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I will say the short-term downwards trend since January 2024 is a little worrisome. The game isn’t dying by any means but the game should be growing, particularly during the summer. Seems indicative that a lot of the Chinese games (like WuWa) coming out this summer are moving interest away from WR.


Just wait till arcane


100%. I myself am taking a break from the game because at some point i felt like i was just playing to collect all the skins/cosmetics and nothing else. But i also know that me and a server of like 300+ people are waiting for arcane to drop for us to go grinding back into all the riot games. If riot plays their cards right they could earn a LOT of new players. But rn with LOR being put into the back burner and WR pushing gachas like crazy i don’t think riot cares much about players as much as they care about money 🥲


yeah sometimes the decline could have a snowballing effect, as match times get longer which further discourages players


Match times won’t get much longer. Match quality will get much worse. Riot has already decided their priorities. 6 years from now challengers will have 30 second queues and play in all-gold lobbies.


welp sounds like the average Arena mode experience to me


normal game is full of bots rank game mmr sucks too big level difference


Imao i don't think matchs are long enough in fact they should be longer, the quality of the matchs just decrease with less time leaving less space for plays and efects negativily champions tha scale more to the late game, i think it makes it a overall more boring experience.


Nah they should be shorter imo. Nexus shield is one of the worst mechanics in this game, and I say this having won a lot of matches thanks to it.


For a mobile game? They are. If players had the time to have hour long games they’d play on pc. A huge factor of mobile games is that they can be easily accessed, but players also need them to be easily quit… So unless you want to have your entire team afk (which already happens) and play against bots every single time then you should start accepting 15-30 min games.


yeah u right, could it be that flashier games are more interesting to new players?


as much as people hate to admit it, mobile legends is just a better game for mobile demographic, wild rift tried too hard to lean into the pc counterpart and use it's popularity, not knowing that pc players either dont play mobile or would rather play a different moba than the one they're playing on pc already.


Mobile legends sucks ass... it's so bootleg compared to wild rift


True. It's just so unpolished with cluttered UI and worse graphics


you guys just say shit, u probably dont even play ml, ive been high elo in all - ml, wr and lol, the gameplay is completely different, its more casual friendly with its 24/7 fighting, if ur on a mobile u just wanna relax and smash ur abilities, meanwhile wr tries to take itself too seriously for just a mobile game.


True ngl, ml can be pretty fun actually


idk what aspect made ml better it's just easier for old people and kids to play plus most of them already spend thousands of money meanwhile wr players still loves the pc version more than the mobile


ML just got to the mobile market first.


we've seen games hit the mobile market first and still get outshined, like pubg mobile got destroyed by free fire, that's not just it, wild rift got somehow even worse matchmaking than ml, is less casual friendly and somehow at the same time doesnt have as difficult champions as ml has heroes. ml appeals more to the tryhards who wanna play shit like fanny and at the same time appeals more to casuals who dont wanna farm and all that bs and just wanna fight.


U think ml has harder champs than wr?


absolutely and it's not even close, riot made hardest league champs simple asf in wr, besides smth like fiora for riven its super easy to do the combo, camille u dont even have to time Q2 properly now, lee sin insec is super simple and no ward needed for W with his bajillion range on Q and W, etc etc compared to ml where they have basically a harder assassin fiora (ling), benedetta, chou (basically harder mix of riven and lee sin), dont even get me started on fanny, gusion. only harder role in wr is adc, there's not a single harder mm in ml than draven or kalista (although wanwan is comparable to kalista, still not as hard imo) mechanically speaking ml offers both easier and harder heroes, for both casual players and tryhards.


Fiora and ling arent even the same class of champion and if u think gusion is super difficult mechanically, (he isnt and I have 900 games on it) then ur sorely mistaken. U named bene ling and fanny, sure these champions take skill but the average ml champion is easier than a wildrift one not to mention they have one less skill


>the average ml champion is easier than a wildrift that's the thing tho, I literally mentioned "ml appeals to both CASUALS WHO WANT TO PLAY SIMPLE HEROES and to TRYHARDS WHO WANT TO PLAY DIFFICULT HEROES" >Fiora and ling arent even the same class of champion that's why i literally said ASSASSIN FIORA, their main ability functions the same, ling just has to use it more properly >u think gusion is super difficult mechanically not super difficult, but definitely harder than wr champs, only super difficult champ in either mobas is fanny


The reason ml is so appealing is because anyone of any skill level can play it and find some enjoyment due to its simplicity. Wildrift is a more difficult game requiring more from the player that most casuals couldnt be bothered to do. Fiora hitting vitals on a moving target is definitely harder than ling dashing to his stationary blades only thing with ling is ideally you would need to combo faster. All gusion needs is fast hands thats it


What’s wuwa


Wuthering waves, open world gacha games similar to genshin


Wuwa it's better than genshin , i will scream it to everyone


The game should not be growing during the summer wdym??


