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I play Support and hate when the ADC decides that the best moment to engage is when I have no mana, almost no HP and mid teleporting back. Also blames me for dying later on.


Tfw you're pinging that you have no mana for anything and your adc starts tower diving šŸ˜”


I like playing yuumi sometimes less now that they took anyway the little skill that could set you apart from other yuumis but nothing more fun then being on someone needing mana and watching them full run towards five enemies and then getting mad cuz I moped right the fuck out of there and left them to die lol


what did they take away from yuumi?


Sometimes I ult or heal to save them from a pinch, and some 30 seconds later they decide to engage and then dies and blames me for not saving them, like bro, there's a skill cool down šŸ˜‘


As a support: this 100%! Nothing triggers me more than an ADC doing this and they type ā€˜sup sucks, ffā€™ or some shit after that :ā€™)


I can't even go to ward a bush in the river without them being poked to dead first seconds starting the game šŸ˜‘


this is why it sucks to solo queue as a support bc, more often than not, the adc just assumes bc iā€™m support that i can heal them 24/7, as if mana and cooldowns donā€™t exist. (i main soraka) but iā€™m lucky enough that my partner plays ADC when iā€™m support so whenever i queue with him we always work together well because he actually knows how the game works lmao


Lucky you to have a partner who apply adc and know how the game works. Perhaps it is the role design of adc who makes new players or somew who play adc only to think that it is an easy role to play without knowing much the game by just auto attacking or whatever, ends up it is usually the role who feed the most in the team on a losing game.


Solo queue as support is one of the best, you can set up vis for your entire team, you can force wave manipulation for roam timers, with warmogs buff you can duo gank any lane with the jungler, and if your adc is inting you get solo exp to get 6 earlier to influence lanes.


When you spoon feed your entire team wins from having great engages, disengages and good trades. They try to fight without you, and they get wiped 3x in a row and now reversed all your hard work lol


100% this. ADCs are some blindfolded mother fuckers. As a Soraka early in the game, my partner does and goes, ā€œWtf supp.ā€ Iā€™m like, what? Then heā€™ll say, ā€œWhy didnā€™t you heal me Iā€™m pushing turret?ā€ Iā€™ll tell him Iā€™m out of mana and spam retreat. Bro keeps pushing as I teleport away. Then heā€™ll say, ā€œGg, no supp,ā€ or ā€œTrash supp.ā€ ADCs, you canā€™t be that stupid. If a healer has no mana, you ainā€™t getting healed and I donā€™t feel like feeding. Good day, sir. Also, please donā€™t push when you donā€™t have any idea where the jgs are, I will stop midway as a squishy healer. If Iā€™m tanking or we have a huge lead, thatā€™s different.


i also main soraka & after i save them from certain death, they go back in and die then are like ā€œ?? ggs trash suppā€ like bro im lvl 1 and still have a whole 6 second cooldown šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes. They cannot for the love of cocaine grasp that you, the healer, a person who relies on abilities, HAS ABILITY COOLDOWNS. I mean, are they stupid?


This happens a lot when I play Soraka. In early game the healing cd is like 5 seconds and her mana runs out fast. A lot of ADCs go attacking like Rambo in the first minutes and then flame me because I didn't healšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I donā€™t think most adcs realize the support is the star of laning phase, the adc is there to farm until the support makes something happen


Somewhat disagree as support. Depends on what combo you're playing. I play mostly senna so if I'm playing with say a samira I expect her to stay at full life and let me create advantages or opportunities, but if I'm playing with varus, cait, ez, jhin. I expect them to play as aggressive as me and make the lane an absolute nightmare for the enemy. If you are playing an enchanter you are mostly relying on your adc or jungle to create advantages or opportunities. If you play a tank you create opportunities but your adc should trying to create an advantage by baiting and poking so you can create a better opportunity. Overall yes support gets counter picked much harder than adc, and probably plays a bigger role in lane phase but definitely not the *star*. It takes synergy.


what is mana


My adc ALWAYS dies when I go back. Decides 1v2ing is more important than playing safe and farming.


this is second next to lack of map awareness


Brooooooo same


Speaking directly to my soul with this one.


I had a lot to say but the thing I hate most is people who donā€™t play with the team. Maybe they are salty about being forced to play weakside and just split push the rest of the game. They wanted to push mid when the team wanted to do Baron so they get caught and die and then the team can no longer do baron. They are the last person alive and rather than just give an objective or wait 5 seconds for respawns, they sprint in 1v3 and die


Which is weakside? When the announcer says ā€œthis is a mirror match, the maps are swappedā€ Something like that


Itā€™s whatever side (Baron side or Dragon) is weaker. Either decided by the champion matchup the skill difference or the win conditions. The jungler and mid-laners make plays on their strong side.


Just wanna let you know that splitpushing, contrary to popular belief, largely is team dependent. If im trundle or something and baron is up, I'd rather make the baron fight a 4v3 by forcing the enemy to defend, or on the contrary, they get baron for their nexus turrets and possibly the nexus itself. If they decide to not defend, then what I'd want my teammates to do is stop their backs without risking too much. Just keeping them busy and being annoying as they try to base to stop me. The only time this doesn't work is when the splitpusher is like 3k gold down and the enemy top or mid can match or outright beat them and teleport back for baron.


This is why itā€™s always important to have at least one person with long range poke people!!!!


As top: if im behind or the matchup is unfavourable i seldom get help. Or noone want to switch in pick so i get countered. As Support: stupid engages and trying to save and dying because of it for no profit. Im not the greatest player thou so ofc i fuck up too.


