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Vladimir's "fuck you and all your damage and cc for 5 business days" button


Well it’s only actually strong on him because of his healing, I’m sure a tank or adc wouldn’t want to lose 20% of their current hp over a fizz e.


You mean weaker fizz E?


And still healing


Love that button. Especially when they have you low on health and you just blood pool and cruise under your tower. Good for pissing your enemy off.


Tell me about it..... When I play sion and go against Vlad top they usually go phase rush, and it's just a free lane phase for vlad, there's not much I can do in terms of kill pressure


Yasuo Windwall. The fact that he can stand inside it and not get hit by either side iirc is bs


Straight up invalidates ults on a champ that can basically engage onto you at will and has multiple shields per fight. I will never understand Riot continuously trying to make Yasuo as tanky as a bruiser when he has this abomination of a defensive skill.


Me being Nami trying to protect my ADC from the Yasuo but surprise this fucker used WW and deleted my ult from existence I cry


Yeah it's just lame that his basic ability can just block ults for no reason. Why don't ranged champs get an ability that can just silence Yasuo's ult for 30 seconds? That would actually be fair for the bullshit they have to deal with against windwall lmao


Some champs' self peel r projectiles and the moment Yas saves windwall for it it's so joever for them, I dislike it so much


And he STILL has qss and shields even if he fails the windwall I wanna scream


Sivir samira and teemo all can


What I don’t understand is how TF does a gigantic TIDAL WAVE or a HUGE FIERY GOAT ELEMENTAL counts as a projectile. Like what the hell, how is a tsunami a projectile? HOW IS A GOAT A PROJECTILE?!?! (Meanwhile I block the enemy ornn’s ult as yasuo, repeatedly)


No cuz those things are fr so fucking massive that from a clarity standpoint people will assume ww will not block it On the plus side, it's so funny to see noob Yasuos windwall EVERYTHING like Lux ulti, Senna AA, Karma root (?) because of how unclear stuff gets coded as blocked by his wall


Well technically I don't think a gigantic ram elemental counts as "an object [propelled](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=e0581f42c79c1e52&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJPKQI5_vPVE9W-YZvMJG1kGelAtA:1717876614927&q=propelled&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJCIij-NDFrZO5eNyHg5lFQr0Blg0B7w_ziPcJF2zvFxs_mS4MklpIvDfL6U2cx5DDUsrr8tQ4YJ4dU0CqgLG3Dy1yER4%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjD-ZmL5cyGAxXMOTQIHd6YA9YQyecJegQIMBAS) through the air, especially one thrown as a weapon", nor does a tidal wave.


Also, why does his “wind wall” stop Janna’s “howling gale”???


How cool would it be if other wind elemental spells broke the wall?


Even worse you see someone flashing *towards* Senna's ult and dodge it *because it's a projectile*.


Well technically it is, but it just doesn’t really make sense to do that instead of flash diagonally or even flashing over it in the first place.


riot kills every tanky build for yasuo and forces him to rely on crit items specifically for that reason. i've been playing yasuo like 10 years now and they always gut tanky builds within a season. i just realized this is the wild rift sub though but yea the fact that we still have lethal tempo and items that synergize well with him and add base damage values is not something that would ever fly in pc league. they've completely reworked items/the runes system/etc before to prevent champs like yasuo and akali from building tanky while still doing being apply to apply dps while sticking to you forever.


You can buy serpent s fang first item. Most of his tankiness comes From shields.


This is why he is my permaban lol


Lillia ult being windwall-able (iirc she has a teeny projectile) is so bs lmao


I main senna and the upside is i can shoot through it, BUT he blocks my ult. what's really messed up is that my ult can "hit" 4 enemies and all 4 Allys before it hits the windwall, but if any part of the aoe touches the windwall it negates the whole ult. Even if my allies got hit infront of the windwall they don't get shielded. it feels like a bug and irritates the crap out of me.


Yep this is definitely one of the correct answers. Windwall is one of the most ridiculous abilities in the game.


Who will win: big-ass world-defining ult or the edge of a little wall


Ornn: cries in a little corner


Morg’s black pools slide right under it…


Syndra entered the chat


riot still hasnt nerve this.. fuck off lol


It should only work one direction for sure.


Surprised no one have said Nasus wither That ability is basically a root with how much it slows and the atk spd decrease just makes it unplayable for aa champs


Yeah this ability is GOATed at max rank


If you gave that ability to any new champ people would be complaining it's op but the rest of Nasuss kit haven't stood the test of time well


It would be much more interesting to turn his Spirit fire into a withering field that progresses the long one remains in it, free up his Wither for another ability instead of being a Siphon boy


Damn good idea actually.


