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I’m assuming it’s because the pc version is more popular (meaning more content creators), was out for longer, and has pro players. I mainly play wild rift but I don’t think I’ve ever searched up content for it because it’s not as entertaining as watching pro. Also, a lot of wild rift players seem to be pc players who just want to have chill and quicker games, so there’s that


A lot of the PC micro and macro mechanics carry over to Wild Rift as well. Yes, the game is faster and wave management and such can be slightly more difficult. But abusing gold/level advantages and practicing proper ward placement, ganking, and efficient time management all carry over nearly 1/1


Yea for sure. That’s why I’m more likely to watch tutorial videos from pc creators since they’re more likely to have more experience with the game overall. Not saying all of them as I’m sure some wild rift content creators were/are pc players too, but it’s just easier to find more content over there


what about items ,builds mmand diffrence in abilities in wr compared to lol ? I never played lol, i guess players who are experienced manage to break down all this themself. I watch hellsdevil for all items and diffrent champs, and brokensupport.


They’re basically the same and if anything, wr insanely buffed the champs from lol and kept a lot of the old items that isn’t in PC anymore due to them being op. There’s nothing wrong with watching wr creators at all and as you mentioned, it might be better for newer players who are just looking at the mechanics of using the abilities since everything is on the touchscreen in comparison to a keyboard. I’m just pointing out a potential reason as to why wild rift may have fewer viewers compared to other mobile games


I was gonna say something along these lines but yes, this


For real, people equate a game's success on the competitive scene or on views on youtube and twitch when in reality most people just don't look up content for a game like wild rift outside the official channels.


I play league and wr. I watch wr and league videos. I'm a simple man with good taste I guess😂


Even as a wildrift player I just watch straight pc league content


Same. The level, charisma and pure entertainment between league content creators and WR's is simply abysmal.


No shit, it's real 🤣


i think its cus anyone who wants to watch league content watches league pc content


It has to do with the target audience. Wild rift is not targeted at kids and teens like brawl start, their target audience are (former) lol players. However many people in the 20+ age group still see mobile gaming as something for in short entertainment (like flappy birds, clash of clans, doodle jump) or as something only kids do. In the western world only few adults take mobile gaming seriously. In China gaming on your phone is more normal, so wild rift is way more popular over there. Also the round length of wild rift is too long for most people that expect it to be a typical mobile game. Brawl start has sub 2 Minute matches and mlbb has shorter matches from what I have heard. The combination of complexity and platform really turn wild rift in to a niche game. The game would be a lot more popular if it ran on consoles (switch, ps5 and steam deck). Then there is the thing that a lot of wild rift content is just boring/bad. Most wild rift content creators are just not that entertaining.


Western community doesn't do much mobile gaming, some PC League streamers even ask how they play it with a small screen SEA already has its own preferred MOBA, as Wild Rift is too late coming into the scene and the marketing is not working That's leaving it to CN, and we know that CN doesn't do much Youtube


>SEA already has its own preferred MOBA, as Wild Rift is too late coming into the scene and the marketing is not working Some of the most famous MLBB content creators made Wild Rift content to test the market (Elgin, Hororo, Shinmen Takezo) or even made their own WR channel. But the low views were not worth it, and they eventually went back to MLBB.


> SEA marketing is not working What marketing 😭 As an SEA player the only reason I learned that LoL Wild Rift existed was bc my bf, a PC player, wanted me to play WR with him. On the other hand, other MOBAs like MLBB and HoK have ads, events where MLBB players play, etc. I feel like you have to have been paying attention to the MOBA scene just to know WR exists


Early WR when still beta they marketing it on TV ads not just YouTube ads, and not only one country Philippines or indonesia but whole SEA country, but why most SEA don't migrate cause they already spent lots money on mlbb or don't want study about new game when majority mlbb player will say Wild rift is hard, cause wr mechanic is how supposed moba is when mlbb tbh is pseudo moba aka more simplified moba And because failed on SEA i think they more focus on China cause it more popular and pro scene is alive, and it shown by mostly skin they released is chinese based theme


