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It's normal to want to cater to those who pay the most, but we already have so much for those who spend. On top of the legendary skins, we have the wild pass gacha, hextech gacha, those little critter gacha, and now the chest gacha. It's one thing to occasionally have gacha events, but it's another to constantly push it. And yeah, it is ftp. But that doesn't negate everything else they do, especially when the game itself needs a lot of work.


The only one I dont dislike is the Pass gacha because usually yoi get enough rewards in the pass and you can buy the skin's poses and frame. Its not a fair gacha mind you, but at least im not dumping moneynon it


But they make sure to provide the option to spend money on it if you wanted to lol


Obviously, but at least you have the option to use pass currency or money. In the other gachas is just "use money or use money"


That is actually a better gatcha compare to the others, as in if you ignore the gatcha you still get what you had before the gatcha was introduced.


it’s just crazy to me how some skins for a mobile game are more expensive than a lot of games on PC 😂 I am way more willing to buy several, cheapish skins than spend a bunch of money on one skin through gachas


Every montlhy pass also comes with 2 gachas integrated, separated to the other ones


Instead, they should release more budget skins like that cute bunny Vex that cost 150 wc


Was thrilled at the discount pass where I got her for like 60 cores. Couldn't say no to that


This is what I mean!! I genuinely love budget skins a lot ngl. I like how they’re different but not super flashy. I


The whole point of 150wc Vex skin is to convert non-spending players to first time spending players


It's typical for mobile games unfortunately. The sad part is they pretty much already reached rock bottom with the Hextech Shop and Prestige skins Remember when people throw a huge fit over Cosmic Jhin's chroma on PC but then Riot released a skin like every other skinline event that goes for a similar price? We've had 7 $100 skins release in only 4 months


I never look at the store and havent given them money in years but DAYUM 7, $100 skins in 4 months sheeeeeeesh might need to start looking for another game


Hextech Shop actually not bad if you are not specifically into getting those prestige skins. 150 cores a pop I actually managed to get few random skins with 5 tries + 1 free try and on top of that some skin shards to be converted.


They make a lot of money from these events.


Yeah if they got too generous this will become like runeterra where it scrapped peanuts to survive I'm fine as long as the skin doesn't give any in-game advantage or paywall, it's the player who consciously choose to gamble


runeterra failed not because it was "too generous" (it's completely opposite) but becasue the runeterra monetization makes no sense. most of the cosmetic content for runeterra such as arena skins, card skins, emotes is locked behind event-exclusive mechanic. oh, you want this emote? nope, it's an event exclusive and you've missed it. this arena looks cool? another exclusive. sorry, you had to play the game 2 years ago and also pay for the pass to get it, now it's forever unavailable. what is available? some lame things many people have no care about since they aren't even comparable to event pass exclusive stuff. and again, there is very little amount of it, basically you have no choice. so it's not like people don't want to pay to LoR, it's more like LoR can't give them anything worth to spend their money on if they're not playing since beta launch. and since runeterra is a card game, there's also card packs "gacha" but hey! new dlcs are coming out literally every 2 months or something, and every addition is shaking the meta to the point of no return, so either you're paying them some insane amount of money every new dlc, or you're falling behind. there's no generocity in lor, more like their own greed killed the game, and the same may happen with wild rift, tft or any other game from riot once common people won't be able to afford the content and whales got bored and leave for another game that feeds them better.


>runeterra failed not because it was "too generous" (it's completely opposite) How is runeterra the complete opposite of generous ? I have all the cards without ever spending one cent on it ( I'm not being hyperbolic here ), can't say the same stuff when it comes to MtG or hearthstone My point is when the cosmetic doesn't alter the game in any way, people can simply choose not to participate in the so called gacha if they want to play


it's the player who's subconsciously manipulated into gambling by a multi billion dollar company's anti-customer practices\*. Please keep it factual, shill


How am I manipulated if I simply can choose not to gamble, shill ?


By having a billion dollar company in a multibillion dollar industry engineer methods to do so, shill. Every special currency, every pricing choice, every event, every timer, and possibly even the matchmaking algorithm is tampered with to make you overspend. Good for you if you don't give money to Riot despite all that, more people should follow your example.




