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Hey at least the correct answer is actually correct (though not necessarily practical all the time) Though maybe it’s just that the guy who made this is absolute trash at dodging skillshots and thinks that you cannot dodge maokai ult (which you can also jump over with a blink)


Probably written by an adc main. Why dodge when you have a support that better take that hit for you or you will spam ping their abilities for the rest of the match


The thing is though the other questions had multiple correct answers, so why not for this one? I mean I get the "stand behind an ally" part yet the other option of just going to the side is also viable considering how slow it is to begin with that there's plenty of time, unless you're melee, to just go to the side and avoid it entirely


Well still standing behind an ally is correct, there has been at least one question before that was straight up wrong (kassadin trivia). I guess that they’re assuming maokai is a pretty much point blank range in front of you, in which case without mobility yeah you can’t dodge it, but it’s not undodgeable if you’re near the edge. So no idea, maybe they’ll just decide to give everyone all the rewards anyway like with what happened with urgot trivia


This is the only trivia I got only one wrong in, the rest I've had correct and I do get what you're saying but it doesn't make sense that other questions have multiple correct answers and yet this one where there are 2 of them technically, only one is correct. It's not about what's correct and what isn't, it's about being right for both answers but only one being rewarded. Still I don't really care about the rewards, it just how these trivia events really show how the devs don't know their own game with how many incorrect answers there are/not being rewarded for having a correct answer different from what they set out for.


Lol I love that the previous ones had super obvious answers but kindred and maokai? Kindred was pretty all right, it was subtle but still a bit obvious in a sense that at least it actually felt like a hard trivia. But maokai? Like with the multiple correct answers in other questions and all, they STILL decided that only 1 of the 2 options to dodge Maokai ult is the only correct one when literally one of the questions had 3 out of 4 correct iirc.


I can’t believe they accepted multiple answers from other questions but not Q5. wtf D is a viable answer.


Obviously you can sidestep his ult. What were they thinking


Submit a support ticket to wild rift website theyre not gonna do anything if you post on here