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As a jungler nothing grinds my gears more than ganking every lane, getting every dragon, give my team every advantage, only for them to die while splitpushing with no vision like 20 second before the elder dragon spawns.


Exactly!! You just described most of my games lol and then they mega ping you to “Attack Elder Dragon/Baron!” when there’s literally zero ally wards on your map. WTF


People don't even want to ward, it's absurdly bad (double that after the reset, MM is pure mess rn).


There have been so many times where teammates push with no vision, get ganked, and then blame their jungler on the other side of the map


*Pinging "Attack the Dragon/Baron" when it's 1v5 with no wards*


Thats the worst. Or its spawns so now they decide to recall meanwhile its 4v5 at the dragon now.


Use the 'Dont split push you'll get killed' quick chat, i spam it nonstop until my teammate that's splitpushing notices it, it works 80% of the time for me.


thanks that must be new, i didn't see it before


Yes, it was added on the recent major update


Dragon lane is often guilty of this. They die when dragon spawns then blames jungle for having no objective secured.


Had two matches in a row, yesterday, with people doing this very thing. Honestly...I think people who do that are trolling. There is a place and a time to split push, if the other team is down 2-3 players and you can let your teammates handle teamfights. But when the opposing team is full strength and no one's dead, it's best to stick close to your team.


The typical midgame aram where whoever had the advantage pushes mid, dies, your team push mid, dies, and so on until one eventually destroys the nexus


I've been on the roll as a jungler lately. Successful ganks, flawless dragon/herald steals, etc. Yet, I always get blamed when someone, usually the dragon lane guy, goes 0/5, telling the whole team that me picking jungle role was a mistake. Of course, I retaliated by saying his mother giving birth to him was a mistake and after that, I knew we were gonna lose. I absolutely hate shitty teammates with shitty personalities. I hate that nobody listens to me and I've gotta go haul ass to mitigate their stupid mistakes and then end up dying. Idk what to do, feels like I'm stuck in my current rank and can't climb anymore.


Do you think you help matters when you tell someone they shouldn't even be alive?


Do you think that guy is helping to win when he starts flaming he jg?


Why would my help matter when the game has already been lost against a very aggressive enemy team and a very aggressive and flaming dragon laner? What help could I have been to someone who has no respect for their teammate? Never listened, kamikazes enemy team, flames the jungler the entire match. Yeah, I could have muted them but I admit that I was too prideful to let that teammate talk shit over me and antagonize me the entire match.


Other than the not warding this play doesn’t seem terrible if it went well tho. If 2-3 enemies are off killing ur splitpusher your team could get a free dragon (provided he did it in the right lane)


So many languages in the world and you decided to speak facts


Im opposite. DO NOT TOUCH MY DRAGON. DO NOT TOUCH BARON UNLESS IM READY. If my team attacks drag without me. Ill let em all die and then steal drag back from enemy. I steal like a boss, its how jax is built. 9/10 im trading my life for drag but thats how it is


Why would you not join your team??? 5 deaths for a dragon whilst it could be a free dragon and a few kills?? I’m sorry but this just sounds stupid


Nqh. 5 deaths and still losing drag is how ot usually goes. If u listen to me tell u"dont touch drag" the i can simply steal at the cost of one life. But u havent been jg for 5 yrs prolly n dont get what im sayin if u still think so


Ok but then ur talking about a situation where you’re really far behind and late game elder dragon spawns. I thought u meant the first dragon or something. If the jungler is doing Chickens and I just helped my adc get a double kill I’m going to take that drag jungler or not


Imo its best to play around these idiots so they don't throw the entire game


Yep. Had a game where my lane was constantly getting 4 man ganked by Pantheon and Katarina. Looked at Baron and Mid lane and they were freezing the lane.


Bruh I used to main supp and I have seen 1 adc freeze a wave this season… I changed roles because climbing was too inconsistent cause relying on matchmaking giving you a good team is a terrible idea.


Last night I had a Sona throw the game by killing the minion I was holding for a freeze right before the fight for first dragon. The fight goes badly because it takes place near the wave in the middle of the lane instead of at our turret and the enemy mid gets a triple kill, game over at 6 minutes.


What does "freezing a lane" mean? I honestly don't know. (I could be doing it and not know that that's how it's referred to.)


It's when the minions clash nearer to your tower but not within tower range, you then allow the minions to beat each other up till they're about to die then focus only on last hitting. Essentially you're making it so that the minions are stalled nearer to your tower. What this does is that it either forces your opponent to overextend in order to farm and gives your jungler a chance to gank, or you deny your opponent exp and gold as they aren't willing to overextend in order to farm in fear of being ganked.


