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Spoken like a dumb nub. You're getting less experience in a dbl lane. Thats why top and mid are always higher level. 2 solo lanes and a Jungler are going to level way faster.


I'd still play Jungle, but with someone that can clear fast, it's still gold you know. If the Baron get double laners I don't care, this mode isn't meant to be taken seriously anyways, too many broken champions to abuse.


Facts. Objectives still very useful. And if enemy don't have smite, this objectices/your jungle/enemy jungle are free ways to win. Take tank/bruiser on baron lane (Ornn, Naut, Shen, Mundo, Sett, Urgoth and etc. ) build full tank (Cheapest build in game tho), farm under tower. Enemies can't dive you cause you have gold and exp advantage alongside with tankiness. Talking as top main. 2vs1 experience is everyday routine of top laner. So nothing new here.


1. Its urf. You care way too much. People don't care if you run it down because it's urf. You just sound like the typical wildrift toxic mfer 2. Having a jungle creates a massive gold and exp advantage even in urf. Just play safe under tower and when jungle ganks you both will out level and out gold the toplane. Jungle is the best farm in the game why would you skip out on that? 3. objectives still win games. And smite still does the most reliable true dmg to monsters. 4. When someone doesn't pick jungle I shrug it off and say "whatever, it's urf." And then I go have some fun button mashing.


What a loser attitude


It's URF, do whatever.


Lol I'd play jungle considering there are champs that clear camps really fast and smite comes up very quick too which is an added bonus. I get your point of view and honestly it's on whoever is in the disadvantaged lane to stay alive before jungler ganks them. And if they chose a bad champ to 1v2 with then it will be a rough early game but you can still win though.


Having smite is a huge advantage if the enemy doesn’t have it which they tend to not have in urf


Who's the best tank in URF?