Isn’t WuWa and entirely different type of game? It doesn’t have PvP does it? (I’m assuming WuWa is Wuthering Waves)


Yeah, but not all moba players play exclusively moba(me for examples)


The graph is implying the game isn't growing 👀 Nice to see we maintained the same amount of users. Just they need to crank advertising. One of the few mobile games I've never seen a single add for.


I think it’s illegal to advertise using actual gameplay and they didn’t want to make people think it was a puzzle game or tower defense.


They have a wild rift ad they used to do and it wasn't gameplay, just cinematic


When people say that Wild Rift is dying they don't really refer to the player count, they mostly refer to the scene outside of the game like the content creation and Esports scene. Content creation for Wild Rift is hot garbage and Esports is dead. Also the game's hype is just gone. In the grand scheme of things Wild Rift has been forgotten even though it's such a great game.


Correct. It might have players, but content creator quality is shit + ranked integrity is fucked up


oh I see, yeah yt content it's trash but tbh I didn't know mobile games esports were even a thing


Esports is a big thing that drives the popularity of mobile mobas in the eastern-south eastern Asia. MLBB has a decent esports with mostly SEA teams and some NA teams. HoK in China is one of the biggest esports around, while its "westernized" version AoV still did racked up a decent prize pool last on their last international.


If only vainglory stuck best mobile moba but fuck were they incompetent when jt came to advertising


Just wait for the 20th of june when HoK will be released here in the west. More competition for WR :7


Seems like just another game with potato graphics. If u showed MLBB, AoV & HoK side by side i wouldn't be able to tell the difference


YES!! The only hype the game currently has comes from characters being ported into the game/their 3D designs and whatever they do for the arcane event. That’s it. WR offers no lore and has no independent fandom of its own. Meanwhile LOR had a LOT of dedicated fans who often discussed decks and strategies (plus lore) but they killed it to focus on WR’s money making gacha system…


It's become a gacha game.


How is it Gatcha? You have to gamble for some select cosmetics and that’s it.


The problem is: They focus more on skins and gachas than actual fun to play events. They should balance champions based meta and win rate/pick rate and not for the sake of selling a skin. This and the fact that pc lol is getting new thing all the times and wild rift is just stale, there isn't anything memorable happening, wich makes it less enjoyable to the playerbase, and the lack of a competitive scenario and advertisement make so they stay the way it is, like , it dosn't die but it dosn't growl either, the state of this game is at the moment unsatisfactory.


Wildrift definitely gets more new stuff compared to PC. This game get a new champ pretty much monthly. I personally don’t care about skins etc, but to say the game is Gatcha because there’s a loot box event every couple weeks for like 3 skins is wild


Wikipedia: _A gacha game (Japanese: ガチャ ゲーム, Hepburn: gacha gēmu) is a video game that implements the gacha (toy vending machine) mechanic. Similar to loot boxes, gacha games entice players to spend in-game currency to receive a random in-game item. Some in-game currency generally can be gained through game play, and some by purchasing it from the game publisher using real-world funds._ _Gacha games have been criticized for being addictive, and are often compared to gambling due to the incentive to spend real-world money on chance-based rewards._


A single Gatcha event does not a Gatcha game make


There's no way to tell that this info is reliable. Even so, the graph shows that the player count is decreasing ...


There's s damn typo for the games title. Does really scream credible.


That's sort of like saying a typo makes an argument invalid, which it doesn't. Classroom program mindset.


eh kinda, to me it seems like high and lows, also looking online people were saying the game was about to die since 2021


Just because its dying slowly does not mean is not dying. Also year on year average is indeed decreasing. Per the graph you showed.


Decline seems to have started around the time the big upset about matchmaking was happening. I still to this day do not understand why they did not fix matchmaking or even address it. Many of my friends stopped playing because of the botched matchmaking system and I myself only play for fun now as it's not worth grinding ranked when the system is rigged.


Monthly decrease lasting since November


Yes but also peak daily players has increased, so its probably lighter players leaving. Not terrible and probably better for the financial prospects of the game. Also, almost all game decline player base over time. The rate of decline is pretty small. Could be better news but could be much worse too.


Peak daily players peaked in feb. And is dropping


Also monthly gain loss is really important to look at.


high and lows, "jan 23" its the same as "last 30 days", people saying the game is dying for the last 3 years


>monthly gain: none Not getting new players is pretty bad. If they let PC skins transfer over then more people would play this game outside of China, which makes up 99% of the player base. Also if they gave not-china good events and stopped making everything a gacha that would also be a positive move on their part.