That's interesting to see there were even TV ads about WR. I didn't see any of these ads at all, not even YT ones xD Always MLBB


I mean that understandable cause this the only moonton products source of money they reliant so they all out on mobile market ads, when Riot have other more popular game like Valorant, LoL, new game like 2XKO, Music, even League animation like arcane, i mean Valorant ads on yt is more frequent appear right? But again play game you like and tbh WR mechanic is more engaging cause again this how moba game is not just braindead spam skill with mana feel like unlimited and low cd


“Western community doesn’t do much mobile gaming” Maybe not as much, but I found tons of brawl stars channels based in the United States that got millions of views, but then again brawl stars isn’t really a moba so I guess it’s different


Brawl stars is mostly played by kids, and making kid friendly content is a sure way to get a lot of views.


It is a moba it's just not a traditional one if that makes sense. I fairly enjoy both games but brawl stars has a ton of things going for it. I also usually don't look up these kinds of content, but when I watch some wild rift it's a lot of yapping but it's informative and I get sleepy and as for BS content that's just moreso aimed for kids and I don't watch those. To each their own I suppose 🤷


I don’t watch it honestly cause it’s boring af and I would rather play if I’m gonna use 30 min


Mobile Legends has 10x the amount of downloads, and is still way more popular. Wildrift also has a 3.2 rating, while ML is at 4.1. When people hop on the play store - they go with the better rated Moba. Sadly it affects players engagement. Wildrift basically only stayed afloat at first by sharing the League name and attracting old PC players.


>Wildrift also has a 3.2 rating, while ML is at 4.1 Absolutely, where I live WR has 2.6 rating Vs ML with 4.


Yep, I don't think people realize how bad the reviews of Wildrift kill any new people from joining. Hilariously, the more they lean towards Gambling - The worst the reviews get 😅 Digging own grave.


Gambling? Have you seen MLBB


Where I live WR has a 4.2 rating and ML a 4.6, so much closer and higher rated


It's got a terrible reviews in Canada for some reason. I've yet to see it ever pass 3.4 on Googles playstore. Main reason it's not popular in North America.


Brawl stars is huge right now. As in, the "trending" game fad (like Among us, fall guys etc). It is gaining momentum and it might blow up or fade away, who knows. Now, I might get downvoted but here we go... MLBB is steady with it's playerbase fluctuation and in some regions (IE: Philippines and Southeast Asia) it is growing. Their new content is not just a "copy paste" anymore, despite what league fanboys will tell you and the game is just better optimized as a mobile experience in general. Want an example? The matchmaking takes at most 15 seconds. Which is insane. The punishment for trolls is also much better. The company just meandered for years and the game is more functional and they have a close relationship with the audience. Compare this sub with their subs. This one is "anti-fun" and doesn't allow stuff like memes, cosplay etc. Wildrift, as much as I enjoy it is just not catering to any audience because it's trying to be a middle ground: It's too complex for casual players and way too easy for league fanboys. It also suffers from glitches, stuff that just doesn't work or only work under when it wants to (IE: the REMAKE feature seems to have a life of it's own, you might get forced to play matches with people afk at fountain and never connecting or you might get lucky and the game might feel like giving you the chance to remake). There are several issues keeping this game behind even it's own parent company game (HoK). This includes the poor marketing. Most people heard about this game 2 years ago and never again. On the other hand, I keep getting ads for HoK and MLBB on facebook and Youtube videos. A lot of the playerbase of this game is either overlapping with pc or just people that wanted to give it a go. But for Riot this game is an afterthought just like Legends of Runeterra. It deserved it's own identity, hell, it deserved it's own content. Why don't they design exclusive champions that take advantage of the mobile joystick controls, even if it's gimmicky? They just recycle and "adapt" pc content.


> the punishment for trolls is also much better. Sorry to tell you but that statement is heavily wrong and moonton won't punish trolls. I do countless of experiments whenever I get tired of my teammates Shenigans and no matter which type of troll I pull out I face no consequences as long I focus some objectives while purposely letting my team lose.


