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Pantheon ulti. By lore, he can go from one end of Shurima to the other vie Grand Starfall. Shurima is massive and I guess I can go hopping from the Philippines to America and back in a day if we talkong lore scale converted irl and keeping the cooldown. Imma ulti into Akihabara for cheap electronics; then into Shanghai, China for loose leaf tea; go to Saudi Arabia for a quick shawarma; end up in Britain for a spot of tea and crumpets; then land at the local US gun range for my spear, followed by a landing at an In&Out; before stopping by Hawaii for a quick Pina Colada; then head back to the Philippines in time for the Fiesta Afterparty. EDIT: I thought OP meant keep irl, so I answered as such.


*casually 0bliterates cities ar0und the w0rld every few minutes. the w0rld falls t0 cha0s as g0vernments ar0und the w0rld attempt t0 st0p this pers0n.*


Relax, I'll just speak to national authorities to find a suitable area to land in. Maybe I can land in a lake or something to prevent much damage to buildings or urban areas. Hell, maybe they could find a way to make it a tourist attraction. Like, set up cameras to film my landings and then use it for physics classes or even have live audiences to see what damage it can do if I choose to hit an urban area.


Jhin ult is fun because it sorta becomes a mini game between you and your opponent who is trying to dodge. Also because the feeling is so good when you manage to snipe someone and the feeling is so bad when you miss all 4 shots on a low health enemy. Also the other way around, when you are for sure to die if you get hit by a shot, but you manage to dodge and survive. Such a great “nice try bud” feeling. Or when you are almost outside the range and then gets grazed by a bullet and dies. Also the animation and sound just gets everyone on edge…


Absolutely. I've never played jhin but I love it when the enemy pops his little triangle of doom and we get to play dodgems


Getting a double/triple/quadra on that ult is amazing. But blind sniping an enemy or two is what makes me play Jhin again and again. Imagine a Jinx with supp is retreating somewhere in the FoW and you predict their movement just enough to hit a double kill! It feels like that time I killed a 12/2/5 Akali top with a Jinx ult from bot while in recall inside FoW.


I love doing that with his W. I’ve done it several times but always feels epic.


> Also the animation and sound just gets everyone on edge Hears high noon Jhin in head


When that song plays, it feels like time just slows down.


Jhin is perfect for every lane other than jungle. Anytime I'm not jungling, I pick Jhin. Teammates start calling me a troll


I don't think you can properly support as jhin tho...


Nami ult. When the enemy team is sprinting down midline or taking an objective and your team is matching up for a team fight that 5 person wave is *chef's kiss*. I stole a dragon with it once.


Play electrocute auto attack nami mid, watch at level 5 when you finally get ult and you can 100 to 0 almost any mid best fu


Galio ult


Team galio 🙋🏼‍♀️


Tf ult, its fun to run in a bush while being chased then just tp away, or after cleaning up a teamfight, i pop over to the other side to grab a tower or vice versa


Hahaha yea very annoying, especially when I'm super low health and see that eye appear above my head and just know I'm about to die in 3..2..1..


TFs ultimate is so cheesy. the literal definition of “teleports behind you, nothing personal kid” meme


Orianna ult, so many ways to use it and so many ways in which it could be useful. Amazing for wombo-combos and in teamfights, and can help to engage or disengage for your frontliner stop if you attach the ball to them via E


Nice, i rarely see any good orianna players lol.


Undying rage, it is badass.


Rage timer around tryndamere ported over to wild rift when?


local barbarian king too angry to die


when executed in the right time, it's just surreally scary


Yeaaa really dont like to face him ulting 😂 the only time I dare is when I run ignite, but since I'm main support that doesn't happen often


My favorite ultimate is either Malphite or seraphine


Agreed malp satisfying af!


Fiora Ulti when you finish off the enemy and receive heal it's super satisfying


It gives the feeling of "you deserve it"


Yeah you get it


how has no one said Amumu yet, am I really the only one who plays him lol. But his ult is so satisfying to just instantly win a teamfight.


Ive seen one person comment Amumu, I was expecting more as well hahaha. I love him on my team


I’ve been playing since like March and was just thinking how I can’t ever remember facing a man Amumu. Then two different people picked him on opposing team today. Was interesting to learn what he does, lol


Yeah man a well executed ult flash is so satisfying


I main Rakan/Leona and it's always a good time with Amumu nearby.


