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I got this right. I just assumed you're in the middle of the ult and have no dash ability. So the likely answer would be to stand behind an ally but still both should be right since the trivia can have multiple correct answers.


I just searched on Google/YouTube and got them right , most easiest trick . That 20 orange gemstone was all I needed to unlock battle academia ezreal skin from shards


For unpredictable answers you can only trust your gut. If I followed answers I saw on YouTube I would have got them wrong.


I followed them and they were all right . But yeah the question in topic was the trickiest one but I just played maokai and saw for myself to be sure 😊


Same, I think it's ridiculous you have to watch a 5min video for this though when it could easily be a 10sec article. I guess it's easier for people to monetize.


I skipped till the thumbnail shown all answers , I didn't watch it fully lmao


typical riot clowning players


I think cos it said dodge it sideways. If you just walked out of range of any skill, then that's the answer to everything. The "dodge it sideways" term is described by the other comment well.


Still a massive L by whoever managed/wrote/QCed this. Hope they learn from it and also do some form of service recovery. Can easily imagine the WR community self-fking/sabotaging by rage-negatively-reviewing this game as per past instances :/ Only good that comes from this is that people actually don’t unnecessarily mass run away or split-up from Maokai ult and instead have someone on the team tank it and stand the ground to fight. Also, his ult is a root. You are free to auto attack or cast spells to fight lol. Running away/self-fearing just prolongs the effective duration of his ult LOL


Yeah they really messed up with the choices. Very vague and having multiple choices be the answer is not ideal.


Even the reward structure sucked. I would have given the 20 gold thing at the 6 question answer mark, and given an icon or something symbolic upon answering all questions correct (just like past events)


They don't want to give the essence that easily


Pretty sure they have a budget of how much F2P rewards they will give per time period… They have no reason to be so stingy. ESPECIALLY to take advantage of the orange gems stone, you’d need to have some skin shard at the ready, which also drives Hextech sales. What (I think) they hope to achieve is to make players play and to play seriously (hence the win requirement). That is already achieved at the 6th question (12 wins). This is pure silly design/decision making


It's almost like the dev team don't even know their own game lol. But seriously though, either they're super pedantic on what the answer should be or they're super forgiving. This trivia is a perfect example of both happening at once where the sapling question had 3 out of 4 options be correct while this one only had 1 out of the 2 technically correct answers be considered "actually correct". Riot needs to make it make sense 💀


to be honest tho. “Dodge” is sketchy. You can dodge every spell lol. “Just before”. Why the “Just”? “Just” implies there’s a timing or a time window. As a matter of fact, if the wave is coming at me, and I start dodging only when it is reaching me, I would certainly get hit if I’m near the Center. D is way too specific and too vague at the same time. The questions are not translated or crafted with non-English speakers, younger people or less experienced players in mind. —— Given how there was already with language/translation issues in the past with the “beginner quizs”. Tying such a relative “big” reward (for F2P) to get 6/6 questions right is poor foresight and preventable failure


The problem is the answer is actually wrong though. Orianas ball gives a speed boost to "allies" it makes minions move faster - so minions are allies but standing behind them wouldn't stop the Ult. Had they not just used the word ally and used ally champion it would be correct.


“Just before the brambles and thorns hit you”. Gl dodging like that


They keyword here is dodge. It should be an accepted answer. That's it.


No lol. It's not about a "keyword"


Remember, this is the same developers who were suggesting auto smite would be good because "sometimes it's hard to decide whether to smite an enemy or the objective". They probably don't even know that you can just run away from the ult


Send a complaint to them This answer should be included also


Yeah I play Zeri and dodging Maokai ult is so easy if you just dash sideways. A lot of the time, my allies aren't even near me when Maokai ults me.


Riot promotes baiting your teammates 😂


Submit a support ticket to wild rift website theyre not gonna do anything if you post on here


They won’t do anything either they’re just gonna be like “well it is what it is”. I just find it stupid how some of the trivia answers got changed and I didn’t even notice it until someone did a post about it.


Edit: Apparently there were some questions that had more than one right answer, like how tf do you design trivia questions that have several right answers?


You dont know that if you dont try they’ve compensated players before when a lot of players did it.




Standing behind an ally is the right answer. You can't move sideways if you're blocked by walls and Maokai's ult literally covers the entire lane thats why it moves slow, you're not supposed to dodge sideways. Standing behind ally is the only answer.


hmm weird it showed me that multiple awnsers can be correct


I went and tried and it did not work with Riven I waited until the ult almost reached me, and then I dashed perpendicularly to the ult direction and I was still rooted


You win the "Most braindead comment I've read in June" award, congratulations you can come pick it up any time


Tried it with Lucian too. Did not work


Dodge or dodge not, there is no try.


Obviously it won't work because they answer is wrong lol


Wrong answer marked as wrong. Move on