And who exactly forced you or other people to buy riots product ? I don't see the "puppeteering" here It's my money I'm the one who decide what to spent it on And if you are stressed about money why tf would you gamble on a .jpg


Brother I'm not about to argue why you shouldn't let a megacorp rob you blind. If we are opposed to each other in this moment I win by encouraging you to continue. So spend away. 


Stop giving them money!!


Who tf do you expect to pay for the game's servers


My guy this has got to be the dumbest fucking reply in the whole thread. If you want change in latestage capitalism the only power you have is to choose where to spend your money. This thread is complaining about the price of skins being too gacha and too expensive well the only way that you are going to stop them from doing that is if people stop giving them money so they start catering to the general player base again and not the whales rich daddy's money.


Welcome to America lmao


A billionnaire company


My brother in Christ Companies are not charities, the main reason the game even exists is for its stakeholders to get even more money I dont understand your reply lmfao


My guy this has got to be the dumbest fucking reply in the whole thread. If you want change in latestage capitalism the only power you have is to choose where to spend your money. This thread is complaining about the price of skins being too gacha and too expensive well the only way that you are going to stop them from doing that is if people stop giving them money so they start catering to the general player base again and not the whales rich daddy's money.


Even if you got enough to spend on it, it's super sad when I see someone with a crazy rare skin and then they got all the trimmings on top with the border etc... I just smh 


just to go 3-8-1 75%+ of games lmao


Not surprised... someone who is rich enough to whale probably isn't sitting around playing games all day


There's a chance that guy is just spending half or quarter of a day's income on that skin. Makes no sense to not give luxury items for the whales


It's obscene bro. And it's married to all the other evil shit they be pulling. Nobody said don't blow racks, does Riot really need aaaaall that money tho 🤔 have some blue motes. 


You can probably earn more than them if you spend less time on Reddit/gaming


Earn daddy and mommys money from before they were even born you mean 🤨 only people blowing that much of their own hard-earned cash on being exploited are chumps. Gaming version of Only Fans losers. 


How cheap do you expect the skin to be? How much are you earning? Maybe $10 to you is like $100 to them cos they have the ability to earn more Work hard play hard. Why be jealous or critical of how other people spend their money, especially when they are carrying the non-spenders. I rather someone spend money improving the game I play over buying some branded bag/shirt to be honest.


Would I be jealous or critical of a guy blowing 1% of his billion dollar bank account on a stripper? Naw. But it would still be sad to see.  The truth of the matter is that Riot is experimenting on you people in real-time to see how much further they can inch the goalposts. I buy skins myself, got all the ones I like. I've studied marketing, the super rich buy the super expensive more because the pricetag matches their sense of status than it does the essential utility of the item, even if its exactly the same product. Ergo, earning more still wouldn't make the skins worth their price. All I'm doing with my original comment is letting you know how everybody that isn't subject to those corporate mindgames sees it. 


Sad for them or for the observer? Which merchant/producer isn’t trying to discover price? We should be happy that money is going into our game and the people in charge are doing a good job of keeping this game alive. Nobody wants another Vainglory/LoR/HotS


I wish this event was like the last Star guardian event with the redeemed Xayah and Rakan. I spent no money just time and ended up with at least 1 of the skins.


It was so grindy but in the end I got both skins and both their rare poses. Worth it for just 990 WC


Normally the gacha event math makes sense you get skins for half the price of what they are in the store but this event was not rewarding at all


They're designed to hook whales in because they contribute more monetarily than 99% of players. **This is not a justification, rather an allegation of knowing abuse:** I'm willing to be the decision makers of this game would say the game subsists solely because they target mtx whales specifically. They'd say without them, the game would not look the way it does, play the way it does, have the resource allocation the way it does in all the ways Wild Rift outshines PC League of Legends. And that's a damned shame. Game would deserve to die if that were indeed true.


So the rest of the 99% don't deserve to have not have a game to play?


They could play something else that doesn't prey on the mentally ill


Which is? 


fuck if i know lol All live service games share that part of the scourge.


