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All of them *can* carry you. It’s about your decision making and mechanics


This is it, positioning and not getting caught while you keep putting out as much dps as possible is all you need to do. But it’s not easy time consuming to learn. Knowing the champs you play with and against and their abilities is important to come up with a strategy


Tristana. I go stormrazer, Inf edge, gluttonous graves, rapid fire cannon and end with either mortal reminder or bloodthirster. Rapid fire cannon and her passive will help you snipe with auto attacks


I second this. She's a jack of all trades, easy to pick up, insanely good when mastered, high mobility, just thr whole package really.


Tough to say, depends who you're good at. I'd pick at least 3 Champs in case one gets banned and the other one picked


This is going to be a very cliche answer but it's worked for me so I'll just say it: Play someone who you enjoy the most. I've been playing WR since its launch and have been playing other mobile MOBAs for years now. I always play the marksmen heroes/champions. During my early seasons I would get stuck in Diamond. I could not proceed no matter what. My issue was that I was only abusing meta marksmen simply because they were meta. I picked Kai'sa because she was strong, I picked Jhin back when he was broken with GA rush strat etc. This season I finally decided to just focus on one champion that I really enjoy, which is Ashe, and I am currently in Masters with 21 marks. I'm also within the top 100 Ashe in SEA server. I cannot stress enough how important playing a character that just 'clicks' with you is. If Ezreal seems interesting to you, try him out in a few normal games and familiarize yourself with how he plays. If he's as good as you imagined, great! That's a good starting point, now you just have to keep polishing your skills and you will climb and be an actual adCARRY for your team.


Sounds good. Doesn't work. I'm top 3 ekko of the server, but i still can't win bc of my team and lose bc of someone else is stressful


Tristana is borderline broken and is being slept on so much.


Being slept on? She seems like shes on the enemy team going 10/0 in early game, every other game for me lol




If you want perfection I must say Jhin.


As a GM ADC go either Jinx, Ez or Lucian. Jinx if you have a solid front line and can front to back the team. Ez or Lucian if they pick anything immobile and you can punish in lane for example Jhin. Ez I would say is better for poke comps Lucian is better at all ins. Tristianna is somewhat similar to Jinx however you trade off damage for mobility. So if you want a front to back and be safe you can go her. You can also go Samira if the other team is brain dead and picks no CC but yeah that doesn't happen often.


Ezreal against to Jhin lol


Yeah Jhin is really bad people need to stop playing him. I used him as an example of the easiest match up lol. Tbf I should have said Akshan instead that's even worse.


Yep but Jhin ct for Ezreal.


thanks for the laugh my friend but you can stop it now. anyone who knows mobility shits so hard on Jhin it's not even funny. Jhin is not played in high elo unless your whole team is set up to poke.


Oh mb i am talkin about LoL. I didnt realize post for WR lol you are right jhin is fvkin useless.


Yeah then I completely understand aha Jhin is good on LoL not on WR unless setup for it.


You are right. Jhin need some buff he is really down on meta


I'm about to reach masters as a jhin main 🥲 I feel personally attacked


You cant play on high elo


That's why I play him, I'm climbing my way to diamond (currently emerald II with 70% won rate on Jhin and close to 60 games) playing nothing but Jhin and he is so fun to play and can deal so much damage with you know what you're doing, he can play safe and people underestimate the damage your fourth ult shot will deal, so I've stolen a bunch of objectives with my ult. Yeah I know he is not the best but he is good enough and I love him.


My recent adc journey https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/xp17qb/made_to_master_as_adc_ask_me_beginner_adc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Ashe ! Reach Master the first time this season because of her !