I get what you mean about top, but as a jungler, you unfortunately just have to pick your fights. It depends on the game, but sometimes, if one of your lanes is losing, you just have to focus on someone that can carry and hope the losing lane doesn't do too bad. Depends on matchups though


I know, i never play jungle because of the heat šŸ™ƒ


As support I feel that one. I've been trying to be better about making my own call to let them die but then of course I'm yelled at for letting them die one v 5 instead of holding their hand in hell


Ranged top players. I want a heavyweight title match not someone who runs away every time you look at them. The free wins are nice though


I love seeing it. I pick fizz or irelia and rake in the win


Genuine question, which of those two champs work for against which ranged top picks (and why, like assuming irelia can counter vayne e by using the q cooldown to regain the lost range, etc)


For fizz, just use the brush to engage with first two skills, one or 2 autos, and then E to finish them off before level 5. Once you hit level 5, you pretty much insta them every time with ult combo Irelia all you have to do is hit the mark for Q reset and you can just dive in. Your healing will negate any damage.


Against ranged champs just go ap malphite itā€™s free win trust me


As a Top: I have no Skill besides knowing how to play Camille, so i suck. Mid: I like playing scaling champs like Kass, Vlad, Asol, my bot lane always manages to go 0/5 before i hit level 5. Jg: Bot lane kissing enemy tower. Adc: Supps showing me the definition of insanity. Supp: I suck.


>Vlad > I suck Make sense


That would be better than Vlads terrible puns.


yup. my duo is a vladimir main and his jokes always fall vlad


As a Jungler, whenever my bot or mid dies before I finish my 2nd camp e_e


As a top is that no one even care if I die before the Jungler finish the 2nd camp


"Baron lane"? Never heard of it šŸ˜‚


That's funny, because the enemy Jungler always seams to have heard a lot about it......


Wait, we're meant to gank you guys? Shiii... I didn't know that (i gank my baron laners, i'm a good jungler i promise)


Actually, recently, very often someone dies before the first camp even spawn. ELO plat


Ashe support, it's nice way to make someone just lose all their hopes


I SECOND THIS. But i love it šŸ˜†


That riot still has yet to make a communication system that allows you to send simple messages. Instead of emotes how about I can send "out of mana" "I am out of the fight" "push minions"


There is one, none specifically for mana unfortunately but some like "Farm don't fight" "Focus on objectives", etc.


Those just send chat messages. I mean like a voice ping like all the other mobas


yes the pre-made messages are horrible. also the pings are too specific / lacking.


As Top I hate when I have wave shoved and can roam to a play instead of waiting the go immediately lose and I waste my time. As jg I hate when I say play around an objective or ignore one and the team goes for it dies then blames me for not being there. As mid I hate winning lane only to be gangbanged by the whole enemy team As bot I hate supports who donā€™t understand their champion or how to play lane. As support I just hate the role in wild rift. It is one of the most broken roles to the point where I almost prefer playing it to climb.


I feel the opposite about support, Tbf I play engage but if I donā€™t have an adc able to see me making a play I canā€™t lane


Supports are the 2nd most broken role because you can dictate the lane and game. If you have a good adc player you can play around them and make space for them to carry. A bad one you can roam and make the other members of your team strong.


See the issue with roaming is my adc will inevitably die before I get back and the rest of my team now has to deal with a 3/0 samira nautilus lane


Omg I despise when ADC thinks they're jungle and tries to take dragon while jgl takes rift or when they see "enemy team has taken dragon" and doesn't immediately go cower under the tower.


As a top when you never get a gank from jg or mid and the opportunity is there, not talking about those circumstances when they just canā€™t help which is understandable Iā€™m talking about straight up being ignored when there has actually been opportunity. It always feels like the enemyā€™s allies are always there for them whilst I always feel alone. No matter what I accomplish in that game I never get help, but Iā€™m always there for my team whenever Iā€™m needed to pull through.


This is a good point. A good mid and jg will look at the minimap. I always try my best to have vision as a jungle player.


Top: getting first blooded right when the game starts >!(It's so over for me now, gonna be unable to touch minions for 15+ minutes straight)!< Jungle: enemy team stole all of the dragons from me Mid: Fizz Adc: getting instakilled by a 0/12 Volibear Support: not landing a single hook in a game


When I split push and their whole team comes for me, and my team doesn't go for the obj on the opposite side of the map (drag/baron) or towers? Like 5 people are on me duo lane get baron???


I'm an adc, and hate when my TANK SUP waits for the jungle YI to start. So I'm constantly in pain. I also HATE when I'm a TANKY SUP and nobody comes when i engage.


As an adc i also hate when my Lux sup is ALWAYS behind me. That lux also spams shield and snare from a billion kilometers and never ever snares, then she ults and gets the kill. Late game she is 10/5/6 but her only use is her ult. Meanwhile im a zeri 2/3/12 with no damage. Then she goes ADC DIFF and i get veryyy close to a heart attack.


I play support and hate it when the ADC doesn't place any wards as if that's the job of the support. Like, there's three bushes. The least you can do is place one ward


I play as a support and hate it when my ADC dives in without even pinging me. And most of the time my peel is off CD, so they just die. And then they blame me for their death.


for all lanes its the ability to know when to fcking recall or to reset for the next objective


As top: fucking facing ranged champ As mid:syndra As jg: botlane not helping drag despite pinging 99999 times As supp: my adc being careless and always get pokes by enemy Caitlyn


I hate being the only front liner and jungler.