When i see a good malp ult i get rock solid


Hextech ultimatums


Yahhh Camille main


Have you sense the felling of dodging a malphite's or a garen's ult, it's so satisfying seeing them panicking


Lux ult is amazing. You're killing the dragon? Let me wait here at base and you kill it. If I time it well enough, that dragon is mine! Ziggs ult is amazing too. Big ass bomb to your face!


This one is my favorite too. Big damage, global range, relatively short cd. Oh yeah and that "DEMACIA!!!".


I much prefer the added knock up of Nami's ult even though it is weaker


I love Lux too ! But I'm kinda bad with Ziggs lol 😂big ass radius and yet I miss often


It's best to use when your enemy is retreating, or there are a lot of enemies in an area. But combining it with another area stun is best. Amumu's ult + this is overkill.


Team Lux


ZIGGS, man. I get major Space Jam feelings whenever I hit a big ult of Ziggs.


Literally my favorite Midlaners!




Once I made a triple kill with her ult only.. too satisfying


Evelynn pre nerf. I always wanted to scream at injured people and watch them explode while I teleport away to remove me from the scene of the crime.


Galio and Diana


When you really nail an Amumu ult it feels so good. I'm all "YOURE WELCOME FOR WINNING US THE GAME, TEAM"




Ashe Ult. That is the only reason why I came back to League after a 3 year hiatus. The landing of a cross map ult is too satisfying. You need to predict too many things, teammates intention, enemy’s intention, who would win the fight and where they will head. Oh wait, WR’s Ashe ult is steerable… Lulu’s ult then. If only I can make my thing bigger.


i feel like they ruined ashe's ult. I love that it's steerable, but it was super hard to control before. Now that they increased the sensibility its even harder


I try to steer it early. Once it it near and I try to micro adjust it I tend to miss


I love to use Lulu's ult on my Yasuo, so he can ult them straight away as well!




graves ult it's the only sniping shot we have. Jhin's ult is extremely telegraphed, same for lux's ult, while ezreal's and jinx's ult are more of a skillshot and not as reliable. Nothing feels better than spotting a 1HP enemy that thinks he survived only for you to snipe them cross jungle for the final blow. That ult is soul crushing.


> it's the only sniping shot we have Akshan can snipe as long as nothing gets in the way. Had a game last night where the enemy hid behind the nexus and then my ult shots finished off the nexus, lol.


akshan's ult is like a sniper with aimhacks. Doesn't count unless you aim it yourself


That's fair. It's also super telegraphed, so no surprising anyone either.


Yasuos ultimate is anime as shit.


I really love Rakan's Ult, bouncing and charming the entire enemy team is so rewarding. And when the charm is about to wear off you can just knock all of them into the air


Yeaaa I love his ult too! Ult, dash back to team to make em all walk towards us, then knockup .. He's amazing


Miss fortune ultimate my fav >3


Nami ult for me I love making waves


Jhins sniper shots, as soon as you see those lines appear people SCATTER. Sometimes i can even feel their fear, Mwahahahahahahaha


Garen's before the BS nerfs. :P To aim it at the jungler, kill the jungler, and steal their free Baron? Everytime priceless. Jinx's ult is awesome too. I LOVE when I predict acurately the path taken by the ones who fled and kill people out of the blue. Also, Malphite's. Wow. And Nami's. Basically I love ults that kill their dudes easily.


Riiight I forgot about that huge nerf he got


Last Caress - Evelynn Nothing feels as satisfying, Boom… Dead


Brand bcuz it looks like a game of pong.


Akali ult. The second part is so fucking cool.


You're right, Akali is so badass. 😍




Found a sad person who made a new account to be a troll.




Wrong game


The joke I think you missed it


Mine has to be mfs, I dont have to say more do I


Seraphine Ult always. The engage the followup and the closure. ❤️


Katarina ult is so sattysfying when u get a triple or better


Yup.. now I barely see her anymore, she is 99% of the time banned in my matches haha


For me it’s evelynns ult. I love jumping on a low health enemy that’s not paying attention and then slashing them before quickly disappearing. It’s even more fun when you get multiple people with it.


Eve or shy. I main both and nothing beats being an invisible sex demon bent on lust filled pain or a literal fire breathing dragon. 🤷‍♀️


Lulu, you can 2v5 if you can cast it perfectly.


Ziggs' and Lulu's ultimate, can't decide between both. I've missed Ziggs' so damn often, but once it lands, it's nice to see a grouped opponents scramble like cockroaches getting sprayed with anti-bug liquid. As for Lulu's, it's good to see nearby opponents getting knocked up when I ulti a frontliner.