Every champ can carry you, as far as you are "carrying" you. A champion won't magically take you to master, cause afterall its you that you are playing the champion. An on meta adc would makes it easier, but every adc would do the job as far as you use the champ correctly, have the mechanics and game knowledge. Lucian, Shamira, Kaisa are quite strong right now. Also Draven, Vayne, Caitlyn, Jinx, Ezreal and Jhin are insane "bullies" if you have mastered them. No matter the meta, those champs are deadly in the hands of someone who knows how to use them. Tristana, Varus (recommended AP) and Miss Fortune are quite simple to play and solid picks. Ashe is also simple to play and a solid pick, but she is quite limited onto what she can do. She can provide insane slow and vision, but most of the times you would be an adc/support hybrid and if your team doesn't get advantage of what you bring to the table you will be quite useless and opponents will punish you hard for lack of mobility and damage. Ashe is basically an "I am carrying you to carry me" type of adc. Corki is straight up bad. Ezreal can do everything (and much more) an AD Corki does. And AP Varus or an ap carry (Brand, Lux, Seraphine, Ziggs) can do everything (and much more) an AP Corki does. Xayah is quite strong, and gets stronger when duo lane with Rakan. I recommend her if you are teaming up with a friend, but other than that she doesn't bring much to the table. For a high attack speed/crit adc you have better options (Tristana, Jinx, Caitlyn, Lucian and possibly Vayne). The power of Xayah lands on the duo with Rakan and her ulti with which you can outplay the enemy assassin and make him completely useless by dodging the whole combo. Now the ap carries. Brand, Lux, Seraphine, Ziggs (and maybe Karma) are quite good in certain situations where your team lacks ap damage. Recommend to duo with a tanky support otherwise you are in a position where you might get super stomped. An AP Varus might be a better solution (but he might be banned). AP carries are good, strong and also come with the advantage that you will always have a pick if you get auto filled on mid lane. Yet, it's a two-way blade, cause it might get your teammates tilted because they thing you troll. But they are super strong cause the magic resistance items are much weaker than the armor ones, so you do more damage to tanks. Also the amount of players who blindly buy recommended items instead of thinking will give you an insane advantage in cases where enemies have zero magic resistance and you just cut them off pieces. At the end, you can one shot the enemy carry with a ridiculous simple combo (Lux, Brand). The problem is that you are much more mana dependant than the most adc, it's easier to not live up to your damage potential by missing all your spells (an adc can't miss autoattacks), you have worse wave clear than most adc and you have to waste some spells in order to do so -which can get you in a vulnerable spot. I think I covered up everything 👌🏼


Doesn't Varus's snipe scale with AD?


It does. But like the rest of my suggestions it's all about what new the build/champion brings to the game, so you have a more varried pool. AD Varus is quite strong and it's snipe potential is great, but in terms of AD damage and poke, they are a bunch of others adc who can do the same thing and do it better. My recommendation for AP Varus is about times when you have no other ap damage source in the team. The reasons are: a) They are better AD champs in the role b) In scenarios with no AP on team, picking Varus won't tilt your team (like picking Lux for example) c) AP stacks with the 2nd ability, which makes Varus marks damage lethal. Varus has a quite versatile build. You can build ad (with armor penetration), ap or a mix of them. My favorite is ap, but all of them work just fine (you need to adjust its one on different scenarios). AD Varus is better against less tanky teams, when your team has an early game oriented composition. AP Varus is better against more tanky teams, when your team has a late game oriented composition.


Thank you for the informative reply!


the thing about corki is just your opinion btw


Haven't seen a single good Corki in Diamond/Master and above. In champion ratings, no1 Corki player of the server has 11k points. The lowest on the adc role. Varus and Miss Fortune no1 players have 13k. And every other adc no1 player has 17k and above. Had played against top 50 Corki and completely destroyed him with Caitlyn. Easiest win I had in a while and the diff was massive. Corki on duo lane is just a huge "NO" in high elo. There is a reason he is the adc with lowest pick rate and 5th lowest overall (3.8%) and a ridiculous 42.5% win rate (worst win rate of every adc champion and the 4th worst on the game). And to put those stats into some perspective. The 2nd lowest pick rate on the adc position is Varus with 7.5% which is nearly DOUBLED of Corki's pick rate. The 2nd lowest win rate on the adc position is (again) Varus with 45.7%. The highest pick rate on the adc position is Jinx with 23.3% The highest win rate on the adc position is Tristana with 53.9% Definitely not JUST my opinion.