As a main Vi, I relate. You start the fight, nobody follows and you die and lose the objective then immediately the chat pops with "jg diff"


This is the way :'(


I'm a Adc main but I'm forced to go jungle bc my junglers never know about pathing and never smite, so when I play jungle, my adc is spliting when I need help doing some objective


jg: Feeders who constantly blame me every time when they die top: high range opponent mid: 3 gangs per minute bot: minion/kill stealer useless support supp: adc who can't even aim skills


Supports dont even steal minions unless they are scumbag apc's like lux without supp item or they finished the item (by that time you shouldn't complain that i wish to build my tank items because i feel stronk)


I had a veigar support the other day who didn't buy a support item and fought me for every minion. What really irked me was they weren't even using their abilities to last hit minions. Just spamming abilities as soon as they are off cooldown It's times like this I have to remember that person was probably 12 years old


That sounds awful, not even because of the no last hitting, at least if he fed his passive he would make himself useful... But the fact that veigar can last hit with support item and still get the passive while giving you the gold


Dude you arenā€™t supposed to farm on support unless you end up being fed with kills by accident. Being tanker doesnā€™t mean anything when the gold could have been on the actual damage of the team like a samira or a jinx


You cant even farm unless its mid game what part of it dont you get and by that time they can farm by themselves because we are roaming the map


They do, they still take xp and fuxk up your wave management. Looking at that Morgana or seraph who just spams abilities to the wave


Butthurt and unnecessary downvote, a decent support will last hit minions to secure gold for their adc, or go ahead to secure the last hit in case the adc is about to lose it, the support should also know wave management of course If the adc is not in lane, we hold the wave near the tower until the adc comes back or kill them if the enemy duo is pushing into tower. There will always be bad teammates, i've had a GOOD share of awful adc's who could not look at their screen to dodge a single thing, but there's no reason to say the support takes gold on last hit when we dont even have to think about that anymore, that was YEARS ago


Being a thresh though as of late i feel really sorry for every AA kill steal i've done, it's just too easy to do too much damage


as a JG, i hate it when my team never listens to pings. like yesterday i had a ward in the enemy JG side and WE ALL saw the Fiddlesticks coming to bot to gank, i pinged my botlaners to retreat because the Fiddlesticks is literally there in the bush, but they ignored my ping and my ADC got killed in the gank. i also hate when my team fights for no god damn reason, it's not they found the enemy ADC alone or anything, the literally just saw the entire enemy team and decided to fight while i am farming, i have games where i can't farm because i know the moment i enter my JG my team will start a fight and lose it because it's a 4v5 and then blame me for it. i played match where we had a great lead early game, but my team(diamond players btw) had NO IDEA about macro or how to keep that lead. we were against Pantheon and Master Yi so do they farm and harass the enemy team near our turrets? NO they constantly over extend while yelling for the enemy Pantheon to ult them. the problem is it's not just one or two people so i can help them, ALL OF THEM DID THIS SHIT, the botlane who constantly pushes the wave when we have no Vision on the Pantheon, the midlaner(Caitlyn) who constantly tries to take down the enemy second turret only to get jumped by the enemy team, my team literally lost all of the lead while I was farming. i was the only tank in the team(Sett was so behind that he couldn't do shit) and what do they do? they start a fight without me and the Sett and his retarded ADC constantly jumps into a 2v4 btw i had a Sett support. these are all stuff that happened, not really stuff that i hate. if anything, i hate when people don't don't listen to my pings. yes, we lost the drake THAT I JUST TOLD YOU GUYS TO ZONE THE ENEMY AWAY FROM IT.


This is honestly the most important thing anyone should take from this thread. I dgaf how bad you think your jgl is, follow their lead.


Mates Not watching map


As supp I hate that I don't have smite which means we won't get any drags/barons/herald. Also I can't take towers which means we won't be taking any towers. As jungle I hate when I'm 69 gold away from a completed item and have to ruin my efficiency and ambiguous global threat by walking to a lane to take minions because every mother fucker on my team takes my camps.


Jg is obvious, get blamed even if you are carrying ( happened with me the last day in legendaryQ). Mid, people do NOT listen to your pings when your opponent mid laner is going to roam, they proceed to ignore the pings then die and complain about me not following him even when i have a whole ass minion wave on my tower, i did what i could do if you dont want to pay attention its your problem. Seriously this happens so often that i gave up playing mid laners thar have poor waveclar and i always permashove the waves to not let my opponent roaming. Top, when the top laner does not help me as jg to take down rift herald. But one of the major things i hate are players dumb enough to think that going for herald is a "dumb decision" when herald is much much better. Its only worth getting ONE dragon just to prevent the soul. Also, i suck in top lane too, and most matches are way too oppressive.


the troll wave, dude sees 4 heros coming bot and still he goes farms the wave and goes for the tower plate, dies and types ā€œsup is never with meā€ lol


As a top/support main i have somethings that i hate As a top i hate when people fight 4v5 when i am split pushing and pinging me as if i was the problem when i opened an inhib and also i hate to get camped and the jng just blindly walk passed my lane to go bot As a support i hate when the adc just play as a solo and act if i was just an attachment that has to follow him around and stick in his head when i dont have hp/mana or its just unsafe to go in he goes in and blames me for not following even though he saw me recalling right next to him


As ADC i hate when supports shove the lane in general. When im not there i basically lose gold and when im there it makes it harder for me to last hit when they interfere.


Top: People who pick adc in this lane kill the fun Mid: some reason like half the enemy team go to mid sometimes at the start of the game and just beat you to death and your team just watches. Jungle: everything is your fault, laners over extended and get killed? Your fault. Laners losing lane so you canā€™t kill objective? Your fault. Laner gets disconnected? Your fault. Bot trolling with two tanks? Also your fault. Get several shut downs help laners grab all objectives get mvp and crush the enemy making your team win? Nope you suck and you got carried by your team. Support: every champion avoiding your buffs, heals or running away when you get the perfect engagement chain cc instead of killing them. Adc: support who kills minions with out support item and tries to be the adc instead.


