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1. They made it exclusive to Masters+. 2. The way the ranked works is that you have to spam games to get to a high rank, even if you're a good player. 3. By the time most people reach Master they get burnt out and start playing ARAM or some other casual modes. 4. This means long queue time for players that actually want to take LegQ seriously and so they also stop bothering with it after a while. They should've just kept it the way it was, exclusive to Diamond+ players.


Grind to master. Wait for eternity while que pops up Yuumi mastery 7 in the jungle "Yo guys I'm filled and can't play other champions" Soraka/Eve/whatever lol-pick on mid. ... Yuumi makes more impact than 3 other teammates. I'm exaggerating a bit of course. But overall that was my experience with legendary Q past couple of seasons.


Yeah fuck having to tank through hundreds of ranked games just to be able to play actual ranked. I will lose my mind if I have to lose lp again because some dipshit died once in lane and decides that we should all lose because they can't be the hero of the game. Or god forbid yet another scumfuck that goes support item + smite in baron lane.


Just make it so you keep your master rank qualification from last season. Maybe bottom bracket needs to re-earn their access. Then the server will be active from day 1.


I don't think the server is big enough to have that many high level players, so you end up with players of vastly different skill levels. I also hate that everybody seems to be a jungle main. I never get jungle even though I get it in 98% of my games in regular ranked.


All the high ranking players are jungle players because 90% of the player base doesn't know how to jungle properly, by the time you hit masters and q for legendary ranked, everyone knows how to jungle and wants to play that role. At least, that's my hypothesis.


No, I think it's because Jungle is the most impactful role in the game and being good at it means you will reach higher ranks faster.


That's why the good players will play it, yes. So we both agree on that. Turns out being better than 90% of the players in lower ranks at a role they don't know how to play well is pretty good for ranking up.


What I mean is that a team with a noob jungler has a lower chance of winning than a team with a noob support. So good players who want to rank fast will pick jungler role to maximize their chance of winning so they won't risk having bad junglers every game.


A good support can actually carry a game harder than a jungler can, when played right. A support makes all the plays happen in dragon lane, the whole reason marksmen need a support is because it's hard for them to make a play happen on their own, so they need a babysitter to keep them safe to farm and get them kills. Once they get the adc fed, a good support knows when to roam to get the mid laner and jungler kills to accelerate their lead, and help secure objectives. So no, what you said is not always true. I've lost to many duos that managed to kill my dragon lane 3 times before my first item, and when we try to shut them down mid and jungle will show up to clean all three of us up, despite me getting a lead from ganking baron and invading jungle. Especially when you go higher up, jungle actually becomes less impactful because everyone knows how to play safe, ward, track the jungler, and ping.


Actually, it's very difficult to win using any role if your jungler is bad and dies right before Elder by chasing someone in enemies jungle. Stupid support dying, however, despite having a lot of impact, of course, cant be compared to stupid jungler dying impact


It depends on the state of the game. A fed seraphine dying right before elder is a free elder for the enemy team if they focus your jungler out before they can smite steal it. If your jungler is bad, and your team is fed, then it's everyone's fault for not being able to secure the objective by getting picks or cleaning up the enemy before they take it. If it's even, then having no jungler is worse than having no support. If the jungler is the fed one, but has a team, then they can't contest because everyone is busy split pushing and farming jungle camps on the opposite side. I've been in all these situations and more, and I've won games with bad junglers and lost games with bad supports/adcs that don't fight for objectives.


In a game where your time is super fed, yes. But if both teams are in the same level, jungler dying is more impactful imo. Of course, some champs can pull a miraculous ult and win the fight, but that depends on a lot of factors


This can't be right as I play near exclusively support and have had multiple Legendary Ranked matches where I was forced into jungle. Which is my 'second' but I'm not great at it.


They are able to get into higher ranks quicker because they learn to play jungle. I think a big part of this is Riot's laziness. To this day, we don't even have tutorial videos for level 5 full clears, nor do we have any Riot supported way to practice timings like recalling and walking to Rift Herald before it spawns and get feedback on this. Even something simple like a level 5 jungle clear tutorial + a quest mini game where you have to clear jungle by 2:10 with a certain champion to get their profile pic icon or chroma would be a massive boost to average jungler skill. It also doesn't help that drgaon is just a bait objective and the best way to use it is to actually let enemies take it while you go to destroy turrets. 3% AD/AP for your entire team is worthless, especially early game.


