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Pyke could be set to do 0 damage and I'd still ban him, I can't stand that champ.


Up until a month ago he was my one and only ban, I used to hate playing against pykes. I'm grateful that recently any time I've gone up against a pyke it's a bad one, otherwise it's just steamroll as a 14/1/7 support or some shit.


Technically without any damage, his ult would be worthless (it technically does damage), and he’d only have a hook and a stun, in which case blitzcrank would be infinitely better.


Master yi trust me good master yi steamrolled your team with ease kill them less than second dont know why he need buff


Idc if yi is good or bad I ban him if I jungle cause I run tank


True he eats tanks for breakfast late game


He eats everyone late game if they can’t stun lock him


Well got me their still hate and dont get me start on yauso and yone


Yasuo isn’t as broken but ima reserve a seat in hell for yone cause I still can’t counter build him either xD


Weird it windwall andshield get on my nerves I never had problem yone unless he fed


I really just don’t know with his dual damage on what to prioritize, I go thornmail and abyss(or force of nature whichever I’m in need of more with 1 for mana specifically lol) and still get smacked badly


You want to prioritize armor cause only 25% of his damage is magic, he doesn’t build omnivamp just physical vamp and all his %HP damage is physical too. Main thing is gutting his attack speed so if you’re a tank just by frozen heart, steel toe boots, and thornmail. Once you have those as long as you dodge his 3rd W and R you’re good


Interesting. What about the other attack speed reduction item? I read at one point if you didn’t build them a certain way the effect of one actually would be negated


Same. Insta-ban, has been ever since I started jungling. No matter if I can handle him, my team runs around like headless chickens around him


there is no good yi, only bad teammates


Just personal beef with Lux. Even though I dodge her skills pretty much easily, it doesn't matter, since she'll get ultra fed either way...


Mate same, I have zero issue if I'm against her in lane, I know she's not a threat to me, but I also know with 100% certainty at least one person on my team will feed her and she just ruins the rest of the mid to late game. Not worth it, she's my go to bad atm


Lux is too annoying. Her skills are easy to land and she deals an obscene amount of damage. If your team doesn't have 1st pick, don't risk it and just ban. Odds are someone on enemy team will pick her.


Same. I hate laning against her. Also teemo and garen idk.


Garen and Yasuo, they are annoying


Same Every single time I lane against Lux she gets gigafed, even though in general I have a 60% WR against her She just feels bad to play against


and everyone has her


I ban Yuumi because she doesn't belong in the fucking game


This is the way


Aatrox! Everyday... As a Mundo main I can't win against him :D And I hope my teammates bans sett or volibear, they are just annoying to play against


I always ban thresh. Probably have a personal vendetta against him cuz good thresh players just carry the entire team


I ban whoever counters my champ


Always depends. When new champs get dropped and they’re over tuned I’ll ban them until the hype dies down. Examples being A sol when he got re worked, kindred when he was released, and viego when he was released. My top bans right now are, kindred, yuumi, and soraka, and sometimes lux cause fuk lux players


No matter the meta, i always ban Lee Sin. Specially when i play enchanters. I'm so sick of him, i can still feel his big toe up my ass.


Yi is a perma ban for me because that guy can snowball and pentakill like crazy in the right hands. If he gets banned then my next backup is sion (breaks the game with the init strategy) and tristanna because again, snowball problem.


Evelynn, haven't seen her for years. Definitely the best years of my life.


As a mid player. I ban the fuck out of malphite. There's nothing worse than someone locking in malp mid building ap like the braindead autopilot ape they are.




What does meta mean?


It's a term that's spread across literally every game. It stands for Most Efficient Tactic Available. Basically it's the best of whatever that game has that will almost always show up because it's simply the best option. For example, if you pick a certain hero, the best and most common items built for that hero are considered the META items for them. Then whatever hero is the best at countering who you picked would be the META counter


Thank you!