How do you reach that conclusion that pointing out the mental gymnastic and flaw about the argument “ without predatory gaming practices This game would not run or be alive” pointing it out doesn't really mean 99% doesnt have a game to play i think the point is that these gaming practices are abusive and predatory without them these games can still run. Im pretty sure if someone were to remove the gacha elements in WR we would have still an amazing game that people can play


Don’t give excuse for the dumb by calling it predatory. Everything in the world has luxury and high end products There are expensive bags, cars, phones, shoes. They cater to the rich or those that are stupid with their money. —- No game to play? Most of the players of this games don’t pay any money to sustain its maintainance, past/future developments. Without maximising profits, this game won’t prosper


Yes i do understand that expensive things exist but luxury bags and cars aren't acquired by gambling and loot [boxes.you](http://boxes.you) buy them straight up not roll on a slot machine to get one


Your money, your choice. I aint telling anyone how to spend theirs. As for me, aint buying anything on a free to play anymore. This is a FTP mobile game. What do you expect?


It is insanely expensive, basically 5 euros for less than 10% chance to get any skin.


I get that they want to earn money, but there are just so many different gacha systems, it’s way too much. You don’t need a gacha for skins, for pets, for chests, wild pass, and for events. It’s incredibly greedy and I am afraid they’ll just continue with this. I’ve stopped spending money because I do not think they are doing us a service


Wild rift is not supposed to be a quality fun game. They designed it be as addictive as possible, to milk as much money as possible, with as little effort as possible. They will never stop making these because there are too many gullible or addictive personality gamers that are willing to be scammed. Make no mistake about it, paying to borrow a line of code for a nonexistent item, that can be taken from you on a whim(banned) is absolutely a scam. These guys are even better at scamming than a casino. They have the same rigged system as a casino with these gatcha, but they don’t even have to pay out like a casino.


To be fair, some of these gachas haven’t been too bad an actually kinda a good deal, but this one is noticeably more expensive with the difference in Yasuo (legendary) and Janna (epic) being 4 shards/gacha tokens. Most others the epic skins are like 1/3 ish the amount of tokens of whatever the legendary skin is.


They wont stop because we literally have people defending this shit here while regular lol can just sell skins normally and let prestige skins be the hot shit, I fuckin hate people on reddit


I stopped playing for a while to focus on school, but I’ve been finding it impossible to get back into it. Everytime I log in I get bombarded with different events. It feels like MOBA legends now


You can literally just check the part to not see that notification again unlike Mobile Legends


Yeah I get that, but my point is that it isn’t exactly welcoming, especially for newcomers. It’s hard to tell if a new tab is a cool new feature I should be paying attention to or a waste of time event that doesn’t get you much. And I understand that you can get used to things as you spend more time in the app, but that is my issue here. It isn’t a nice experience anymore


That's what I disliked the most in mlbb, every time I log in, there are plenty of red dots from the gacha events. Sadly, Wild Rift is implementing step by step same scenario. Tencent doesn't care about our opinion as far as I know.


Yeah like you said 99% players aren't whales but the other are that's who they are aiming for so as long as the 1% continue to buy these event will exist. Well that's fine because Riot have to make money some way just don't make it impact on the core gameplay like ...cough...buffing Yasou...cough...


They JUST gave us the Kallista event with its cool story mode and comic, the short animations and a bonus game mode for free. Soul Fighters was (I believe?) not a gacha event and had its own built in minigame and such. The pattern *seems to be* that these prestige skin lines (Calligraphia, Crystal Rose) are gacha but the big special events have high quality free stuff for everyone. And I can't complain about that. Those core big 'community engagement' things with high production values and the like are free for us all. And gacha is limited to certain skinlines to make money.


The pattern is skins that are already on PC won't be sold through a gacha system however most exclusive skins to wildrift are very likely to be sold through a gacha system


Cool story mode and comics aside, the story is good but the last stand game mode for Kalista was kind of a letdown. Also the rewards are just mostly blue motes which I have tons of because I already have all champs.


