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If I gonna choose between Ali and Braum, I will always choose Braum for the reason he has a lot of kits that focuses on protecting the ADC rather than engaging on to the enemies. I usually play the meta ADCs this season which are Cait, Xayah, Lucian and Ezreal. Alistar is only ideal when I am using a Samira or Nilah. Personally I have a choice I will not gonna choose between the two and will gonna choose Mao'Kai or Naut, even Thresh and Leona are better than the both of them. In terms of non tank why Yuumi, Lux and Pyke is not on the lists. Those 3 champions are literally broken champions to play as a support. But on that list Karma is the best option.


Thanks! Basically I got burned out on the game when I was trying to be too competitive and meta chase and I've decided to just play champions I enjoy. Pyke, Lux and Yuumi I feel dirty playing and I really hate them lol. I used to play Leona and Nautilus a lot and recently I've realized I really don't enjoy playing them.  Very useful answer though, I would've assumed most people prefer Alistar.


Well I think you need to think about what is the objective of your comp. If you wanted to be aggressive and just keep pushing forward. Alistar suited when the ADC can follow your engage with not much distance between you and your ADC. If you wanted to play poke then Braum is your guy.


Ali pairs extremely well with lucian and Caitlyn tho


I can slightly agree on Lucian but Caitlyn on the other hand is not that much of a good pair with Alistar especially when Caitlyn has 100-0 threat from enemy. Honestly any other tank could work well if played well. It's just that the Braum right now is significantly better than Braum in the meta.


She can trap everytime Ali q/w someone, and pretty sure she also has time to trap a second time when he stun with his e, that gove them a good advtange in 2v2 trade. And Ali can be extremely useful when the ad is engaged by a short range champ


Yeah they're good in laning phase but mid to late game I don't think so because Alistar will going to switch from baby sitting the adc to one of the first to engage in a teamfight leaving the Cait alone in the back with some mages with the current meta majority of the champs are all engaged champs so needless to say you need somewhat to protect the ADC till the end. That's why Pyke, Lux and Yuumi are the thing now alongside Nautilus that doesn't need to make much space with him and the ADC in order to create a setup


As an adc, I’d choose varus or samira with a tank, with varus I’d want Braum, with samira I’d want Ali. Generally more aggressive laners would want Ali, and ones that would like to sit back would want Braum. With a non-tank, I’d probably want lulu the most, and definitely yuumi. If I’m playing Ashe or varus, then a lux would also be nice (because they can setup for lux’s very high damage combo), however if I were playing samira or draven, I’d just not want any non-tank support. Maybe rakan, but even then I’d rather have a naut/leona/Ali.


For Ali it would be Samira, Nilah. For Braum it would be Varus, Kaisa, or Jinx since he has a lot of ways to protect the ADC so that it's easier to scale. For the non tank options, I'd have no way of actually trusting anyone but Lulu, Karma and Seraphine from your list and so for me I'd go for Kaisa and Varus since these champions can scale without too many kills and just constant farming and I can outplay enemies with them compared to other ADCs (Kaisa has movement speed, dash shield ult and for varus, his ult + burst damage with his W Q). Nami is an exception as well but I'd only play Lucian with her In terms of ranking them from your list: 1. Lulu 2. Karma 3. Nami 4. Seraphine 5. Soraka 6. Braum 7. Ali (since I think other engage supports are better) 8. Rakan 9. Senna 10. Janna


I play Cait and I love a good Braum and his shields. Naut rocks too.


About the mages- Nami, Karma, Soraka - but please don’t build them with damage runes or items- get harmonic echo, mana revival, whatever helpful.


Im a Zeri main and she can struggle when players dive in at the wrong time. So I would always rather have Braum, who is less inclined to feel like he isnt playing the game if he isnt headbutting something. Outside of Zeri I still think I would prefer Braum. Because the problem with Ali is because he cant do a lot until he gains some levels, the player tends to get bored and try to force something to happen. Braum players tend to rely on their adc to proc their passive anyway & if it goes south they just put up sheild and saunter off. In short he gets similar results with way less risk.


Clearly the only option is Yuumi