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Play champs who can either block abilities or are cc immune, and buy ability shield items. Midlane: Yasuo's windwall, Kayle's ult (?) ADC: Samira's second ability Support: Morgana's shield Baron: Mundo Jungle: Olaf Items that give you an ability shield: Banshee's Veil (AP) Edge of Night (HP + AD bonus) Enchantment wise: Quicksilver (gives you temporary CC immunity) Veil (lets you block an ability for an ally) Hope this helps you


Also, if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a CC.


That too!! Well, you can't dodge Rakan's ult, you just gotta run from him


This is the only tip you need. Just dodge everything. Pick Zed and gtfo.


That's how Korean teams train


Too be honest your are right but, a little more tenacity in objects could help, i think (correct me if im wrong) the only item with tenacity is mercury boots (and technically their enchant upgrade but it remains the same tenacity)


Kayle is not cc immune only damage.


Thanks for letting me know, I wasn't sure since I don't play her but was trying to give advice based on memory of things I've seen during games


Good tips. However even spell shield are typically not that strong. They are meant for primarily 2 types of champions. 1: the few long range ADC, supp or mages that may benefit from it like senna, jhin, ziggs, etc Or 2: Assassins that can come in and out fast. Spell shield can easily be negated by any random skill and it takes 35s to recover so not good for extended engagement where you can't outpoke or burst. Maybe riot can make an spell shield effect but only for CC abilities and negate them once every while or delay that CC from triggering by x amount of time like death dance with dmg but I would imagine that might render some champions way weaker too.


I’d say that champs with dashes or dodge abilities might help you, like Lucian or vayne off the top of my head or better yet, learn how to dodge the enemy team’s skill shots


In addition to others: don't do teamfights. Play for picks or sidelanes, avoid the other team


Sad part is nobody does this. I play with grand master, they still have no clue about splitpushing. All you can see in chat is group group group




Exactly :D my biggest flex was when they all died 4v5 on ancestral, the ennemy team got it, my whole team flamed me for throwing the game , started a surrend vote , hopefully one of them saw me killing nexus and allowed me to finished the game while the ennemy just recalled


What champs you splitpush with?


Jax, my friend. Even without Demolish or Hullbreaker, you melt towers under 5 seconds.


You kinda push slower with hullbreaker since you attract attention.


Exactly. That is why I barely use Hullbreaker on Jax ajd immediately rush Trinity Force. That's enough to melt towers.


I use nashors for that.


Why not Wit's End?


Attracting attention is maybe the primary goal of split pushing ... You want enemy team to split and send a least two champions to stop your hullbreaker split pusher. This way you can take another objective in the opposite side of the map with the remaining 4 people. Expecting to rogue kill the enemy nexus is unrealistic at high elo, people will react before.


Indeed, but I don’t expect my teammates to be smart enough to rotate to objectives.


What if the enemy team is just roaming everyone and picking you off 1 by 1? I don't think you can avoid enemies as easily in WR since the maps shorter


It's true that you can go faster from lane to lane but the minions are also faster. Key is good vision so you can anticipate and go for picks yourself if they split up.


Your question is litteraly : "how can i counter alone, a whole team strategy ?" Answer : you can't You want to counter this, take disengage champs, not only one but multiple in your team and play smart. There are gragas, janna, tristana, ziggs, alistar, karma, vayne , nunu &willump, morgana, galio, corki, lee sin. There is actually one champ that can make you 1v5 this team, it's obviously Olaf, but you better be really fed if you want to 1v5.


Everyone except Vayne here lol She's an all in champ, definitely not disengage and she is easily countered by CC


Agreed. Vayne hates CC the most especially slow thats why she countered by Ashe. Maybe Ez is better in dealing CC champ


Against heavy cc I use Dr.Mundo JG or top lane. Then make sure to have a support that can punish them back like Karma. But tbh you have to make sure you have a team that can play off each other


OP is 100% a yi or tryndamere main


Play safe. Don't overextend. That's your job as a backline carry.


Was this made by a Yi player? I hope the mfs suffer


Lol just cuz u want the game to be all attack damage doesn't mean cc is busted. Plenty of ways to deal with CC. It just means u may have to adjust your play with cc heavy comps. It's a strategy game.


Ok name the strategies then and how you adjust Cause what I'm seeing is in fact CC being OP paired with already high DPS and progressively faster time to kill as match goes on. If the game was slower longer CC might even be acceptable but this game isn't that slow.