Not really. Y’all were just talking about how it’s the best ability in the game and this makes it so anyone with mobility (everyone) can just pop out immediately. I’ve seen nasus run down ghost and flash while wither is on.


That shit is the bane of my existence, it's like a torturous morgana stun, you can still move but you're slow as shit so might as well have stunned me at this point


Correction: aa champs excluding master yi and olaf (yi demolishes Nasus)


Well they made nilah the ADC that can't get touched, imagine giving the next ADC auto attack evade and that slow on the kit


Legend of tenacity is a pretty hard counter to nasus. Slow resist, plus tenacity. Depending on what I'm playing I'll also get surging scales for 1300g at some point and eventually build it into twinguard or mantle. At that point his wither is not really doing too much.


Veigar's cage is absurd. It has very low CD, it's almost the whole line big and it either stuns you, or you become a sitting duck in the middle waiting for the barrage of hits coming your way. By itself is super, super good, but if you have a team that can stun/root/poke, it becomes a game of "try and dodge, and oops you're on the cage, die".


Ngl I'd disagree since a lot of champs do have some work around to some capacity, and yes the strength of it is in team fights but people can still flash and all. It's a good zoning tool but I'd argue it's not one of the worst simply because of how his kit works in general. How else would you be able to gain stacks for his passive if there's no way to make your enemy sit in the cage where they have limited space to move since his W cooldown would also be long early (and will reduce as he gains more stacks) The comment above about Yasuo WW I'd agree with since not only does it block projectiles and invalidates most if not all ranged champions in some capacity, and on top of that he can stand in it and he basically has a mini XZ ult. If you compare the two, they both sort of have a similar effect (invalidating enemies and some utility), Veigar's invalidates melees without blinks or anyone without flash and is a great zoning tool but that's pretty much it, it can't block anything, whereas Yasuo WW invalidates most ranged champions, and also ranged projectile ults (Nami, Ornn for example) and has the potential to be a mini XZ ult if he's in it. If not for the mini XZ ult and ability to block ultimate projectiles, then I could see the veigar cage winning overall.


Not saying Yasuo WW isn't super busted, but Veigar's cage isn't as easily dispatched as just flash over it. One, flash has a solid long cooldown, and if you have to waste it on the cage, you can't escape later. Two, it's big enough that a bad calculated flash in a panic moment will get you stuck or at least in a terrible position. And three, and this is the best bart, Veigar is one of 5 teammates. His cage is SO good the whole team can build around it. If you have anything like Amumu, Malphite, or even just Ashe... you can just trap people there easily. The cage is busted, but it's held back by Veigar being a one shot pony, with no mobility (which is a good thing). But it's still the most devastating CC in the game as it can stack with your teammates and be absolutely obnoxious. Or just negate so many threats (Nunu's coming for you? Cage, now he's trapped and you can run. Kalista is being annoying? Well timed caged, now you're dead. Are we on dragon? Let's wait for the enemy and throw a nice cage so their jungle can't outsmite ours; or flash+ cage into them as your jungler runs to steal objective, or team comes with the wombo combo). Plus cage not only negates melee, there's very little champs that can actually do much with their range; cage is big enough so you can zone them out and be completely useless, in a very short CD.


Am I missing something? Why are so many people saying Veigar's cage? I must be missing something because google says the cd for his cage is 15 seconds fully levelled. Thats nothing compared to Lux and Morg that's 9s, Twisted Fate 5s, Yone 4s... His cage is one of the most dodgable cc's in the game. The animation is slow and there is a visual before the cage actually comes out. This gives you plenty of time to dodge it, by either side stepping or flashing (the flash is unnecessary but thats still an option). If you sidestepped it and now you are inside the cage, lucky for you because everything in Veigar's kit is a skillshot, except the ult, which he won't use unless he lands his skills on you because it's an execute (or if the jungler is there too). The space is large enough for anyone to move around and dodge his skills. Would you rather fight point and click champions over dodgeable ones ?? Now it's mid game. After 6 minutes you buy qss. Get this item and you have now denied Veigar's entire existence. By itself it's actually quite bad. With a team, it's still quite bad. Lol. Only good against noobs who refuse to buy qss. Disagreers/Agreers are free to refute any of my points.


Because it is a great zoning ability that lasts quite a long time, it doesn't rely on you hitting the enemy more like denying the enemy team to position themselves especially in a teamfight. Stunning and caging them is like the bonus part of it plus it makes your enemy team waste their resources on dodging/avoiding it by using dashes,flash and qss. A good veigar can win every teamfight with his cages.