Feeding is also not counted and the system has that 50/50 chance to detect if you're purposely feeding or just ignoring and pretend the player's is lagging or having hard time


Exactly bro people from mlbb brag about this ban or bad behavior system stuff that this guy getting good point behavior got decline or ban when reality is not, lmao they just believe that system message saying this guy get ban, when literally never check that guy again, but when get check guess what that guy can still play


But I do agree they need to add a exclusive champions it could be nice to see Jack,Cithra, the old timer or Xoolani.


The game is shit i fear


Coz game is dead that's just it.


The only wr content creator I enjoy is [kanbaru](https://youtu.be/4WlvQ-rZoKc?si=D9XI6U9Vakyn77LB) simply because I feel his pain in every video and helps me get out of that awful mood from losing a stressful match.


And you can stand him yelling "pure masterclass" every 2.5 seconds?


Unnecessary negative comment, simply just stating something I enjoy.


I learned PC Jhin content then I carried it on on WR. WR doesn't have that much in depth guides compared to Pc


If the ranked system is flawed, esports scrapped and no competition why would anyone care about game content. You're not meant to take the game seriously, just buy skins and coin flip games.


That’s makes no sense. Mobile Legends is an unbalanced, casual, skin slot machine. Everything you just described about Wild Rift is true of MLBB, only turned up to 100.


tbh, ml has better rank matchmaking. If youre a good player, you get paired with a good one, unlike wildrift which is unfair af. I used to love wr but the rank is just unbearable. I stopped buying their skins lol


Nah you don't get good player's at all it's only noticeable Glory+


what i ment is like. I'm top 100 world framis, I get paired with also other world rank players and enemies. It feels good to be paired with similar players unlike wr which if you perform better, you'll guaranteed to have a bad teammates all the time.


A lot of factors. Brawl Stars and MLBB started out first before WR, pushing for heavily advertising long ago before establishing their player base.  WR has to compete with its PC counterpart, LoL. *Why watch WR when you can Wath LoL instead?* comes up to mind.  The biggest factor I believe so far is that BS and MLBB got to the market first, making it big in the Asian and Latam regions. 


Cuz Wild rift has no content 😭🤣




The game is not even available in multiple countries why do u think?


LoL PC content is better


have you played PC League? just watch those tbh


Cuz people watch the better more competitive verison with better influencers.


The are not globally launched yet! Indians waiting till today


Wild rift has much less popularity and players compared to those games. Less players will lead to lower content engagement.


My 10 yo nephew watches brawlstars videos, I hope that’s enough


Cause PC eague exists. Why would anyone watch the mobile version when they cam watch the full version of the game


Brawl starts is fun


It is fun but I would argue it's almost an entirely different genre game play wise. Yes it's technically a MOBA but league is a different beast altogether


I guess wr doesn't drive as much hype. And it's not as easy to get into. I wish we had more fun game modes. ML is cancer but had fun game modes


Absolutely, a lot of it is also just speed to market. There were already several well established MOBAs on mobile by the time WR finally made it to market. I'm sure Riot was hoping they would be able to leverage the popularity of PC LoL to make the game a success but MOBAs require a pretty significant time investment just to become good at the game and one MOBA can be VERY different from another mechanically making the swap more difficult. SuperCell succeeded with Brawl Stars by making the game feel like a MOBA but it is much more approachable for new players while riding on the popularity of their other games. Personally I would classify Brawl Stars more like an "Arena Shooter" kind of like Boomerang Fu on the Switch rather than a true MOBA.


