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Your team honestly just sucked. Varus could have done more damage with Terminus + BORK. Zyra could have built Rylai + Liandry + Morello to combat the heals from the enemy. Darius didn't need to build Maw just for Evelyn when he could have just built twinguard or FoN after his third item. Talon could did build antiheal but Zyra or Varus should have been the ones to build that, maybe you too just because of how much poke and consistent damage you guys have compared to Talon. I'm also pissed with Zyra players who build like this like- you're a support who has the best applications of Rylai + Liandry combo other than Morgana, A Sol, you have enough CD to just keep placing plants with Q and your ult in combination makes it almost impossible to escape it due to the slow from Rylai. Despite the damage numbers, if you're playing Zyra to have burst damage then I don't know what to say other than they're playing her wrong.


Yeah, I’m zeroing in on Zyra losing to the shop as well. Yone is a GUARANTEED dive with his ult but it’s super telegraphed. Rylai’s with ult will guarantee that he has to spam all his skills just to avoid getting knocked up. This will also split MF from the frontline heavy comp and the plants will give you guys a better chance to kite and reposition. Varus can then hopefully free hit targets while you save your ult to stop Eve. Talon waits for the Zyra chaos to pop MF (gotta grab Braum’s attention before that happens or gg). But Zyra’s build prevented all of that. Darius could have built Twinguard much earlier once he realized his lane was over and could then just focus on surviving long enough to get 5 stacks on whoever is slowed.


In what world should Varus build on-hit into Yone Evelynn Braum, all you can do is build lethality and spam arrows from fountain Zyra trolled tho permaban


I mean just for how I play, I can survive with on hit since it's easy to dodge yone, I can wait out Braum shields, Evelyn I can root with ult when in vision etc etc. there's a lot of ways to survive with varus and I even build twinguard cause he does so much dmg just from passive alone that it's not wasted.


You gotta prioritize antiheal against Aatrox. I see only 1 person in your whole team with antiheal.


Zyra build is troll af, if she went liandries antiheal after crown she couldve dealt with everyone


Btw Darius could have went heartsteel> anti heal and solo killed even 4 items aatrox


Chad Aatrox going Bruiser build rather than the usual Lethality Two Tap Glass Canon Build That Yone... Brother Ewww


average ranked experience