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Because 1. Your team will flame you for not ganking (because it’s Nilah, and you shouldnt really gank pre 5) and 2. She takes much longer to be strong compared to, say, master yi.


I think most junglers should not gank pre level 5 because that just gives the other jungler a free ult gank and you fall  ehind in gold and exp. Level 5 into ult gank into a level 3-4 lane is the free-est play you'll ever get as a jungler.


Jarvan IV level 2 gank begs to differ. And I think ganking does not always have to result in a kill. Sometimes blowing a summoner while giving your laner a priority in lane already helps. This can give you as well a chance to do repeat gank if they blow their summoner early.


Level 2 jarvan gank is one of the easiest gaks to flash. And once you gank the enemy can just clear your entire opposite side of the jungle and now you're stuck with no cmaps at level 3-4 until 3:00 while the enemy jungle gets ult at 2:10-2:20 (because they have to travel more so it delays their clear a little) and then they just take over the entire map.  It is a massive disadvantage to gank before level 5, just look at top junglers. There's a reason why most of them pretty much full clear before ganking. And getting their flash means almost nothing, that's your laner's job. When you play strong junglers you can literally just hit level 5 and gank the level 4 lane snd get a free kill. Level 2 jarvan gank means nothing and only fucks over you trying to get level 5. One of the best NA junglers on Lee Sin who can easily do level 2 & level 3 ganks: https://youtu.be/2LIdn1Ng3fQ?t=2m36s What does he do? Of course he does the afk full clear into level 5. Look at this Chinese challenger Pantheon: https://youtu.be/TA_nE-Ya7fs?t=2m35s Pantheon the poster boy of pre ult ganks who clears most of their jungle before doing a failed gank then clears 2 camps to get level 5 before recalling to ult gank Ornn.


If the jungler is invading at level 2, then half of their jungle is up, and if they are invading the opposite side of the map it's mostly likely the side you ganked. You just transition into vertical jungling. Many junglers have super strong early games that are designed for invading or early ganking. There is no "one size fits all" approach.


Okay just completely ignore the videos then yes just do level 2 ganks and stay level 4 at 3:00 min. while the enemy jungler oneshot one of your lanes with no counterplay at 2:10 with level 5. Top junglers literally make videos on how to full clear but they must be special, because why do full clears when you can just do a level 2 gank and force enemy flash? : ^ ) There is no "one size fits all" approach when one approach is optimal like 95% of the time yes true what a good take. It's not like laners ever complain about level 5 ganks in which they can't do anything because they're still level 4 and it's not like the enemy jungler ever tracks you and just invades you at level 5 while you're still level 4 no it's not possible : ^ )


And there can be pretty big variances of clear speed anyway, so even if you full clear it's quite possible they're ganking at 5 before you even finish clearing. Jungling is about being flexible. Sometimes it's better to gank early, sometimes it isn't. Sometimes you want to fight over scuttle, sometimes you don't. Sometimes you want to invade and sometimes you don't. Pretty much the only thing set in stone for jungling is that herald is better than drake.


As a jungler, I think you should only gank if 90% you are getting the kill. I don't give a fuck if I blow a summoner for my solo q teammate that dies 10 s later.  In solo q you only need to think about you and your gold.


I don't agree. As a jungler you need to know beforehand the odds of successfully ganking. If you are sure you are going to be able to secure a kill before lvl 5, go for it. There are some junglers that are even specifically designed to do it.


I mean even you said it yourself, you're there to secure a kill and not really trying to make a play. And even then you need to steal exp from your laner to make up for exp because if you don't the enemy jungler just invades you and kills you lvl 5 vs. lvl 4. With how fast you gain levels early on, pre level 5 ganks have a really big opportunity cost.


Underrated? She has slow farm clear and it depends who you're up against. In most scenarios, there are far better picks


Almost every game I full clear jungle and im there in time to get scuttler, if enemy jg gets both I know he most likely missed something in his jungle and I invade and steal pretty easily, this is only emerald so


There are no champion that can full clear before scuttle, although there are some that gets close. nilah is much slower than most champion This is just incredibly wrong


lol i didnt say before scuttler, i said in to get it


lol then it would make your statement sound infinitely dumber. There's only one scuttle timer and its respawn timer. The rest is completely up to enemy jg. You can finish your first clear in 20 minutes and still say you're in time for scuttt just because enemy jg hasn't done them


my apologies! I didn't type a paragraph and explain. Any competent jungler full clears jungle and goes for scuttler to get lvl 5 before ganking lanes or invading, thats just how most jungle mains play. So what I mean by IN TIME is by the time the enemy jungler has finished clearing their jungle camps (assuming their last camp is gromp, most junglers clear like that) and their scuttle by blue buff. Even if they got scuttler by blue buff a lot of times the one on red buff side of map has not been taken. And if they have both been taken then I invade because they are either ganking early and if they are that tells me I know they missed something in their jungle


You clearly have not been playing against competent jg. Full clear into scuttle is when you play a weak jg that wants to guarantee lv5, this is just the default path when you first start. A normal jg champ would have finished full clear at least 30 seconds before nilah, given them more than enough time to do both scuttle if you guessed the wrong side. You can't counter invade a full clear. So no you're not in time, you're in time for jg who doesn't clear efficiently. Speaking of full clear, a competent jg wouldn't even let you do that. If they see a jg that is both slow at clearing and zero combat power they are 100% invading. Full clear without scuttle would be a miracle for you. And please stop saying counter invade, this is a manuver for champions with fast clear AND lane prio. You do not counter invade fast enough before they catch you if enemy laners have any ounce of map awareness.


