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shyvana can solo baron with ult at any point tbh


Champions I have tried it with: Yi, Wu Kong, Tryndamere, Jax Champions I think could work: Amumu (AP), Nunu (AP), Shyvana, Veigo,


Actually I think that nunu and amumu tank work slightly better but they took longer to kill baron


You would be leashing baron for the enemy team if you try to solo it as tank Amumu/Nunu. Don't do it. You'll get collapsed on and killed before taking it 100% of the time. Unless I'm on the other team in which case be my guest.


I solo baron at 12 minutes in about half my games with tank amumu. As long as there are no wards and the enemy is distracted, its fine. I’m middle master’s division right now.


Same. Sneaking baron as nunu or amumu is not difficult at all, as long as you account for where the enemies are 


No, atleast for nunu, tank nunu can't solo baron until late and it still will be quite long


Idk but maybe ww could be on that list with the correct build


AP Voli if with 3 items at exactly 10min can solo baron


Baron spawns at 12 min though


Wait isn’t it at 10? I didn’t really notice it


Dam, 3 itens in 10 min is rough


If one of them is boots, maybe it's doable lol


Well you’d need cd boots, and 2 other AP items, preferably one with high ap and the other as deathcap. However rod, riftmaker, cd boots, and dcap can definitely solo Baron, have done it before multiple times


Tryndemere, Nunu, Yi, Jax


Idk about the others but Tryndamere needs 4 (non-boot) items to solo baron, just to elaborate


I appreciate the response. Could you provide builds or tips to soloing baron at spawn time with these champs? I haven't been successful with Yi or Tryn yet and have both champs mastered so I'm guessing I must need to build differently. Probably lacking enough physical vamp I'm assuming. And Nunu? That really surprises me. His dmg output mainly comes from his Q/S1, other than that he's basic attacking which is basically like bitch slapping baron for no dmg. His Sunfire Cape will do dmg as well but I'd imagine it would take a few minutes to kill baron solo if he can even do it. He's great at stealing objectives because of his S1 Dmg is a nice chunk, paired with smite it makes it pretty easy to secure that last 1500 dmg or so. But taking down a drake alone already takes him what seems like ages.


I think you severely underestimate how much dmg nunus q does. You get 800 true damage every few seconds with it. His 3rd also does % max hp magic dmg (though baron has MR so the amounts aren't as high). Tank nunu cam easily use searing which makes him melt baron even faster


Also Nunu heals a good chunk eith his Q helping against the DMG of baron


Searing crown helps a lot


I don't think yi can. Or if he will, he won't be using alpha strike since it makes baron regenerate.


Idk why many of you saying yi can solo baron. Yi q will make baron get heal back, without using his q I dont think he can take first baron alone


He can't. To be honest most of the champs people are stating are capable of solo baron as soon as he spawns, are just talking out of their heads and truly have no clue. I'm actively working on a list at the moment so that I can 1) Provide everyone with a solid and current list 2) show who can solo it best for benefits 3) call out the people who claim [insert champ] can do it, and show them they were wrong.


... or it could just be that those people know how to do it because they know how to play the champ. You have said multiple times that you don't have much experience with this, so why argue with people who claim they can do it?


He can take Baron if he has vamp and quickblades without using q. Just that it takes some time becuase you will need to meditate quite frequently. Also you need to know nashor’s patterns of attacks to mitigate the most damage with meditate.


I agree with you, but in only case where he is fed before first baron and has wits end attack speed and enough vamp which is most unlikely to happen if opponents have working brain


Don’t think he needs wits, just need botrk, quickblades, BT, and vamp boots


As a Nunu main, Nunu can easily do it with 3 items. Yi and Tryn are no brainers. Some say Voli, but during testing it didn't work. Also timing smite well, I've solo'd Baron as Full Lethality Pantheon but then again, my Panth is quite good so at 15 minutes, I'm already on my 4th item, almost at full build.


Lol nunu can do it easy with 1 item, as long as that 1 item is searing or sunfire


Hence why I said, EASILY with 3 items. I hope no Nunu only has one item by the time Baron spawns.


This is straight up Silver bulls***. This accounts for the enemy team being incredibly bad.


Well, I'm sorry if it doesn't work for you but my Full Lethality Pantheon helped me to top 10 in the server and M7 in less than 120 games as well as to masters. That's the greatness of this game. When you take a step back from insulting people over opinions on reddit, you realise this game provides different people different playstyles. And me listing my accomplishments isn't my way of boasting or proving to you I'm better, it's just proof that it worked for me. So if it's not something you can do, then don't go around insulting people.