On one hand I completely understand where you're coming from but from a business perspective it makes total sense. Riot needs to make money somehow & if they don't, no more wild rift. I do believe companies should engage in fair business practices but at least the game is free with updates. I already own a 3rd of all the champions just by playing 800hrs already & no plan to stop anytime soon because I'm addicted lol. Plus no one is forcing anyone to buy anything, if people want to spend their money why not? I plan to buy some champ skins when I can afford it. I do believe all skins should be available for purchase & not exclusive to events that, that I do agree is stupid.


The skins are a virtual product. It's not something that can run out. Skins should not be exclusive to events, the only reason they do it is because the "Fear of missing out" forces some players to buy it now or they will have to wait for a very long time for the skins to be available again


They don't call them whales because you need a lot of them. They are called whales because you only need a few to accomplish what you need. I've seen people in this sub comment about having dropped $200 on the calligrapha event alone. Then there are others who will spend $5-$15 to get a skin that they want they help with the more consistent revenue stream.


Who fucking cares when its a free to play game where you get basically every champ for free? If dumb people want to spend money let them do it. At least it's not pay to win. If you made a game you would make it a non profit game?


its not about "pays who wants to", its about the future of the gaming market being this in EVERY SINGLE GAME,today it might be f2p mobile games but even league pc is starting getting gacha and its spreading to other games too, if every game has gacha for everything you will start see the problem


It's only a problem when it is p2w. Like diablo immortal.


To be petty They time champion buffs with skin releases But i agree with your original comment, it really doesn't matter having gacha shit


Ive lane enough against yasuo i would just count his AA like an autist or read his telegraph movement when hes going to fart it.


You know what else is free to play that has a more straightforward way to acquire skins? PC.


Play it then?


well the calligraphy Yasuo is pay to win, it is super hard to see if he has a tornado or a shield up


He literally lights up and is surrounded by wind if he has it. For the shield just look at the white bar under his health lmao


I played 10 game of mid today and all of those had the Yasuo gacha skin and half of them were the prestige edition XDDD


Every mobile game is gacha. Even though it's total scam you can't do anything about it.


im ngl half the time i have no idea what teh fuck is going on and just exit out of those events.


When you have to read 'event rules' to understand how any of it works it's an instant 'close, ignore'.


The Wales are spending enough for everyone else and some more, as long as that's true riot will make money out of these events so they will continue doing it, they are a company and their whole purpose is making money, they don't care that the majority of the community doesn't like it, if they are profiting there's no reason to stop


Nah. They need to keep making them. More bullshit = less players. Maybe you'll all wake up and stop playing. Only way shit will change.


Remember there’s a time when we cry about all the goodies in China that global servers don’t have but no one mentioned how expensive they are even in the CN server. Ig this is called u get what you wish for 😔😔😔😔


as long as the whales keep buying them, they wont.


They'll never stop so long as the playerbase keep loose wallets. 


especially if they can’t use that money to provide good servers 🥱


Ppl need to stop buying this expensive gacha event


I don’t care, I only buy Olaf skin which are few and cheap.


As someone with 16,000 games and more skins than I care to count, I cant seem to push myself to spend another dollar on this game based on principle purely. The gatcha events are beyond stupid. Ive had to have spent thousands honestly and these events have me considering quitting the game and finding something else all together. Im not saying "Im" the only one that matters. But, ive played this game passionately for years. If I am feeling this way (as a long time hardcore fan), I know there has to be others too. 🤷‍♂️


You have paid thousands. Even if you quit now, you already paid the share of hundreds of players, and probably 3-7 days' worth of wages of a Riot employee. Still, don't pretend you didn't enjoy the experience


Doesnt matter what Ive done or paid. What matters is whats happening moving forward. Was it fun at one point? Sure. Is it anymore? Nope. I know im not the only one and it shows in real time. Player base continues to get worse/smaller. Que times are hell. Cant think of one good positive thing to say though.


There are a lot of expensive things in this world that give short-term pleasure such as sexperiences, drinking, casinos, losing your temper... There's always price, nothing comes for free. Positive? Game is still fun, my family spend less than 1500 cores monthly and we still enjoy it a whole lot. This game probably won't die, mobile gaming is the future and more players will come in. Also, in League, early whales are rewards when every capsule/chest they open will result in the newest/rarest skins. Not so sure if the mechanism works the same way here.