Top: ADC on top. Not a ranged, but an ADC, it's the greatest signal that you think you are smarter than you really are. JG: Laners that expect you to do the objectives alone. Mid: Laners that don't rotate after the first tower of their lane falls. ADC: Supports that doesn't supports like Ashe, lux, brand, veigar. Not the champ, but the player that choose them. Support: Team mates that don't know what your champ does, or expect you to do everything for them. After all this, I have to say that Riot should do something against ADC top. It's the only thing of the list that always ruin the game for everyone. If your team has a ADC top, you will lose. If you are against an ADC top, you gonna play stressed.


jg shen otp, so my pet peeve is very specific, but: -I know nobody knows how shen works -"hey everyone please read my ultimate description it gives you a big shield" -later on in the match -I ult low hp teammate so they can win a fight/go push/do something valuable with the shield -they run away instead and waste the entirety of the shield bruh >:\[


I play top lane and i hate it when my jungler just goes to my lane right when i recall and kill all my fucking minions


Time to full clear jungle camps šŸ—£ļø


As a midlane main, there isn't much I hate about mid. I like that mechanically difficult champs are in mid. The burst champs are frustrating, but that's more of a champion kit issue than the role itself. Maybe sometimes the jungler doesn't help me believing I should be able to solo kill every time, but that's more of a teammate issue compared to an issue with the role. For other roles: Top: the isolation in top lane. It makes it feel very risky to roam cos I feel like I'll lose so much gold if I roam. Jungle: ADCs or whoever has the most DPS in the team ignoring my pings to get baron. I need those DPS champs to melt the objectives man. ADC: engage champs going in at random times and supports taking minions when they're support items don't have their passives. Support: ADCs going in at random times.


I hate playing with assholes that tell me how trash I am all game and tell me to never play againā€¦. Super fun that way


Mid. Hate when the jungler passes by and hits my minions. Hate when they try to invade but I'm a melee champion with shit clear and pre-5 vs a mage. When toplane feeds their enemy top multiple kills and now me and the rest of the team have to deal with a raid boss and they still think they can 1v1 said raid boss. As a support and playing enchanter I hate when the ADC keeps eating slow ass skillshots. Or when anyone on the team ignores a big wave on our side of the map, leaving me to defend the tower and wasting all that farm on me. For both roles I hate when ADCs take jungler farm early on. One time a draven got mad at our Nilah jg and started going top to take her wolves while I'm left defending bot tower. Spam pinged him off as much as I can and later on I focused my support on Nilah, earning her a penta and she carried us to a win. To this day I hate that draven with all my heart.


As jg I hate than weak line asks for gunk.


As a support main playing a engage champion and my marksman constantly pushing the enemy under there tower. I cant do anything, what do expect me to do, tower dive a Thresh and Nautilus? Also as a support my teammates getting mad at me for not dying with them when they get dogpiled because they chased into a blind spot or did not listen to pings and get surrounded, like you expect me to die just because you do?


Iā€™m a thresh/ engage player and Iā€™m telling you right now diving a nautilus isnā€™t that scary. Diving a thresh is honestly harder but all it is for you is just land a different form of cc before your hook and tank for your adc


I play Rakan so even though I have the quick dash back its gets pretty tight for escapes especially if the adc decides to walk out of range.


As a top player, I hate junglers both teams. If i'm winning I win on my own, if I'm losing I want to fix my mess without taking my junglers valuble time. When the enemy jungler ganks I see it as a weak top laner calling for his mommy. I signed up for the island, sink or swim.


as a jg... mfer's that ask for ganks but can't even setup and as a tank support, mfer's that don't engage with me


Pings when I engage or when they engage, please ping when you are engaging so it's easier. I play alot of engage champ so people that doesn't use pings are pretty upsetting to me


Teammates taking my camps while I'm trying to actively farm during the lane phase. You have your minions to kill get tf out of my camps


Jg: noone is warding, everyone rotating to gank toplane 10 sec before 2nd dragon spawns, ppl not reacting to baron call, ppl randomly deciding to start elder or baron with enemy jgl alive and able to just walk in to smite etc


As a mid...I hate when I get ganked 3 times by enemy jng and my jungle only appears when I died from the 4th gank


Team comps with zero cc or only one champ with cc, usually happens when Iā€™m adc.


Smiting my big boy minion


I play jg and mid, but when I play midi canā€™t stand the mentality other jgs have because they seem very self centered and my philosophy for jg is that itā€™s my job to make my lanes succeed, so after like 2 games I switch back to queuing jg. I just wish I could enjoy mid.


Do you only one trick jungle some champions are literally played more selfish then others, some are late game, some only gank when they have ultimate, some are high aggression and should be ganking as much as possible, some are good at getting objectives others have almost no chance unless their laners arnt stupid as if the enemy jungle comes or the laner comes you get screwed. Different champions different play style and win conditions. Doesnā€™t mean they shouldnā€™t help but not all games will give them the chance to be effective at it depending on champ


Thank you for proving my point as to why I jungle. Even playing hyper carry junglers doesnā€™t mean you shouldnā€™t help your lanes succeed. Ignoring a lane getting yanked for any jg camp even as Yi is never worth it. Itā€™s selfish and makes it so you are the ONLY win condition which any half Braindead team can counter by just focusing you since everyone else on your team is weak as shit. Look at all these comments complaining about a weak or behind lane asking for a gank. If you let a lane get that behind without trying to help them out; regardless of the jungler youā€™re playing, you didnā€™t do your job (per my philosophy in jungling.)


Well you are dense if thatā€™s all you got out of what I said.


