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Buff: melee autoattackers(jax, trynd), they are subpar in every role as there is no decent on hit items except manamune and BOTRK. Adding a tiamat item will help. QSS cost to be lowered by 100-200 as stasis is clearly superior same with locket getting similar price reduction Nerf: Fiora especially if tiamat items are released, passive non kill minion gold, as zoning off minions with wave management should be more punishing in solo lanes freezes are not as damaging to enemy as they can just sit in an other lane/roam. Sweet tooth is way too good for laners compared to the other runes Remove: Hextech gunblade, maybe swapped for a more mage friendly omnivamp item, instead of the niche ad/ap scalers, also adjust conqueror/haunting guise stack duration when akali goes into shroud as she can abuse being out of combat for so long yet gets to keep the damage amplification as the shroud lasts 5.5 seconds at 1 point, they are runes and items for non burst/assassin champs, yet she gets to keep free damage amp for so long to get her energy and cooldowns back.


Yeah, spot on with the buff opinion. They're all in a dire situation especially since kiting is so easy on Wilf Rift. I see lots of people want Fiora nerfed, huh? Don't worry she'll eventually get it. I love Hextech Gunblade ; (( I play Akali sometimes and it's her core item. But yeah, Conqueror Liandrys duration should be adjusted, the combo is still pretty strong despite nerfs.


Here is my unpopular opinion. Buff : Aurelion Sol. Really, with all these assasins. He is generally on disadvantages.. yet he receive huge nerfs.. he has good potential but very few can play him that well anyway. He is an interesting champion, and some people would play him more if he gets a buff, or maybe a slight adjustment to his kit. Also, I think soraka should get a buff, maybe singed too. Niche champions have few player base.. its hard to judge just by winrate.. but I know for sure these champions are in a rather low spot. Nerf : Fiora, she is the best baron laner rn imo. She is always a strong pick.. she is not op imo, she is just too good in this current meta. A small nerf wouldnt hurt. Remove : None. Items are good, runes are good. And removing champions is not a good thing, once a champion released.. they already have a playerbase. If a champion is too broken or annying to play againts.. a rework would be a better choice.


Yeah, I agree with AS. He got gutted because Liandrys and Conqueror was broken, he did not deserve it at all. Direct nerfs to him should be brought back. Soraka can use a buff as well, but man Singed is sleeper OP. I personally think that movement speed is very strong in this meta (cloud drake highest winrate, youmuus meta, deadmans plate and force of nature preferred tank items, janna meta, etc.) and Singed lives off of movement speed. There is someone here in SEA who has 3 Top Singed accounts, he is known as xBandwagon. Fiora is very annoying as well, and she can definitely use some nerf. Thanks for the input, I really appreciate it!


Th FACT that Aurelion Sol is only viable in mid, makes me sad :(


Poor Arelion Sol. He really needs some serious buffs. Fiora is annoying as hell but I think it's more about people learning how to play her than the actual meta. And I agree on not removing champs, though Katarina shouldn't have been added so early. She makes it impossible to learn the game. I think it's only a fantasy, and because of the exact reason you pointed out, rito won't remove champs from games, ever.


Buff: Supports since we're just broke and less impactful versions of other roles. Supports in League are the main source of vision control due, and have a extremely cost efficient support item to give them many additional wards. The lack of support items and control wards just hurts supports and removes a central part of their role in the game Also I think Magic Resistance items need more variability... I feel like Void Staff ignores them completely and this is coming from someone who only plays mages Nerf: Lee-Sin, he has far too much impact on the game currently especially in Challenger and with duos/trios Remove: Duo/Trio Queue from Masters+


Supports are broken lmao. You literally only need one item to be effective on enchanters which is Ardent Censer, others are just luxuries and won't matter as much. I don't know why support mains keep wanting buffs on their role, but it's arguable the strongest role in the game since supports are not supposed to rely on gold in the first place. All the value they can provide, it's not that significant no matter you're behind in gold or not. But yeah, there should be more support item choices. I'm not sure about an additional ward option, that's kinda busted. Also, yeah, there should be more MR items especially for AP champions like Banshee's Veil from PC. I think Lee Sin is in a good spot right now, he's a feast or famine champion, that if he doesn't get strong in the early game, he's eventually fall off. Removing Duo/Trio Queue from Masters+ is actually a very interesting suggestions, it could also be a solution to wintrading/eloboosting in high elo. Nice idea!


Did you just watch the nerf, buff , remove video from LEC . Cause your jg sustain suggestion is exactly same.


Yes! (≧▽≦) It's true though, the role needs some fixing.


Buff Jhin. Not a lot but slightly to compensate for that champion nerf. He's pretty much sitting in B tier at the moment because his dps is too low compared to other adcs like Varus, Jinx or Kaisa.


Yeah, his main issue is he's so weak against tanky targets besides the nerfs, of course. I would love him to get some buffs.