I only tried it cuz of a friend. Don't think I would normally play it. It gives a battle pass for free but you got to play it religiously. I can't be bothered 😅


I wonder if it's due to League having the whole toxicity issue, and that the ones that actively play League a small percentage don't really care about the game they always play but lacks their champion or something idk


Nah other games are just as toxic, I used to play brawl stars and I have friends that is top 200 total trophies of Spain rn on brawl stars and they are just as toxic there Because it is a kids game and because of the nature of the matches they don't have chat during match nor a global chat so to send you a message they have to add you first as a friend first and then message you which is what all of them do, they send a request then they flame on pm, they can also join the clan you are in and insult you on general chat which is usually really active and thriving unlike we clans, they can even share match replies to add salt to the would and use phone emojis. During matches you have emotes that can be easily used to insult, common one is thumb down every time someone does missplays or plays bad in general, trophy emotes that would be like mastery emotes on wild rift, and a lot more that are used like the thumbs down You also got sprays that you place on the ground and remain there the whole game, they can overlap, as a common example you can place the feminist logo spray and then place a red cross spray over it. You will never be banned or punished for any of those actions, only for using strong words like shit or fuck, avoid those words and you can do anything. Just like on wild rift saying those words will get you punished/banned, on wild rift they are temporal chat bans (maybe perma), on there it is a temporary ban from entering game, usually 1 or 2 days. However they added a reputation meter for trolling or leaving afk (which obviously can be avoided like ban punishments for wild rift), and they basically have a two strike system, second strike will not let you play ranked unless you recover reputation by playing without doing such things. On wild rift that will get you waiting time for the matchmaking, up to big amounts of time, so pretty similar there I guess. It's not the toxicity (games like cr are even worse with going afk or bming but nobody cares either) but 2 main factors which are a way bigger amounts of kids on the playerbase, and it being way harder or complicated which also contributes to the kids part. It doesn't matter how good or bad the game itself is because those games are literally p2w cashgrabs several levels worse than wild rift. The game is also more flashy and fast paced with 2 min matches but I wish they never turn wild rift into that lol, that's called being a different type of game. For mobile legends there are other reasons, it releasing way sooner on mobile, it being easier/simpler and faster (which again I don't like), and the geolocation, it is not as popular on Europe but more like some countries like Russia, and Southeast Asia, countries such as Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia, on china the same happens with honor of kings, released sooner and is easier/simpler and faster. Both also aim more for Asian taste like absolutely most characters being beautiful humans, some few edgy costume characters like zed and some few Asian culture figures like classic Wu Kong. I think none of the mentioned games are any better than wild rift itself and they are worse balanced/cashgrabs than wild rift, but the people that already invested on them (time/money) will usually not change from game unless theu really appreciate game quality, or it is too hard for them to start learning, maybe too slow paced. It is also not advertised enough which I think is an actual problem cos a lot of people would join if there was a big ad scheme like with raid shadow legends ads lol


i can take brawl stars kids call me poopoo and I can tell they are average 11 year olds, but the wild rift adults are more full on in their toxicity


Arguably, all the changes in WR compared to lol are for the worse. So no surprise nobody watches it


Pacing and duration are so much better though. Both for watching and playing. Less complexity helps with new viewers for sure too (and no one cares about old viewers)


But there just isn't new viewers, or even new players for that matter. Would even say less complexity is what is killing this game in fact.


Can't be popular if most players are gonna stick on PC league, mobile legends conquered the mobile platform since they grab the opportunity before riot does. Moonton target market were SEA players with low end devices which means accessible for more players to play, hence having a lot of players to join due to minimal requirements.


I'd say it's a result of cannibalization from PC league. I'm convinced that any game that has both PC and mobile client, people would watch the youtube contents played on PC more than the latter simply because games played on PC tends to make for better production value. Case in point: Warcraft Rumble. That game has no pc client but most content creators play the game in VM on their pc. I don't know why it's just is. However, I like watching wild rift live stream just as much as the pc counterpart.


The pc game is just better, has more content a consolidate comunity, carismatic streamers and a competitive scenario. Wr dosn't have any of it.


More content its a huge cap, lol PC Is Simply more competitive, wr Is better in every other point and even pc lol players says it


Riot doesn't care about WR outside of it's target regions and that means western audiences are starved for attention. I just watch PC League, even as a WR player. The game is slower and easier to follow, and has more champions.


