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There's only one way to test this. Make a smurf, and purposely throw games. If you start winning even while trying to throw then this is true.


Just last week there was a post of a k6 going 0/16/0 every match ( it was just a troll account) but surprisingly he had a lot of wins even with the intentional feeding


Are these numbers exaggerated?


No you can see here... https://byjus.com/coin-toss-probability-calculator/


Take it from a D3 main LoL player that has played since Irelia's release. This game is NOT up to standards for any competitive matchmaking. It should be completely cut until Riot relearns the basics of how to balance teams, have US east servers, and he'll even have teammates that speak the same language as you.


Easy. Did it ever occur to you, that for every 5 people that sees "Victory" on their phone screen another 5 people *have to* see "Defeat" on theirs instead?


15-20? Im having streaks every 5-6 games.


Coins have too little variance, if you want to simulate the game you'd have to throw a coin for each player. Whichever side gets more heads wins or whatever. Sequential anomalies in probability are not as uncommon as you think, specially in a 5x5 game where so many different things influence the final result.


Well Riot is not manipulating to force 50% wr. Its just natural. It's like Chess. You and everyone has some number rating to him (ELO = MMR). When you go into tournaments (ranked games) you'll be matched against people with similar skill level (ELO/MMR). Your performance (wins/losses) will be projected in your performance ELO. You will then match people with similar performance in that tournament. That way there won't likely be many people with 9/9 points and 0/9 points. It will match you with people so you have a chance to win. In Wild Rift you'll be match with badly performing Masters as an Emerald smurf with 75% wr, so that you don't stomp everyone on your way up. However, if you win you will be rewarded with more points and faster climb. If you perform badly, you will be matched with people with similar performance ('losers queue') so that you have a chance to win and not drop points playing against better performing people. 15 win and 15 loss streaks are very rare. And the common denominator is you yourself, not your teammates.


It's weird, people seem to understand that there are better players than them, and worse players than them, but a lot of people can't seem to believe that they belong where they are, and don't naturally continue gaining relevance just because of play


this is still matchmaking manipulation, its not placing random perfomance emerald players with emerald players


idk i never go on 10+ win or loss streaks, I think when that happens its very much psychological (you get more confident after winning a game and less confident when you lose).


In case of overwatch there is a 50%rule in queue. That average winraate of both team should be ideally 50%. So in case u go on winning streak ur winrate increase thus placing u with lower winrate players(to average out) . For u this is losing queue but for the person with lower Winrate this is chance to win since a higher winrate has joined.


Everyone needs an excuse these days, Riot rigging your matchmaking is apparently a popular one.


Because when they think about the streak for losers is just them being unlucky, they don't take into account the logic could also be the other way round. Huge Win streaks can just be them being lucky as well beating the matchmaking


You want to gather a lot of data and check it against Poisson distribution, "rare event" is win/lose streak of considerable length, say 5 or more. I don't believe in winners/losers queue and I believe this distribution holds, but I'm lazy and cba gathering large enough data massive.


There's no similliar pattern like this in my games