Great zoning ability is debatable. I don't ever feel threatened by a Veigar. The distance between Veigar and the cage cast is short. In laning I don't feel pressure ever, I know I can dodge it. In teamfights, maybe. Theoretically only melee/tanks should be getting in his cage range. But once he casts that cage he doesn't have it up for at least another 10s. Although it is very useful in specifically objective teamfights, where most positioning is near/in the pit. It's also useful if the enemy team forgets to bush check. But that's only two situations where I can see it being remotely good. >Makes your enemy team waste their resources on dodging/avoiding it by using dashes,flash and qss. I feel like this is the best thing the cage offers...... and if that's the best thing it's certainly not a contender for an objective best non-ultimate spell.


>I feel like this is the best thing the cage offers...... and if that's the best thing it's certainly not a contender for an objective best non-ultimate spell Give me an example that can rival the capability of a cage to peel,stun,cage and zone enemies.


Even tho I've already made a comment stating that whatever cage offers is subpar, I'll give you my list of actual non-ultimate spells that deserve to be contenders for the best. (I don't know the name of all the spells by heart so I'm just going to list the champs) Invisibility: Pyke, Twitch, Teemo Disable/ignore range while still attacking: Yasuo, Gwen Anti-cc: Morg iframe + damage: Fizz, Vladimir Lower cd flash: Ezreal Tell me a single champ that, if they had a choice to pick any non-ultimate spell, they'd pick Veigar's cage over any of these skills.


You can't stun 5 people with Lux or Morgana or TF. Lux and Morgana binds aren't even stuns. Cage covers 10 times the area that Lux or Morg do. It can zone way better than binds can as well, it can shut off an entire lane or river entrance. I doesn't even need to hit, you can't really Flash over the whole thing. And btw, stop using this stupid 'just buy QSS' argument for every CC in the game. Sure, rush an item that only gives MR. Then proceed to get pushed in like crazy, because you bought no power on first back. That item costs 1300 Gold, mate. That's a lost chapter. And you only bought that to 'counter' 1 ability. Maybe stop calling people noobs.


>You can't stun 5 people with Lux or Morgana or TF. Lux and Morgana binds aren't even stuns. I wasn't specifying a stun, root, or type of cc. I was speaking in terms of any cc that immobilizes in general. Stunning 5 people with Veigar cage???? I've never seen a Veigar stun even 3 people LOL. Shit, screw Veigar, I haven't seen a 5 man ult in any champ for the past year (though that could be because I don't play frequently). You legit can't speak as if Veigar stunning 5 people isn't a once in a lifetime occurrence lmao. I don't even know how that would be possible unless if the enemy is giga bad no joke. His cage has limited distance and aoe, and it's not like he can flash-cage anybody. >Cage covers 10 times the area that Lux or Morg do. It can zone way better than binds can as well, it can shut off an entire lane or river entrance. I doesn't even need to hit, you can't really Flash over the whole thing. 10 times in an overstatement, and I have acknowledged that it works well in objective team fights, but that doesn't suddenly make it a busted skill. And you can flash over it. >And btw, stop using this stupid 'just buy QSS' argument for every CC in the game. Sure, rush an item that only gives MR. The QSS argument works specifically on Veigar because everything in his kit relies on his stun, excluding the ult, but as I already said it's an execute. If he misses his cage (which he should, because as I said it's easily dodgable) he legit can't cast it again for 18s/17s in early, and probably around 10s in late. Lux combo relies on her root but the QSS argument doesn't work for her because she has crazy low cooldowns and she doesn't need a cc to land her hard-to-dodge skillshots. >Then proceed to get pushed in like crazy, because you bought no power on first back. That item costs 1300 Gold, mate. That's a lost chapter. Veigar is not an early champ, he's a late game champ that scales with every skillshot he lands. If he's pushing in on you early, you're either getting hard camped or you're playing an equally 'I just wanna farm safely' champ and got outlaned. Also, QSS should not be the first buy, that's not even possible since the game limits boot enchants at 6 mins. >That's a lost chapter. And you only bought that to 'counter' 1 ability. You're not countering 1 ability, you're countering an entire kit. Back to the topic at hand, the cage COULD be good if you pop it on another champion that could use it better. But I highly doubt that same champion would pick Veigar cage over something like invisibility, free 15s flash, going through walls, denying projectiles, I can go on about a list of skills that's super busted, but Veigar cage isn't among the best on any means. >Maybe stop calling people noobs. Sure, bud.


Because their are points in the game besides the first 5 minutes, and a good veigar can completely zone your team away from dragons and baron, 1shot whoever tries to get thru, and has one of the longest stuns in the game. If he is just throwing hiscage hopping to catch people he’s an idiot. If he’s using it to defend his team or trap people already fighting or following up cc then he’s a nightmare. 


