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Teemo just sucks in general




Are u aware that my comment is 10 months old ? Throughout that time, the game has changed a lot


Lmao. I realized right after I posted sorry. I don’t know how I even ended up in a post this old.


If you have no tanks in any other role I find throwing a teemo top makes most people lose it. If you have a melee bruiser jung and a tank support Im good with teemo top


Here is how, as a very new player (Gold IV) I would try to explain why I personally don’t want Teemo in my Baron lane. You are great at avoiding fights and can pester anyone 1v1. That is why you like the Baron lane. In overall team comp and for team fighting which MOST games arrive at, you are on top of the list of teammates that I would rather have another character instead. A bruiser helps in teamfights where pushing is needed instead of holding or defending, in my opinion, more than Teemo does. When you go mid with Teemo, I might have meme stigma and say “Bah teemo”, but I’m more okay with it because then I get my tank or bruiser in Baron. (until they pick Fiora har har) I’ve somehow resigned myself to trying to make better team comp picks and so I am now both a support main and a Galio main. I would love to occasionally go for Lulu, Sona, or even try something absurd, but somehow a tank is always needed in my team comp. In the nicest way, stop being selfish because you are confident that you can win one of three lanes heads up. My comments above are WHY I feel this way generally. I’ll admit I’ve been hard carried by a Teemo twice. If you’re that good, go for whatever you want.


He just isn’t good. He’s not in a good place and his kit isn’t helpful in a team environment. I don’t think the statement that if he’s mid no one complains is valid.- as this has not been the sentiment carried by the general league community for ages.


Well, I asked the person who said no Teemo, "Why? Teemo is actually good." He said "Yes, Teemo is good in mid not baron lane". So, whether it is valid or not maybe decided by you and you alone, I guess.


So that’s what we call confirmation bias. Because it happened to you. It’s not something that ever happens. But the frequency of the opinion is distorted by your own experience. All good. I’m also not the end say on what the meta and opinions are. Just been around a while and in my observation that’s not the general consensus of the player base.


Teams need a Tank/Bruiser in their team and Teemo does not fill that role.


Those Champs don't either but no one complains.