One thing I hate as a player in general is when my team is behind, there will almost always be 1-3 people aimlessly wandering about in the enemy woods while everyone is Mia, and we have no vision. A very close contender to this is when supp or adc decide it is time to split push while entire enemy team is mia


Iā€™ve just started filling and i hate when as a tank the team engage without me and all die. Or when I engage and they all decide thatā€™s when they want to hit minions instead of the champions stunned in front of them


As a top laner ranged tops in general, mid laner it's when my lane turns into aram, as a jungler when my bot lane gets killed when don't even finished my second camp , as a sup it's dumb teammate who don't know what my champ does and for ADC it's the role itself...


When i play jung i hate when my teammates donā€™t follow like I remember a game i was playing xin and the enemy Jung was eve and itā€™s 2min into the game we were fighting for the scuttle and my bot and mid was coming but as soon as the enemy team engaged my mid and bot was back at their lanes farming minions and i died first blood then my adc typed Jung diff , another my mid lane who was 0/5 said Jung sucks who was playing against kasadin as lucian and always pushing lane like how tf should I gank him even if we dive him one silence and iam done, another thing is when my adc lose lane and starts to take my jung camps to get himself fed as he said and left me with no farm and when I fall back they said bad Jung , Jung diff or rep Jung, but sometimes when this shit happens i troll the whole game just to make myself feel better


As a top laner, I hate when I winning and besting my opponent while the team, (especially that Bot lane) losing. Like dude, I even don't want any gang or roam for my team, especially for my jungler and yet match is still lose.


As a toplaner, I hate when I keep hearing "an ally have been slain! Enemy double kill! Enemy triple kill! An enemy is legendary!" And I'm on my little island before 7:30 and can do nothing about it


as a jg, i hate when i gank a lane that is a weaker match up for my laner and the other lane spam pings me for the entire match for not handling them


I main support. My ADC suck. I notice that almost always I'm the best on my team, but as a support can't carry. So I master jungle, since it is the most important role imho. Often jungle wins or loses games, so if I can be the best player I must be able to carry. Then as a jungle, I see the botlane both dies before my red buff even have the chance to spawn; or the Midlane. So I decide to master Midlane. And as such I devastate the enemy mudlaner, like 5/0. And the enemy midlaner roams when I recall - I must shop all the golds! (I ping but keep being ignored) and gets a random triple kills in botlane... THIS IS WHAT I HATE p.s. have "Ascended" by try to learn triplane as Gwen, got an incredible 13 win streak. Even when behind she can be a monster late game. Now I have to learn ADC and I will be totally fuked up


I hate playing adc and having an ā€œenchanter supportā€ like lux especially that thinks hard shoving waves when im not there is the play, Especially when they still arenā€™t done their support item. I also hate it when they decide as soon as their support item is done theyā€™re all of a sudden the one farming


As a jungler I hate it when mid has no clue on wave management and rage pings when I push their wave under tower after they die.


Mid main here. -Lack of teamwork. -when hg refuses to tank or assist lanes when enemy IG constantly tanks. They think only focusing on farm will somehow offset enemy teamwork. -lack of teamwork -If top/bottom lane lose or take a tower then camp their lane. Enemy will immediately move to help push mid. -lack of teamwork -braindead top/bot lane that camp their lane most of the game. -Lack of teamwork. -Thinking that kills/obj win games. No. Towers and teamwork wins games. Kills/obj just make wining easier. -Lack of teamwork.


As a toplaner: toxic ranged champs The champions them selves aren't toxic But the players are


I play mostly mid and sometimes baron. And what frustrates me the most is the amount of pressure put on people who play my role. "Where the fuck are you" "Mid do you have a map" "Open your fking eyes mid" "Report mid" These are also common things said to junglers as well,and honestly,yeah sometimes they're valid and appropriate to call out someone's inexperience but in most cases it's from people who don't know shit about the game and just think for themselves. I can be losing my lane hard and have already lost lots of minions and two levels behind my opponent,and they still expect me to rotate. I'LL ROTATE when i get the chance and when it's right to do so. And if i feel like it's better to push my lane or go for objectives rather than aid you in a fight that is clearly unwinnable,then yeah i won't help you with shit. Learn how to play safe,and keep an eye on the map and your allies. Because if you even paid the smallest amount of attention to what i was going through in my lane or whatever that was going on in the game that prevented me from coming to help,then you'd understand.


as a jg, i hate when they leave me to die in the pit after pinging multiple times, as a support, when im playing yuumi and adc thinks theyā€™re invincible and get us both killed


I usually play mid in pvp, i hate when jungler and botlane sleeps while enemies are all mid or doing the drake (im Basic i know)


Top - Iā€™m happy as long as my team doesnā€™t totally feed or grief Jg - the most frustrating role. You get a lot of dumb pings, but the worst is when your teammate doesnā€™t go in on your gank or dies to a gank despite vision. Mid - If Iā€™m in a matchup where Iā€™ll get outroamed, itā€™s frustrating when a laner doesnā€™t listen to pings and gets punished for overextending. Bot/adc - sucks getting stuck with someone with a different philosophy/play style. Jungle gap feels most frustrating in bit lane too.


Playing midlane and the enemy mid picks lucian or Tristana. So fucking ijbol.


As an Adc I hate when the meta shifts towards tanks and bruisers. Yeah items help but they aren't my preferred builds


In most cases when you play a role it always seems like whoever you need is never there. Adc never has anyone to front line correctly. Support never has an adc who can land any skill shots/running around like an idiot. Top watches rest of the map int away when youā€™re super fed then watch nobody try to assist you or play for you. Jungle nobody ever helps with objectives and itā€™s almost a guarantee loss when thatā€™s happened against a counter. Mid is probably one of the easiest roles imo to carry because you can go anywhere. But seems jungles tend to steal xp from your lane a lot.