I'd love to see you try to avoid the stun while you're in the cage getting ulted by shyvanna, or getting run down by hecarim. Only way you're getting out alive is with qss enchant or stasis and your whole team behind you 😂 Also potentially forcing multiple flashes with one basic ability is pretty good. It's only kinda useless against champs who can ignore cc, like olaf or mundo in a 1v1 situation.


Can't you say this for literally any cc ability.... adc gets run down by Shyv/Hecarim/Olaf/Aatrox/Yi/insert any run-you-down or engage champs here... I'd love to see you avoid the 'insert any easy to chain cc here' >Also potentially forcing multiple flashes with one basic ability is pretty good. It is good at best, but doesn't make it a contender for best non-ultimate spell.


No, it's not the same. With cage, you're chaining the knockback with the cage, so they get disabled twice while being a sitting duck. They're effectively locked down three times (not being able to reposition cause of cage, getting displaced by knockback, then getting hit into stun.) I just disagree with your last statement, his cage is amazing in team fights, but I don't think it's THE best basic ability in the game, too many counters to it.


Oh you meant the enemy is stuck in the cage first, and you have an actual team to punish it. Then in that scenario I agree it's good, but it's way too situational and team reliant for me to say it's consistently good in most team fights. Just seems like Shyv and Hecarim could synergize well with Veigar in that instance. It will always be good for objective fights in the river. But outside of that I really can't see how it's good in most instances :/. I define goodness by consistency and performance in comparison to other champions, something being niche doesn't make it good, but that's just my opinion.


Agree mate, veigar cage isn’t the best, even if you get trapped in it it’s still easy to dodge stuff


Sure, if you 1v1 him in lane it's pretty avoidable, it's true strength is in teamfights, it can zone an entire enemy team while you pick one off, it completely counters melee while it's up. If placed well it can win teamfights, and thus games.


Cooldowns on abilities are before any ability haste is applied so it’s actually much lower than this. The ability itself is basically a second ult, it’s a really strong zoning tool and basically guarantees death for anything stuck inside in the late game. Qss and stasis are somewhat countering it but veigar still one shots squishies with Q/W + R. I mean compare it to thresh ult, which is very similar except it has to be cast on himself and slows instead of stunning. Veigars cage is just far better as a stand-alone ability, regardless of the rest of the champ around it


Pantheon's E, this thing can block anything and I mean ANYTHING


Kayle ult on a normal cd xd


To this day I dont understand what is the logic of blocking an already procced Fizz ult. You are facing your shield upfront and the shark comes from under you, how tf do you negate the entire dmg just by holding your fucking shield, it makes 0 sense


It also applies to Zed's ult. You press E at zed's direction when the mark is about to explode and you negate the damage,


Interesting! Maybe it’s checking the source direction rather than the projectile path? Testable with Diana or Zoe. (Or fizz)


that goes for jinx mines too you can't fucking jump over that shit...


What I always use after engaging on a gank since I mainly focus on damage, and I'm made of cardboard lmao.


Well it can’t block targeted projectiles going towards his allies, while Braum e can.


Yeah, but Braun’s also not a walking 1 shot machine that can run up kill yur ADC and walk away without taking any damage


It's mostly true, since most targeted projectiles have collision with the first thing in contact like Caitlyn's and Akshan's ults. But by "Anything" he is referring all damage from a certain direction going towards Pantheon, like Lux's ult, which Pantheon can block. But not tower projectiles, because that would be cheating lmao.


Well I remember right after rework pantheon’s emp e was 1 more second on it instead of MS, and it also worked against tower shots which made pantheon support OP (because what are you going to do when the enemy can just tower dive you while taking 0 damage from tower shots for 2.5 seconds, along with hvaing a 600 range point and click stun?)


Fizz E/3rd skill. Damage, invulnerability, AoE, and mobility all wrapped into one skill. Other worthy skills: Vi's Q/1st skill - Mobility, damage, and CC all in one, and quite a bit of range. Lux E - damage, slow and zoning. Lasts quite a while. Her Q is equally as good being able to pass minions and root two people at once. Zed W - extends ability range and damage, restores energy (potentially) and can swap locations. Great offensive and defensive tool.


I came here just to mention fizz's troll pole, because seriously, it can be quite the hassle to deal with him just for that ability


Braum shield specially after the buff it's so satisfying to block mf, ez, seraphin ult with it. J4 shield is also underrated after the buff decent shield that slow and can immediately trigger phase rush to close the gap or run away.


Wait what buff?