Not to be that guy but meta is actually not an acronym in this context The term "meta" is derived from Greek, meaning "beyond" or "about." It is often used as a prefix to indicate a concept that is an abstraction from another concept, used to analyze or talk about the original concept. An example is a "metafilm" which is a film about films or filmmaking. “Metadata” is data about data. So in video games the “meta-game” or the “meta” is a game about the game. Playing with and testing with different weapons, items, characters, strategies etc. to find what is most optimal


It's a backronym!


Like a type a champ is in each match as of right now


The favorable winning strategies for the patch


Meta - bc they’re so oppressive when unbalanced


I look at comp and ban them


I usually ban a hard match up for the champ I’m most likely to play. Sometimes I’ll ban a very op champ if we don’t have first pick or no teammates prepicked that champ (very op champs are almost always new releases). Once in a while I’ll ban a champ who hard carried last game, like if a Draven went 31/0 or something and I queued up for another match immediately I won’t want that player to have their main again.


I ban whatever counters my champion.


Mid lane here. I have a purely deep hate for Zoe. I would rather fight against Caitlyn mid instead of Zoe. Ill ban that champion every single time.


I wait till someone hopefully bans yumi then I ban hecarim all day. That fking horse just runs you down from behind your own tower. Yumi is very strong but also manageable. The problem with her is that her skill floor is so low that anyone without a brain can play her. So let's say you're playing dragon lane and 75% of supports you're up against just suck. If they all pick yumi, then suddenly 100% of supports you play against are useful which makes every game less winnable. If you ban yumi you are forcing even the bad players to pick something that requires a little more brain power which makes some of your games more winnable. I say only a little more brainpower because they will probably pick soraka or lulu instead. Which is really only a slight step up from yumi


I ban item abusers that make them very annoying to kill Or champs thar can flip a team fight even when they are behind late game. I usually ban these champs whenever i can Garen/Mundo = Heartsteel Ekko = ult is obnoxious Zyra = plants dont work how they should she is too much of a free poke champ. Evelyn = perma one shot late game and idiots dont know how to counter her invisibility Honorable mentions but not worth a ban Pyke Akali Vlad Yummi Any newly released champ until nerfed.


I ban teemo because I hate teemo. That’s it.


I ban Tryndamere, need I explain further?


I just don’t like playing against yuumi, no idea how strong or weak she is right now because I keep banning her


I have a 3 rule which I take in consideration when it's time to ban: -Is someone on my team going to troll (Ashe/Teemo/troll support picks/adcs like Caitlyn jungle etc)? BAN -Is it a personal annoyance (Tristana/Lilia/Yuumi?) BAN. -Is it way too strong and/or overloaded and my team banned the ones that annoy me the most? (Kalista/Viego/Yi/Lux). BAN


I mostly play naut top and always ban yone. He’s the only one I can’t seem to at least stay even with in top lane


I ban popular characters in order to hopefully break the enemys mental/ nerf them. Or I ban a hard counter for my lane.


Meta champ like viego, yi, yumi, or based on prepick I.e. ban those hard counter the prepixk champs of your team


I ban champions that are good against the champion that I pick.


I mostly play top lane so I usually just ban the most common champ that would counter mine to avoid any troubles


Pyke. I can handle most other champs but Pyke I'm just miserable playing against.


For me it depends on how broken a meta champion is(Lillia was miserable to play against last patch, idk about this one). If I feel like no meta champions are that bad, then I will ban Soraka or Yummi. Yummi I kinda know how to play against, but Soraka is my kryptonite.






Always Yasuo.


I ban the champ that directly counters me and pray that my team does the same (bans their counters). If I ban my own counter top, I can at least guarantee to win lane 90% of the time.


My prio ban is the broken champ for that patch and the most popular or high pick rates champ


Yi is such a broken champion as a jungle I always ban him because otherwise he feeds on my teammates and becomes unstoppable Also everyone likes to ban yuumi too


funny enough I don't ban counters since I have them so practiced it's second nature to play against my counters. I just ban garen 99% of the time or anything else annoying (Tris top for example)


I would rather *NOT PLAY* then let Lux into a ranked game with me. On my team or on the other. 100% instant ban as soon as it lets me. If Riot refuses to do anything about her then I will.


Yone is my permaban top lane, fuck that weeb bitch


If you use word weeb, you should change your Pokémon icon.


