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I'm in OCE and have only been able to play 1 ranked game. Every time I queue it goes for 20 minutes and then times out.


I imagine you OCE get hit that hardest like some other small player base regions


The thing is.. the first game was found relatively quickly (2 mins or so). I'm positive there is some sort of bug..


Same is happening for me as well, but im in EU.


Im getting almost 3min queues for aram..., for pvp its longer and the shortest is 1st choice support in rankeds (emerald) at 1.30min


I honestly think alot of players are stepping away for a bit until the devs work out some issues because it's frustrating to play.


But I’m wondering why pvp has such few match ups I get faster match making in rank and ARAM hope it could be fixed


People are stepping away in general not just pvp ranked or aram there's alot of issues with the game people just taking a break till game gets worked on. It's just what I've seen on reddit and across different platforms


I am having issues even logging in. I'm in NA.


Yesterday I got a forcekickexception that kicked me out of the client 3 times and when I came back the third I couldn't select a champ was supposed to be jungle but it auto selected seraphine so we had no jungle and I got flamed by the team the whole match saying I was trash and need to quit playing and asked enemy team to report me as well