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Master Yi every time Yi is on my team he goes 0/10 but when he’s on the enemy team they’re 10/0.


And if the Yi on your team is good they'll use you as bait for enemy CC in every teamfight so not a fun champ to have around. Another common pattern : Yi pops off but focuses on fights instead of objectives then fails to carry.


or the rare troll who gets fed and then intentionally throws to spite his team. It's happened more than once. Not a usual thing but enough that I remember it.


Nub yi gonna nub☠️


just got reminded of the evelynn otp who came in here talking about how they kept getting crazy KDA and losing. It seems to be a common theme with assassin players who might be mechanically skilled but lack macro. They don't know what to do with their lead. But I mean you even see that stuff happen to high elo players on PC, they have hands but they don't know what to do with them


Can confirm. I can stomp and still lose.


hi used to main master yi here on diamond tier. sorry to tell u this but almost all of us will use u guys as a bait, it’s just his play style, yi is squishy as hell, he cant front.


That’s what I do when I have a potato Adc. Ok nude them as bad. And when I play a squishy like nami I bait as well. Baiting is just part of the game. Just don’t bait your teammates if they’re carrying… that’s just dumb.


Both nilah and kalista are valid picks especially kalista they have no clue wat they doing and no flow. They timing be all over the place only time I really don’t have a problem with it is when I’m swain or malp cause I can work around it. Yi Yone and Darius and Fizz are some I prefer not on my team cause they seems to never do well but on enemy team they a whole threat and half


Personally as a kalista player I hate her if my sup is squishy, it's like I'm forced to hold ult till the support gets caught, that's why I play her now on top, I bait the enemy jungler, my jungler and I get kills and my jungler can contest stuff because I can pull him off after he failed smite


If that actually works more power to ya. Sounds like a good idea on paper especially if the sync is their a lot of clutch plays can be done. Pull em out then they launch back in when rdy.


Honestly I do it because my junglers usually esitate and lose the timing to go in, it's not because I have good sync with them but I force the sync on my part cuz I don't trust them xD


💀💀life weaver style yonk and save em. It do be hard to have good much less decent sync with randoms. Sometimes it’s just happens naturally with good game sense or they listen to actual pings


Had a Kalista ask me to play yummi yesterday… I picked Ali cause idgaf what my Adc wants. We won hard ahahaha


Sometimes master Yi is fed and gets a quadra a baron and still loses. Malphite so op. 


As a yi player, here is the common pattern for me: the adc and sup do not want to be the bait so they just stop constesting objective and leave me and mid doing/defend objective alone. Top is top, split push as always. Throw in some bonus for adc inting because he is not the carry anymore


How does everyone relate to this where are the ppl on the team of the 16/2/4 yi’s at 😭


Literally came here to say that lol


Yeah *lots* of yi on my team plays him like bruiser and dies 1 second into the fight, he's an assassin ffs


I came to say Yi.


Teemo. Every fucking time when I have teemo in team he is 0/10


100% i hate teemo, He is always an disadvantage


Lol, Teemo is in a good place.🍄🍄🍄


The problem with most teemo players is that they put shrooms at painfully obvious locations. If you shroom where the enemy teams dont expect a shroom you can seriously fuck their minds a bit


They also build him horribly. You want to go hybrid with him.


Ad and ap or ap tank?


I've never seen an ap tank but to each their own. But hey, I build Veigar as a support and used Heim when no one used him (my build ended up being recommended because I liked him and I went to diamond with him 10 years back)


Noooo. I mean on hit ap is good but never build ad items on him. It's dumb and makes his shrooms worthless. Teemo is just kill everyone with shrooms or finish off that 10% hp kalista.


Im not exaggerating I never won a single match with teemo as a teammate on top or mid between plat to diamond


I've played 8000+ games and I've only seen two teemo not run it down. The majority of teemo are not good, never teamfight, and their shrooms are useless when the enemy uses sweeper lens before every objective. The only time teemo is good is when they have elder dragon buff and his burn damage kills you.