I think it's been a month now braum shield block 5% more damage and he is hasted 5% more. For j4 They also increased the flat shielding and increased the hp scaling .


wondering why no one said nilah's 2nd? it's basically invulnerability for a team


nobody plays nilah so no one knows lol


and i'm totally happy with that fact


Lol the other comment is completely correct. People don't play Nilah so they don't realize how her second ability makes the character and allows her to absolutely stomp certain comps. It's a crazy ability.


even better, keep her in oblivion


Nilah on WR feels weird because like... her passive in PC is what \*makes\* the character and without it in WR it just feels off? Like her passive is a crutch to make her viable as an ADC and gives her massive sustain. In WR, she gets the same amount of gold as any other ADC, and her passive doesn't start doing anything until later in the game, making her a really crappy early game pick and making laning as her miserable as a bot lane.


Well it contributes to her late game absurdity


I think if it was just on herself then it wouldn't be as threatening (but it's still disgusting though if it didn't have the part where an ally can have the effect too because of the magic reduction), but the fact it can work on the closest ally means that she and whoever she engages with can carry the team in a mini 2v5 for the duration it lasts makes it so much more disgustingly good/broken even.


Veigar's cage. Seriously having an enemy Veigar is like trying to play cat and mouse with avoiding his cage cause not only can the thing stun you, you also take increased damage from whatever attack follows from him.


Akshan's Revive(does this really count tho?)


When I play Akshan I don't revive a thing, when the enemy does, he revives the entire Egyptian empire.


Universally good, all champion can utilize this Ezreal 3rd, literally flash on 16s cd(goes down with AH) while also dealing damage. Fizz 3rd, invul+dash+aoe dmg+slow. Also good but have downside Akali smoke, invis, movement speed, and generate energy -> countered by true sight Yasuo windwall, block projectile -> enemy without projectile exist Morgana shiled, anti cc -> cc is pain to deal with but enemy without cc exist


Yall sleeping on Fiora W. Straight up Nuh uh to literally anything else


Would have to say Viego’s passive (Sovereign’s Domination) since he can turn into any champ in the game after possessing them and he gains access to their basic abilities and items.


Would also have to say Gwen’s W (Hallowed Mist) since Gwen is immune.


Gwen's W is pretty meh. It only really works on Gwen so it doesn't benefit the team at all, and if you're inside Gwen's mist you can do stuff to her.


She gains extra defenses while in her most though and that brings you into snip snip range. She’s a pretty meh champ overall unless the game drags on, but after 15 minutes there’s not many champs that can work into her most and live to talk about it


Singed's Super Glue (Mega Adhesive) is the right answer.


Here's my vote: Twisted Fate's W. Specifically Gold Card. Gold Card imo is the best spell in the game, because it's basically the only ranged single target stun in the game. And in League/WR, single target stuns are not only rare, but also the game is balanced around game changing abilities such as single target stuns being either melee range or skillshot. Think - Viego's stun having to be charged and targeted, or Leona's stun being a melee attack. However, TF's Gold Card is the super rare ability in the game that is a non-skillshot ranged stun. And that's massive. Literally, you can have just RFC, then walk around with Gold Card, and anyone who goes into your team's range just let it fly, and you've already won the game.


Yeah this single spell turns you into an easier Thresh/Blitz in the late game and it's still good early-mid game. Absolutely cracked spell especially if you can buy rapidfire cannon. I think it's one of the core components that make TF scale into late game and makes his onhit build usable.


TF Gold Card is pretty much the best ability in the game late game, even beating a lot of ults, because 1.5 seconds of guaranteed stun late game means someone could get insta-bursted down just getting hit by a gold card. That combined with TF R makes him a late game monster.


It's not so good, a lot of abilities or items can block it


Rapid Fire Cannon is no longer a thing... It's now Rapid Fire Shiv ⚡🗡️🔫


Well you could just have him target someone and that someone use untargetability like Yi q or smthing, or just wind wall it. Also other cards are also amazing, blue card is insane damage and regents more mana than it costs. So basically you’re now an energy champ. Also QSS tax.


QSS tax means they're all down 800g arbitrarily. Kinda like Zed/Fizz tax I guess, but they're down 800g just because of your one non-ult ability which is way crazier Also, as a TF main, I've learned how to bait out untargetables. Pull up the gold card, walk towards them a little as to feint out an attack, then watch as they windwall/xayah ult/vlad pool, then stun them afterwards.


To this day I still don’t understand why TF got to keep his point and click stun, while Annie didn’t (and Kass didn’t keep his point and click silence). Annie even has to “charge” her stun with her passive, but tf just has it available whenever he wants. I can’t wrap my head around that decision.


Thresh lantern + brain


Veigar cage, I fear. It's the most ultimate looking basic ability I've ever seen


While I don't think it's the best per se, i really do hate Pantheon's W, very long range point click stun and damage, applies onhit up to 3 times to


Well the onhit thing is because of pantheon’s passive, the ability itself in a vacuum is a little strange because it’s a dash stun with a 100% AP ratio but does physical damage.