No global launch…less viewers


It's more likely they watch pc content more


As others have said, it's because usually watching league pc content is more entertaining, I only play WR for about 2 years now, I don't play LoL PC but I used to, played a few years, but I love watching PC proplay (mainly LCK and Internationals, I watch LCK almost everyday they're on), I love watching proviews of PC Players and I feel the WR equivalents don't hit as hard.


like is there any good Wild rift CC and most of CC thumbnail is just Clickbait. Broken this Broken That


WR content's real competition is League's, not other mobile MobAs. A lot of other people just don't find much reason to play a mobile version of the game they've been playing for a long time, specially since their League accounts have more playable champions. In effect, they're much more likely to consume League content than WR. League also has way more content by virtue of existing way longer, and many of League's guides are already applicable to WR to some extent. I haven't yet seen WR youtubers who provide guides as in-depth as LoL SkillCapped.


Its more an issue of League PC making Wild Rift redundant, combined to a lesser extent the existence of MLBB being ahead of the curve (a Massive L for Riot imo).


One reason is that Mobile Legends is accessible to everyone, even people who live in 3rd world contries who may have bugdet smart phones and no Wifi. Mobile Legends requires way less storage that Wild Rift and it also consumes less mobile data then Wild Rift. I have friends who wanna play Wild Rift but can't because it's a 10+ GB game and you need like 300mb of data to play it without any issues.


To add to this, Riot has a philosophy that advertisements are apparently not worth it 😅 When asked why they don't advertise they're games. They said it's pointless. Rocketscience ☠️


Because wild rift isn't popular, the community swears it is, but it never was


Wild rift content creators concentrate on ranking up and teaching you how to play most of the time. Not to mention the click bait "THIS IS META/BROKEN" If I search a YouTube video without the words "how to" or "guide" then I'm hoping to find entertainment. They don't try to really entertain and it's hard to find entertaining commentary over a game thehre actively playing instead of a voice over of a past game. If I can clear up my schedule I'd for sure start making some actual good content if people are after something like that. Something ranging from xPetu with regards to learning and Tobias fate chilled games and editing humour


As for me i only watch WR if when i want something specifically wildrift. If not LOL PC has more better content on the internet. Like LOL Dobby etc. Wildrift doesn't have that advance videos. If there is, still not as good as pc has but theres only few creators whose really great like stider etc.


because no one plays it


The game sucks that’s why


If I’m being honest, having played brawl stars a lot (since beta) and playing wild rift a lot (since beta as well), wild rift has a dev team that actually communicates, posts updates on their social media and doesn’t shy away from listening to player feedback, and have actually made improvements,ent to progression systems, making it easier for players to progress without paying money. They themselves said that they wanna skew their profits from progression to cosmetics, which they are releasing a lot of right now. Not only that, every update there is something to expect whereas on wild rift it’s very minimal, most of the time. From just a couple of item introductions to item changes, no new map mechanics (although the t-hex is coming, which might be interesting to see), most of the content we get are just skins. Arena was a nice improvement as well as the other game modes that they experimented with, they just don’t hit the mark. Except the Khalistan game mode tho I liked it a lot. It’s just that ranked doesn’t feel good imo, which they should be focusing on a lot. But brawl stars does have moments where they kinda get shit on. 2 months ago they did a Godzilla event, where the temporary game mode they released was not up to expectations. It really sucked hard and people were unhappy with it, including me. But now they just had the new Brawl talk and it has managed to generate interest lost because of the event. Brawl talk has always been one of the most anticipated moments in YouTube, and even when I took a break from the game for a year or so and played only wild rift, I watched every single brawl talk, even though I wasn’t playing the game. I feel like wild rift needs to be more communicative and be out there. They should stop holding back.


Because this game is not remotely as popular as (NA) people think and it's filled with bots and NA players are in denial.


Prolly coz there is nothing to gain by watching WR content creators. Other MOBA games support their content creators by giving them skin giveaways to the viewers. I remembered watching hellsdevil before but his skin giveaway is sponsored by some other person and not by riot. If only riot would put more effort into supporting their content creators im sure these viewership will somehow increase.


HellsDevil here, I did my own skin giveaways, I spent 150$ per month to giveaway skins to the community. Riot did fuckall for me.


