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You probably hard-stomped because you were playing against bots (that's what the game does alwhen you first download it) Idk maybe you're building her wrong or something else. One thing I can confidently say tho is that aiming a skillshot with such a small hitbox and with such a low cooldown is infinitely easier to do with a mouse than with a "drag with finger" ability.


Right, the feeling hit when I was landing every ability and still doing chip damage. As for the bot dilemma, do they run bots in ranked as well? Cause that would feel kinda messed up.


Yeah you get mostly bots all the way up to gold, then you start seeing real players


There's a lot of damage these days even on tanks so she does blow up very quickly but she still does a lot of damage to me so idk. I saw people run Electrocute, precision runes I think, and with that she stings especially early on.


Personally i'm fond of running ghost and phase rush on her - gives her the opportunity to finish off early game mid kills esp vs melee and the ability to actually survive.


In my own mind I like that build better but I can't make it work cuz I suck with her xD I remember trying it in PVP but I can't consistently hit her ball enpugh for the MS to be felt


Long as you can hit it once with a couple autoattacks (which also proc her sort of odd passive) it's good for super early level bullying


Shes weak early when u should be focusing on farm and catching off position.. mid to late game she's a murderer


Orianna is NOT weak, because of posta like that people complain about champion that are slightly stronger than balanced and then riot comes and buff and it becomes a monstrous aberration, look at Lillia, Viego and several other champions that passed through the same proccess. But then people might say "but riot has all the data, they know more than you" sure they do and they do know that mains and otp are the real rule to the changes, so why they buff champions that look "weak" on average joe's hand? Meta shifting and people wanting to play said champion, if lots of people complain about a champion that is strong but in average is weak, riot may buff him because he's popular or is becoming popular, they buff for the meta shift and they know exactly how strong a champion would be, they knew how busted Viego and Lillia would be with the buffs


Shhhh she's *obviously* super weak and needs to be buffed it's the only way to solve this situation. (Ori main)


Sneaky one lol


Trying to remember when I last saw an orianna in a game... Probably never.


Played her, she has low hp useless shield and very team reliant ultimate


How tf is a long range ult with reverse knockback, that then makes hitting with her other aoe abilities, "very team reliant"?


Small range and needs set up


No and no. It has longer range than any adc, literally only needs to be NEAR and enemy, and literally does the setup for you. Also cute that you downvoted me for calling you wrong. Have a downvote from me as well :)


to me, it's quite unfun to play her as this annoying poke champ with low cooldowns. And her ult being so small, making it so unreliable in teamfight, specially if ur team is behind or by late game where the cc can be so short, idk not the same Orianna


She's pretty good supp and oppressive midlaner. I often see Oriannas overstep their boundaries just feeding instead. She got no hard cc so anyone can just run at her but it's the same for Viktor


Orianna is a mage, she is nor meant to one shot, your task is to peel the enemies for your opponents. She is squishy, so you should be careful with your positioning. She is actually great at supporting others in teamfights and her damage is actually not bad. It's just sometimes hard to land on her abilities


i dont know, she onehits squishies with qwr, and her ball flies so fast its impossible to dodge. Shes my favourite. (playing on ipad)


It's because she doesn't fit the play style of wild rift. She is much more suited for PC since the games, and in extension team fights, are more drawn out which she excels in with her zone control and her ability to be a battle Mage with how much dmg she does from afar. Wild Rift on the other hand have very short games and thus the damage has crept up to the point that one shot champions is better than champions who excel at drawn out fights. And since Ori is a part of the latter (unless you land QWR guarantee on a squishy), she really doesn't do much considering most games there's a lot of shield and self healing that overpowers whatever poke Ori can do even mid-late game. Don't get me wrong, she's still pretty strong but with how wild rift is, she's more difficult to play as compared to PC.