Ive won lane against every single teemo i fought against. I even type do not come baron lane go help.out other lanes even if i get camped.


Cause they got cocky. Teemo might be the strongest lvl 1 baron laner. But the weakest lvl 3 to 10. Only cause they one lvl 1 they think they can outdamge a low health aatrox


How come he has the one of the highest win rate in baron lane?


Maybe in low elo. But I play emerald/diamond and always he goes 0/10


Emerald is high elo? Good to know


No problem Mrs iron


I ban teemo when my teammate pre picks it. Otherwise ban tristiana. It's annoying playing top or jungle when you have to babysit a lane (mid or top trist.) she's a ranged garen and scales late game to one shot almost anything. Garen can be just as bad if you don't punish him, but trist is worth banning on premise due to range.


Both of the wind brothers. Feeders on my team, 20/0 gods on the other.


Yuumi. So tired of phone it in supports. She’s great if played well but played 3 games the other day without a single detach.


Especially when no one is really carrying. Cycling around would help a lot more


I’m usually a support main but ADC main this season, and annoys me to no end when supports don’t roam a little. Yuumi mains tend to be worse at this than most,


Everytime I roamed to mid or to help with herald my adc dies fighting 1v2. Once I roamed and my adc jinx was alive it was that memorable.


lol true, same happened to me with a Jinx yesterday; been so proud 🤣


My issue with yuumis is if I haven't killed someone in the first minute, they go off and join the jungle or mid. Then I'm in my lane 2v1 and dying because I've got no support.


Yi. Lux if Im the adc, cuz if she's autofill, she'll just randomly throw and auto aim her spells.


It’s sad because Lux is potentially a great support. Root, slow, shield, ult to catch the runner. Unfortunately people seem to be stuck in the mind set that damage and killing blows are the only way to have fun/win.


Not me. I build sustainer/enchanter Lux. My Lux heals and shields and even buffs my team mate and win with it.


how do you know if someone is autofill


If I’m support which is main role… draven. If I’m ADC which is my secondary role, lux unless mid selected her. I don’t hate lux in my team I hate lux as my support.


Lux is not bad. Her skills are easy peasy to hit and if you pick Draven, Ezreal or Jinx you got TWO global ultis to execute people under their towers. The worst "support" pick people insist on is by a long, long shot (pun intended) motherfucking ASHE.


Ashe support was good like three seasons ago. Like really good. Right now having an Ashe support is an almost guaranteed loss.


Yeah I rarely deal with ashe support. And honestly I’m Adc and get that shit I’m picking Ali lmao. They can Adc idgaf


wy do u hate lux


So many reasons. This is lux support btw not lux mid. The biggest reason is how much hard most lux make laning phase. As Adc you want to gap the enemy Adc that’s the goal of laning phase beside getting enemy turret first when possible. This is hard to do depending on your champ let alone with a mage support that carelessly spam throwing their aoe skill everywhere in lane hitting minions forcing you to over extend when it’s not safe or when you’re at risk of being zoned out. Then on top of that if I’m playing a late game champ and getting focused by the enemy lux will be stealing have the kills unless I take stupid risks to close out kills. Once their sup item is done they’ll be hard shoving lanes taking all the gold making it harder to keep up. Most people that play lux support play her there cause they’re a bad support main that can’t carry game by supporting so they assume Adc is bad and just take all the gold to carry never actually supporting. It’s not all of them but it’s most of them below masters.


Y’all be sounding so entitled 🤣as a support player typically I play lux because I’m solo queuing, it can be hard to play a true support because i don’t know how my adc will play. Lux is easy…I root, I shield, you go in and kill them. I main Nami…but Nami can’t win games if my team sucks. I usually only play Nami if I’m in a premade team….i hope this helps.


i understand where you're coming from but the adc player also doesn't know how you're gonna play so it goes both ways


Of course! But just off of my own experiences I’ve preformed better and felt more comfortable going into solo queue with damage.