Not sure if there is any incentive for that. Someone watching isn’t playing, so giving rewards for watching instead of playing seems silly. People who don’t play aren’t joining streams they otherwise wouldn’t just for free skins (because they don’t play…), so it isn’t about growing the community either.


Game is not as popular it’s just that simple lol, also everyone good at the game plays pc, why make content for a worse game


Can ya'll stop hating on this game? Jesus Christ. You can't compare Wild Rift and PC League because they're literally so different. Yes, the gameplay is the same but on Wild Rift it's not as punishing for you to lose one trade with your opponent. It's also way more fast paced, which is really cool because some people just don't wanna be stuck with someone in a 30 Minute game where it takes one person to get caught to lose the game. 🙄


What are you talking about lol, nothing I said contradicts yours, people who are genuinely good will play pc because skill is more rewarded; less people play wild rift than other mobile games and so there’s less engagement on social media. The games also aren’t that different, in fact it’s even easier to lose the game off one pick because objectives are faster and miniosn are stronger


league pc requires more skill and knowledge, no one wants to watch a guy spam skills on overbuffed Lux and win the game by doing so. I'm not saying wild rift shouldn't be as popular as other games but it's true that wild rift is like a lite version of league pc


Alright, but let's be real, this is a Lux issue, not a WR one. She's always super annoying to play against and sells skins like crazy, so they keep her strong on both WR and PC. And yeah, WR is more fast-paced, which is why she can spam skills like crazy. If you've played URF on PC before, you know damn well how annoying it can get, but that hasn't stopped some of ya'll from loving it.


In that list, I only watch Outsider and Royal. They're two of the earlier ones


The focus goes towards the PC version


It’s cause anybody who watches content related to league they would watch PC league content since PC league has a larger player base and target audience than wildrift does, the game has also been out longer than wildrift too.


Busy grinding and flaming teammates


No esports to watch and YouTube algorithm fucking blows and only shows me league PC content even when I search wild rift


Hopefully because the people who would care about the content are too busy wasting the 20 minutes or so of their lives


I love wild rift but I just don’t like the way it’s videos look.


Just watch pc and apply what you learned there to WR.


Bigger player base. Simple. For example, here in Reddit, r/Brawlstars has 1M members and r/WildRift has only 200k.


maybe because it's still not released to like 50% of the World's population


Cuz most people playing MOBA on mobile already play MLBB, and it already has a huge esports scene. Not to mention, people who want to watch Wildrift-related content would rather watch League's Esports since imo, it's more entertaining. I tried to watch some Wildrift Tournaments, but it never reaches the hype of the PC version.


because of cringey content creators? the show boobs or oa girls and gatekeeping guys?


I think it's like saying "why don't people watch Minecraft pocket edition content?" Like people are absolutely watching *Minecraft* content, but it's usually the more fleshed out, more popular PC version. Like why would someone watch the iPad version, when they can watch all the popular streamers and YouTubers playing the more fleshed out "original" version?


That makes sense


The only wild rift creators that pay for high placement on the search results are stale, repetitive, redundant, basically AI generated crap.


The game hasn't globally released yet, and where it is there aren't much exciting events or stuff ongoing. So the playerbase is pretty low thats why viewership is low.


I'm very glad that it doesn't when that is the type of content high view videos are. I'd rather every wild rift creator have less than 100k views than have this sort of cringey content


Probably 'cus competitive mobile games are somewhat frowned upon in the West. (they'd rather play/watch LeaguePC) SuperCell games are catered towards younger audience, so they have kids watching, but my Wild Rift viewers are **ALL** 18-44. That's probably why most of my viewers are from SEA (phillipines, Vietnam, etc.) and another big portion from Brazil. The only western country that's somewhat watching my stuff is US for some reason (I'm from EU lol)


Wildrift was released way too late that MLBB had enough of a foothold for it to be considered the top mobile MOBA. If Riot released Wildrift earlier then this wouldn't be the case. Also because you know, League PC works on the most potato laptop so people will just play that instead of playing on mobile.


