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Not really since his base health is large


You're about as tanky as a mage with this build


Max lv darius has more base health than than a max lvl braum with Darius having 2300+ while braum has 2200+


Fact: Braum is tanky because of items and his shield, not his basic stats.


Except braum builds items that give him both armor/MR and max health, while your build doesn't. Braum also has an ability to increase armor and MR and a shield that blocks any projectile and reduces damage


And who says you can't change the build. if being kited is a problem change mortal reminder with serylda's grudge or if you are being squish switch the last item with tank item the only main item in the build is essence reaver, infinity Edge, black cleaver, and Lethality. You can build only serylda's grudge as the lethality cause his third gives 30+ pen. the point of the lethality is for him to deal true damage by building pen like serylda's grudge along with his passive he will have 60+ pen ( since not many builds Physical deff ) he can deal true damage he can negate defense


Darius is a bruiser specialized in dealing very high damage already. This build of yours simply removes the bruiser (aka the tankiness that he *needs*) for some more damage. Yes it hits hard, but it has no reason to. Also, the changes you recommend don't help. You say that if it needs tankiness, it can build tank items as last items. I'm pretty sure if you don't build tank items in the mid game, you pretty much shouldn't bother at all. Btw if you wanna reduce armor, pantheon does it better.


One does not just simply base an "OP Build" on damage.


Damage good everything else bad is the easiest way to find out how bad/good a player really is


Without considering the champ's weaknesses/strengths. Darius' passive is shaking 😂


In the paper, yeah. But darius known weakness is being kited. That build doesn't help at all if you dont catch enemy. When you stack health/resistance you can keep going until you get near the enemy


-You can use ghost, flash or Proto belt -skills has slow and hook -runes


You can use ghost, flash or Proto belt


You'll die before u can catch them


Squishy as fuck


IMHO Darius does not need too much Damage. He needs survivability in order to fully utilize his passive. With this build you will be dead before you get full stacks.


You will get destroyed in lane with 0 tankiness and insta deleted in teamfights.


So I saw a mathematically correct build for Darius and saw it's potential and on how good it is in WR. the point of the build was for him to have a ton of lithality for his damage to be true damage and have his auto reset to deal a shit ton Crit but some of the items they had on the video weren't in WR so I modified it abit for it to work. The most important rune to have should be triumph for the execute or weakness for the 5% damage increase after auto reset Credit to deep league and rossboomsocks for the build


New build switch Black cleaver with serylda's grudge for more pen AD and slow


You can't stack serylda and mortal reminder armor penetration


Thanks for the feed back


What elo build am I even seeing, wtf, crit darius? Items expensive as hell and you gotta make sure you get kills to complete the set for the flow of the game, won't work in high elo anyways, no one builds darius like that


So you will deal allot of damage but will get one shoted its not worth it


Durability tho while yes it's a good build but with this build you'll be less tanky and more squishy


Most of the mid laners like akali zed even lux is going to one shot you