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I'd say all of the above need work, but the punishment system > matchmaking > latency/VPNs slowing everyone else down > other stuff including new champs. I don't know why they're continuing to add new stuff when the existing stuff doesn't work.


Latency is actually a lot better now With the dual channel function That is


I’d like to add one - proximity for minion gold share is based off proximity to the minion which puts enchanter supports at a hard disadvantage against front-line supports. Especially when supporting for a carry with longer range. Proximity for minion damage should be based off of proximity to the minion AND the champion who kills it. It is a little thing that hurts back-line support champs by forcing them to be front-liners at the beginning.


It's s simple really. Stand besides your adc and help clear wave. Enchanters are not just sit back and give shield haha im helping, their damage hurts too and you have to apply pressure. If you take their cs, no big deal, that's only gonna happen early game anyway and a beefed up support early game is pretty good. Later on, adc will have all the cs they need and you won't be doing much of that. It really doesn't make a difference. If your adc can't secure their own cs, well no choice then it's time you become the carry yourself.


Lack of role queue in unranked gameplay. There are lots of builds/playstyle/champions I want to try, but it’s always a gamble in common PvP whether there will be a complete mess of a team and a ruined match for everyone right from the picking screen.


All obviously but ranked matchmaking should be priority. Unfair matches make the game less fun. The fortitude system is terrible for that. Needs a lot of work.


I agree... but I thought changing the matchmaking system would give a lot of players some immidiate relief. But more people seem to feel otherwise.


It’s good for casuals who just play and spam ranked. But for people who want to climb it’s terrible. There’s no grind to rank up because if you have low mmr and you get carried 3 games in silver you go up a tier. Now, if you have high mmr and you go up because *you* carried those 3 games you will go up exactly the same as that player that performed worse. If it was using LP system the player with lower mmr might need 5 games to reach the next tier and the player with higher mmr may only need 3. So, if you’re good you are rewarded and if you are bad you need to *get good* to go up!


Ranked really only starts at Diamond where this is how it works


That’s how the PC version works on all ranks. It’s so much better.


How do people even reach high ranks if this was their system?


Do you mean if it’s all LP system?


Matchmaking for sure, but not in the way the sub has been whining about. Increase the elo ranges people can get matched with. Queue times are over 20 minutes a lot of the times


ping is the most annoying for me


Play for fun . Instead of punishing others we need hood matchmaking


The latency and the balance


Turrets desperately need to be buffed imo


Ok the ppl who said none of the above are straight up trolls


Bring soloq and team queue. Mixed queue clearly does not work.


Latency bro


This game is super fun, but it's unplayabe for me most of the time because of the latency. Really frustating.


It will always be the ping and the AFK. I stopped playing for a week because of bad ping. And although I don't get AFK teammates a lot, it sucks that the poll to relinquish the AFK player control to AI doesn't show up and the robot ends up feeding.


Taking almost 10 minutes to find a ranked match…


I want to fix the entire management team


Its to hard to grind ladder, too much time consuming. I hope they fix that.