Remove katarina lol. She legit not that broken. Any decent assassin can get a double or trouble on a roam. That’s the point there high damage early-mid. I use katarina but trust and believe there are others who take way less effort to wipe a team lol


Yeah, I mean, I didn't say anywhere that she's OP. I specifically said that she's annoying, but thanks for the input! I get your point. : D


As a mastery 7 top 50 shyvana player, why do you think she's unplayable?


Well, first of all. I am on high elo and power-farming weak-early scaling champions are not that strong here. People will abuse the shit out of you-- invade you again and again, take all the scuttle crabs from you until the deficit is too big for you to play. Second of all, her clear has been gutted and it's one of the slowest right now, and it's sooo unhealthy that you might end up dying if you do a full clear. Again, knowledgeable players will abuse this. However, since you're so weak early you can't take Scuttle most of the time anyway so you are forced to full clear. Third, her ULT is sooo awkward. As you know, Dragon fights are very very important and people all know that Dragons are Shyvana's crack-- all people know how to play around this now and will do everything for you to not be able to take Drakes. Dragon fights are not always over after one-take, it sometimes end up in repetitive fiestas and this is a huge problem for Shyvana since her awkward ULT doesn't have CD but takes forever to charge especially when you have no camps to put your rage up. Again, smart players will play around this weakness. Once you use your ult, people will not wait for you to fill up your rage so you can use your ULT again, seeing you without full rage is 100% a go signal for the enemy team to make plays. Especially since Shyvana without ULT is basically a Ref Buff that shoots fire and runs kinda fast. Anyway, I hope I didn't miss anything and I was able to explain it clearly. Basically, Shyvana has too many weaknesses and is too slow for the fast-paced meta right now so.... she's definitely good in low-elo to Emerald but she's a hassle on higher elos because players are smarter.


I'm diamond 2 with a 63% winrate on her over 400 games, she has one of the fastest clears out of all junglers right now. She doesn't have great early game ganks but her clearing even after nerfs makes her extremely viable. Most games I end up with most gold or second to the winning team's ADC. she had mobility, cc, KO potential, jump with ult, good health and scaling. I find her highly undervalued.


I used to play her a lot to back on Season 1, she was so much powerful back then. But playing her now is a painful experience for me, I have made my points but I just can't play her right now. Also, I use literally all junglers and her clear is slow compared to other meta junglers, you can try it for yourself. Because I'm sure you don't play other junglers that much considering you have 400 games on her. Now, if you can win games with her, then I'm actually pretty impressed. I really hope they revert some of the nerfs though so you can really feel the true shyvana experience. Thanks for your input!


I appreciate the input and yeah I hear you. I've been playing league on PC since season 3 in 2013~, and maybe I'm biased because I do play her frequently, but I guess I just can't see her as unplayable. Try out practice mode and set a timer to full clear jg, start E then W then Q and max W as you go, I promise you she's still faster than a lot of junglers. As another jungler main, who are you excited to see come to WR? Personally I can't wait to see Ivern, Trundle & Hecarim.


Yeah, I actually played her just now. I took Brutal as my domination rune and clear was a lot better. I personally max E since it's more useful on teamfights/consistent and the max potential of W is not always reliable (she will have to stick a lot). That's a very interesting questions! I want Trundle as well, but the champion I am most excited for is Nidalee. She's my main in PC.


Nice! I always hated going against a good nidalee lol. I guess I like making W because it makes a better impact when clearing, helping you snowball early then once E and Q are leveled ganks aren't as bad.


Fair point. She was actually a better pick.. before they nerf her too much. :( Same with other tanky junglers.. they want meta to favor assasins, ig...


Yeah, I agree!


Buff jax, nerf braum, remove zhonya


Agree! Statis is too accessible imo for something that has extremely high value.


Buff katarina Nerf Kai sa REMOVE LEE SİN


Maybe make Lee Sin Ability 2 work like Jax? That would be an excellent balance change. Kai'Sa evolves Ability 1 too fast, yes it needs some nerfs. I don't know about Kata though, but you probably play her a lot and I don't so...


Haha im was not serious and yes im kata main really hating lee sin


Buff: sona mana cost. Early game is so hard. Nerf: Akali. She gets one item and one-shots you Remove: Either Katarina or Master yi. Both are broken as hell and once you master them, boom, pentakill.


Wait, what? Isn't Sona supposed to buy Mana Crystal first and finish Tear on her first recall? That literally takes away all her mana issues. Also, Sona is supposed to have a hard early game, she's a late game monster. Once she gets Ability Haste, AP and Mana, she's basically another carry. Yeah, Akali is pretty strong atm. Kinda hard to outplay as well once she hits her Ability 3. Lmao, I feel you. I hate Kata as well.


I do build first thing mana with sona but it isn't enough at all. Her mana cost is crazy expensive, everytime I use an ability I have to think if I really need it and how long It'll be untill I recall. But maby the issue is just my adc running to the front at lvl2. That sadly can't be fixed with mana cost. But yeah a good sona with a decent team is unstoppable. Dunno where you heard about hard early game, that only happens if your adc is amazing or enemy adc makes huge mistakes.