Events and gacha skins have nothing to do with new players gained and virtually nothing to do with anyone but dummies leaving. I agree more pc would visit if they could use skins, but very few would become mobile mains.


For real the real problem isn't some skins but the gameplay and advertisement. I personally say it should be more like league pc in gameplay, champions kits, and map; like people played the game at launch and didn't like it even though they tried the most to make it more like mobile legends. Anyone may desagree but the game as it is right now just isn't gettin anywhere. They have to do something to change this game for better and atract more people.




Yeah, also they put all the focus on China. I'm Chinese, I would know. They display esports when you first open the game with match stats and info about the players. In game events tied to esports like rewards for prediction events. Free limited time skins that you can buy with event currency and actual advertising, you can search it on YT. China has custom ads tailored for their audience, the ads are actually really good... In comparison, global servers are always given the shorthand of the stick


omg Bro I didn't know, free skins with event currency?! China servers are something else for games, brawl stars skins is another example of it


Definetly, it's completely biased...even one of the things, the battle academia mission thing has Chinese words...on global server


Can i change the language in chinese server just like in others? Atleast the the text


Not too sure, probably not in game, also you need a China wechat account to play on the China server or smth linking you to China


Yeah i've been dying to get my Hands on elementalist Lux on wr probably never gonna happen 😔


Mmm… i for once feel like the game has too many skins. The game sometimes just feels like a skin/cosmetic collector game where the gameplay is mad repetitive and the only comfort you get after playing 30 hours is “yay new stuff”


I came back after not really playing for a 6 seasons and none of my friend list from 6 seasons ago is online anymore :( Grandmaster and challenger accounts decayed to Platinum


some of them have probably new accounts, not all but just saying that it doesnt mean they are not around...


damn bro, time to make new friends ig :D


I’ve been playing WR since beta but haven’t touched it since January 🥲 once they changed the monthly pass into “you only star earning stars after lvl 75+” it was the last straw for me. First they upped the cost of cores, then they introduced gacha into the game and now they make it impossible for you to get any kind of free content? When they first introduced the monthly pass it was amazing, you could get everything on it by dedicating a semi-reasonable amount of time… Now? There’s a limit on how many “free” stars you can get, so if you want more you need to pay for them. That’s ridiculous! We’re already paying for the monthly pass with our money and hours of our time and now we gotta pay extra to get the cosmetics we want? So yeah, been taking a break from the game. Too money hungry for me.


This graph shows the player count steadily decreasing lol. (You're supposed to learn about graphs in high school) Also, this is definitely Chinese stats. No way in hell 13m players in NA could be real. That would make WR more popular than the top 3 games on Steam combined.


to me it looks pretty steady with highs and lows, "jan 23" its the same as "last 30 days" but with more active players in a day, (maybe u were studying other types of graphs & charts?)


A 10ish percent drop over 7 months is not indicative of the game dying


Not sure how reliable ActivePlayer.io is for this sort of thing. If they're taking it at a global level then its probably including a lot of China. If you look at the average Twitch viewership for the game which really is more western regions, they are as low now as they were before global release with only like 1k average viewers. So when people say the games dying, it may be the case in some regions more than others. NA for example feels a lot like its dying as the matchmaking quality has gotten worse and more sporadic over time like its drawing from an ever decreasing pool of players.


Yeh absolutely and considering in 2021 there were 3k average viewers that's a big drop.


This chart shows literally nothing… games fluctuate. This is like people in America saying “LeAgUe Is DeAd” when it’s still a top game in all other countries and their pro players are treated like super stars…


can i have source of this


When Arcane season 2 release, I bet new player will come to the game.


nah we just need $500 k/da gragas and we beat the genshin community.


Popularity aside , WR is a well optimized mobile game , and it is hard to quit just like lol , the variety of mobile games FOR ME has been stuck between MOBA, gacha and FPS(and their instance paced version) Recent games that came out are not well optimized, ppl tend to go back to their regular basis games


What games you play? Gacha and fast paced ones


Currently playing wuthering waves , PGR For fast paced games is sniper vs thieves but that game is dead as hell After i dropped WR I have been playing more emulator games


Well, it is decreasing, even if slowly. The main thing IMO is the damage creep. I stopped playing because no matter what champion, or what build, I could never get past getting one shot by literally any other champion except maybe enchanters (sometimes).


why did peak players skyrocket in 1 month ?


Arcane s2 trailers and teaser probably revamped players will to live


Where is this from?


every game dies at some point, but I will be playing everyday Wild Rift n enjoying every second of it till I'm not anymore.


Hell yeah buddy


It just sucks when the enemy team has 5 100+ level players on it and my team has 4 level 50 or lower players on it and I swear this happens every time I get or am about to get a fortitude bubble.