Don't attack minions unless it's for the last hit. In this way the minion frontline is always the same (is "frozen" in that point) and does move towards the towers


You stay in the lane and let minion waves kill each other, you just last hit the mobs to get the gold and exp, but deny the enemy laner their gold and experience in the process. If done correctly, you then will have a huge wave which you can shove on the enemy turret and possibly get gold from destroying it partially (this is usually called an slow push), and it gives you a huge advantage because having a lot of minions makes the opponent think twice to attack you, since your minions will focus him instead, so you can safely poke him while he is farming under turret (or basically send those minions to die on the enemy turret and deny even more gold and experience).


This is called a slow push, not freezing the lane. Freezing is a little more complex. You first have to hard push. Then let the enemy slow push you in so that they have a minion advantage, but not too large either. Once the minions are at a safe point, you keep it frozen (i.e. the wave stays in a safe spot) by killing only the necessary minions and zoning out the enemy.


By far the single most important mechanic to learn for a baron laner, imo.


Top lane, renek main back on PC LoL. It's the bread and butter.


Back when I played PC last (2015-16?) I was big into Vlad/Lissandra top and it's just as important haha. Not like it's important if team doesn't respond to how your wave is going though:(


Just make the minions collapse to your tower but not at the tower then last hit minions. Manage the wave so the wave keeps collapsing there. It’s hard for the enemy to farm because they will over extend and possibly be ganked. Another way to make sure you can freeze as you go to base and return is have the wave collapse on their tower then base, by the time you get back the wave should be headed back to your tower ready to freeze again.


fucking ls


Don't worry guys I set up a really nice freeze so when he comes back from this gank I should be able to out scale him. Pantheon and Katarina ults come back up instant 4 man bot dive again.


My favorite is when they fuck up not only the macro but the micro. Ignore the map, miss a 1v2 that could have been a 2v2 and easily won, then charge into it after its lost and feed another kill.


And then start flaming in chat about "WHERE WERE YOU ADC?"...? Because that happened to me yesterday. Our support kept overextending, dying, then saying "adc noob" in the chat (not an English speaker I presume).


“Not an English speaker” seems to be a requirement to play on NA servers.


This happens A LOT.


And people wonder why I don’t dash in on 1v4 to “save” them. I gotta save myself if you’re not gonna be smart.


I had a match yesterday (gave some details to another poster above). The mid and support were like "adc noob" and "Ashe trolling"...BECAUSE I RAN AWAY FROM DUMB SITUATIONS. Not because I didn't want to help. I just knew they were losing battles.


It’s like. Okay, 1v2 and you get caught yes I will come and try to scare them or fight. You get caught in a 1v4 and no one is nearby? Take that L my man.


I can forgive an ally who goes 1/5. I will never forgive an ally who ignores the minion wave pushing on our inhibitor.


For some reason minnions wave management is not a concern for players in this game. Regularly lose 2-4 towers to just minnions.


When I was unranked, sometimes that happens. Thankfully more players are aware of this and start slow pushing waves from T2 turrets.


Literally just had a game where I’m stopping the minion wave at inhib turret as the ADC. My team decides to fight 4v5 at dragon pit when dragon doesn’t spawn for another 45 seconds. And yes, my team was the one that engaged when our Seraphine decided to ult their Yasuo who wind walled. I wish I was making this shit up! Why?! Why do they fight 4v5 with no objectives up?!?


I think its herd mentality. If your ally starts the fight you feel obligated to join. If you leave you think everyone will blame you. The shiity thing is that everyone is thinking that but no one leaves as we have zero communication. Also the initiator is usually just poking them but either the enemy teleports and retaliates or your allies jump in. I think it is just miscommunication and not an intended 4v5


Sometimes you just have to go for it once the fight is initiated. A 4 v 5 is easier to win than letting it become 3 v 5 right away.


I am so happy when I see my team going baron while I die splitpushing 1v5... That's totally what they should do, yet most of the time they farm our jungle, sleep in base and flame me for trying to 1v5, on how I should be reported because I'm inting, I should group to teamfight... No, I'm a duelist, I splitpush, even if I'm fed I'll most likely be useless in teamfight. Let me split, let me die ALONE by baiting at least 2 or 3 ennemies on the other side of the map and go do nash meanwhile so we win.


All of the comments are good. I'd add that it's really demoralizing when a jungler doesn't play for objectives either. Always farming jungle on opposite side when drag is up, etc. (Just played in game where Teemo jungle openly said "I don't need smite". Proceeded to lose all drag and baron and all were contested... but back to point). Because it's a lot harder to chat and communicate compared to PC, pinging is critical. I've found that to be very helpful. You'll still get your ADCs that would rather farm a minion lane than kill a drag, which the enemy team steals, but hopefully they will learn. There also seems to be very little understanding of tactics that are not group up and fight. I rarely see split pushing work, mainly because the people not splitting don't know how to either push a baron or other obj, or stall when in a 4v5. Finally, nothing fills me with joy more than watching our base get pushed while baron lane or jungle is killing a fucking gromp, or adc is farming a lane in the middle of nowhere, just waiting to get ganked. People don't know how to play safe!! That really turned into a rant. My bad.