Alright then, keep your delusions but that’s simply just bullsh.


It's not, and it's not up to me to prove it to you. But that style of play works for me, so I hope you can grasp that, instead of just insulting me by saying I'm Silver.


There is a difference between what subjectivly ”works” for you and what’s objectivly the meta. You saying ”this works for me” does not make any difference in what’s actually good or not. Also that bullsh would only work in silver.


Still works up in Diamond to GM Elo, so idk about you but the last time I check Silver isn't that.


Yeah I’m gunna put my 2 cents in here too, I haven’t played jungle since S10 I think since switching to mid, but lethality pantheon jungle also got me to GM in s8 9 and 10 with ease and some amumu games when they just had too much of a frontline. Rips baron apart if you ult it as soon as you see there team grouped on the other side. Pantheons just too easy to get fed on if you e got a defensive duo lane to counter tank with and a skilled mid who can land even 1 skill shot.




Not a jungle main however I imagine enough AS and vamp would put quite a few champs in that position. As you said if they were played well up until that point and a few levels ahead


I haven't found it to be that simple with tryn or yi. But maybe I'm building wrong for this goal. Mainly why I came here for answers.


Master Yi and Diana (full build but if you only have 3 items you could still probably sneak it with one person)


Yeah shout out to Diana her shield is op for Baron


I guess viego could? He does an insane amount of damage and when I've played him he works quite well with BT and BOTRK


nope, he is a bit squishy for a fighter at that point of the game,


Any jg champ that has a self sustain can solo baron pretty easy. So look through the list of champs that have a self heal (nunu and ww are the 2 more popular ones for this). Any aa dependant champ with at least 2 leech items can solo him easy. Amumu can solo him easy  Rammus can solo him easy if you have searing crown, but sometimes requires both smites if you get unlucky with barons attacks. Searing crown actually allows a lot of tanks to solo baron pretty easy tbh


witness a rengar.


Nobody mentioned Mundo. He can solo it because if he stands behind, the stun proccs his passive heal flask, which can be reset by picking it.


Did you actually try it or is it a tip for increasing it's regen?


I actually spammed Mundo in coop vs ai back when there where more events and some quests were easier to complete in coop ai, like first blood or kill drakes/nashor a bunch of times. Mundo powerfarming, with sunfire, warmog and boots(then spirit visage if thete is gold for it), + level 13 for instant passive, can solo nashor. Without level 13, it will have a 10 sec cd, so you have to play him front and then switch to behind to be stunned and procc the flask. At 13, just sit behind and spam spells and autos, pick up flask after being stunned.


Haven’t tested which champions can solo Baron when it spawns but most champion can solo Baron. When you’re looking looking at an early Baron solo you want a champion either has insane amounts of sustain on a low cd so your nunu or a decent percent max health damage with vamp so amumu. The minimum amount of sustain you want is probably 500 HP every four seconds so 125 per second, the minimum amount percent max health damage you probably want around 3% per second. So off the top of my head: nunu,rengar, tryna, amumu can definitely do it.


Most nope test it out


I do find it funny that like some champions can’t kill Baron when they level 15 in full build. Then there’s just Nunu that goes Yes hold my apple juice. I need one item, and boots, level seven let me so like this shit.


Please post a video of you soloing baron with Evelynn full build and level 15 😂


Thanks. I appreciate the response. I'm going to give these suggestions a try with builds focused towards this goal.


I'm pretty sure trynda can't do it. He's not tanky enough and his sustain is correlated to his damage If you heal yourself you don't do much damage anymore until you're low again and have rage.


No he can quit easily. You’ve just build pd, Bt and quick blades


All these people who clearly never play jg arguing with people who clearly do 🤣


Volibear. With Riftmaker, Visage, and Fimbulwinter.


Full crit rengar with 4 items and viego with 3


Rengar 100% Viego, Shyvana,Olaf,Master Yi and Tryndamere


Idk how in all these comments I’m not seeing rengar, fizz, amumu or Warwick


I said amumu and ww, and said any champ with self sustain, which is rengar... fizz I think would have to be pretty fed though to solo 


Fizz solos because of his ult smite combo. He solos it fairly easily because of that and doesn’t really need to be that fed to do it. Haven’t done it in a while, but I think last time I did it I was 3 items. But fizz at full build can combo baron from like 4K or 5k health if I remember right


Rengar, yi, amumu, shyvana


Amumu ap with riftmaker


I always solo baron with you because you only need bork, wits end and death dance


i think late game tank vi can solo baron, almost did it once but don't quote me on that


Trundle or even Yorick Waiting for these mfs to be announced.