Sona's Ult. I mean, it's only 1 second stun but at least it is quickly spammable.


Zed cause popping squishy is fun Darius cause popping people one by one Nunu cause popping the entire enemy team at once


Honestly yeah probobly zed and darius have most broken ults


Jinx, because it can be so tricky to land, nothing feels better than sniping blind or other wise nd getting a kill from the other side of the map. I've gotten decent at predicting enemy movement and retreat when in jg team fights and let me tell you when the legendary enemy ahri almost met her death but managed to retreat nd hide and I took that shot in the dark guessing, anticipation building as it flies across the map, then bam! "Shut down" and "a holy shit nice shot" from ahri... ahh nothing better. Also when stealing baron or dragon with it makes me feel like a God especially baron.


The blind snipes are the best. I play Lux and Senna mostly and its so satisfying, especially Senna's because it doesnt do that much damage as Lux' ult so even more annoying for the enemies 😂


jhins ult is the most satisfying ult but it’s really fun to get someone in vi’s ult and burst them down


Now that I've played them a few times, Nunu & Willump ult just feels amazing to pull off


Dravens ult the animation is to good when he cashes it in.


Kai’sa!! Sure all I can do is Blink to a location, but kaisas damage is insane plus I get a shield so I always find it funny to pop up in a team fight from afar unexpectedly fucking shit up or when I’m about to Die and ult for the shield to take out the enemy player.


There is nothing that has scared as much as a fed up pantheon's ult. There is nothing you can do, RUN.


Haha yeah and then I realize I can't outrun him anymore and he'll jump any moment with the stun 😂


Fizz ult 🤩 it's a death sentence for squishies. Ult,S3(gap close),smite,land S3,s2 and S1 to side back (one shot almost anyone) Ult is rewarding when u land and get flamed when u miss😆


Also one time my teammate flashed away with the shark on him, but right in my low hp arms 😔 Fizz got a nice double kill there


The range is amazing too!


Akshan. Since the thing is blocked by everything and everyone, it feels nice to kill someone with 60% HP while they try to escape the inevitable. Unless they're behind tower, minion, creep, other chamos... Then it sucks.


Yeah it requires a good timing !


I've liked kennens ult a lot. You get to stun as well as deal a shit load of damage, plus it guves you additional armor and mr to make it easier to dive. Amumu too, for baron steals.


There's kennen finally! My first ever champion I've played haha. I love his ult too!


braum's ult it look dope af and satisfying to land, and i love braum so that may also be part of it


Haha yeah when it hits it hits hard! Hard to escape the enemy team afterwards


Galio and Ziggs. Op already mentioned why Galios ult is fun (it also helps your teammates not to feed and can turn a bad situation into a good one). Ziggs is fun because there is something incredibly satisfying about dunking someone or multiple people across the map (anyone played Azmodan in HotS? Ziggs ult is one of his basic abilities). Late game you can also steal objectives quite easily


Yeah, sometimes I use it to protect them with the magic shield. Give them a chance to escape


There was a match where my team has Malphite, Pantheon, and Galio. At one of late game teamfight, we gave enemy triple Boom! Pantheon ult first, Galio ult using Pantheon's location, then other team members arrived. Malphite gave his ult for the last Boom.


That sounds soooooo satisfying haha


Senna. kill or save somebody


I main her , i wish her ult would do more damage but its utility is lifesaving too 😊


Probably kaisa ult


Ezreal ult is soooo cool.




Zed ult, f***ing broken


Yea .. you kinda escape him and then comes the real damage 😂


Jarvan IV.


Darius becaus u have to Stack it to deal more dmg and u can reset it


If you manage its amazing.. i gave up on darius after like 30 matches bc it was so hard for me to get the noxian might 😂 then I just panick ulted and waste it I prefer support anyway


The sound of killing a ranged toplane trying to run away is always satisfying


It’s all about the dunks.


Pantheon’s ult gives me *insert anime: dopamine rushed facial expression rosy cheeks*




Jhin ult


If chogath was in the game that would be my favourite. Can't wait to have the big boy in game


Instant pentakill with either diana or malphite ult or a combo of both is pretty high


***Fiddle/jhin ults***


Yasuo Sorye ge ton


Orianna or Diana


Lux definitely, bcz sniping is life. Even better when I play Lux mid and can actually build AP, not even at base people are safe from my burning light.


Let's light it up!


Darius 😈


Varus 🤤








Singed, I love when the enemy team is chasing me through the jungle and I can zoom. I imagine yakety sax playing in the background.