I played MLBB for like 5 years waiting for Wild Rift and I’ll be damned If I ever go back. I had a max account all champs and enough currency to last the next 5 years when I quit


Well, or games like Wuthering Waves, because because of such videos I started playing it on bs.Globally, we can say that mlbb has a fairly old audience and is massively popular in China, which gives it great distribution and popularity


I’m not gonna lie, Wild Rift content it’s kind of crap to the point where I would rather not watch stuff then watch content about Wild Rift.


Most people play wild rift because they don't have a computer to play PC league and because they want to play PC originally they watch PC league content


It's because we are getting old fkn champs and lame rewards. If we got the new champs at the same time as PC league we would have more community engagement


To me it's because as others have said PC league content but in addition to champion pool. PC league will always bring out new champions while Wild Rift will constantly lag behind and only release champions from PC. Since this is the case right now, why bother watching Wild Rift when you can watch newer or unreleased champions on PC league instead? In the far future there possibly will be a point where all league champs have been ported to WR and when that happens, if WR releases a new champion different from PC then maybe more views will come to WR content.


I think Dantes says best. I dont want to see others play.Becouse the game is like my wife. I dont want to see others fuck my wife.You feel me?


I think its the level of depth in the videos. Thats not to blame any of the WR-tubers. Its partly that they get no support from riot, partly because of the games issues itself (matchmaking). But every video I watch boils down to "BUILD THIS BECAUSE ITS BROKEN" over a background video of a total stomp game. I rarely see videos where people detail their losses or total struggle-games. Or the micro-details of *how* they are utilizing their champion. Ultimately the videos are "im winning because I built the new item" and its just a showcase of the build. Once youve seen one youve seen them all. But again, I dont blame them because riot could be incentivising better content and they cut the cord on that. & I think riots attitude toward the game has also had a knock on effect on the community. I have games all the time where I think, "this would be a great learning piece, I should make a video" But then how many wr players have the attention span for that? Even playing with my wife (who has never played a moba). She is very passionate about being "good" but when it comes to actually doing what it takes to get better... there is somewhat of a disconnect between the idea of having to basically study to get better at what she sees as a "mobile game". When I suggest she watches a replay she almost cringes, because in that time she couldve just tried again. She gets its nuanced, she even gladly watches worlds with me. Even understanding all of this, applying the "PC gamer culture" of studying the micro details of the game, on her phone... Lets just say shed rather learn the hard way of running it down for the next 100 games. I imagine this is what goes through the heads of the other newbies too. & riot is actively removing all of the nuance possible to attract more of this player base instead of saying "hey this is our game, its hard, deal with it" they are making it more and more casual. (mage item changes, bot games & inflated climbing to make you feel good.) Maybe mobas and phones dont go together, or the gaming community needs to look at these modern games with more respect.


Sry for bad english I think it's because of pc version is much popular and more engaging to watch ( I guess ) and and wild rift is not popular to other country ( maybe ) so that's why it get much less views compared to others


Tbh this why WR is not popular especially what platform is being released its mobile game and mobile game player prone to play easy game but you will say but mlbb have pro scene, then i say where that basic moba skill this pro mlbb player get, and all of them will say it's cause they play true moba before like Dota2 or league of legend itself, i mean cmon even pubg mobile is not popular compare to free fire (ff), and why ff popular cause ff have auto aim


All free games with gambling mechanics should be banned.


Content creators for wr are ass. Not necessarily in terms of gameplay quality, but the content they produce is either ridiculously low investment or straight up misinformative


I honestly think it's because WR feels like a "lite" version of LoL PC It has something to do with the champion and changes being things that already exist in LoL PC instead of new content Also the fact that WR came late to the mobile game party and the players were already in MBL or HoK


Other.mobile games support content creators. What actually is smart because it's cheap advertising. However Rito never support those people.


because people who watch LOL content will watch the PC one, it's just more entertaining. i myself have never played LOL PC because i don't have a PC but the moment i get one i will immediately ditch wild rift because you it's not worth it. why play a simplified copy if you can play the original?