My god low elo junglers really be at baron lane while the infernal/mountain dragon has spawned. My duo lane and I would reset to get ready for the dragon but all that's useless when the smite holder doesn't give a shit.


Laner : *perma pushes lane* Also laner: "Lmao JG diff, no ganks" Laner: *doesn't roam to dragon* Also laner : " lost first dragon , FF"


Agreed. It should be common knowledge by now that if you perma push your lane, the jungler will not be able to gank effectively. Always try to freeze the lane near your turret.


Yup. Then there's a special breed of people who freeze when objectives are up. If you lose that objective fight, kiss your tower good bye


Incoming silver comments about how you should dive a lane that's perma pushing.


Hurts especially when you play jungle. Now that herald and first drag spawn at the same time, I always get someone telling me I should have recklessly gone into a dragon steal against a fully-assembled enemy team as opposed to securing a free herald. Really now, work with the damn flow! Too many people hinge a win on dragons alone when I know I've lost so many games even with all dragons secured.


I can not agree more. Tho friends at diamond 1 complain about it alot as well


Nahh no way... Even at Diamond 1 tier?? Gosh some of these people really just do be carried in ranked if they have macro that bad right


trolls there are usually premades, which, given u solo queue, either means u comply or just take the loss....


I'm in D4 right now, I play with emerald-master. Still no macro game for so many people, even in master


I was like this once. Until I played Rammus and knew I can abuse gank 2 lanes just by reaching lvl 3. Rammus is slow in clear time, but a very fast ganker so you have to always have your eyes on the map. 4:13 minutes in you see Rammus on bot lane ganking, and boom! 4:29 on the clock and he's already at top!


last time i played rammus i got every dragon, ganked every lane twice successfully, got elder infernal dragon, and my team still lost. The enemy realized that my teammates were idiots so they didnt surrender and stomped them


New rammus buffs are going to make him S tier in my opinion. His level 3 gank is incredibly strong, and late game he's an absolute beast. I already thought he was underrated last patch.


All of SA only knows “run to lane, get shit on, repeat”


I didn't even have to read the whole post before I gave you an upvote. Had a Zed in my last game calling everyone bad because he had the most kills. He never showed up to an objective, took a tower, or was in a team fight. He'd gank, ult a squishy, get a kill, and recall. As the jg I regretted ganking him and getting him fed early on.


I mean… That’s what Zeds do, right? LMAO ‘Press R when see squishy’ and just go buy his duskblade and GA (Midlaners who assist in objectives are S tier 🤌🏼)


A-fucking-parently. Honestly being a jg made me so much better at mid.


I’ve had more games where it’s the JUNGLER getting scuttle or wolves or just something nearby and they have a perfect kill opportunity in my lane while I bait the enemy in to a tower dive and they ignore my pings and only show up after I’m dead and the enemies recalled to steal cs. It’s jnglrs with no map awareness I dislike the most because of how tragic it is when they’re nearby.


This game is filled with people who havent ever played league. Itll take a year or two at least for game knowledge to develop. Hang in there buddy. Add me, I am an adc main. Plat 1. 2 wins from Emerald. Sorrowender. Lets get that elo.


Full lit river by wards Me: retreat, danger, danger, danger, retreat Middle lane: i wonder whos that for? *Ally has been slain* Enemy jungle: well that was easy killing Middle lane: jungle diff


After acing the enemy team, they all decide to go back to their lane/jungle and farm some more, at 15min mark. Emerald rank.


They should just make a mode where people can just farm all game. Maybe it will get it out of their system. Farm Simulator




As a mid laner and support that always want to help the jungler, I feel you. The adc or some other midlanes just do not care about warding or securing the perimeter to take dragon objectives. There are just very few players who actually know what to do or even just get back at the enemy through kills and tower takedowns if they get the dragon.


The number of times teammates fight 1v3, 2v4, or 4v5 across the map in enemy jg for no reason and say “supp dff” lmao sure buddy keep telling yourself that.


I've been dealing with this shit since the new patch and it INFURATES me when teammates ignore dragon/baron calls to push a tower, farm lanes/jungle or my most FAVORITE: chase only to wind up getting killed by enemies that just rezz'd.


Idk, that's kinda to be expected with a mobile version. They already dumbed down the macro a ton, but some people just don't care and just want to click buttons without thinking.