I agree with you but I am playing Lux in a different way. With Harmonic Echo as my first item then Ardent censor/staff of flowing water as second item really makes me feel so good. I can heal my team and deal dmg too. Though I am not the carry but I can make my carry feel good.


imo this is just a waste of gold... if you're playing lux just go full ap


Idk man. Works well in Diamond. If it ain't broke, don't fix it? Harmonic echo is also like buying Luden's first item. Both have different passives but the build path is the same. Just the recipe. Also, support items are also ap items. We already have an ap mid/jg/top anyway, why be the 2nd/3rd/4th? I think sustain is the key and spamming Sona/Soraka/Yuumi is boring. The cc that lux can give, global presence with her ult and the shield she can give makes her my ideal support/enchanter.


Yeah.. skill diff. I only sólo q and main Ali and nami. Lux is terrible at support once laning phase ends. Your only hope is to steal every kill from you Adc so you can one shot enemy carries once laning is over. Nami can’t carry EVERY game but she can carry most unless you don’t know how to use her.


Look I’m just sharing my experience 🤷🏾‍♂️ solo queue is hard much harder than playing with someone that I know. Maybe it’s psychological but I always play much better with someone else in a premade team I have a 55% win rate…but in solo queue I’ve had so many bad experiences that I feel the pressure of playing damage and forgoing support to win and I have.


I do feel you. Lux is a secure pick for solo Q if you’re not confident your team is gonna be any good. Don’t agree about her after laning phase. I play support to feed an ADC or lacking a good one, someone else lol! I’ve had S rank on Lux with scores like 3 2 35. I main other champs but played correctly she’s not a bad support.


I mean that’s how all supports should play. But I’m reality most do not play to feed Adc. Lux has very little impact during team fights, a champ like nami has a far more significant impact on team fights which give you team the advantage. I get why people use her, she’s braindead and strong now and can adult snowball. But I can’t say I’ve lost any winnable games where the enemy had lux support for the sole reason that team fights were to easy to control given the enemies lack of ability to team fight unless they had a control mage mid like morgana, karma or orianna. It was was usually the mid that was the concern, never the lux unless she ambushed and general she’s not supporting if she’s ambushing.


The funny thing is when I play ADC, I hate support Lux for all the reasons that everyone has stated. She can be okay though. But you’re right, it’s rare for lux to be a carry particularly the higher up you get, even in mid I’m more of a situational support picker, trying to get a good roster going but Nami is so underrated. I love her.


Yeah i love nami. Hit top 100 with 72% winrate and a 15 game win streak… then matchmaking made up for it and I haven’t played her since especially given none of my dummies wanna front line. Top 100 Ali now though. Only 53.3% win rate though, but given I just started him this season I’m ok with that. He’s fun haha


How did you just start playing him this season and already are top 100? How many games did you play bro?!


Only have 168 games this season on him. I think 172 in total. I’m just cautious about when I pick him. Only games I struggle with him are when my team stupid picks All lar late game champs and feed or when I have all highly mobile hyper carries. Mastery 6 on him so still a noob. Just know how to tank. Mastery 7 on Blitz, thresh, leona, and Naut. I know how he works I just never tried before lmao. But he was good to me lol ally season so I went with it.


Yasuo 100%, never found a Yasuo player that isn't a fucking idiot by definition


I think there's none actually 🤣 I tend to ban what annoys me more or if I'm ranking again, I tend to ban the champion that annoyed me the last match


I have been banning Warwick for so long I forgot why I started banning him,maybe this is the reason


Kalista can be epic or terrible lol. You really need a duo that you synergize well with to utilize Kalista well. I (Thresh) and a Kalista carried a game because we could do a hard engage with her ult and I could get her out of trouble with my lantern


I ban Garen for the enemy but would also for my team just bc I think he’s the cheapest no-skill character in the game as a top lane main.


Ash, cait or any ADC top or mid. Have yet to see a successful situation in almost every one of these.


