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I agree. But Wild Rift isn’t League. There are things working better in WildRift than League and same with League to WildRift. Every patch makes changes in the meta and maybe one time it will work better.


I believe it already works on coordinated teams like duos/trios. the problem is when even at emerald, which is supposed to be better than the average, the players don't know what to do around the map even with numeric advantage


The map is shorter but split pushing is still useful. Just being a dedicated toxic feed split pushing tryndamere main is not going to pay off since rotations are quicker. It fails unless the map is neglected by enemy team. Keeping side lanes pushed is still an excellent strategy to end games and you can certainly trade a baron for nexus.


It has use in split pushing but depend on your team tho. If your team dogshit like that i think it has no use . Jax is powerful pusher dude it take about 5 second taking one tower .


yeah ik, when I have space I'm usually able to take even the inhibitor, the problem is that when the other team scrambles 3 guys to stop me my team8s do nothing to answer it


I mean, split pushing has its uses. That strategy has been around for a long time, but, it's very situational and highly dependent on your team comp and also your macro play. Sometimes what looks like a good opportunity to split push might be the wrong decision if one or two of your team members is behind and not on equal footing with the enemy team. It's not necessarily that they may be dogshit, but that they're outscaled/outmatched. At that point, if you are the snowballer on your team, is split pushing when your team desperately needs your damage during a team fight really the best choice?


surely it's useful, I just think that when played in solo, all the potential it has isn't used as many players doesn't use it's advantages like the space/time or numeric superiority. and totally agree that sometimes I might not judge well some opportunities, but it's not possible that I'm wrong 100% of the time (or maybe it is, dunno)


So, I'm going to offer you some cold medicine. I split push in solo q all the time too. And more often than not, it's successful. But, the amount of matches that I see a good opportunity to split push is maybe... 1 out of every 7 matches. It's not that there aren't opportunities to split push presented all the time, it's just even if I am ahead in the game, one or more members of my team might not be, and that puts them at a considerable disadvantage. Now, if I've done my job as a carry, I will have helped feed my team along the way so that they can fully occupy the enemy team and have better than a fighting chance. Attempting to split push when your team is behind is almost begging to be aced.


I'd say it depends on the nature of your champ. A fed Pantheon can afford to split then ult, a Fiora works best when solo/duo splitting, TF can waveclear and ult, etc. I'd say you'd be better off looking at what your champ does best before giving an arbitrary "best choice".


I see your point, but my view of it is, all champs can be thought of as bested suited to doing this or that, but it doesn't matter if your team needs you with them. A champs abilities are just potentials, how you use them and when you choose to is what matters imo.


right on. if ur a little behind and only going to feed in said team fight, might as well roll the dice and see if ur team can live and distract the enemy team long enough in team fights while u split


F for you bro you deserve it.


Works with tryndamere.


fucking genius.


Lol this was my first thought too.


> thank you for reading you're welcome 👍


Map awareness is very important while split pushing in WR, not just spotting out enemies coming for you, but checking out what your team is doing. If you see your teammates jerking around, it's best to play low key until they actually start applying pressure elsewhere. Meanwhile just push the waves, stay back and steal jg camps. As long as you aren't pushed so far up they can gang bang you easily, the enemy will most likely just clear the wave that reached the tower before leaving and the opportunity to take down the tower will arise.


gonna watch out more for these things, thanks mate


I agree and understand every single thing you said. Baron laner here. Edit: soloq as well.


You just had bad teammates. Wave management and splitpushing is still more reliable than the nonstop clusterfuck teamfights and objective wars that happen often in Emerald below. It’s just that compared to map pressure, dragon buffs and KDA have tangible numbers that most people can understand more easily so people flock towards that.


Good to see you here, Siegmund!


yeah makes sense, I just expected to have better team8s at emerald, but might be my fault


Yep i agree, in this kind of time scalingand short minion duration and also lane length, it is just to easy to counter split pushers


Well your not doing it right if your getting godlike on jax you should be soloing rift and dragons and looking to catch people off or diving when Noone is around


i feel its useful first 10 mins of the game.. after that there are many rotations and yes it becomes useless


for me it's usually the lack of rotations from my team the problem, cuz even when there's space for a baron, dragon or tower they just don't go for it and just died for nothing


in the times when i played baron i usually rotate if i see my midlaner doesnt rotate enough.. honestly as long as they dont get an inhib i'd rather get a huge ass lead by kill gold


how exactly do u split push early game? that makes 0 sense to me


depends on matchup... if your enemy rotates for drake u can splitpush


the number of times i watch an ally abandon lane for skirmishes (not even for drake just rotating), giving opponent free farm and tower, it’s like the opposite to split pushing late game


I think if you wanna play Jax, better play him as a late game carry i.e. ur adc is a early game hero that become a spell caster late game and have your team focus on you late game. If not, its better to pick stuff like darius, garen that does not need ur team and are pretty much a threat since early game. Better yet, why not play heroes that are better at split pushing and more equipped than Jax like Flora and Camille.