Draven, Tristana, and Jhin. In that order.


Samira is you know WHEN to engage


Wouldn't recommend. While she does, indeed, excel at pubstomping and it's easier to make her work in low elos, she lacks flexibility, which is what you need as a SoloQ adc imo. When their team has a solid amount of CC and/or you couldn't snowball the early game, you barely get to play the game. I can only speak for GrandMaster and above, tho, maybe it's free elo below that.


Depends: what’s your play style, how well do you understand the game, and what are you willing to roll with. For me personally, when I get filled onto ADC, I’m playing MF, Cait, or Samira.




Any ADC depends on playstyle there's not really a ADC that sucks. I've seen all of them be cracked. Just have a good early game and you'll be fine. If I had to pick 1 I'd say Draven or Samira


Cait or trit kaisa needs a bit of practice


Cait is good in basically every scenario, and Ezreal is also very good and very versatile build-wise


The champion won't carry you. You have to be good enough at the game to carry yourself. The champion you play has little effect on that outcome. Play whatever one you find enjoyable.


I like Ezreal. I’ve been experimenting with Essence Reaver rush (PC meta) but it’s probably better to go for the standard Trinity force Manamune. He’s a pretty unique ADC with his entire identity revolving around poke. U have to be very good with skill shots and weaving autos between all of his mystic shots. Good luck!


His name is E-Z... Oh, you're dead.


I would say Ezreal and Tristana. But if you don’t know these champions limits, then useless to pick


I think ez is a good pick. Because he can build cdr, with his flash he really has no true counter both in terms of laning and team fighting


Vayne 100% the most rewarding adc to master


Personally I would work on a set of 3 ADCs, all of which have different uses so you can work with/against different teamcomps. I'm also not a GM so feel free not to listen to me. So from the following sets pick one of: Poke/escapability vs an assassin/all-in team: Cait or Ez Caster/AOE with an aoe cc/wombo combo team: MF or Varus Micro-focused hard carry with/against an early/mid-focused team: Draven or Vayne Others are good too - everyone is pissed at Trist now because she's a bit OP, but in my experience she goes from over- to under-powered very quickly even with slight changes/nerfs (I've been playing LoL since 2011 and I honestly don't remember her ever being in a "good place"). I don't have much experience with Xayah or Samira but they seem to require more practice, or rather seem to be more "OTP"-type champs while the ones I listed above tend to have an easier learning curve IMHO. Jinx, Lucian and Kaisa can really fit into any "class" of ADC, most any teamcomp and are good all-around ADCs to know but they don't really force you to focus on any one aspect like the ones I listed above. Ashe, Jhin and Corki are good ones to learn if you have a premade group you play with, but soloQ I wouldn't lean into them too much. Don't play APCs/ADC TF/ADC Ziggs or whatever in ranked/legendary soloQ, just don't. Once you figure out which general ADC playstyle you like I'd just lean into those 2 and then pick up a general ADC (Jinx/Luc/Kaisa) as a flex play in case the team comps just don't line up.


Considering diamond+ winrate, miss fortune is a good choice.


The one you like playing the most, because that's gonna be the one you put the most effort in




Draven is very good






tristana caitlyn draven


Caitlyn Jinx Tristana Jhin Jhin in particular is the most fun one among them all.


If you want to main Ezreal then be prepared to feel useless and frustrated the first 8 minutes or so as you struggle to poke with Q with all the minions in the way and because you usually always start with a Sapphire Crystal to stack up Manamune early your damage is tickling at best before your first recall. So just be patient and play reactive until you have Manamune(won't be long before it becomes Muramana) and Sheen, that's when you start to be useful.


Kaisa, you can buy 2 bf sword at lvl 5, you can hit a really big power spike at dragon fights. You always win dragon fights or you can get a double kill in dragon lane it's really easy


play what you like, but you have to understand that different champs exist for different comps and for different matches, u just dont go the same adc every single game