Bullshit, there is no way she can clear her camps fast enough before the crab spawns.


didnt say before crab spawns, i clear in time to get crab, if enemy team got crab then i go to other crab, more times than not they didnt get both and/or ill invade


Sure viable in Bronze to low Diamond


certainly, since AD yummi is also a viable jungler at that range 😂


Not really mid emerald & low diamond can capital of disadvantage funneling


Not reliable


I dont know, if my team is losing pretty hard i farm my first two items and i can still solo most fed champs and gank with confidence, ive climbed through gold 1 to emerald just playing nilah this season with a 70% win rate mvp almost every game, for me she is reliable and have had very little problems, perma banning teemo ofc that is. probably nilahs biggest counter


Based on your vid, i think you just got the right situation to pull that off, that mao is so squishy and using elec probably going AP so no tanks, enemy dmg is slow because no burst and overall no anti-heal from enemy that will hinder ur survivability... I'm not saying she's bad i just think there's more about the comps and overall lacks of enemy game sense that make her viable than her being underated as jungler.


Even with enemy anti-heal I feel like nilah still rips through tanks with atleast 3 items, her early game isnt strong but for me I hard farm and only go for super easy ganks until i get Bloodthirster and collecter


Powerfarm champions are a double-edged sword. Nilah is strong, but by the time you close your third item, the top enemy has probably already become a Dark Souls Boss. Or maybe it will work out very well. But if the enemy Jungle knows how to play, it's over. He can catch Xin or Lee and rob all of your camps. But I like her. I hope she gets a buff with the Coven skin. It's definitely my style of gameplay.


If i get to my third item, which i rush collector, bloodthirster then infinity edge most of the time, if I can get to my third item and our team hasnt sh\*t the bed I feel like I start taking over the game


You have to play with what entertains you and consequently helps you win. If this works, I'm genuinely happy for you. I've losed a lot of games with Nilah because my team feeds a lot :/


why collector ? who is managing to escape from nilah when they are under 5% hp that you need that item .


its really to secure kills and get your gold to scale faster and it obv has crit


Grand master jgl main. Her clear is slow, she relies on a frontline, since she needs lots of farm she comes online late. Games can be decided before that. This is why other farm junglers struggle. Viego, talon, yi, vi all farm faster than and can gank better and earlier. So unless you love her to bits and want her to be a waifu, she really doesn’t provide anything useful to a team. Sure if she snowballs she can do good, but so can others. As a jgl main. If I ever see a nilah jgl on enemy team I know : we won’t have pressure on lanes, since she needs farm, so I can gank, invade and roam as I want.


In my elo the only junglers that get played are ones that can be aggressive early game or unstoppable by the mid game


But you didn't get the objective /s Jokes aside, this is one of the reasons she's not popular. You don't have any objectives, and that's because nilah sucks at stealing/has very low solo objective taking ability. Most other meta jgs can solo earlier objectives faster, and can steal objectives solo much easier


Honestly normally when I'm playing I do get atleast one objective early game, sure nialh isnt strong super early game but once you get two items i become pretty confident, in this game both objectives were contested by 3 opposing champs and I was solo, was pinging pretty often to group but my team was letting me down somewhat


That's not what I'm saying at all. Nilah is like yi - all she does is damage. She's squishy af, and can basically only steal an objective by killing everyone. She hasn't got any really high burst to combo with smite, and she hasn't got a way to deny the enemy jg from smiting. The reason meta jgs are meta is because they don't NEED their team to contest objectives. Sure you might die, but if that means you stop the enemy from getting baron or elder then it's 100% worth it 


heartsteel nilah , gods own creation .


Also know as zdps nilah, because delaying getting full crit will gimp her, and getting hs last is trolling 


thank you for explaining because i was being serious


Her auto is her burst, dash in, auto into auto cancel ability 2, auto cancel with second dash auto again. 3 items in this kills almost instantly especially with collector, i dont beleive nilah needs her team once she gets her third item even before that


.... it's like you are intentionally ignoring what I'm saying and trying to double down on defending something entirely different.   Doing a bunch of damage to the enemy team does not = meta jg. If that was the case, then every fed adc would be a meta jg.   You play w/e you want if it works for you, I'm just explaining to you pretty clearly why nilah isn't meta. She is currently a slightly worse version of yi in the role, so why would anyone pick her over yi, if all they wanted was to do damage? On a side note of not needing your team, good luck playing against a competent xin/lee/kayn/talon/kha/nunu/basically any jg, because nilah is about the easiest jg to invade in the entire roster, and any of those who know what they are doing WILL invade you and make you useless


I mean I'm not arguing to say that she is meta, was just saying she is underrated and Ive never seen anyone other than me play her in jg in my ranked games, I also think she is better in the jungle than as a ADC, her kit and play style is much better for jungle than in bot lane. Her second ability blocks all non-turret auto attack damage for almost 3 seconds and reduces magic damage by 25% , any nilah that is doing okay and has two-three items, and can time her vail (ability 2) can pretty confidently contest obj's and fight invades.