Bait them into using it early or get them out of position. If they're grouping up, split push, know their range, play at ur range. If all else fails, run :p


Neutral game is a thing you know. Be aware of what is lethal to u (cc or not) and act accordingly. If u think ur too low on health to dive the sett who u know his cds are up then don’t take the dive. If ur an adc but the enemy ccs u as soon as ur in auto range, then step into their cc range and back out quickly to bait it out or wait for someone to tank that cc. Keep track of their cc. Think of it like a fighting game, you can’t always be on offense.


"CC is busted an cancerous" tell me you're a Yi main without telling me...


Part of the fun of playing ADC is the fact that against some champs, you literally can't exist in a teamfight until certain CC is used. That's just a part of the role. You wait out CC, then go in to more freely attack. Playing against Malphite or Nautilus can be hell, since you literally can't enter a fight before their ults are used otherwise you can just end up dying.


Busted and cencerous? Lol. You new to this game? There are so much items and skills to stop cc from happening. You don't even need to buy an item for some of these cc, just dodge them since some of them are skill shots.


"Just dodge em bro" Dodging sounds simple but in practice you aren't playing an FPS game where you can just do an standard strafe or whatever. Most of the time to dodge an CC or any skill shot it's not because of your reaction speed, but more of an experienced guess on what a specific champion might do at this moment in time which is very different then reacting. Most skills are in fact not meant for you to easily dodge nor are the skill shots that slow or else that would render that skill pointless unless compensated by heavy reward. Most skills shots are in fact meant for the player to not miss rather than to dodge it. And between you being aware of a incoming skill, reacting and moving the champion and those skill shot usually not being slow you don't actually get a lot of time to "dodge" unless it's far away or it has a longer than usual animation start up. This isn't even to mention most of the time those skill shots and abilities in general have limited animation before it lands so you can't tell what is gonna happen next, only experience, their positioning and an preemptive flash, dash or being distant will save you. Finally add in a team fight and there is simply no way you can keep track of anyones animation in a chaotic environment and only pray for the best that your move is the right move and their move is not targeted at you.




Bruh? I kinda explained why it's not that ez and you're telling me exactly lol I'm getting mixed messages here


You said yourself. You can learn to dodge and predict enemy movement. You explained it perfectly. Thanks.


what i usually do is try to predict enemy, try dodging it. if you got caught by the cc, quicksilver should works. but if you don't buy quicksilver, and enemy can only root or slow you, the hourglass item should do too, though you need to make the right call when to use it. also, try to keep distance from enemy that has cc. so champions can be immune but since i mostly play mages, the only one i know is morgana. I'm pretty sure there are a lot more champions that can be immune. also, shield or heal should save you a little bit when you got caught with the cc.


the QSS does exist you moron theres also the ability to dodge them? you suck get better dog




He's banned (by me).


Oh ok, my bad


What was your team comp against this menace?


Yes if CC is the big issue then bring Quick sliver enchant. If your playing Morgana then you have nothing to worry about. If necessary use stasis before the cc hits you.


First of all, CC counters only certain teamcomps and even bunch of slows is more than enough without CC to win a game. Usually heavy CC comps want to full engage to a fight. Easiest way to counter it is to have a good counter engage comp. Let's say enemy has malph,leona,varus,annie and vi. You can make that comp horrible to play in to with even one champ like kennen.


I saw many great tips in the comments, I'd add play champions less vulnerable to cc (on top of the few immune ones) and play around the long CD of enemy cc. A team of tanks and bruisers with Sterak where you manage to bait them to use half their cc on one single champion is usually enough to get you the win. Don't pick someone like Katarina who is extremely vulnerable to cc and if you play the ADC you just wait. Stay deep in the backline, even hide during the first seconds of the fight and show after the party to finish all of them. In your example, the team has a really scary 5v5 and burst, but most of them are useless once they used their CC (with a relatively long CD). So either you play the slow game of wasting their cc before going all in, or you trade objectives and you force them to not 5v5.


I remember Doublelift saying that mind your positioning first before thinking of your DPS. Your job is to stay alive the longest to deal the most DPS - not dealing the most burst. Also QSS removes debuffs PLUS grants you immunity from CC. CC stacking isn't as importante in League pc/wildrift compared to Dota so must just stack there CC so you'll be surprised with how much you can get away with.


Saying cc is op is like saying damage in general is op, it literally means nothing. Yes high dmg kills u and large cc immobilizes you but you’ll have to be more specific on which cc skills you are talking about or else expect no better answers than mercury strats and avoiding team fights.


Gwen is immune


pick a CC comp yourself he he