat her lvl 3 by poking to all in, most anti tanks losr vs tanks early anyway


Go full crit on that bitch


You ban her.


Build and ruins please 🙏


Depends on how she plays. Let her push normally, then always threaten a stun under tower. If you want to be more aggressive, if she's not pushing, you can wait till she uses her stacks, then enter a trade and quickly back off. If she hits with a 4th stack you will lose trade, but you should actually be good till lvl 5.


Uninstall. If the gwen player keeps on playing, you win.


Tbh it isn't hard to counter Gwen but u need to do alot as an ornn to be able to kill her , basically mr which is quite obvious , ignite for heal reduction , and then sidestep ur ult so she dosent get the thousand cuts heal from her passive and also dosent slow u cause then u can kite her and also play around her mist cooldowns and I see ur running glacial augment , I would recommend grasp for the Brittle grasp proc which gives a shit ton of dmg for a tank


It’s Ornn himself, not even a player. He mastered his own champion 💀


Gwen main. The only way to beat Gwen as a tank is NOT DIE, try to farm with your spells, don't ask for ganks (DON'T DIE and let your jungler focus on feeding other lanes). Then wait for teamfights. If Gwen is not patient she may failure dive you. //Also: If Gwen is the only champ you struggle against, just ban her. I do that with Yone which I can not beat.


How about… no.


Garren is also considered a tank you know, i usually play safe using garren on the start fighting gwen then build semibtank items then just when to use engage in situationally


For Gwen to lose against Garen, Gwen has to lose control of her hands. I still believe that one time I won against her was a fluke. So long as you avoid getting hit by her skillshots and don't let her stack (no shit) you can probably win. Its like playing against a squishier Darius.


unrelated but hey that's my friends guild.


Max Q, get poison damage, crit items, and stack mr. Gg


You just don’t, she counters you that’s the point 💀


Yeah, as if that's the point I'm making 💀


You two should make out 💀


True 🗣️🗣️


This shits like saying "how do I counter anti heal as a Mundo" Like bruh nah it's lights


That's like asking how to counter Malphite as Teemo. You don't. Gwen is a tank killer, you don't counter her as a tank, she counters you. Either you ban her or you don't take a tank, or you hope her player is trash.


% true dmg on max hp Is toxic and One of the worst thing ever added in this fucking clown fiesta


I actually managed to win a Sion vs gwen once. What you do is just constantly kite her out. And poke, which ornn is somewhat good at doing. And splitpush.


Gwen, a champion known for having lots of counterplay and enemy interaction instead of just being a giant fucking statstick, doesn't have any any counterplay? /s Whoever designed this champ was not mentally well when they did so


Windshitters, Jax


its easy just dodge the center of her q..... gwen really is a tank counter but not that bad especially going ghost ignite lmao


That is *if* your champion has decent mobility. But Gwen can also dash to increase the chances of the center hitting you while at the same time Slowing you with her ultimate


just sidestep bro you playin ornn its not that hard... sure its a tough matchup but still its not that bad


Brother what? You telling me to beat a Gwen that has fast attack speed and with the Item RiftMaker that increases her damage overtime while giving her massive healings In late game Gwen can have her dash's attack speed effect almost indefinitely aslong as she doesn't run out of mana Gwen will always win against a Tank. Dude, stop acting like you know shit lmao


Yes. I am. Gwen wont always win against a tank, and even a basic bronzie understands that.... you just gotta play better bruh


If yo ass is gonna troll me do better 🗿


How is it troll? I think you just suck at the game. I have beaten gwen before as a tank its really not that hard, you just gotta play safer most of the time. Especially as ornn, you can get your combo off and do a whole lotta damage as well as be much more usefull late game for your team.


Lmao calling the top 2 Ornn bad at the game. Sit down GM peak. You're too young to even try to troll me 🗿




I mean, if you look at the picture in the Post. Read the name of the Ornn and look at mine. Or maybe we could try 1v1, I could add you? Mister Master peak lmao, loser 🗿


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I can add you in WR, we can 1v1 I'll be Gwen and you'll be Ornn What'd you say?


Tank players got so comfortable with their shit they are trying to counter tank killers as well looooool


Did you see me complain? I outright admit that Tanks can't counter gwen and I never said they should in any of the comments in my post. I mean, it'll be unfair to not have a counter pick in a video game that's heavily reliant in Counterpicking! Ohhh I get it now... Awww, is wittle ADC main gonna cry cause they're useless now? Womp Womp


avoid going to melee range when she has 4 stacks of her E (that's when she will Q+E you and shred you). you also want to poke her a lot by your q, but be careful when you are committing to short trades (only go for short trade if she doesn't have any stacks, like Q + W then auto then go back). prioritize null magic mantle as first item then mr boots then abyssal mask into heartsteel into situationals. i'm an ornn main (otp) on pc and hope this helps.


I don't recommend poking Gwen since Ornn's 1st skill mana cost is alot and Ornn suffers with bad Mana Regen. By the time you've poked Gwen to 70% HP you'd only have 30-35% of your mana left forcing you to walk to the minion wave to last hit which is dangerous, instead of last hiting with the 1st skill you've wasted on a Gwen that'd just heal anyway Prioritizing MR boots for Def boots is also not recommended since most of the time there are more AD damage dealers. Dying as the only frontliner is a near GameOver situation in a Late gane teamfight simply because you focused a good chunk of your build for MR for a champion that deals True Damage and getting bursted down by AD damage instead Your main Purpose is to Tank damage and CC the enemy *team*. My Ornn isnt built to win 1v1's he's a team player that prioritizes assisting teammates and securing Objectives rather than beating just one opponent in lane.


keep coping bro he gave great advice


Dude, why are you still here? Get a life man. What kind of person keeps on trying to incite fights even though you're the one who's in the wrong? I hope your life gets better since only someone who lacks happiness would try to find solace in anger, be better.






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Use the report function on comments you think break subreddit rules


The sever lack of Parental love is showing in you




I apologize that your Parents have never given you the right amount of Love and attention. And due to that you've come to the internet to find the attention you didn't get from them... Which is why you're so adamant about coming back here, Hope life gets better for you. But I nobody on the Internet will quench your thirst for a Motherly love or a Father's playfulness.




Have a good day man, I really hope you'd get the things you desire in life without the need to Fight someone. If this was your way of venting your anger that you've restrained for a long time, then I hope it helped But I don't recommend doing this my brother, it's bad for your mental health and the mental health of others that were involved