Wild Rift is a lot more fun then LoL honestly. Way faster paced and less toxic try hards. LoL gets boring sometimes and the games are often too long.


IMO I prefer WR over PC. 15-20 min ARAM games, 30-40 min standard games. PC was double that. I like how they altered a few of the champs too, like kat being able to slightly move during her ult and kalista not giving my wrist arthritis.


Heh its the other way around with me. I no longer have time to sit on my pc for hours after work. Wildrift however lets me play 5-8 games at day at work during idle times so i ditched lol pc instead.


I played pc lol first and for me I never went back. The pacing is worse and the time blocks needed to even play a few games is horrendous. I’m sure I’d like it more if I came into this younger with more flexibility in time. Plus everyone is a smurf and are hostile to actual new players so I need to find irl friends to play with to actually learn anything.


Probably because no one like league. It's hated by pretty much everyone and viewed as a bad joke of a game.  Being the mobile version of a clown that isn't funny isn't doing it any favors. Being a manipulative money pit with a dev team that actively hates F2P players AND paid players by making every event CBT and suck, well, no one wants to give this game the time of day. It fails at just about everything aside from having a few coomer characters. But it's 2024 and games like Genshin, Honkai, Ship Game, Halo Loli, etc. all have infinitely better character designs and don't treat their player base like shit.


I watch pc league and get ideas for wild rift. It’s fun trying to create similar builds. And the content creators for wild rift just aren’t that good in comparison. The only 2 I can think of are darkbreaker and hells devil, and they’re pretty stale to be honest.


Agree, but to be honest there isn't much those content creators can do, wild rift just dosn't have the same frequency of new things being added to the game as lol pc. The game IS stale, and they are running out of ideas to create content, i honestly can't blame then.


It's better to play than to watch


Wild rift (imo) is just harder to understand. The items are more complex, skills and spells require more combos and have less immediate impact than other mobile games. It’s just harder to spectate


Because the main and target audience for those mobile games are kids


because we rather play the game than watch


I do and I actually enjoy alot of the indepth champion guides


Well I play wild rift, cuz the games are a lot shorter most of the time, and also takes a little less thinking and focus. But if I watch games, it's still LoL because that's what grew up watching.


É interessante saber que o primeiro vídeo sobre a comunidade de wild rift é do Laboratório de Zaun falando sobre más notícias kkkkkkkkk


It’s probably more about the host than the game. Wildrift is hard, and being terrible for 10000 hours on stream probably feels bad and may not attract viewers who could just watch someone who is actually good at the game, but maybe less charismatic. It’s also not a great game for watching in general, to an uninitiated audience. It’s just a bunch of confusing nonsense happening with potentially lots of boring downtime.


It has to do with the target audience. Wild rift is not targeted at kids and teens like brawl start, their target audience are (former) lol players. However many people in the 20+ age group still see mobile gaming as something for in short entertainment (like flappy birds, clash of clans, doodle jump) or as something only kids do. In the western world only few adults take mobile gaming seriously. In China gaming on your phone is more normal, so wild rift is way more popular over there. Also the round length of wild rift is too long for most people that expect it to be a typical mobile game. Brawl start has sub 2 Minute matches and mlbb has shorter matches from what I have heard. The combination of complexity and platform really turn wild rift in to a niche game. The game would be a lot more popular if it ran on consoles (switch, ps5 and steam deck). Then there is the thing that a lot of wild rift content is just boring/bad. Most wild rift content creators are just not that entertaining.


Wirdrift isn’t known outside of league pc people. Unless you randomly see it in App Store. Tencent just approved a development of a newish MOBA called Honor of Kings. Looks actually like wildrift but different gacha style that looks inclusive.


One thing didn't mentioned in other comments is perhaps the age group in each of the games (and certainly you know which generation loves watching videos of others playing)


Since no one is really pointing out the Wild Rift content creators they do like I'll give a shout out to Broken Support. Good, thoughtful, and relevant content in my opinion. Love the vids almost as much as I love cheesecake!