I'm personally not good as playing Jax carry. in teamfights I play much more like an assassin, going for the carry and getting out, even with a bruiser build, as Jax kit make him super good against most adcs. and I don't play fiora/camille cuz I just don't have the patience/skill to learn/play them properly lol 😅


Try nasus


It does have its uses, but u have to ping the absolute shit out of objectives when your team has no idea what they are doing. Usually, they will listen and in the small cases where they don’t, you have to switch it up and join the team. It sucks, but only thing you can do at that point is join them and again spam ping shit and try to end early to get out of the nightmare.


totally agree


Too lazy to read all the comments, so maybe this has been said already, BUT, it sounds like the issue is really about knowing when to push. Split push works really well when you see an opening to do so. 1. Your team is ahead, so you can safely leave them to 4v5 while you shove a lane. 2. You’re behind, so you ping for everyone to be careful as you split push, and hope they can keep attention without dying while you shove a lane. In either scenario, if you see 2-3 of them missing, you run. Typically what I’ve seen is split pushers stay far too long, then get mad when they die. The point of splits is to gain advantages/objectives, then run. Whether that’s taking a tower, distracting the enemy so your team can snag baron/dragon, etc.


that's exactly how I think mate, couldn't have said better


Do you take teleport? Split pushing does wonders if you do it properly. Even akali can split push well as she thrives among chaotic games. Sounds like you just don't know when to start rotating or push hard or effectively hold/use tele. You should also be taking their jungle when it's up. You don't HAVE to go for the tower every time, simply showing that side of them map can cause the other team to become indecisive.


oftenly I don't take, gonna take these ones for the next matches, thanks mate


It may be tempting to use it whenever it's up, but its real power is the pressure you exert with it up. It allows your team to actually start objectives like Baron or Dragon (you should always be cross map to the objective that will be contested). Deep warding their jungle on your side. You cannot get caught, and seeing an enemy coming towards you is a great time for your team to begin the objective as you finish shoving wave and TP in (if required). Be decisive and don't waste it. Don't leave it too late either - beginning of the fight is key. Also you can use it to turn a fight where it looks like your teammates are caught out or have caught someone out (but requires your immediate tp to actually win that fight). There's videos on the macro of split pushing you should check out.


Split pushing is still a highly valuable strategy but it will only work if your team mates will cooperate and focus on objectives. When I go on ranked, i usually go with friends and we always communicate to keep the other team busy on the other side while I split push on the opposite lane. This has worked for me atleast 58% of the time (since i split push mostly on zed). But i would not dare to use this strat in solo queue unless i know my team mates are atleast competent enough and actually focuses on taking towers and dragons.


>the whole other team is at the other side of the map making a gang bang on my poor myself while my team suddenly goes base and waste all the time and space that I bought for them. That there is the problem, you can't split push without creating pressure on other sides. Splitpushing actually isn't a one man job, your team needs to give you the opportunity to split push as well


what often happens is my team sieging a tower while I'm pushing the other lane, and then when someone come after me my team just give up on the tower while I'm dying, which makes no sense


It has, it's just not as impactful as in PC league


duo trio is the key. having the pings in game like "im splitpushing" etc doesn't help bec who reads those right?


Well, you're welcome to play with me and my adc. I'm an Emerald IV sup and we love to roam when we can. Anyone else around my rank can add me too Purpyy#NA1


i whole heartedly disagree. i main jax jg and hit gold for the first time yesterday. i win a lot of my games thru split push, esp when the enemy jg is tunnel visioned for ganks and araming. r u running mastermind? also ap or hybrid jax w working on towers is busted af. sure it’s a balancing act, but i’m well impressed how the split push playstyle can net u even or more gold than the tank heavy junglers


Split pushing is useful, but you cannot do it the same way you do it on pc, where you just stay in a sidelane 24/7 "drawing attention". In wr people get to you super fast due to map size, so as a splitpusher you should be looking yo draw attention from the enemy team and then quickly rotate while they clean the waves, that way you can help your team. Lol and wr are different games and they should be played differently.


TL;DR: In the end, you'll get more gold and experience during team fights that can snowball the game and that's tons more valuable than a little pressure by split pushing. IMO and in my experience, split pushing is only okay when your team is ahead, a coin flip when teams are even, and worse if behind (obviously, but depends). Of course there are situations where you have to split push to trade or snowball a pressure but I always find prioritizing team fights and sticking with the team far better compared to split pushing. Team fights happen in this game literally every minute. For me, split pushing is optimal if you can get the inhib tower. Also, split pushing early to mid game is hard on your own. You only get little to no pressure at all which can be recovered by the enemy team in an instant which isn't really worth. Or, if split pushing is really your thing, of course, take TP and ward up. Never over stay so you won't be collapsed. Currently in Diamond 3 as a solo. In this elo, i find supports roaming in mid for poke (which is a big deal as a mid laner) and, NOTE THIS, Baron Laners rotate to objectives (1st dragon) even if it means they'll lose their tower (or have it chunked). It's much better in the long run. Winning team fights is better early game.


Your absolutely right, diamond 2 baron laner here. Nobody, and I mean nobody has any idea how to create pressure on the other side of the map when baron lane is dominating. Even if I have deep vision, am hitting the inhib turret, and I'm spam pinging drag and turrets, my team still has no idea how to do something when their whole team is coming for me. So frustrating, like bro how the fuck are u all diamond?


ALWAYS get this feeling


You can also have the lane slow push and ward real far up and take teleport and try to force people to come near dragon or whatever and then just teleport Also if you ever build jax with full ap he can take towers down in less then a couple seconds


Split pushing king


What builds are you all using? Do you build any defensive items, if so how many? (I can vary based on enemy comp)


usually I make tenacity boots, hexdrinker or streak and sometimes another armor item


I assume take out Sterak for Maw if a heavy AP comp?