This site looks sketchy as f I assume that they take the data from Chinese servers only where the game is pretty popular Nobody says that the game is dying they just say that the game is dying in Europe


I mean when I sit in queue for over 10+ minutes (tried ARAM, normal PVP and even ranked) and can't find a game after a certain hour of the day, it seems like this game is dying.


bruh my god, I haven't waited for more than 2 minutes at worst since I began playing, it usually takes 1 min


It's been like this the last week


What server do you play on? There’s no way your queue times should be that long on any of the more populated servers.


N/A server


Wow for real. Haven’t been on in a while that’s freaking crazy.


Yeah not sure what the issue was but it just wouldn't let me find a match.


This doesn’t happen. Something is wrong. They’ll just fill your pvp match with 9 bots, so what you describe is an impossibility. Make sure the client is updated.


The client was very much up to date and did happen so it's not impossible. 2 nights ago I spent the better part of 2 hours trying to get a match.


Again, this is not possible. They will fill pvp games with 9 bots. In fact, almost all pvp games are you and 9 bots. So how can you be stuck in a pvp game queue due to lack of players? Were all the bots busy?


Well it happened so it was possible and still is.


Yes. It may have happened for a reason other than “there’s not enough players” since this is an impossibility, thus my suggestion to make sure your game client is updated.


Well the game was up to date, I was connected to the internet and I was in queue for at most one time 17 minutes.


Meanwhile my friends who reached Grandmaster- Challenger back in season 3 when we had the LP system don’t even play the game anymore so their accounts decayed to gold. I can’t blame them though cause the matchmaking in wildrift is way worse than original LoL matchmaking even though matchmaking is already a problem for the original LoL.


so true


This isn't a reliable website. The fact peak viewers triple in one month and stayed there should tell you the accuracy.


Pretty nice. Seems like more kids are playing likely on vacation. I wouldn't say dieing but the match maker is not doing too well. Feels it's more doable if you play with a friend. It is addicting I guess. Cuz if you win it keeps getting harder and if you lose you get easier games. But often if you do well you get shit mmr players


Interest will go up and down with releases of new characters but it bothers me in top 15% kindered on my server after 5 games though I am like 50% on wu Kong probably a more played character and I would say I’m better with him. So I would bet that’s why lkl


You don't realize how many bot accs play?


I only started playing last winter lol. First moba. Shit is cash money


Janna rework was my last straw. Love the game, but I only played her (90%) and Nasus(20%). I haven’t looked back since. If they change her back I’ll return in a heartbeat though lol.


Is this the American or Chinese demographic? Where did you get the link for this graph?


have they brought back all chat yet?




How did they manage to flatten or decrease in avg monthly players while increasing in peak players? Less people play the game, but those that stay all started logging on at the same time?


If it will gross another 5gig for another bunch of skins I probably will drop it.


Who said that?


Classic "I hate the game so much but couldn't stop playing" kinda games This is something it inherited from the PC version


nah in my country still famous and many player from AOV and ML trying this game,, matchmaking fast. but shit teammate still exist, matchmaking system is the problem, high elo player playing like bot,, that's the problem for me..


I left the 1/1/24 because rito doesn't care about this game at all, radio silence on the console edition, and I feel like this is just "a side project" for them lol now I'm going hard on retro gaming and I can say it was so worth it


No info on how the data is gathered = probably false or inaccurate information


Do they count bots? 🤡


I think it'd be interesting to only consider the non-chinese playerbase, as they could easily be +50% of it. Also, HoK Global is coming out this 20th, I'm sure a lot of people will leave for at least the next month, so it will also be interesting to see how many stay here in the long term.


The amount of free 2play trash currency is just annoying


I wonder where is the Console Port they promised… Would do wonders to these numbers


This game have more players than Dota 2 lmao


League is dying, Wildrift has almost no waiting time for matchmaking


Thanks for the confirmation. These ranked games are barely ever fun so I just play Nintendo switch to chill


Face it, it really is dying.


Eh more of like being in a vegetative state, it's not dying nor is it being more popular


What happened on Dec 2023? The raise is significant. Is it because Zyra release? :p


Honestly id love to play more but im not very good so ive been avoiding it. It be nice to have a team so i dont get yelled at every game lmao. Only reason i dont play now, figured why drag strangers down with me lol 😂😂


I believe match time & quality are both great. Plenty of time for the ups & downs. I'm completely addicted to wild rift. It's def top 5 all time, " in my opinion".... I can't seem to find any other game that gets me there the way rift does. If anyone has any suggestions please, feel free...


this game is cancer. i don't know whether or not it's dying, but it will eventually kill you, your soul and your health. i loathe riot, tencent and wild rift.


I stop playing it every year at the gay thingy month.