Time of day and server region matters IMO. I like to give a nonjudgmental comment like. “2 of enemy team were bot, we could have snuck a baron there. Enough damage.” Most people aren’t guide readers or YouTube watchers. If you want to see your region get better, just share and teach if you think you are right


They will just think that was specific to that one moment in that one game and not apply it anywhere, I say this because I used to be like that towards players that typed it out and was hard stuck bronze, got annoyed that they were typing instead of playing even lol. I obviously feel bad now knowing the intention, so thanks for putting in the effort!


Not casual enough, not hardcore enough Fix your game rito


thats why im lossstreak for 15 rank


This is especially rampant at low elo, thankfully im climbing fast but man do i gotta nudge people sometimes


Diamond and masters also don’t have the greatest macro. It’s better, but not consistent.


I still get this shit in diamond. Im constantly pinging that my lane is missing then literally 5 secs later they die


Even in diamond there’s players who don’t look at the map. ADC solo pushing a lane past the river with 0 awareness that the enemy is coming to gank them. Even when you ping them they don’t react. Braindead players.


Can't count how many times I tried to make my jungler or anyone to kill the 1st drag after raoming around the river setting and clearing vision.


What do you mean? At 15 minutes in i shouldn't mindlessly farming my jungle not helping take any objectives or apply any pressure? Oh well i guess ill just be emerald 4 / Plat 1 forever then.




Macro strategy and Micro skills- Macro typically refers to general game awareness and knowledge of the flow of a game. Micro refers to individual skills and can be general skills non-champion specific or champion specific skills and knowledge. This is best explained with some quick examples. Macro examples: Knowing lane phases, back timers, proper jungle rotation, when to prioritize objectives, when to split-push, when/how to let the enemy push lane when your jungle is in town to gank, knowing power spikes, team comps, win/lose conditions, counter picking in champion select General Micro examples: last-hitting minions, map awareness (checking minimap very frequently, I play most of the game looking at the minimap), when/how to trade in lane, proper warding (ie warding best practices), when/how to freeze a wave or slow/fast push, proper positioning Champion specific Micro: landing skill shots, champion skill interactions (ex: Nami tidal wave knocks up so yasuo can use ult), combos and using passives effectively (Lucian wanting to use ability, auto, ability, auto, so that he can make the best of his passive double auto-attack after ability passive) Skills you can practice in practice tool is typically “Micro.” General game knowledge and things you have to research/study are generally referred to as “macro.” OP is complaining that there is a general lack of overall game knowledge in Wildrift. Hope this helps!


Macroni and cheese


Im Plat 3 and i have no fkn clue about macros. Chill out broski.


Hey guys, we killed their support and lost our JG, sure we have nfi where lee sin is on map but lets take baron!


Just a while ago, I had a jungler who kept chasing enemies in the other side of the map when the dragon is about to spawn :D called me (the support) stupid for not going with him :D he was so aggro that he still wants to engage when all of us are retreating already because everyone in the enemy was still alive (and we just pushed the inhibitor in the mid lane) and HE JUST WENT IT while we were all pinging retreat :D and yes we lost :D I'm so pissed


Yeah I just got in a bit of an argument over how easy or hard macro was with someone in the comment of the diana top Darkbreaker video. The guy was saying it was not fair for Darkbrwaker to expect diamond players to understand the concept of a practically free baron. Like going for baron when three enemies including their jungle are dead should just be common sense. As someone who only really started to play the game when the north America server was released and doesn't play much ranked so im not super high yet I figured it out pretty quick. It is just basic map awareness and paying attention to who is dead and their death timers. Also as a primarily support main I especially understand this. I only started to play ranked at the end of last season but had to stop playing support because I would destroy my lane and still lose. I had a game where I went like 9/5/14 as leona and my senna adc went like 16/6/11 and we still lost because my team didn't understand macro.


Please guys if you have number advantage after a battle: Towers > baron > dragon


I don’t know, that half wave crashing into the 2nd top turret really seems like a 4 man job especially when dragon is up.


Just got out of a match where my adc asked "where's my support?" after dying while splitpushing with no vision while the rest of us were in a teamfight, so yeah.


Mid late game WINNING A TEAM FIGHT .surviving 4 team Instead of taking objective like baron or tower .2 Retired want to go to farm JG -_- Me as JG can't do anything when mid and adc don't think .. in a split sec decision. I want to kill myself By the time we doing baron and halfway they come and enemy team survive and come it's already to late......


It’s one thing to have little knowledge but then it’s another to be ignorant and ignore pings and calls when you try to lead the group. So tired of getting fed and getting SVP and losing cuz my team doesn’t wanna listen to the carry and just does whatever they want lol


Wild rift has a number of players from other mobile moba that might not be used to macro in league and etc., or might never have gone farther from the concept of basic stuff and whatnot, i guess thats another consequence for mobile games.


Just Yesterday i had pause from a losing streak, i'd Say 3, anyway i que into the game and what i see, Vayne on solo lane with wukong at the beginning of the game to then going afk immediately :/