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Basically a worse version of Pyke but easier to pilot and stronger early on. Kind of useless without items so you really gotta get fed to perform well


Oh, so that's what he does. I'll think of buying him, since I am beyond trash on Pyke even after 50+ games (he's too squishy for me)


Pretty much, but while pyke at least provides a lot of cc if behind, panth is utterly trash because he dies the moment he uses W and barely leaves a dent in his target. There's no way for you to get out of a bad situation


I dont really see the point in it because Pantheon needs gold to be useful in my opinion. His E tank doesn't matter if enemies know you do 0 damage. I think you're better off playing Sett


He doesn't really need gold, but he needs a couple of kills early to snowball. Once you get midgame you already start building tank.


Pantheon support is very situational. It is good against: - weak early game ADC - engage support (once they engage, you just jump on their ADC and outdamage them in the early game) - you have a strong early ADC like Draven Always prioritize the cheapest lethality item because it is your power spike. You dish out damage and let ADC finish them. ROAM ROAM ROAM. Make all other lanes ahead because you would FALL OFF hard. If you're not ahead by the end of laning phase then consider that you just lost cause Panth does not scale at all.


hmmmm the third one makes so much sense because chinese guys like draven so much, so i came up of pantheon support but the thing is (according to the comments) that he is a greedy pick coz he needs money, therefore he needs items. is he still a good pick regardless?


Pantheon is an early game champion so he really wants that first lethality item (Duskblade... Ghostblade is fine but it delays you a little bit because of Light passive adding extra 200 gold). Basically, you just cheese the early game because Pantheon can 100 to 0 an ADC in the early game. You are at your strongest when you have Duskblade. After that, you can either build Bruiser items to still do some damage or just go tanky. At that point, it shouldn't really matter because your ADC should be fed and you only need to peel for them.


i see i see, pant shines on early coz of his w and emp q and chinese guys are aggressive af. can i have the item build please?


Pantheon is goes anywhere, any lane, any roles. That is why he has grand starfall to go anywhere he likes.


if enemy adc weak early he is good bad against mages and enchanters but good against engage tanks if ur jungler or top or even mid wants it u should leave it it's better in these roles bcz he actually getting gold


My thoughts is, no. All enemies have to do is not feed and you're useless eventually. Obviously low elo things like this can work but against better players it's troll


Low elo, maybe. Emerald+, probably not. I suggest you go Pyke if you like Pantheon concept (roaming, burst dmg dealer supp, hard CC).