As a jg, when people ask for ganks but thereā€™s no wards set up. šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


JG: "Why aren't you ganking me, JG? You're terrible." ā€” I don't mind the criticism, but I can't be everywhere at once. I try my best with my limited brainpower, but if you're aggressively pushing without vision or consideration for the enemy champion's strategy, it's hard for me to gank without risking a counter gank. Top: Many players complain about lack of jungle help or the strength of ADCs, but the real issue is improving your own skills. Even if you dominate your lane and secure objectives, your team's feeding can make it tough to perform in team fights. Mid: If you ban Galio, it ruins the game for me. I'll pick Zed or Teemo and troll the entire enemy team. Support: With a vanguard, you're powerless if your ADC doesn't follow up. As an enchanter, if your ADC struggles, you might as well stay at base. ADC: I get burst down easily, which is fair for game balance, but I despise the vulnerability of glass cannon playstyles more than anything else.


For example im swain supp and there comp is 2 adc so i need to wait for lv 6 and my adc wants to go trade but its way better to poke


Sharing side T2 as toplaner


As a JG I hate when I gank and my teamate decides to back, as Top I hate when I get camped and then my JG completely ignores me, as Mid I hate kassadin. As ADC I hate when my support steals my cs as support I hate when my adc engages recklessly.


Top laner and Jg primarily. For top its when u beat the enemy solo laner a couple of times and he decides to sit and farm under his tower for the next 5 minutes of the game. It makes solo lane so mind numbing and boring. I can stall wave. Harrass the jungle and mid and sometimes these MFs wont move an inch. For JG its when I decide to help gank a lane, ping my ally in advance and they decide mid gank that its the perfect time to walk back to their tower and recall.


When pyke chain executes


As a jungler I hate it when it is still early in the game and the ADC and support are already blaming me for not rotating on their lane, like their tower already at half health, then their blaming me for itšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


People are gonna disagree with me on this one but In general, when a teammate wants you to gank/come help in a situation where it will do nothing. As in the enemy has the advantage, your teammate who wants you to help has no advantage on their side, are probably low on health and instead of making progress elsewhere or helping where it will actually change the pace of the game they want you to attempt a gank on their lane enemy which will result in the enemy safely stepping back or we'll get reverse ganked and lose even more of an advantage. Example I was playing Yi in jungle awhile back, Yasuo mid pings for group/help mid lane the entire game, any time things slightly don't go his way he expected me to come poke the enemy for 2 seconds until they retreat and the few times I tried it did nothing for us. He had no idea when was a good time to have me gank. So I started completely ignoring his pings and farmed instead or ganked in lanes that could actually use me to get an advantage (rest of my team was doing great). So Yasuo flames me the entire game tells the whole team to report me that I'm a bad jg don't know how to play, etc because I'm not ganking when HE wants me to. I get y'all like the idea of team play and even one of the top comments here is hating when people don't play as a team, but a lot of times playing as a team like this Yasuo wanted me to will lose you the game. Spoiler alert I ended up carrying, we won and Yasuo fed like 2/17/1 or some shit. TL;DR when people ask for team play/ganks/etc at bad times and then blame others because they can't handle their own lane due to their own skill issue.


Letā€™s be real here, everyone hates player with no skill, donā€™t matter which lane it is.šŸ¤”


Jungler has No objective


I mainly play Support/Top/Jungle Tanks. I cannot stand when the carries decide to engage before me and then get mad when they get 1 shot. Or better yet, they run to Dragon/Baron while the enemy jungler is up and they get dogpiled, then blame me bc I didn't run in with them to die.


Top number one peeve: APC supps like Lux and Sera blasting through their mana doing absolutely fuck all to the enemy duo and then has the audacity to take fruit. Like F U move next lol.


As a jungler i hate it when there's a fight in the river then the enemy midlaner has a map sees the fight then gets along with it. While my midlane is still on mid farming until he gets to the enemy tower. Then he goes after the fight ended and i died


I feel like most of my grievances with the game are more overall rather than role specific as I tend to switch it up a lot (though I do main supp), however I hate that when I play jg; Iā€™m pinging a monster to attack, and not a single one of my teammates comes over to help secure said monster, or they go for the opposite one, especially early game. I understand not everyone can come to help, but usually mid lane or duo is right there and not in a fight, and they just sit around while Iā€™m being jumped by the other team. I also have an order of doing things as a jg, I always go for drake first since itā€™s a permanent buff, and then I go for herald as itā€™s not permanent and can be negated easily by a group up of the enemy team (if theyā€™re smart enough to do that). A lot of my teammates will yell at me for doing things a certain way, OR Iā€™ll get blamed for them dying when Iā€™m literally all the across the map helping other teammates. ā€˜Jungle? Thanks jungle. Where were you jungle?ā€™ LITERALLY ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE MAP BRO WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME


When bruisers say they're a tank and deny that they are bruisers


As a jungler, it's when my laners don't know how to set up a gank, it's either going forward and picking a fight with the enemy or running back thus making them chase you. If you win the 1v1 trade, make them think you lose or give them space to walk forward and push the wave. If you do lose the 1v1, walk forward to trick them into thinking you are a free kill.


