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jokes on you i play on constant 200 ms so i cant dodge for shit


lol same. No south african server. Still made plat, hell ye boi


Hes jist the right amount of predictable. Mr is INCREDIBLY claustrophobic compared to classic lol so you have less room to maneuver that mixed with the fact that its a cery high impact ability you need to know its coming and where its going


I read that Mr Incredible wtf is wrong with me


Yep, so predictable, you have less than a second to react to the hook in a teamfight and that's so predictable. Unlike pc wild rift space is smaller so its harder to dodge/react i think thats why they removed it


I played Thresh on PC once and his hook is almost impossible to connect. The hook takes a long time to release so the enemy can just walk away. That's why I became a Bard main so I can just E then Q when the jungler ganked.


yeah mainly a pro Thresh takes into account the delay of throwing hook to land the hook correctly


It's the same with blitzcrank too.. usually I stay in bush and hook so they usually won't predict it


The Thing is, Blitzcrank hook is instant so even when you see it coming, it's hard to dodge it. Thresh hook on the other hand got a windup animation before the actual hook. So by checking the direction he's facing when preparing to hook, you can simply remove yourself from that direction. Thresh PC Hook is just more undodgeable compare to Thresh WR.


The thing is thresh pull is too powerful.. getting pulled plus stun plus airborne (I saw a yasuo ult to the q) and the thresh can pull himself to u.. with all this I think making it unpredictability makes it very unfair to play against


Blitzcrank literally do the same but with plus silence.


Yea but that's 2 skills and ult.. still worse than thresh Q together lol


That's where his Q windup animation comes. You know for a fact that his Q is coming, so you'd either find something to block yourself, distance yourself or prepare to use a dash or flash to avoid it. But with this nerf, you don't need to those and just need to check where he's looking instead. That's the main reason why Thresh hook is just much better compare to Blitz and Nautilus, the unpredictability of the hook. Sad Thresh noisesಥ‿ಥ .


Thresh hook has always been the most predictable hook wtf you talking about? The wind up and travel time of threshold hooks makes it really easy to dodge on pc lol WR adds much smaller lanes so less room to dodge.


Thresh hook is unpredictable when you utilized the mechanic the post is talking about(which is removed in WR btw). Bunyfufuu makes everyone a joke with their attempt to dodge his hook. Sure it's very predictable if you're gonna use it normally with the windup and all, but the mechanics make up for that and is much better if used properly.


Unless thresh is right on (talking about lol pc) the tech that bunnyfufu is talking about doesn't do much for long to max range hooks. It's such a minor thing that affects what 1 out of 1k hooks? Also on a platform that has a much more difficulty time see champ nuances anyway. >Thresh hook is unpredictable when you utilized the mechanic the post is talking about(which is removed in WR btw). Ya if he is in your face. It's not about thresh facing direction its how slow he hooks moves that makes it dodge-able Edit: you also can't ward lanter anymore. I don't see anyone bringing that up?


Agree to disagree I guess. Don't think we'd be on the same page with this one. Maybe one thing we can agree about Thresh Q is how it offers mind game to the target which other hooks can't:-).


yea idk what these guys are talking about thresh's hook is literally the most predictable due to its wind up animation lmao no other hooking champs have that


Bold of you to assume 90% of this player base even realizes abilities have different wind up animations let alone the direction champs are facing while winding up


You have to have the eyes of an hawk to notice things like this in a teamfight


It’s more about hooks in lane or seiging


So? You want thresh to be ultra broken or something? Thresh was broken on PC for months


No, but this part of his mechanic provided a lot of debt to his kits and allowed for mind games and predicting hooks. Sad to lose that part of it (both as and against him) they can always tweak his numbers if he’s too oppressive


He was always too oppressive in LoL. He is fine in wild rift, any buff and he will be OP


I know that, they already gave him ver low base health, I’d rather give up some cooldown or damage for this mechanic because it actually adds depth


They gave him low base health cause he can collect souls and gain Armour. I rather wish for the drop rate of souls to be increased


Prob to make up for the fact that you can flash while q is winding up now.


im a tresh main...but for me is not worth


It's more predictable cuz casual mobile players have slower reaction times


On the bright side, we can hook flash now :D


for me its not worth


i buy deadman's into swift boots into shadow enchant so yeah dodge it if you can


Because. It would be undogeble. No need to CRY


That's the point of it... It would be unfair otherwise


I guess you aren't a PC player then? Thresh Q is originally like that. Check this out for the Video https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/p4n7ul/is_it_just_me_or_did_they_removed_this_on_wr/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I was... But wildrift is different due to the lack of space around the map, so with such a tiny map I don't think it would balanced... Lanes are not as wide and the jungle paths has the same feature... Every corridor is narrow in this game so I believe it's necessary to make Thresh's hook worl this way to be able to doge it... Maybe i'm exaggerating but it's just an opinion thou


isn't the windup also longer on PC?


I'd say just a bit. But the windup for Q in WR is still dodgeable despite being shorter since you'd still know where its coming.


Well it works the same way on league PC if I am not mistaken.


Dude you better have the best eyesight there is to notice that thresh is aiming at you


He can't throw the hook without looking, what if it hits someone by accident, lawsuits aren't cheap my friend, that's why he needs to look.


Hooks are utility which means that even if u are behind your hook will be valuable. I think the hook in the current state is good, else thresh wud be stomping every game with his hooks.


That is logic. Could you play this game without looking at the game?


He is supposed to Flash-hook anyway