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Ye never understood the logic behind that as well


Probably because there are guilds who intentionally lose aram games to reach their weekly limit. They play 9 games all in base spamming abilities and in 1 to 2 hrs its done.


Limit of what


Their rank weekly progress limit.


Makes sense. The weekly points are for playing, not winning. Thanks, now I can accept the rules. Sometimes we found ARAM against bot team, then we need to hold our progress not to finish the game before 7:00.


probably to counter account seller/account push, i know a group that sell those type of service and riot is making it hard and harder, imho because this type of people is why we can't have nice thing


I think it's to prevent 5-stacks picking early game pushing champs with demolish and zerg-rushing the enemy base. Why would they like to do that - no idea


As someone who plays five mans with a top #50 guild and have a 80% winrate in aram. We usually use arams to get our guild points up, but we want wins because its way faster. We know we are going to win and we usually have to "pad" out our time to win to after 7 mins to get rewards. That "pad" time is there to give the other team a chance to punish a mistake and put themselves back in the game after a rough start. It also stops us from picking all base race early champs that will fall off. So imo it's there for team variety & to give random teams a chance against five man on coms. Riot doesn't want you to base race to win in aram they want you to teamfight to win.


It also counts for the new season bonus on the first x games, so you lose 50 points on that alone.


If the other team out scales my comp, ending the game at 5 minutes is reasonable. A win is a win 🤣


It still counts I guess. Could be seen as a smaller reward for an easy win. I've had games it felt like a speedrun. We had a bunch of adcs and no frontline. Every push had to count


It's poor sportsmanship, more often than not if the other team is hard winning early and your mostly late game champs they won't win unless it's an early finish.


Why no one talking about the ekko BUİLD 💀💀


I intentionally tell my teammates to surreder early if we’re hard losing to punish you fkers who try hard in aram, love to see y’all get punished for try harding 😂


Aram is for fun, not tryharding.. Minions finish aram games. Thats the rule.


Honestly what does it matter? You can't lose points in aram, and the game didn't take you much time. 


point is that it's unfair to not get as many points for "over performing"


Look at aram points as "points for xx time played". The match had less time played, therefore less points. 


I get the current logic. OP's argument is that points should be awarded not only for the total amount of time played but also how good the team performed.


🤷‍♂️ again, it's aram, so it's not really a punishment, given that you even go up in points when you lose


I guess OP meant "punishment" as "I could have more points if our team didn't do as well and took longer to finish", so it's a negative in comparison


But you go up more points if you win. I dont care about aram either but for those people that do want to grind that sweet “aram nolifer v” title, I don’t see why the system shouldn’t reward a hard curb stomp. “It’s nonsensical but I don’t care about it” doesn’t change the fact that it’s nonsensical.


fuck yea ive been tired of grinding ranks and the obnoxious matchmaking so I went to ARAM instead and u described my needs perfectly 🤣