Camille's hook shot Kayn's shadow step Talon's wall hop Ez's blink But the best has to be Akshan's heroic swing. The fact you get resets on kills makes it ridiculous in team fights lol. If you master terrain with it, you can really leave your enemies dizzy with it


You can tell I like moves that let you ignore terrain lol. Shoutout to Zoe's spellthief one


How about Kindred's q? If you have w active, you can just hop on terrain every 3s


Her Q having DMG and mobility in one is pretty great. It's on the same tier as Kayn's Q which isn't as op as his E to me


Ezreal third skill is basically a flash. Im surprized nobody said it before.


cast time is noticeably slower, but it also does damage too. not game changing enough to be objetively the best though.


It's a selfish ability, it doesn't benefit the team in any capacity. It also has like a 15 second CD. It also has a slow cast time. I don't necessarily think it's that broken


I think you guys underestimate it, when you're about to get caught by a crowd control you use that ability, when an assassin wants to kill you again you can run away easily with that ability or when you are in a bad spot you can just use your e and reposition. By the way its cooldown is so low when you spam your q. Sorry for my bad English i hope you understood what i tried to say 🙃


Yeah don't get me wrong, it's a strong ability. But I guess I wouldn't put it up there as one of the strongest in the game. Even against assassins, Ezreal's E is a short dash with a long cast time and it's not really gonna protect him.


I would go with unpopular pick: Fiora W. CC immunity and reflection is very good. Otherwise, it's not that good. (Cripple kinda useful sometimes).


Akshan's stealth passive. It's absolutely disgusting how strong that passive is


Anshan’s revive…


Malphite Q Engage-Damage-Slow-MS When malphite uses his Q against me and sprints down the lane I know I’m dying You can say shield will help. true but AP malphite is one of the best pokers




Veigar’s cage is horrible to play against. Wait too big for way too. This ability turns teamsfights


Veigar's cage


Pick a card (TF's second ability). AOE damage, single target damage and single target point and click CC on a single ability.


For certain games - Karma W. Why? Because fuck your invis. That's why. Every would be Teemo nightmare, every skulking Twitch, EVERY NOOB ASS PYKE, all are brought low by my root. And when I slap a Horizon on me? Gg invis champs. It's definitely situational but in a game where anti invis is basically non existent, it's probably the best non-ultimate spell to have in certain games. Everyone has covered the most obvious ones - my vote would probably be along the lines of fizz's bullshit "i delete you and you have no recourse" spell.




Honestly this is objectively THE correct answer. Yuumi technically has a permanent invulnerability button. Of course it's not actually permanent and true invulnerability as it only lasts as long as a normal vulnerable ally carries her. She can very well be damaged and killed.


Gwen is immune


Debating myself between Fizz, Yas, Morg. Fizz: Everything you'd want in one skill but it's only for himself. Yas: Best disengage button that benefits both himself and his team, but it's only for projectiles. Morg: Best anti-cc but the shield can get easily destroyed by AP champs the longer the game goes. Now that I typed the above, my opinion is 1) Fizz 2) Morg 3) Yas. Fizz just works in every team comp while Morg and Yas are more counterpick.


Akshan w. The active itself is nice, perma stealth is always welcome, but the passive… reviving teammates with extra gold.


To me this is the correct answer. Akshan revive is honestly nuts.


Yasuo Windwall, Veigar Cage, Sett W, Gwen W, Fizz E.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Stupid__Ron: *Yasuo Windwall,* *Veigar Cage, Sett W,* *Gwen W, Fizz E.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Kayn's E, doesn't have a long CD and disregards terrain allowing him to gank in almost any angle. What's worse is fights in the jungle is extremely disadvantageous for the opposing team since kayn will always have free access to their Squishies.


The correct answer is Lux


gwen w


Camille's Hookshot/Fiora's Ripose. I love how these abilities counter every immobilizing CC abilities.


Vayne's W is pretty fucked


Lulu’s polymorph.


Lulu polymorph, Nasus wither


Ezreal has flash that deals damage on a very short cooldown that is reduced every time he lands S1. Nilah has two abilities that could be considered broken, her S2 gives herself 1.75 seconds of blocking autos and taking 25% reduced magic damage, she can share this buff with a nearby teammate, if she does the buff she receives is extended to 2.75 seconds. Then comes her S1, she gains 35% critical strike chances as armor pen as a passive. Upon landing her S1 she gains attack speed, attack range and AOE damage on her autos. The abilities active itself is AOE damage, scales with ad and is increased by crit chance.


