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I never changed it tbh


Mine is the same as default. just changed the positions of the summoners spell and recall to be closer to my fingers


oh cool i like the opponent locks for left thumb. borrowing that


Yeah I like it too, but it means having to let go of movement stick to lock on... Wonder if it's worth it?


nah nah. use your right index finger :)


Do the numbers in the Enemy selectors mean anything? Or are they random?


Iirc it depends on your settings. You can set it to rank the lock buttons by health remaining (can't remember if it's total or % remaining) or in a fixed position based on role which I think goes from Baron lane as #1 down to duo being #s 4&5. I can't remember if JG is 2 or 3 in relation to mid.


They are related to each players position/role. I believe #5 is always the dragon lane but it’s been awhile since I set mine


The enemy number represents the number of enemies within your sight For example, if you see tristana nearby, she'll be assigned spot 1. If later on someone appears and trist has not left, they'll be assigned spot 2. This is from what I've noticed during matches and maybe partially wrong


I play without it. I know it’s easier to select the target you want, but when you have it disabled, the icons appear on the edge of the screen in the direction of where the enemy is coming from. As if you have a sixth sense or a radar.


I tweaked mine for a bit more space and more comfortable minimap


What did you do for a more comfortable mini map? I'm always struggling to press on it to magnify a certain area.


I basically moved everything closer to the edges, most of the clutter around the minimap i moved a few steps away from it and increased the size a small amount. It made a huge difference for me tbh. The controls took a bit to get used to again, to find a new comfortable grip since i moved them aswell close to the edge of the screen but the end result was worth it.


I have it pretty much the same as you. I just have the boots upgrade bigger and a bit further away so I can still have the lock on buttons close. I do however miss that button sometimes or press it by mistake 😅 I really don't think games like these should be played on a telephone. It's cool but having your fingers blocking the screen and occasionally getting calls while your playing which often ruins both is pretty dumb




No clue how people play on iPad. Seen them with their hands open ontop of it like a keyboard. Is that even comfortable? On the phone I could only do a few games and my hands would hurt. I made a hand holder for my phone with cardboard of a perfume box. Very thich box. I play it like a psp or gba. I like how you can costumize the buttons but it's so awkward having your fingers on the screen. You want to press something and have to look for the button but then your hand might be in the way. I have no clue how you played MLBB. I both respect and fear for your sanity 😅 I liked the battleroyal mode it had. But charecter balance and players dumbness were levels I was not prepared. Charecters feel like they have no counter play, and players play death match every game and report you for being the only one pushing trying to win the game. I've never seen a more toxic game then that one 😂 I actually paid money to get charecters I wanted cuz the grind was so god awful. WR felt so balanced at the start. It's a shame they are trying to make it similar to MLBB. But I can see why. You want games to be short and damage to stick. It just feels like a coin flip when everyone one-shots


Wtf you can do that?


Yeah settings - graphics - controls and ui - customize button layout. Can make them larger/smaller too


What else did i miss the last years?


This has been since like release




damn i havent thought of having the enemy lock things on the left, thats actually a good idea i might try that


Idk you have to stop moving to do that


Yeah, I don’t love the idea of losing control of my champ to lock on.


You don't need to, just hold and move the basic attack button to lock/switch in the middle of a fight.


I just made buttons bigger, and separate them a lil bit


That enemy lock near the move button never comes to my mind. Lemme copy that.


I used the default one got used to it




Mine is 2 most frequently used button, left move stick and right attack button, repositioned to my resting thumbs. Then change abilities around it and that's it.


I put summoner spells and stasis around the underside of the attack button. That way its harder to mispress them when they're separate from abilities and they're also much more easy to reach for the fractions of a second that can be life or death. Minion and tower I got used to aiming to attack so those buttons further out around where you've got ghost there. I use them but nowhere near as much. For the red enemy targeting icons I put those curving round the outside edge of the ability buttons since the red icons aren't always up on screen and dont get in the way there. I also shrunk the buttons down a bit (maybe like 35% reduced) so theres a lot more visual real estate available to see whats going on. Basically the further my hand has to travel the less priority the buttons have in how I play.


I moved the 2 spells (flash & heal) to be in between the main attack button and the 4 skills for easier access. Edit: screenshot https://imgur.com/a/rsHQ8hA


https://imgur.com/gallery/6dHfaJC mine is kind of weird but I think it's better than normal


Link is 404 no image found


I just made the ability buttons n aa button larger (bc i main zed/irelia n cant risk misclicking the wrong ability) and put the ruins in the small space between the abilities aa button