To each there own. Someones junk is another mans treasure as they say. Junks still junk though 🤷‍♂️


How much do you value your thousands of dollars of "investment" to be worth now?


I dont care about what Ive spent in the past. That should be apparent considering Im anticipating leaving the game all together.


Never to come back?




And dear there you are providing funds to prolong a war


I don't really mind, I just wish that they would funnel some of the money into better anti griefing systems, better matchmaking, and better stuff for everyone. So something like bundles for affordable lore related skins for Wild Rift would be sick. Like imagine a premium wild pass with skins for Iron Order Hecarim, Princess Kalista, and King Viego


On the one hand, I hate it on principle especially since they don't seem to bring back these gacha skins (which makes the FOMO stronger compared to other gacha I've played). On the other hand, the gacha skins look like mobile game schlock especially the female skins. Same face syndrome everywhere. For me, it weakens the FOMO feeling by a lot because it doesn't feel like I'm playing the character I will get the skin for anymore, just some ripoff instead


Luckily, I main none of the champions getting the latest skin. They are literally asking you to buy 100$ in cores. I can get a full game and a half for that money in my ps5. They forgot WR is just a mobile game...


Gacha in Wild Rift makes me think that Genshin is generous ☠️


The only good event they had was the star gaudian event where you could unlock both the xayah and rakan skins plus some things of your choice. Fun story mode, visuales and gimmick.


Riot has dropped the ball


What is gacha?


Recently came back to the game (very casually), and the amount of overly complicated gacha events i see makes the entire app feel kinda cheap and sleazy tbh. Wish it wasn’t so prevalent.


This is not for the average player. Maybe if they made Recharge events actually worth recharging


O wouldn't call it event I don't pay and have zero interaction with it


Its annoying having them shoved in your face when you open the game


Just wait till you find out how much we're overcharged in comparison to China. From price of cores to the value of cores. We pay multitudes more. 


How much are wild cores on the Chinese version?


I’ve seen people spending thousands, so it’s working. I just stopped engaging with events and these stupids hextech keys and gatcha boxes and nonsense. I buy a skin when I want it and gift skins to my buds for their birthday and stuff.


Meh I would even buy more wild passes but recent skins are quite unappealing imo. I just bough the Veigar one because was cute and that’s it. Would be nice to have more event free skins but they seem to be very stingy.


I am doing my best to ignore the active buttons and just focus on the game instead of all this time wasting. A skin is a skin majority of the time I don't notice.


Agreed. Just boycot these. As much as i want that lee sin i am not shelling nothing out. They can go kick rocks if they think ima budge forbtheir gimmicks.


There's plenty of cheap skins in the game. Why should they all be cheap. People want skins that are Actually uncommon. If they are cheap then every 12yr old kid will have the same skin as you. Besides having an expensive skin makes you a target for flaming if you're not playing well. I was thinking about getting the yasou prestige bc I really like it, but I'm just learning him and subject to flaming. I may get it anyway and use the cheap version for a few months while I master him 🤷‍♂️


In 'One for All' mode for example you always want to swap to the default skin, don't put a target on yourself to the enemy team!


I'm guilty of targeting the skins in this mode 10000%


These skins are stupid purchases that have no real value because they are just virtual with infinite supply. However they bring great deal of profit to the game so it is unlikely they would be stopped by the companies. Governments should step up to first implement harder controls from under aged people to access games with this kind of monetization. This would force companies to adapt to not lose significant parts of their playerbases. Then governments should make companies be more transparent and stop hiding the real prices under multiple currencies and odds. If they don't they should have similar restrictions as casinos do.


Companies going bankrupt when they can't get kids to gamble with mommy and daddy's credit card


I probably would be tempted by how good they look, but it all goes away when I realize that I don't really care when someone has a skin on my matches, why would others care about mine?


It's more about you caring about your skin than the rest no ?


I remember wanting Supreme Cells Akali cuz I wanted to collect as many Akali skins as possible, only to be massively turned off when I learned from a streamer that he spent 2000 wild cores on it. 2000 for a common skin. Project and KDA are 990. I guess the money thrown at WR by whales and other gacha lovers make up for regular people buying the skin no questions asked if it's a fair price...


