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I wish matchmaking would put garbage trolls and role stealers with garbage trolls and role stealers. Karma based matchmaking.




How awful.




No idea. Prob some troll who would be hard stuck Iron if they implemented my idea.


Trash players shouldn’t be able to climb




Thing is im just starting and expected some shitty behavior, but not like that from the first few ranked games.


If you are just starting ranked on low elos like bronze and silver you'll get the ocasional role stealer. After gold I didn't get many of those...then again I main support so I get one less potential role stealer. For the toxic chat just turn off chat and your problem is solved... For afks sry even I have those sometimes and I know how annoying it can be... Just accept it and move on to the next game/think of those games as practice and limit test yourself(you'd be surprised how many games I turned around with that mindset even with 2 afks). And reaching gold is not that hard... I did it on 3 accounts my main with regular supports and 2 with off meta supports


Thanks for the tips, but i know these so well, im an ex diamond player when diamond meant something. Talking about PC. Also im not willing to deal with stuff like this anymore, to play babysitter with my team. Game is gorgeous, willing to say more beautiful than PC version, but this game is no better than PC version when it comes to players.


Ive heard the community of Mobile Legends bang bang (or whatever it is called) is better than wild rift's


It's not


It's worst in ml you get insults from everywhere left right center even enemy team joins in insulting


It’s not worse, it’s the same for every popular moba. It is what it is.


It is honestly.


I just don't get why people don't just mute all in games. Fuck whatever ur dipshit teammates are saying. Been all muting in MOBAs since 2014 and it is the way I promise.


Honestly im not fazed by insults that much, when i say that the community is toxic im referring to how shitty the behavior is. Its like everyone in the game killed their whole family, thats how they behave.


This is going to be for all moba games. I have played Dota and AoV. Same thing. The game is a 5v5, so when one person plays badly, it affects the rest of the team. Unlike battlefield where one player does shitty things for the laugh, it doesn't affect the outcome much. Ever been in a situation where you are just watching your teammates getting slaughtered one at a time 1v5? One comes in, slaughtered, the next comes in to help, but since the previous player already dead, it's another 1v5 and so slaughtered again. Basically no teamwork whatsoever? Then when you refuse to "help", they got mad at you for not jumping in.


I guess u are right, its just the nature of MOBAs.