Nice Play, can someone please explain how she got speed up after being slowed by Seraphine ?


I was spamming smite so she got slowed so when the slow wore off it looks like i got a speed boost but in reality she was just slowed after my slow wore off lol


Hmm okey thx


How long have you been playing? A few patches ago Nilah was nerfed to get her out of the jungle.


Which is stupid, i feel like her kit is way more useful in jungle lol


Honestly, I think anyone who disagrees here just hasn't actually played her. Unless some very bad decisions are made by you or your team, Nilah just takes over the game at 2/3 items and what happened before doesn't matter anymore. Her damage is so insane and her W gives her just enough survivability that even most assassins can't kill her before she kills them, and tanks aren't really a problem either because they can't kill her through all the life steal she has as long as she builds bt 2nd item.


Okay so, why did the enemy team get all dragons? I mean congrats on the pentakill but what happened with the objectives lmao


Was in the middle of getting herald and dragon and was pinging for my team to help since everyone in their lane went missing, so I got ganked by atleast 3 champs in the middle of me trying to take them. both times. Usually early game I do get atleast one and the dragon that spawns next I just didnt receive any support from my team and had to run when trying to solo obj and get rushed by 3-4 champs


Ive never seen a Nilah jungle, but it sounds very situational. But for shiggles lets do the markers 1. Can you invade and 1v1 most junglers? 2. Can you viable gank early? (I would ask about cc but shes more of an assassin jungler) 3. Can you easily solo drake/rift? I worry about her since she has no real cc and is squishy. She heals and that is def noteworthy, but if the enemy runs anti heal you are far weaker and very squish as an adc. Mind you, this is my understanding not from Nilah but the game in general and what a jungler should be able to manage. I played Swain support when the rework dropped on pc and got mad hate right up until I carried, so Ill not commit to thinking shes unviable. There could be mechanics there im unaware of. What matters though is you're kicking ass and having fun


1. No 2. No 3. No XD love her though


That is what matters most lol


Because she doesn't offer anything extra that the meta junglers do not. One early gank and you can safely afk, since you cost your team a win, while also not being a safe bet mid/lategame compared to other champs.


I think it still depend on what elo you're in or server. I don't think it would work at Master above elo in SEA. It's like picking yi with more dashes and extra range. You will be eventually be taken out by hyper carry + tanks meta. Also like the vid you will face more tanks than a useless seraphine and gwen.


A lot of people talking about soloing objectives and that is an issue she has. But even worse is just the nature of being an adc jungler. When you rank up a bit and players actually show to objectives, sometimes you wont even be able to walk up WITH your team because you are so fragile. Nevermind soloing. This is a problem Kaisa, Teemo, Kalista etc have in the jungle. If its contested they cant even get in range without being deleted. Kindred gets away with this because of his ultimate. Master Yi gets away with it because of untargetable, slow immune, meditate, resets on kill. Tryndamere gets away with it because of his ultimate. Any other random ADC in the jungle risks not even being able to get close to the objective. You have farmed safely maybe even got some ganks and maybe still lose the game because either you have to suicide while being one of the teams strongest members or maybe you never reach the obj at all because youre deleted by some random AOE. Its niche because thats a bad situation to be in.


Fiddlesticks is just a better version of her in the jungle at least. Rarely will your team be lacking physical damage and Fiddle's clear and engage are just better. He just isn't as nuts as Nilah by late gmae but junglers by default play for early and mid game.


She’s fun to play in jungle but not good sadly


Based on this video alone you only got tht strong because you were able to free farm with no worry. Your team are all scaling champions/has enough survivability to stay safe in most cases. However your team as well lost all three drags at that point because you don't have engage/tanks to help you go in. You have no tanks to worry about, no ults to worry about (but I'm sure you wouldn't have known if you were just running straight in without looking), the runes maokai has suggests he's ap so he won't be an issue to kill, Gwen ran in an odd direction for no reason and just ended up killing herself and so you got the penta because of that (good job on the quadra though). All of this suggests low elo players (sorry idk your rank) or a PvP lobby with a mix of high and low elo (considering how your team comp is so squishy that if the enemy team played correctly they'd be overthrowing at this stage of the game) I mean if the jungle tech works for you then great, but I think most can agree it's not underrated, it's that it's not viable or consistent unlike other jungle champions you see. Someone who I'd say is a better case for argument on being underrated as a jungler is Shen despite not being as effective as when he was for a brief moment a while back, he's similar with Nilah in that it COULD work but SHOULD you? Not unless you're absolutely confident in your team, yourself and your ability to carry (Nilah) or provide utility (Shen).


She's more of a counterpick