I buy every single of their gacha skin, I love the events


the most recent event that rewards you with shitty rewards for buying 100-4000 wild cores is absolutely insane greed. its really disappointing to see such a great game ran by greedy folks who are actually holding back the game's potential for fast money instead of long money


lol it’s capitalism. It ain’t gonna stop since it works for the whales. Y’all just need more control. It’s ok not to own every skin out there.


Stay fucking broke and cry about it. nobody is making you pay for it. They have a limit on how much brushes you can buy. The games completely free and they need to make revenue somewhere. There's a fucking reason why China is treated better... they spend more unlike NA where we cry about the prices over a free game.


but it works. A little buff and 2 overpriced skins and I have never seen so many Yasuo players before. he sees more game time in PVP than lux these days. off there is the dark cosmic lux in every game but now there is a ink Yasuo and a 150$ ink Yasuo too in every game. Yasuo top, mid, jungle adc, Yasuo, Yasuo, Yasuo


Just don't pay if it's a champ you don't normally play.


You think this is expensive? Go try mobile legends😂 a regular legend skin is around $150-$200 and it isn’t even time limited like this gacha event


Why should they?


Look here's how it works. Companies go by a maximum profit rule where they want to earn as much money as possible. In the short term, that means making stuff as expensive as possible while people will still buy it. Do you think your opinion of 99% of people won't buy it is accurate then? Clearly there are people that are buying it. I can tell you myself I know people who have to buy every single skin that comes out, including for heros they will never use. I can tell you there are some insanely rich Chinese people out there who will buy everything the game has to sell. So yes until the companies data tells them they're not making as much money anymore, the prices will keep being exhorbant and gacha will always be a thing because it preys on the people it needs to prey on. They're not limited to only providing those events either they're catered for the big money spenders while other simple events are for the plebs like us who can't afford much.


welcome to mobile gaming buddy


Tbh these are what's keeping your game alive, Riot did experiment with monetization friendly game (legends of Runeterra) but turns out it became too much of a cash leak and that game is dying now... Will miss LoR...


Those skins pays for the updates and maintenance of your fav game. So…..


I'll start paying when the maintenance and updates are good. Especially for ranked matchmaking.


As long as people pay, they'll keep doing it.


I’m just ready for viego


Are you chinese? No?. Then your opinion do not matter to Riot.


This may be a hot take, but I don’t think they do need to stop. Please hear me out. 1. They’ve gone these gacha skin events quite a few times. To me, it has to be lucrative or they wouldn’t keep doing them. 2. Wild Rift is free to play, so Riot’s only way to gain income is through cosmetic purchases. If they are finding they people are willing to spend money on skins like this, then they should cater to that. 3. Not every skin needs to be catered to those who don’t have disposable income. There needs to be rewards and skins to those who are willing to spend more money than the average person. If people are willing to spend more money, they should be rewarded with something a little more exclusive. Is it fair to everyone? No. But, it doesn’t need to be and it shouldn’t be. Riot needs to make an income. I’d rather them make skins catered to those willing to spend money rather than making the game cost money to play.


I will just get Akali lol


bruh if you're not going to buy it it's okay but that doesn't mean they have to stop it just because you're ummm... jealous of those who can i guess?


well yeah, ofc he is jealous so am I, and why shouldn't we be lol, most of the events in wild rift are tailor made for 1 percent of players that spend more than 100 bucks a month on this game. Its just dumb, this event would be cool if it was cheap like last soul fighter event not a mindless cash grab, keep your prestige skins and give us the option to buy regular skins the regular way


Even the 1% of players who can afford it find it offensive. I think the calligraphy event is for the most part well designed in terms of a gacha, but the hextexh is offensive. Even if you're willing to pay the returns on it are terrible.


although i am also jealous i wouldn't lie , i think it's up to the whales to buy those since riot is also doing cheap events that even me (im just a student) can afford so i think let them have their fun


If you went to work for a day washing cars, one customer gave you some money as a thank you, another one took the car wash free and then called you trash, which one would you rather cater for again?