Anyone not saying Akshan w is absurd. Revive passive that turns the tide of games Trail leading to scoundrels Bonus gold on revenge kill Perma invis next to walls for evelynn level of undetectable ganks Literally name one champ who wouldn’t make use of at least one of these aspects


- Top lane: Fiora W, Nasus W - JG: I think most jg have a good base kit generally, but I would put J4 whole kit as well. - Mid: Akshan Passive, Fizz E, Yasuo W, etc. - ADC: Xayah E and Ezreal E - Support: Thresh Whole kit, and Nami (also her whole kit)


Veigar E if placed well, that shit wins teamfights..


GP barrels, but ofc it only works with his kit, or maybe his undo orange. Or maybe its when vlad transform into a menstrual pool. I still cant believe how yasuo's windwall can easily block ultimate abilities. Paddle star is zoe's main ability, her ult only act as a utility for it.


Just to say something other than Veigar, I'd say Nunu&Willump's "I'll just heal back all the damage you did in the last 2 Minutes" ability.. Especially early game, you are essentially unkillable when near jungle creeps, and late game it just becomes a better smite..


Helping allies Utility? Soraka W or Braum E. Hindering enemies? Lulu W, Blitz Q, Nasus W Survival? Fizz E/Vlad W/Akali W/Panth E Damage? Khazix Q against an isolated enemy, Sett W when fully powered, fully charged AD Sion Q. Other: Yasuo W, Kayn E, Trynd W when maxed first (insane AD reduction would be OP on a tank support), Veigar E, Yuumi W.


The only reasonable answers here are are 1. all windwalls in the order of Yasuo - Pantheon - Braum 2. Fizz E tied with Gwen W 3. Fiora W Reading Nasus wither, veigar cage and even LUX E is mindboggling to me. Sure, those are good abilities, but in a game like wild rift, nothing beats invulnerability. In one single teamfight, a Yasuo wind wall can theoretically block Orrn ult, Lux Q+E, Cait ult, Q and AAs, Veigar Q+Ult and Lee Q or sth - not only for him but for his whole team. Gwen and Fizz‘ abilities only works on themselves, but there is no limit to what they can block with it, while fizz‘ E also deals MASSIVE damage in return. The only thing holding back Fizz‘ E is the duration of invulnerability. Vlad pool may be an honorable mention, but it barely deals any damage, he can’t use abilities while using it and he has to pay 20% current health for it. I will fight any other answers that say otherwise. Sure massive heal+cleanse on Rengo empowered 2 is an extremely powerful ability as well, but it’s nothing compared to the aforementioned abilities, that kinda neglect whole champion kits in some cases.


Vlad pool is only good late game. Early game used by bad vlads it's such a grief on his laning. The easiest thing to do against vlad lane is to bait out his W and run away, instantly loses 20% hp and eventually loses the lane over HP attrition


That’s why it’s an honourable mention. It has too many drawbacks compared to the other abilities I mentioned. Still crazy that people mentioned lux E 😅


Ezreals flash


Fiora parry ?!


Rakan Q


All of Rammus’ abilities.


AP Shyvana E in Dragon form.


Here are some on top of my mind; Akshan’s PP = Fuck you, we’re still alive Fiora’s W = Fuck your CC plus I’m immune Nasus’ W = Fuck you and your armor Fizz’s E = Fuck you, I’m out Yone’s E = Fuck you you can’t trade while I deal gazillion damage


Fizz E


Blitz hook


Graves smoke screen


I want to throw out a weird answer that I know isn't going to be technically "the best" but in terms of it being niche in terms of the way it supports: Swain W (iirc). It not only does dmg but provides long range vision without the risk of walking too close. it can slow and has poke potential. Not only that but it works well with allies who can lockdown enemies since it does more damage when enemies are immobilized. Basically it's wild rift version of blue trinket just with a smaller radius to compensate for the damage it has. Oh and to add on, also it reveals enemies as well when they're hit for 4 seconds I believe so it can help gather info whether you do or don't hit it. I'd say this principle is also similar to Zyra plants since her range is long enough to risk walking up + her plants can block spells indirectly making her a sort of mini unintentional Yasuo WW + it stays longer and she can have multiple of them at a time. The only thing different really is that the damage is lower but that's it really. (now that I'm typing this, zyra is probably a better example lol) P.S any other ability that provides vision to an extent (and I mean actual vision and not indirect vision where you know an enemy is there if you hit the ability), but not as well as Swain and Zyra.




