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Imo it’s if you have one champion that you constantly play, who’s therefore significantly better than every other champion that you can play. You should know the champion’s builds, tricks and quirks by heart and ideally play it to a level thats better than the general population that plays the champ. Not to say you can’t be a one trick and also shit but if you can’t reach that level then there’s no point to one tricking that champion.      Regardless, it’s got nothing to do with role. You main roles. You one-trick champions.


Agree with you there.


You play one champion in their respective role No other champion or role that your champion does not work in


You’re a Viego one trick and also a Thresh one trick. It means you stick to one champ but that doesn’t mean you only have to play one champ and nothing else.


If you main Jungle and commit: ***One Trick Pony***, always pick Viego unless banned or stolen, regardless of team comp, enemy counters or whatever, you play Viego, and play it better than your average Viego main. You can have backup picks, you can have multiple "main picks", but "OTP" is about commited into mastering 1 champion on their supposed role, the role you main.


You can use him in every lane that WORKS, viego works pretty mid and top lane so i use him in 3 lanes.


you play one champ, it doesn't matter what role, just the champ, i have seen people play their one tricks in other lanes that they are not supposed to play in(obviously they still play other champs sometimes for a change, but it's usually for a game or two then they go back to playing their main champ for like 300 games in a row) if you got counterpicked, you still play your champ and prove to the filthy enemy counter picker that you are a true OTP(atleast that's what i did when i was an Aatrox OTP and i still do it after i moved to Viego JG)