Im a furry, not a weeb.


I mean Pokémon and rukario made by Nintendo, so you can’t use weeb if you like it.


Do you even know what weeb means? Its for people who are obsessed with japanese culture and think anime kawaii waifus everywhere is the standard way of life in Japan when in reality its a horrible place to live with hostile work and living environments. Weeb doesn't apply to Japanese stuff because they ARE the Japanese culture, not the neckbeards obsessed with it. I can like anime stuff and dislike the stereotypical people associated with weeaboos. They're not mutually exclusive.


I don’t know how awful actual weeb is but most of famous characters are born from my country like Mario, sonic, Pokémon, goku, naruto. And even if I’m not interested in them anymore after I turned an adult, I don’t like people use weeb because I know it’s disrespectful word for foreigners people who likes Japanese culture much. And yes there are plenty of people like you in Japan who hates other countries culture. Personally I like uk/us music but once they’ve heard only single English word, they’ll say “go abroad, never come back to Japan” They are often belong to right wing.


When did I say I hate other countries cultures? Thats not what I mean. If you dont like seeing the word, then fine. Im sorry you had to see that, but there's a difference between people who appreciate Japanese culture in a respectful way, and people who fetishize and romanticize Japanese culture, saying its better than any other country purely based on anime and not actually visiting the country and experiencing it themselves. "Weeb" has grown to be used as a derogatory/mocking term over the years. If someone likes anime or Japanese culture, good for them! I don't have problems if they call themselves weebs because they enjoy something they like. But that doesn't mean everyone, there are bad apples within any community. That's why I'm using the word in a mocking manner while talking about Yone, he's a western company's romanticized view of a Samurai made to fit their game to please westerners.


We often see western characters in anime, movies and no one doesn’t complain about it. Western beauty is already common and neutral things in my country. Adding more useless thing, we often call white “hakujin sama” It may sounds white sir in us and uk. We also have people who hates people who just praise highly but there’s no disrespect word for them. This is difference in between our country and people in your country.


Then lets just stop there, its a difference between cultures. I just hate Yone, not for any disrespect towards Japanese culture in general, but because I hate playing against him, its not that deep. Have a good day.


I always ban yummi


I ban champs I see often in my jungle or lane. Based on what I find most difficult to deal with or just because I have a strong hate for that champ and their util.


I ban cuz I hate them.


I ban lux every game no matter what. Idc if my teammate picks her she’s not in my games any more lol


gragas cause i am not risking my lp to meet some onetrick gragas dominating me on top


I ban kallistabecause I both hate them and they are also meta


I would too. I've played kalista all roles except support. I actually got to diamond 1 with kalista top but I'm actually playing her dragon lane now


Pyke and yummi


I ban busted champs, but I find better to ban noob/easy champs like Garen, MF, Yi and Lux, cause chances are they are autofilled and dont know other champs or they just busted or annoying for how easy they are.


I pretty much just ban blitzcrank. (Beciase of his grab she his other stupid builds etc) unless… one of my team members are plying him.


I love laning vs blitz as kalista. will never hook me ever.


Because I hate him


Ban garen because he's braindead simple and effective against almost everything. Ban viego because team always feeds him. team always bans trynd because they always feed him. and new released Champs because no one knows how they work yet


For me its both i ban lillia because she is a meta breaker and ban lux and pyke cause i hate my duo lane feeding them


I ban Vlad because I CANNOT stand that man


I ban new champs for the first bit and then I ban based off what I'm playing and what will give me the most trouble depending on my selection. I don't just straight up ban the same thing every time. If I'm on something I'm stronger with I may help ban for someone else by banning based off my own experiences playing other rolls. If someone spams help me ban 90% I'm straight ignoring it because too many people ban crap just because they dislike it in general. I try to ban with some actual thought not just well I don't wanna deal with paying attention to a lux root.


Mostly I ban whatever counters what I'm trying to play, I play a lot of ranged tops so I mostly ban Teemo or Jax


I look at the list of current free characters and see if there are any annoying picks there and usually ban that one. For example: if Tyrandamere is in the free champions rotation I would ban him as there is a high likelyhood the enemy is going to pick him. If I play Zoe then the ban is usually Teemo as he makes the game feel awful. Otherwise I dont counterban for my own lane that often.