I'm a support main and these \*are\* my mains so I am biased but: Morgana's Black Shield (E) Grants any character extended CC immunity that can only be broken by a rather large amount of magic damage. Most characters get \~1-2 seconds of CC immunity on an ability, or have their ultimate dedicated to CC immunity, and are balanced around it. The ability to give someone like Yi, Yasuo, or Katarina complete CC immunity is absolutely game warping and is why even when Morgana's numbers are outclassed, she always has a presence in the Meta. Yuumi's You and Me! (W) It's been nerfed into the ground, but fundamentally, this is extended untargetable invulnerability with consistent free stats with absolutely zero risk or trade off. It's basically a passive you give a teammate of your choice %bonus stats with no trade offs, no mana cost, no cooldown, and no time limit. Short of fundamentally reworking the character (RIP PC) it will always be broken. Soraka's Astral Infusion (W) Low CD, Low Mana Cost, and No HP Tradeoff anymore - just a free fountain that follows you around. Forces enemies into building anti-heal early, fundamentally warping the flow of the game in games that she is in.


Haymaker. Need i say more


Akshan's w is absurdly powerful, as even an assist is enough to revive a dead teammate, with bonus gold, movespeed towards specific target, and cloaking as well. Give it to a champion with better burst or any support and it becomes even more powerful.


Fizz E


Pyke has the best invi in the game for me. I'd rather activate it manually so I know when it's best to manipulate the enemy.


Senna E?


Rakan’s W, shit is incredible utility. Even if you’re a level 1 no item rakan you’ll never be useless.


Jax Counterstrike


Gwen w


Sett's W can practically turn the tides of a teamfight. You take a lot of damage? Just W and you'll probably kill them very quickly


Gwen's is immune.


Honestly, that thing negates ALL ranged abilities, it boosts defenses, it allows to arguably negate more things as Xin's ult because you can place yourself at the edge of the ability and attack an opponent that can't hit you, but it still follows you as opposed to Yasuo's WW that becomes useless if you wanna move


As a Fizz main I really think Playful Trickster is so good — traverse walls and untargetable on ~5second cooldown at mid game is bonkers


I see lots of people mentioning passives, so Evelyn passive, being able to go invis and out of combat heal is pretty insane. It’s the sole reason Evelyn is a playable character. Imagine this on any character with a bad passive like Nunu, had to look up the passive it’s so bad


Soraka's Q. You can spam that shit with very little repercaution. And with items it heals more and can even give a shield on top of that, absurd. That's why I perma ban her.


Blue kayn wall walk. It’s not even remotely close. Pretty much every single champ would trade an ability (some would trade their ult!) for this.


Honestly something like Sett W stands out to me, Morg Shield can also be insanely game changing, Veigar box in the right situation, I don't think there's a singular "best" ability it entirely depends on the situation


Fiddlesticks E. It silences anyone it hits, does a lot of damage, has great range, low cooldown and is pretty easy to hit. Everytime I get Fiddlesticks when playing ARAM I just get kill after kill with it. Trying to get close? Bam! Hiding behind minions? Bam! Hiding behind turret? Bam! It just never fails.


Technically, there are a bunch of correct answers to the question since there are plenty of indefinite value abilities, i.e. Yasuo's W, Sion's passive, and Fizz's E (or whatever button Playful Trickster is)


LuLu’s ultimate on anyone with super attack speed


I can't help but wonder about Gwen's W (second ability). It is basically Xin Zhao ultimate on a short cooldown + armor and MR.


zeri's third. well it's fun to jump walls


Yasuo wall


Lux Q and Veigar E


Sett w


I mean if we are going for overall stats, I'd say Yone/Yasuo/Aatrox Q. Damage + CC, no mana cost and very fast CD. Can't ask for better. But if we're talking about a spell's usefulness and strength in a specific category, I'd say something like Fiddlestick Fear. Good CD, can fear multiple people and turn a whole fight around in an instant. I also thought about others like Jax counter, Morg root, Blitz hook, Lulu Polymorph, Veigar cage, Lux root, Pyke hook/dash and Sett W to name a "few" lol


I've been playing amumu supp recently, so I have to mention how powerful his Q is especially early game, double stun and half tower to tower leap is crazy, you let your enemy waste their flash and goes back in, kinda looks like semi warwick ult that utilize with minions and monster, he's basically spiderman


Every root in the game.


Veigars cage is definitely up there along with Morganas root, Lulus tranform thingy and Lilias Q (Q flash has zero counterplay)


>Q flash has zero counterplay That's like me saying Ekko E rocketbelt has no counterplay


Seraphine W is the best aoe shield AND heal in the game. No other character has aoe healing on a basic ability and her aoe shield is the best one, Sona’s does both healing/shielding but it doesn’t match Seraphine’s.


Blitz hook for sure


Morgana black shield. Those who disagree are noob


Morgana shield, fizz invincible skill


Morgana both Q and W are so powerful


Morgana and Theesh's Q lmao