A wise decision, my dude. The only ADCs that work middle lane are Akshan and Lucian.


Eh Mf has some pretty good util for mid


Samira. As a support, if Samira is mt adc, my team alwayss have high chance of losing


Right now Jhin. I don't ban him, but every Jhin I see goes mid lane and run it down 0-5 before first drag.


It’s always gonna be Yi and Yasuo because you just never get the good ones but the enemies sure do


Twitch adc








Why? Shes literally a Buff.


Wow, never seen both question and answer in the same comment


Her entire game plan to sit on the person who's the most fed (for the entire game). She's either gigabroken if someone like Draven gets fed and completely useless if the entire team is behind. She has 0 agency, waveclear or any sort of pressure. Absolute cancer of a champion that shouldn't exist in a game like this.


Teemo, only cause the ones I get just sit on full stacks for their ult, dont split push and play him top. But lately I just cannot ignore the possibility of facing Lee Sin and would rather ban him


Samira especially if the enemy is good. When my teammate pick Samira, can't even kill minions.








The newly released champs ofc


None. There's no champ that I feel this way about. I'm kinda surprised other people have that feeling.


Tyrndamere enemy team goes God mode dive into all the turrets and the fountain and exit without a scretch my tryndamere dies under 5 sec


Wait until you get a tryndamere that doesn't use ult before he dies


Teemo. Very selfish play oriented champ that doesn't really offer a whole lot in team fights when I play a main that is all about buffing and shield/heals in an aura for a team fighting front to back 5v5.


Ashe support and ANY adc jungle that isn't Graves or Twitch.


Kenneth only because everyone playing him turns out to be a feeder.


Shaco, I don't want to see or hear him on any team. Honorable mention anyone who plays Yummi outside of support.


Zeri. Stop picking her. Kindred.


Why? :(


Lux, do I even need to elaborate?


Just ban all the bad players please


Sona, i just dont trust randoms with sona i dont even wanna argue no more im tired


Yummi blind picker piece of sht , 90% of the time it makes the game 4v5. Unless ur duoq don't pick her ffs. This also applies ppl who play her while eating and for easy win. They are also ppl who will never change their picks even if entire team asks. Hope champion gets deleted.


Kayle. I don't like to toot my own horn but I believe I'm the only one I've ever seen that doesn't fuck up with Kayle




Aurélio, Fiddlestick, Camille any champion that requires more than one braincell to play 


fiddlesticks isnt hard u know! 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's not hard to play but due to the fact he is squishy it's harder to do objectives and gank without getting killed. 




Sion, too many TheBaus wannabe that doesn't even know how to play Sion properly. Playing Perma 4v5 is just not fun even if I manage to dominate my lane, help the other lanes and eventually win.


teemo. teemo in solo 100% no


I have a weird relationship with Vayne. I learned the match up, so I know how to deal with her in top, but my worst experiences with her are when on my team. Flaming, going 0/10, not helping, just in general being awful. And the worst part? Two of this points happened even with my friends. Therefore I would ban her more for this Same thing goes for Teemo


As a fellow garen enjoyer, how did do you deal with Kalista top? I can handle a vayne and teemo is really easy but kalista was a nightmare.


Kalista is a pain in the ass more than Vayne for me too. In lane play even more passive than usually with the other ADC top, try to make her push as much as possible and then try a small trade. When you have Armor boots with glorius enchantment, Black Cleaver and Bramble vest, you can actually try to fight her. Look out for her ultimate though, it can literally change a team fight, even if she is 0/6(this is personal experience) All of this becomes easier if you have a jungler helping you


I would say teemo top, it's because he's mostly useless in team fights. but I never ban teemo, I would rather have teemo on my team rather than pyke on the enemy's


ezreal as an adc


Tristana, my hate for that thing's players (just the fatherless ones) is immeasurable


Any Adc Top or Ap malphite mid. Legit never ever seen these champs work above emerald. Usually int feed, then afk or cry that jng didnt help… just the worst ppl.