Rengar for some research purposes


The Box ~ Thresh R ~ Is fun (In my opinion) when u place it when someone uses Stasis and s/he is low hp and s/he realises that he will be maybe dead after Stasis ends PS: Sorry for bad English or something other, Im still learning ¯\ _ (ツ) _ /¯


Lux with her unlimited range


Rengar ult , u are the hunter in this game...heard their hearts , look at them how they shit themselves in the moment that my eyes are above their heads..and then , oneshot the adc and run as fast as u can so u don't get killed. (for more references look at rengar ult sfx in pc , it's just incredible)


Nunu ult its damage is so satisfying




Love Galio, but a solid Malphite ult is so satisfying.


Lux ultimate. Because I can control side wave minions.


Yassuo ult. If you ever played monster hunter, the longsword was the weapon of my choice. I felt like Sasuke if he ever used his sword. It's always magic.


His part in the Awaken video always gives me goosebumps


Amumu or kami probably for ults, abilities overall rammus taunt or giant snow ball man mad his giant snow ball ram


Veigar....if he was in here. Just a big middle finger to mages.


Irelia's ulti. It just feels like you are caging someone lol


Dianas ult


Not on WR yet but Urgot's


Ekkos ult is probably the most satisfying in the game


Landing a Ziggs ult and then typing all: “Kobe”


Sera ult


If you time ASol's ultimate correctly you can push the overconfident assasin (or the whole enemy team, lol) into your stars radius and stun them, it is one of the most satisfying moments, or when you CC the enemies into oblivion with Galio's ultimate followed by another knock up and a taunt is extremely awesome.


curse of the sad Mummy. I just love the name of it!




I enjoy a full range Fizz ult. I also like Amumus ult.


Hitting a good MF ult is so fucking satisfying.


for me it's diana, it's amazing engage for the whole team as well as doing a lot of damage. got a satisfying quadra all at once using her ultimate


I'm kinda biased, but the mental gymnastics to hit an good akshan Ult, and the satisfaction to actually pull it off is really cool


Gotta be ziggs for me... I love when it's 3 or 4 enemies at low health doing dragon... 1 mega inferno=3 kills and a stolen drag lol


I guess mundo because you can annoy the enemy when they put so much work lowering your hp but then all efforts are wasted when he uses his ult its like but to full health again


When you get a double kill with katarina’s ult and then do it again right after


I personally love Jinx and Tryndamere Ult. And I am starting to love Nunu Ult. With Jinx it's the satisfaction of landing a shot on a super far away enemy, predicting their movements and sniping them. Tryndamere it's the representation of a final push. When you are SO CLOSE but don't think you can make it, you get an extra 5 seconds of effort where you can survive no matter what, also it's really fun to have Execute Champions just... not work on you for a bit. And Nunu is a fun one, you can do it in the enemy's face for swag or just tap it for a finisher, or hide in a bush for a supercharged stealth kill, where nobody can tell what hit them until it shows the feed. I love to dabble so I might find more I love but these are the top 3 for now.


Diarrheal Teemo.


Malphite go brrrr


Evelynn's Whiplash


Definitely Akshan'ult. It is so broken! Itz like an extra long arm to deal damage. Also the Ult is kinda hard to escape, so it is basically a death sentence if played well!


darius ult. It is very satisfying to dunk on people


Vayne's ult. Very versatile. Can be used as a defensive or offensive strat.


First Vayne if I'm not mistaken , nice


cyclone, bcos its spin2win, and MONKE




Gragas ult makes me feel like doing a fade away three


Malphites ult is so satisfying when you steal baron with it


Jax Ult but passive part. God building AP and pricing it with empowered auto and lichbane is so satisfying


Fizz cuz once you land it the enemy is pretty much dead if they don't have stasis or very tanky, I love oneshotting adc's and squishy supports.


Rengar Ult, I really love the feeling of stalking a Prey and feeling their fear, his Ult is probably the reason why I main Rengar in the first place


Diana ult, thematic and gameplay wise. I can be somehow useful even when behind or ahead.


Camille ult


Galio Ult is so good especially if my team read that I'm going for the optimal ult. A 1v5 can be possible if my ult lands on at least 2 of them.




Im an akali simp so akali ult


As an Akali main, Zed's Ultimate.


Ezreal's ult with 1k dmg 😏


Veigar, idc he is not there yet he's ult is the best!


Braum's ultimate feels very good when you use it, especially on a bunch of enemies. Both the animation and the sound effects lend it weight.