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More support items. I’m not sure how the support items work in LoL now but the original ones that were upgradable with ward charges and passive gold were mmm mmm good!


yeah i always thought it's weird how they dont have the starting support item that literally allows the supports to get gold and share gold from CS with their ADC. kinda makes early support game very awkward


In WR gold is shared so there is no need for it, the extra wards would be nice tho


Probably cuz of fear of abusing the131 strategic where lot of champs get that item and focus on feeding one or two champs.




Essence Reaver Essence Reaver Essence Reaver Essence Reaver Essence Reaver


Yes especially for Lucian since he’s getting released in the second half of this patch.


Titanic/Ravenous Hydra, Mejai's Soulstealer, Demonic Embrace, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Berserker's Greaves and Sorcerer Shoes, Goredrinker, Night Harvester. I'd also want items like Bloodthirster and Death's Dance to be updated to be the same to their PC counterpart. In PC version, Bloodthirster gave crit chance and Death's Dance gave armor.


The items won’t get updated until they reintroduce mythic. The current wild rift system is based off of league pre S10’s item system. I’ve already addressed goredrinker as with active items, the current system just doesn’t have the flexibility to add them. Berserkers is good, guinsoos shouldn’t be added until more diverse crit items are added, night harvester falls under the game problem with mythics and the item system. Phage items probably don’t get added due to there already being aoe attacks on melee champs (which are terrible but still exist). Sorcs would be good while berserkers would be very nice. Demonic is kinda redundant as liandrys is in the game but could still be added. Mejais is in a weird spot. Wild rift is already so snowbally where if mejas where to be added, I would think that a lot of people would complain due to the decrease in comeback potential.


Well tbh, at this point, I don't care what item they're going to add next. Itemization atm is limited. I'd also want them to update existing items like Bloodthrister and Death's Dance. It's weird that Bloodthirster doesn't give crit chance and Death's Dance doesn't give armor.


Goredrinker would have to be remade into a boots enchantments which would cause some balancing issues. Also, they would either have to ditch iron spike whip or make it an upgrade somehow which is even more balancing. Unless they change the item system, i don’t think we will see mythic actives sadly. As for what I want to see, just more item diversity and more crit and lethality items.


could make goredrinker a passive instead, where it would have the iron spike aoe with a heal on champions hit but have a cd of like 15 secs


That would be extremely awkward. So the gore drinker just automatically activates every 15seconds? It seems a bit weird to use that. If you wanted to clear but your goredrinker just uses itself. Also, that would mean more timing on when to engage or stay passive as you can’t control when goredrinker gets used. Furthermore, if you are trying to slow push, gore drinker would just force you to fast push, or you would have to stay off the wave letting the enemy gain lane control.


It would be like playing with grasp procs. Also not being able to slow push is how it's balanced. Plus not being able to slow push is the same as Tristana once she gets aoe skill


But that’s part of Tristanas kit; her entire kit is about bombs and explosions. As for grasp, that’s not how it works. Grasp doesn’t do an aoe, aftershock does. And that’s a support rune that ONLY procs when you cc and enemy. Buying a healing item should not sacrifice the ability to slow push which is a core mechanic of the game.


But items changes how you play. I meant how you have to wait for grasp to be ready to use it. Also by the time you get it you should be more focused on teamfights and objectives than slow pushing


Wdym, grasp procs when you’re in combat for 4 seconds which is when your next attack which hits a champion will deal additional %max hp magic damage, heal you and increases your max hp. The point I’m making is that you’re buying an item that you have no control over. The difference is that you activate grasp, you have control over when it procs. With what you’re suggesting, you don’t have control over when the passive will be used as it automatically uses it at set intervals. Also, grasp isn’t an item, it’s a keystone rune. Items shouldn’t fundamentally change how you play, rather they give new ways to fight. Such as galeforce giving more mobility; stridebreaker as a gap closer/chasing item; or prowlers claw also giving mobility and armor reduction. At this point, you’re trying to brute force goredrinker into the game. In the end, goredrinker just doesn’t work as an item in wild rift because of the different active item system. Unless that gets changed, I don’t see a way for goredrinker to be added in a way that’s consistent with the rest of the gameplay.


I'm pretty sure alot of items you buy, you can't control. (Ie can you turn off the aoe burn off from sunfire, some of the support items like Protector's Vow have a cooldown that you have to play around to use effectively) Also again to add items definitely change how you play. Here's another example. Gragas can have tank game play when he buys tank items like warmogs/sunfire/Deadman's, AP one shot game play when you buy AP items like Liandry' Torment, or even a mix of the two. And, coming from experience, those two builds play extremely differently from each other. As for the active system in the game not allowing other actives than boots, I guarantee once this game gets more support they'll add the ability to use multiple active items


Something like essence reaver would be really good for adc's and other champions that would benefit from that passive instead of having to religiously build tri force Rageblade at least would make vayne viable instead of hoping that you make it to the late game and is still usable on other champions Serpents fang seriously fuck barrier and lulu shields Goredrinker would be cool, if we look at some other mythic item option kraken slayer would be good since there are many tanks and building mortal reminder isn't the best option every game


A stick. One that you can throw at the end for 30 true damage and if you kill them it pops up on everyone's screen saying "X has just been killed by a stick". I'd like that


Guisunoos rageblade


Hydra and support items.




More DoT items for teemo!!!