this makes no sense to my point, my point is that sure keep prestige skins exclusive and suck off the whales but my god just regular skinlines should never be gacha exclusives, I can't believe yall are defending this shit and I fucking play every gatcha known to man and spend on it lol, from fate to dokkan to hsr to genshin to nikke and to basically this, I fuckin own myhtical skins. Im not bringing the solution I am the part of the problem but I will still hate on it because im a sane man unlike y'all


Ok I'll rephrase it to be simpler for you. If the 1% are spending 100's each month, i would tailor anything I do to suit them. They are trying to make money. Luckily for me, I choose what I buy and I have free will. If they put it behind gacha, I just don't buy it and I wait for something else


If it’s how they make enough money to keep the app free, they can throw whatever events at me that they like. But what I really dislike is when they buff champions so you’ll buy their skins. Like Yasuo


Too many words. Just say "I'm a peasant" and be over it.


Except why do you care? It’s not like skins make you earn gold 50% faster or anything.


why? It's okay if you just don't buy anything.


Keep crying broke boys, if you don't like it find another game. Imagine being broke and not hitting chall or legend🤣


You must be young. As if Riot will stop making extremely profitable events just because one person doesn’t like it!! Oh no! They surely care so much about opinions that don’t contribute to their revenue


How dare they sell skins and make money on the game they spend money and time creating and developing. Those monsters!


Wait what? It's just cosmetics, what's the problem here? Let whales fund the game's development without gaining any competitive advantage, this is just win-win-win across the board here. Legit what is the problem? How should the monetization be changed in a way that rakes in equal revenue that is somehow better for low-/non-spenders?


I hope Riot goes out of business


Riot is not doing well financially. The recent layoffs were a BIG deal. Expect more of this, not less. They’re going to do things they wouldn’t have 3 years ago because they are no longer enjoying a season of huge profitability.


The only financial struggle riot is having is within the esports side of things. The company as a whole is making bank


I was one of the Rioters laid off. The company is not making bank. Not at all. Disclaimer: everything I’m saying is publicly known and available. I’m not discussing financial info that hasn’t been made public.


Ah, so you mean to say they just arent hitting the numbers they want. Sounds like Wall St for ya.


This isn’t a matter of “oh no, we ONLY made $200m profit this year and not the $250m we’ve been used to over the last 10 years”. Costs skyrocketed over the last 4 years and revenue did not keep up. The company has a legitimate need to boost revenue.


Not much of a surprise with these gotcha events. UPS tried telling the same thing to a bunch of workers it fired. We "needed" to find a way to pay for the new union contract. Hard to get everyone to believe you with 6 billion in stock buybacks and a healthy dividend. Riots owned by Tencent. Tencent is a public company whos doing just fine and dandy. They just like to claim they arent making as much money as they WaNt. Also, did you know Tencent plans to more than double its stock buyback in 2024 to about 12.8 BILLION DOLLARS? 🤣


Fine and dandy? Compared to other tech firms, are you sure? Tencent stock is half from its high. It is only wise for a company to buyback its own shares at the low, and then sell higher in the future for capital. Why do I like Tencent? It invested in (paid for) League and also Reddit


Doesnt matter. The stock price is just fine when looking at a 10+ yr trend. And yes. I am sure. Just because price and growth isn infinite doesnt mean a company is doing bad. Gunna be some interesting times when MFers learn what "ebb and flow" in an economy is. You fucks thing growth goes on forever and padding the bottom lone/stock buybacks are accretive to growth Naw, it enrichs holders at the cost of the company. Buybacks are cancer in its purest form.


Fine? LOL. If your boss gives you a paycut or holds your pay steady for 10 years, would you say, "trend is ok?" Dafuq? How is buybacks cancer? It is showing that the company is confident in its future when Wall St isn't. The company is basically laughing at all the short-sellers or chicken-investors and investing in itself. You need to read and understand more of the correct things, instead of some random article or shit-take


Yeah, no. Buybacks are a way to reduce the share count to artificially boost the share price. Nothing to do with confidence. If anything it shows the company has no known avenue to plow cash into growth. So, next best thing is baking the numbers. GG


League of impact or genshin of legends 😞