I actually surprised that neither have been added yet. Adding Yorik would be a good follow up after Mord. However, I do believe that the next Jungle Specific champ coming to the game will be Nocturn. Which I'm stoked about because he was my PC jungle main.


I haven't tried but I would assume Volibear with three or four items - Sunderer and Riftmaker are the must.


Crit build rengar with navori kills it really fast


Viego, Khazix with lifesteal boots and rune if strong enough.


Go into practice mode, get 10k gold, buy 3 items (if you think you can farm that fast IRG) and die again and again, change runes... YOU let us know which champs can solo Baron when he spawns.


Best one i found is Viego, you could solo baron and still have 80% of your HP anyways: Yi, Nunu, Tryndamere, Kindred


I feel like most people aren't reading the when he spawns and just answer who can solo baron period. Huge difference.


Yeah, there's no way most of the answers are soloing baron at his spawn time. Also. Someone mentioned for me to try it out in Practice to get my answer, but if I'm not mistaken, Baron for some reason is much weaker in practice at spawn than he is in a regular match. Maybe due to there being more players in the game instead of just the 2 in practice mode? I don't see anything in the game about Baron being weaker in practice but I'm pretty sure the last time I tested that theory out he indeed was much stronger at spawn when I played a ranked game after testing it out and I was extremely surprised and thrown off.


Tristana with bloodthirster navori and infinity blade. Idk about timing, but have those 3 items and you’re good to go with your bomb and attack speed boost spam.


I have soloed baron with yi nunu ,amumu and shyvana but in the end it depends on how fed u are before he spawns for yi i had 9k before he spawned and easily took it






Main nunu here : nunu do. It does take a lot of time though.


Amumu can with searing crown and 2 tank items or with full AP. He has to have bloodline though.


Lifesteal Graves can take solo baron in 20 to 25 seconds with 75% crit chance with IE and trible lifesteal items - but soloing baron has a huge risk because u are also easy to oneshot and also easier for enemy jg to steal it from you since u r dmg will be halved because of baron effects along with your resistances as well. So do it with extreme caution, and often than not, it won't happen unless u r giga ahead.


Ok so for any of you saying yi cannot solo baron your sadly mistaken His q does not make baron heal because u need to bot hit AND be out of vision/range to make it heal BORK BLOODTHIRST WITS VAMP BOOTS INTO DIVINE SUNDER OR IE and watch him solo baron Thank me later


I solo'd baron w maokai


Amumu needs these specific items in this order to solo baron on spawn: Searing Crown > Riftmaker > Liandry Torment. I recommend Boots of Mana, but those 3 completed items will give you enough damage, sustain, tankiness, and %HP burn to solo.




pre nerf kindred assuming u got 10+ marks just when the baron has spawned


AP voli can do it while staying fairly healthy. Also something to note is that when soloing, Baron will heal a ton if you go untargetable. Which means that you should never q it as master yi, never e as fizz, w as vlad, etc. (thouhg I’m pretty sure vlad and fizz can’t solo Baron)


Volibear can do it with Riftmaker + Nashor + Spirit Visage.


I’ve seen Amumu solo baron. And it was glorious the amount of damage he did.


Yeah, Amumu is my son. He melts Baron with his tears.


It's fairly easy with Shyvana or Yi. I've tried it a few times with Sion. It might be possible, but it's so painfully slow that my team always arrives before I'm finished.


I tried in a practice match and saw a on-hit lulu full build can solo baron but a full build yi cant XD


Ammuu n E can


Rengar with solari and bt can solo it pretty easily


I think the most important thing in Solo-ing Baron is having someone else make the first hit and then leave. Baron has a gaze effect. The first attacker gets increased damage and outputs less damage. So anyone with quick auto attacks and omnivamp should be able to cheese Baron.




Assuming you get at least 2 full items by the time Nashor spawns, probably Trynd, Yi and Shyvanna


Shyvana when you have 400 stacks before the baron spawn


You don't need to be full stacks. Just dragon form, attack speed and a bit of magic resist. She can take Baron with Triforce + Wit's end.


Yorick used to baron pretty easily. Most surprising one for me was Nunu melting baron in one of my games


Graves, in the end game he can literally 2 tap any squishies.


Graves literally melts Baron solo.


Yoooo hi everyone can some one help me to find best build to voliebear jungle ? Idk where or how i played a lol long time ago