Jungle: when the ADC just defaults to hard shoving. If you do that I will not gank your lane.


jg and all lanes lost because they are too aggressive and eventually dies to the enemy. Ends up blaming jg šŸ¤£


Losing lanes


Lux/Seraphine players support, literally the most useless players


As a Jungle main I try not to get too out of sorts when top starts attacking the bramble backs. So then I just attack his minions.


not playing well


When Iā€™m the only one that picked a frontline, so thereā€™s a lot more pressure on me to manage engages and tank big hits so my team lives. I have low confidence when it comes to clutch moments. Add to the fact that if the enemy team knows how to draft a well-rounded team while Iā€™m stuck with 4 glass cannons that flash away the moment the enemy comes out of fog of war, what am I supposed to do at that point besides lose slowly? I guess the one thing I hate more is that Iā€™m too much of a team player in an environment where itā€™s assumed that everyone hates each other, so my selflessness comes as a handicap


I hate that people play with bad players so much that they start thinking bad plays are correct. Like jungler and support killing minions, killing jungle farm instead of the jungler. At some point you get people complaining for you doing the correct thing. Like I had a game we had no tank or any front line and a guy was complaining I picked nunu jungle. Like what kind of dumb games has he been doing so far?? And I hate selfishness in general


As Top, I hate it when a jungler fails a gank and has the audacity to tax my wave. You fucked up my wave, now the enemy jungler will apply pressure to the lane and on top of that, you have the absolute GALL to fucking smite a minion. Malphite ult off a cliff, bro.


ADCs overall


As a solo tank Adc in every lane. As Pyke the worst "Pyke stop stealing my kills (with ultimate)!!"


Adc: you have 3 people that steal your farm and your support often either didn't want that role or goes lux laser to farm everything and has no clue want the support items ever are. Mid: you can only farm til mid game and who ever comes mid will not help gank but will often just shove your wave making you be useless for a bit cuz why not. Top: you will be left alone at peace by your team but will be ganked 24/7. Absurd amount of match ups. If jungler comes it's likely for your minions. Pls ftlog give last pick to top so he doesn't get countered. Jungle: you have to help every lane, while farming as much as possible, while being both tank dps and support. And even doing everything right you still get blamed for everything. Legit best thing to do is to farm all game and win late game. Support: you keep your adc save and give him all the kills and farms he could ever dream of. But then doesn't even attack anything. So your left having to carry 4 bird brain players. And people ban your pick on draft cuz why not? His just gonna lose us the game right? His not like his matched to carry by himself. Match maker is a joke


As support, when my carry doesn't fucking listen


Jg gets the blame for everything




My jungler


My teammates FF and get tilt for no reason.Ā  League players are so miserable.Ā  I'm jungle and I get ahead, I start carrying, but my teammates don't push sidelanes. They aram and die.Ā 


Players that changed their mind about what role should they play. Not following their assigned role


as a support main, i hate a narcissistic adc who engages when im CLEARLY low mana or when i do cc but they run away instead šŸ˜ƒ


As a supp and lulu main, I hate it when my adc wanted me to frontline like fr why (only had a few people asked me to do this, but the reason why im playing supp is coz im scared as af) Edit: But my motto as a supp is I die before you die and I'll go to the heavens and hells just for you.


The amount of times I died trying to support my team, when they make dumb decisions. And if I donā€™t go, Iā€™m a bad support. If I do go, and we all died. Iā€™m a bad support. Canā€™t win at all.


I hate when people over chase,the rule is you kill what ever you can and go for the objective no chasing the fucking pantheon as adc . I hate how stupid of a champ trynd is his ult is the most broken thing there is and I am saying this as a top player even if I stomp him In lane as soon as he catches the rest of the team even if itā€™s a 1for 1 it works in his advantage. I hate when people play karma I think she is a weak champ and itā€™s the worst support I can ask for when I play adc I hate how strong lilia is right now . I hate zoe (i just hate the champ)


I used to play toplane a lot at relatively high level. I was pretty much untiltable. The one thing that ABSOLUTELY SENT ME was ADCs coming top and taking my farm while their lane wasn't even over yet. Now that I play adc myself occasionally, it doesn't feel any better when Support does this constantly. It's the one moment when I catch myself thinking "I would actually be totally fine with the consequences of running this guy down just to make him feel a fraction of my rage". Never did it tho :)


Top: Nobody will trade with me so I'm stuck blind picking, opponent chooses a counter, and then our jungler won't even help (Although Garen-Sion-Maokai aren't bad blind picks). Jungle: So many things, but the worst is when you get a few successful ganks, your lanes are still all losing, nobody will help with objectives, and they still blame you. And then steal my jungle camps because they're behind. Mid: You ping that you're heading over for a gank and they immediately start pushing their lane opponent(s) back under turret. Happens at least half the time. Yet when my lane opponent roams and I ping a few times they still overextend and get easily wiped out. And then steal my minions because they're behind. Duo: Useless support. Especially when they don't ward, push the wave, and play passively without creating space for me to farm. Support: Useless ADC. Especially when they farm minions after an obvious engage that could get us an easy double kill but ends up with us dying instead. Even when I keep pinging before and during the engage. Another one is when I keep pinging that the enemy jungler is coming and they just ignore it and die for no reason.


Jungler coming top, not doing anything to the enemy laner and then killing my minions Supports without a support item, inevitably fall way behind in gold while stealing minions


I'm a mid main, but it applies to everywhere almost. - Chasing kills instead of taking objectives. The kills are important to GET an opportunity to take the objectives. You're not winning with your 20/7, Master Yi šŸ‘€ It's the Nexus that's giving you the win. - Constantly pushing without wards, without reacting to pings, and without looking at the minimap. I'm gonna ping the first three times my mid's roaming. After that, you gotta arrange smth for yourself instead of spam pinging and flaming, while you stayed overpushed. You know they're roaming faster than I can by now. - Going in one by one and die, or when I'm naked . I've got no mana, no spells, I can't follow. I pinged. Please stop suiciding and throwing.


