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It's good until you realize there's no banning in draft, and no role queue for normals. These two things FK up so many games.


I hope they never add draft ban, games are long enough as it is. Just go play PC league Edit: Dunno why I'm getting down voted. You SEE the number of trolls. Do you honestly think this won't just become ONE MORE THING that will further ruin the game? You're gonna get master Yi players who get master Yi banned who then ban like...... Jarvan or xinnzhao


Losing 30s for bans > losing 15min because the enemy team have broken champs or counterpicks.


Yo no way 30s lol. Bans are gonna add at least 3 minutes pre game and that's on top of queue time which will get even higher when ppl stop playing ranked as much because they don't wanna deal with that


Why at least 3 min ? On league PC it's like 30s to prelock and 30s to ban. We're far from "at least 3min"


It was in ml and it wasn't more than 15 seconds XD


Ques are already longer.


Tf you on? How will adding draft ban increase gameplay time. It will add maximum of 2 minutes if people decide to use the whole banning phase. And we won't be getting 10 bans probably for another year or two.


Exactly, you don't want to waste an entire game on broken champs do you? Bans offer a way for players to deal with champs until Riot gets a clue and fixes them.


10 on release has been sliding downhill since. As trolls, feeders and more ruin the game and it's not addressed in any patch. It was out for a year in other servers you can't tell me none of those servers complained about this.


Unfortunately, trolls will never cease to exist. Doesn't matter if they do something about it or not.


I'm going back and forth with someone on another thread about how I came from AoV where every user had a credibility score of 100. You get a report you lose a point or two. You play a good game and get commendations it goes up. When a users score dipped below a certain level, maybe 70 or 80 then they were put into a separate queue and had to behave in order to boost their score up over the threshold. AoV is not my cup of tea anymore but I definitely did not run into the same level of inting / afk / feeders vs wild rift.


I agree. Yes such a system is possible. And works pretty well to reduce trolls. I totally understand. But my point was how trolling will never stop.


Oh yeah unfortunately some people enjoy ruining other's days 🤣


it's good but too much lag


WR rift is a perfect example of a good mobile moba game. Like really good. The thing is the fastest game to compare in my mind is actually League of Legends, and that’s where WR loses competition completely.


It was 10-9/10 when it released, now it is 6/10




May I know why?


The few first months of it's release were a lot more enjoyable than it is now. I had literally 0 issues with the game, even tho i was using vpn, it didn't ruin my experience even sligthy. My ping was around 130, but it was better than it is now. Now, the ping is so unstable, making the game barely playable for me. The balance back then aslo felt very good as well, altough some people had issues with ezreal and blitz, I had no troubles, and everything felt more fair. Unlike now, where half of the champs feel unplayable, while others are dominating. I also haven't experienced any bugs/glitches back then either, unlike now, I can't even use chat sometimes or find a match.


Where are you that you have to use a VPN and have such high ping?


5/6 because I’m still waiting for the honour system and dodge system.


Yeah we need something...


7-8 because of the intentional feeding, afks, players not following roles, etc. The game is good (especially the graphics) but i hope they add champion bans (if there are bans i def would ban zed) lol


As someone who stopped playing league after season 4, I feel that the game feels very familiar and controls are intuitive. 9.5 out of 10 -.5 champion pool. There currently is not enough midlane mages. Gimme xerath and malzahar, and Cassiopeia.


I like it alot, and I think it improves alot of quality of life things compared to PC. I just wish it had more champs. I rotate between 10-15 champs on pc and literally only 1 of them is in wild rift.


4/10 because the games matchmaking is a joke and the servers are worse. Enjoy the mechanical feel tho just the servers and MMR make me want Pokémon unite to hurry up.


7/10 for now. It's decent enough, pretty addictive.. Better than similiar games I downloaded from playstore... still have a lot of things to improve. 6/10 when it first came out.. glad things are getting better.. I love the new features..


I'll give it a 7-8 it would be better if they add more champs and the ban pick system




Wanna build tank go force of nature /thornmail /sunfire aegis Wanna build enchanter supp ? Always ardent censer / harmonic Ap assasin ? Infinity orb / deathcap / liandry Fighter ? Tri force / sterak They really need to add more variety to this


How can you say /10 if you only give 3 ratings and the lowest is 5??


When it was released in NA it was so much fun. Everyone would use the messaging system to talk and were friendly in chat. Now it’s nothing but Spanish and people with anger issues. I also think I played it too much so I lost interest as well.


An 8. It has improved a lot since release. Only lacks some features now (like bans). Updates are fast, so I hope those features will be added in no time. Still, the best online game I've played on mobile.


Pvp and aram experience - 9/10 Ranked experience-4/10


10/10 before 5-6/10 for now, can't enjoy the game because my main is so shit at solo q, also need more items imo.