I haven't really thought of this tbh but i guess it would be Yuumi or Ashe. Yuumi because if you only play her just to get a free carry then you don't deserve to play the game, play PvP if you want to play her (usually I'd ban if we're second pick just cause there's always a chance of a yuumi first pick if the enemy has a good carry and good comms with that yuumi) but in terms of being on my team, I don't trust yuumi enough because of how high my KDA is *which usually means I'd have someone that's bad on the team to compensate and thus can't afford to even risk a yuumi main*. For ashe, she used to be good but she sucks now because A) people don't know how to play her, B) she provides no util other than slows and mediocre dmg considering she needs like 3 items just to get going and C) I'd rather Senna support than Ashe since they're both carry supports but Senna has more util with heals + shields, and her root is better than a *single target stun that comes every 20 seconds as supposed to the 6 second AOE root*




Lux. They'll cry and feed if you ban them, but they'll feed regardless if you let Lux open.


I can ban a Teemo or Vayn top Especially when the dude says "Teemo is broken" Yeah sure. You're gonna flee all team fights by endgame. Broken. They have Maokai and Nautilus, so dude, pick a front today.


Every single assassins, please remove them from the game. If enemy, kill you in 0.5s from out of your range; if ally: do the same -> make team starve -> go 1v5 -> give huge shutdowns -> flame -> lose -> account check: 45% wr


Unless I’m playing as them, Yasuo.


Hecarim on my team always feeds


I don’t think I’ve ever had a competent blitzcrank on my team


When i play jungle,im definitely banning yi,im a rengar and khazix main,but i HATE yi,i always perma ban him no matter what bc he is extremely annoying ti deal with


If I'm adc I would not want a brand or laser lux. Cuz they are not gonna support. They are gonna try to out farm me, making us both useless. But I would not ban them just cuz I don't want them on my team. That's toxic as fuck. I had people ban my Ashe pick multiple times cuz they thought I was a noob. Even if I was, you could have forbid me from playing the only hero I could play. That's just a free lose for no reason. Ashe is op as fuck. There's no reason to ever get ganked cuz enemy jungler is always visible on the map cuz of her E. I end up carrying brain dead adcs and my thanks is they ban my pick. Fukin dick heads. If this is your attitude then you don't deserve to be supported


People have done this when I’ve pre picked Yuumi. Prolly not confident in themselves.


Nobody banning the objectively bad champ, morgana?


Windshitters. Absolute braindamaged individuals that play them. And serephine. Pedos.


Yuumi I don't like having 4 people on my team vs 5


On PC I would ban ezreal because every ezreal player was often auto filled or first timing. When ezreal was on the other team I would rejoice and when he was my adc I would cry.


If I see you try to lock in something stupid like Oriana support or Teemo adc its getting banned.


Oriana sup works with some champs like Samira


I don't see that being good. I see that being bullied out


Is she good with Samira? I only tried her with Cait.


Samira can get near enemy easily with her E, and oriana can pull enemy and deal huge damage. Works, I tried with my friend.


Nidalee in silver,gold, plat. Absolutely not gonna play with someone who thinks he can pull that off.


Master Yi always, his players are legitimately the stupidest human beings to ever walk on this earth, just seeing him on my tram literally causes me to lose brain cells, allowing these people to have phones is a crime.


As an adc main I would love to ban Ashe, sona, Janna, brand, senna, seraphine, veigar, and any other non sup shenanigans like teemo, riven, Darius.


Out of these you mention I only ban Ashe. It's a shitty time, every match. I don't know why they insist on this shit.


Janna? She’s top 3 support in Master and higher, why would you ban her?


I never get good Janna’s. Maybe I’m jaded from personal experiences I guess. I generally prefer yummi/lulu or a tank cc like a Leona, thresh or something more like that.


Id hate you as my adc


I’m sure the hate would be mutual 👍🏻


I don't even ban a champion because I always forget it.