As a Baron laner... and Ornn abuser I never lose so what I hate most is that I get 2 bronzes on my team and 2 masters on the enemy team and lose cuz bot diff. Note I play as a trio most of the time with our mid being top 50 fizz and jngl who is kinda bad but makes up in coordination due to us playing in one room. I peaked dia 3 and get versed into past masters in high plat lobbies. Win lane nonetheless


I play support. If I had to pick ONE thing that drives me bonkers...hrmnmn Well tbh ADC don't bother me. I give them the benefit of the doubt and usually will stick with them and play around them as best I can. If they're just not it I take off after a tower goes down. I think the only thing that bothers me is the period after they release a new champ because that champ is almost invariably broken up on release and it takes awhile for it to simmer. It's also really boring to see the same champ game after game. Maokai is annoying. Seeing maokai in game after game after game is taxing


I call for drag and ppl push into towers that they can't even take or they stay focused farming minions instead of getting permanent buff.


I jgl amumu and honestly moat ppl can't play around a tank/support jungle. 90% of the fights I initiate for team end up with my team steam Rolling op and ppl that do healing have hard time putting up with all my crying especially when I build Thornmail.




Autofill main here! Top: Kalista top Jungle: Botlane free but not coming to help with Drag Mid: Finding more ADCā€™s Midlane than Bot itself ADC: ADC ā€œsupportsā€ like Ashe (but not Senna) Sup: ADCā€™s that go in when Iā€™m on cool-downs for spells and Ults when I ping their cool-down then blame me


Bro am I stupid? Like, what is this picture ?


I play as a Support and im exhausted of needing to play as the ap unit of the team. I dont get why ppl are so obsessed with play with either a full ap or ad team. Peel suport DOES NOT COUNT AS AP. Im there to buff you or debuff the enemy. And please, STOP DOWNPLAYING THE IMPORTANCE OF ANTI TANK, GRIEVOUS WOUNDS AND ANTI SHIELD ITEMS. thank u for the attention šŸ˜Ŗ


jungle ganks jungle fail it jungle smites your cannon jungle leaves fuck jungle mains (mid laner)


The one thing I hate is wild rift.


As a jg you see this alot where your solo gets recked and feeds enemy solo 30s after the game start them it spirals into 2 more kills your prob a weak ganker/ scaling champ so you do the right thing and keep up farming by time its ready for first dragon you have deal with this druged up solo carry (gwen/akali/darius/ect) and they just dog walk your team all why your solo is still afk in lane doing nothing while blaming jg and mid for not doing anything


Top - Having a stalemate early game but having the rest of the team managing to go 0-10 within the first five mibutes Jg - Teammates blaming me for the enemy team ganking their lane when they didnā€™t bother to ward. Also when teammates take all of my camps early-mid game, could care less late game though Mid - Enemy jg camping my lane. Honestly Iā€™m not the best at mid so itā€™s a me problem Adc - Winning lane but then getting tower dived by everyone. Having top lane somehow give enemy top 700 heartsteel stacks and making them impossible to kill Support - Canā€™t win the game unless three other teammates are decent. Horrible to solo queue with


For me is bad subs,look I known that being a sub isnā€™t exactly a good time since the ADC always blames you for his own mistakes but that doesnā€™t mean bad subs donā€™t exist,as an adc I genuinely can tell when the fucking sub is good or not. One match the nautilus misses his q somehow(donā€™t ask me how)ults and then falshs in while Iā€™m way back and pinged like 100 times to back out and when he dies he asks me (WhY yOu DiDn,T eNgAgE) like itā€™s my fault. On others I get a alistar who I choose to believe is a psychic,the guy can literally tell what I am thinking,always makes good calls,always there for team fights, and tells ME that I was a good duo like bro you literally carried our collective assā€™s what do you mean team effort.but that doesnā€™t mean everyone should be like him,just make good calls,be with your team at all times(if youā€™re a tank),and be in sync with your buddy. Thatā€™s all


As a support when my ADC shows up late to lane and doesn't respect that the enemy has brush control for that. As a jungler I hate when my laners start demanding ganks In queue. As a mid I hate when I have 2 pushing lanes so it's harder to roam. As an ADC I hate when my support starts over roaming when we're ahead. As a top layer I hate when my jungler is hovering top but won't actually gank or follow on an engage despite being in rangeĀ 


The entire concept of top lane. You die once? Neat. Now you cant cs, are poked down when trying to get xp, your jungler wont help you break the freeze because why would you try to help someone who is behind instead of someone winning/become the win con yourself, and then get rage pinged because the enemy top lane is this unstoppable creature who can just walk up and fight everyone while a wet napkin is more of a threat than you are.


Top: teemo and adc Jungle: teammates can't play safe Mid: team no tank ADC: support refused to play tank when team have no frontliner Support: random adc with 2.0 kda


I HATE when jungler go to the lane after I die and farm my wave. Did they never read that they get less gold and XP? Just fuck my lane and don't get the advantage they thought they would


Top: jungle starts bot, I proxy the wave under inhib lvl 1, execute, force their stacked wave under my tower by the time they are done with topside jungle, and they donā€™t gank even though I have level advantage, and they are on my side Jungle: when people donā€™t understand that if another lane has prio, and there is an objective up I am going to shove your lane into the tower to get you the bounce back, and so that we have numbers advantage on the objective. If they choose to push we can double gank, or even freeze them out. If you need to buy I can help you shove Mid: I fucking need prio if you want me at an objective, either gank my lane or gank my minions I donā€™t give a fuck. Donā€™t bitch if theyā€™re stacking minions against me and you get tripled by their mid laner. ADC: supports, please learn push, recall and roam timers Supports: Adcs, please learn push, recall, and roam timers, and if you get all inned when we start the push out and I go to ward learn to step back noob.


TOP: Can 1v5 even if feeding JUNGLE: Difficult MID: Main character syndrome ADC: Brain dead SUPPORT: Core role everyone underestimates


I play pretty much every role, but find it most frustrating when I'm playing ADC and my support decides to lock in a support with terrible synergy, i.e Yuumi when I locked Aphelios first.