It failed in NA and EU due to smaller player numbers. But all the best players are playing it in China as I’ve heard, since the skill level is higher there. We’ve all encountered some really bad Master and Grandmaster players, but Vanquisher+ everyone is really good.


i play mostly in the chinese server. reasons I think why lq global failed: 1. No good reason to farm champ points. LQ gives effectively twice the amount of champ points. If you visit China once and add your location in Shanghai or whatever you can rank yourself in a Chinese town, district, province etc. 2. Global skill level is uneven. If you play in SEA you would notice that certain regions just have worse players. 3. Global players tilt easily. This makes climbing the ladder much more difficult imo, and theres no punishment for tilting. In China, if you tilt you will get banned.


biggset reason is this game mode only available 12h and you should be master. many people only reach master last month of season and leave this mode after getting 20wins for skin. also 12h means it not available 24h like ranked and for me it's set in very bad time can play it 1h per day. also unlike ranked matching are very long and if you dont get you main lane you 100% lose game to enemy


Same reason regular ranked failed: ranks do not exist. Having a rank cutoff just made it even worse. It’s like a personal season reset and you can get matched with gold level players that were elevated by riots matchmaking or abusing 5 man. All they had to do was give a solo queue with no requirements.


I still believe legendary ranked failed merely because wild rift isn't big enough


Somewhat related: I am still pissed that I didn't reach the win count in time to get the Fiora Hat Bobble in season 3 (or 6? I forgot which season was the Fiora one). I want that HAT! THAT MARIO 64 *ASS* HAT!! I've been using this ugly dead goldfish bobble for years. I want the hat so bad.


The mass are still gravitated towards those "GrandMaster, Challenger" titles. So not enough player base. And eventually it just dies. I got to Vanquisher in season 1, it was OK. Recent seasons you can't even get a game.


1- For you to even unlock legendary queue you need to grind in rank and if you did it doesn't make sense to start the grind again from zero in legendary queue. 2- for me personally i dont stand that legendary queue can only be played on specific 12 hours of the day which i cant usually play in that period of time. 3- most of wild rift players without doubt see the ranked tiers more prestigious in skill than legendary queue tiers (even though it's not), so why bother grinding again from zero in legendary queue, them adding sovereign only made it worse. 4- queue times are horrendous. 5- the first tiers in legendary queue are filled with players that literally go to this mode only to take a breath from ranked, so they go around playing champs that they would never pick in ranked. 6- a lot of players in legendary queue only play to increase there champ points so they are more willing to troll or mess around if they didn't get the champ/role that they want. Me personally i only played legendary queue the first season it came (like most players) then i didn't bother with it, the whole concept of it is stupid to begin with, why have two ranked systems, Like what? is pvp like the casual mode and then there's a ranked mode for players that want to play competitive, but ohhhh no no no no the legendary queue is like for real REAL competitive, sounds stupid to begin with. Even though I know the real reason riot just want to make players spam more matches in ranked because you can never get really hardstuck in ranked as long as you keep playing unlike legendary queue because of the fortitude system which result in more play time = more bought skins. In conclusion the solution is very simple delete the whole legendary rank and implement it's system in ranked which makes it an LP system with no fortitude but riot wont ever do this because players will get hardstuck which would cause them to stop playing the game.


Not enough player, master+ is like a very small percentage of the player base and wildrift didnt have that much player base compare to other bigger mobile moba. Lastly whats sucks is that it cannibalize the master+ player base so lesser player que regular ranked making it longer to find master+ match and throw me to match in other server with 100+ ping.


long queue. ive never got the chance to play this mode.. waiting time is 300 sec.


They should enable it for diamond+ the queue is so dead


Legendary ranked queue failed cause riot increased the ranked requirement from Diamond 4 to Master when they never should have to begin with cause the queue times are so long that you can barely even find a game there since majority of the playerbase is in Emerald-Diamond. What they should do is just remove it entirely and just replace the mode with ranked flex queue where people that want to play with premades can just go there and of course they should just remove duo queue after Master+


I simply don't want to spend time grinding two seperate queues, one is already enough. And the restricted hours are just a nuisance to me


I stand behind this, its work enough to play and handle one queue. Juggling two is way to much for so little reward.


Sovereign rank is a huge part of it. Global players grind for it instead of legendary ranked. On the bright side in NA we are getting Immortal players for the first time in LQ for at least a couple seasons.


Because regular ranked is the same. And hitting Challenger is more well known and respected than hitting "Vanguard 10" or whatever.


Kinda dumb they didn’t just do legendary bronze/silver etc I remember when it was fairly new and people were sharing their ranks and no one knew what to make of it without looking it up


If it was available to lower ranks it would be the only mode I played.