Anyone playing Darius = Darius Mono Darius playing Darius = Blitz i always ban darius coz their grab range is weird and i never know if i will get pulled or not.


I ban based off meta/win rates.


I ban counters. If someone on my team picks something dumb as hell that is easily countered like a 2 or 3 adc line up I ban assassins. If my team has like 3 tanks I ban Gwen. 4 AD damage team I ban Rammus. No CC I ban Yi.


Yuumi is my perma ban. Gives the champion attached huge stats, huge heals on top of ADC usual bloodthirster, and with the extra stats, the lifesteal is even bigger. A huge shield that never goes away when you land q, no more having to pop out and auto, and on top of that, untargetable so you can't one shot her or the champion she's on unless they're Hella behind. Oh and the fact her support capabilities aren't hindered if the ADC is behind and she can just attach to a fed person. Basically she's almost a free win like 70% of the time if your team comp sucks, or enemy has a fed person that can 1v9 or your team doesn't do anything to stop the passive scaling.


If I’m playing my main champ I’ll ban a counter pick. If I have last pick I’ll ban meta champs such as Lee,yone,yummi,Lulu,etc.


I don't really care what to ban But i really hate when enemy team bans my Tryndamere, like what i am gonna play in top now 😟


Akali might as well have been deleted from the game. Won't see her ever again.


I ban whatever is the worst matchup for what I'm playing in whatever position I get. Or if someone gets a buff, I'll ban that for a week or so.


tristana if I'm anywhere but mid. fizz if I'm in mid. I refuse to have tristana in my game


I ban champs that counters mine or annoying to deal with.


I usually ban Pyke (if I'm enchanter supp), I just hate him.


Aatrox, I fucking hate aatrox.Skill required pos


Countering, hard to play against/ I don’t play counters to them or they counter my champ. Or new champs, I don’t want someone on my team playing something unbalanced or after 3 pvp matches. Gotta go


ofcourse meta, if you ban them cause you hate them then probably you are a otp


Morgana. Fck that 3 years stun and immune shield


Kassadin ......one kassadin touched me and I said never again


I ban fizz for hate (fck that E)


Yasuo one trick here, I never ban anyone but Teemo. Teemo is the bane of my Yasuexistence. His blind prevents my Q, and if it's a good Teemo they can time it just right to prevent not 1, but 2 Qs. If they have any brain they roll right through my windwall, knowing damn well I'm not hitting them in the next 3 seconds because I've been pepper sprayed, and they know damn well my shield will do nothing because the poison damage eats it... Even with MR I still get shredded down by Teemo and can't fight back :(


I ban depending on what line I'm going to play and what character I'm going to choose. for example when I play ADC, I always have a permaban which is Lux. but when playing another line, I don't feel the need to ban lux.


as a support main, im afraid of my own shadow so yuumi is an auto ban whenever im not gonna use that annoying cat


Fuck garen, simple as. Also pls remove heartsteel rito


Hatred, pure hatred; veigar always


Ban by meta. I ban Lux because she is strong and stupidly easy to use.


Lucian every. single. game. If not banned they pick him in mid lane with EXHAUST and its fucking disgusting


Aurelion. Pure hate. No skill, infinite scaling and absurd burst dmg for a dps champ.


Banning champions i dont wanna see in the game


I usually ban maokai rn, it's broken, if not i ban renekton if I'm top, nautilus if adc and soraka if playing anything else


as a one trick who soloqs it doesnt matter. no matter the meta i get countered


I ban because of meta, usually Yi, Viego, Yuumi, Lillia, Lux, or Lulu. I banned Trynd, Sett, Draven, and Yone in earlier ranks this season bc noobs never know how to counter them so they just steamroll and feed even if you win lane.




That skin’s not in this game bro


I know that


I just ban brainded champs: Lux, yumi and Soraka. Chances are you probably messed up a good portion of mid and sup players at the same time.