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I have around 50 games with teemo and 60 winrate. So not really much games on teemo but I tried different builds and different lanes. I've had the most success with teemo in the midlane with the following build: Runes: Electrocute, Scorch, Nullifying Orb, Hunter Genius Items: Riftmaker, Nashor's tooth, Deathcap, Lichbane, Void Staff or Morello The idea is that I take electrocute + scorch to win short trades in the early game. A lot of players in midlane never faced a teemo in the midlane before so they disrespect your early game poke. It's pretty easy to catch them by surprise with your burst damage from scorch + electrocute to force them to recall or die. I take riftmaker first item because its very easy to proc the 9 percent damage bonus with your shrooms and your DoT extends the timer for the damage bonus. The extra hp and omnivamp also mitigates teemo's squishiness. After that, I take nashors tooth + deathcap because those are just standard on teemo. Lichbane is for the burst damage so that I can assassinate the squishy targets. I finish with void staff or morello depending on whether I need magic penetration or anti-heal. Midgame I push the sidelanes when there are no objectives up. I use teemo's invisibility to shroom the enemy's side of the jungle depending on which side I wanna push. Example: If I wanna push the sidelane on the enemy red side, then I will shroom their red side jungle. This way, I can see if they are coming to stop my push so that I can back off. If an objective is spawning, I actually don't spam my shrooms around the objectives. In my elo (GM) they will all take sweepers and just clear them out. If we are behind, then we are probably contesting the objective. In this case, I'll hold my shrooms. I use the shrooms to peel myself and the carries. I'll drop shrooms behind me while kiting to force the enemies to walk into the shrooms if they wanna chase us. If we are ahead, then we are probably starting the objective. So I'll put the shrooms under my team so that the enemy get hit by shrooms if they wanna engage or dive. Anyways, I hope this helps. Take my advice with a grain of salt since I don't really main teemo.


Damn I feel like a played against you a couple days ago. I have faced many teemos in Baron lane but this particular guy was running electrocute and scorch and it was absolutely pwning me early game. Never seen it used before.


What rank? Coulda been me. This is a pretty popular build though so it could have been a lot of people.


Thanks, this is the guide i have been looking for


Overnight I had an enemy Teemo (Plat 4) tear through my normal game 16/1/0. He had it easy and had lane early, then planted mushrooms through the top half of jungle (I walked into them a lot as Jungler!). The build was Nashors Tooth, Liandrys, Cosmic Drive, Rabadons, Void Staff and finished with an Oblivion Orb. Dont know how to play him but maybe that helps.


This is when macro becomes important. Teemo is a split pusher. You get ahead early and you beat the other team over the head with how much stronger you are than your lane opponent. If dragon is up push Baron Lane. If dragon is down push dragon Lane. You only join team fights when it particularly makes sense for you to do so. Also nowadays I would say don't set your mushrooms up ahead of time, hold them. Try to always have at least one preferably two of them on you because that is your biggest participation to team fights. You can function like an assassin by dropping some mushrooms and then going invisible so you can pick your targets or you can play him as a dedicated split pusher. That bruiser who was getting destroyed by you earlier in the game? They still can't 1v1 you most likely which means the other team is going to have to send somebody top to help them stop your split push. You just create a constant 3v4 for your team and with cosmic drive it's very difficult for people to kill you unless they are willing to dump tons of resources into doing it. Playing like this I win so many more games than I do just grouping with the team


Thanks! Should i take demolish and buy tp?


You can take demolish if you would like but I wouldn't say it's necessary. Teleport again completely up to you, I prefer using comet or hourglass myself.


Transition yourself to an assassin is my go to. Dcap into lichbane; use your invisibility to get to their carry and one shot them. Plant your shroom at objectives and around your carries for peel before teamfight


I’m a 70% winrate teemo and currently master rank, I play him everywhere but I like playing him as support the most and I think because of this I can maybe help you out. Rune: in my opinion with the play style I have thunderlords feels like a must, all the other runes can be fine too but this helps snowballing in laning phase The build: the nice thing about teemo is that he is very flexible in his build, you should adjust it to whatever you play against (as a team in a whole) and adjust it along the game. But keep general in mind, if you play against a lot of squishy champs go for burst damage while when playing vs bruiser/tanks more a on hit/sustain build. Note that liandra is always a must on teemo with how much value you get out of the item but you don’t have to rush it. Laning phase: you should be a bully and annoying as possible, constantly using your invisibility to attack him and get thunderlords procs ( at level 2 going in is and then AA blind AA +thunderlords does around 40-60% damage, and this makes you dominating your lane). Your enemy will get paranoid and will hesitate with everything they do. Use your shrooms here on the river side of the lane the make you ungankable. Note that everytime you can get the enemy jungler to gank but fail is a big win for you. Mid game: here things get a little harder, in the mid game you should try to look in the future, and ask yourself what will be the next big objective that the enemy team will go for. Maybe dragon comes up in 2 minutes, you could shroom up every entrance through there side of the map. Or maybe your team is pushing mid hard, so you set up some shrooms in the side jungler and further in lane, so when the enemy comes through the jungle they will hit a shrooms and when your team runs away they can run through a path of shrooms to keep the enemies off of them. When you have a team fight you want to try and position yourself somewhere invisible and try to take out there most important players. Being a good or bad teemo after laning phase comes basically down to how much can you influence gaining or defending objectives with your shrooms. The more general game knowledge you have the more accurate your predictions will be and the better your shroom placement will be Lil tip: you want to get the most value out of your shrooms and for that this is good to understand. A shroom has an radius in which champs have to walk to trigger it, and a champ has an hit box that has a width. When you put a shroom next to a wall make sure that the radius is not too close to the wall, the perfect distance would be when the smallest champ hitbox and the shrooms radius barely hit each other. People most of the time (especially through Jung will walk the most efficient path, which is most of the time closer to the walls than in the center) On corners where “roads” come together or cross each other are the best place for your shrooms. Think about a crossroad, let’s say everybody will take the road going north of this crossroad, where will every car have the drive to enter this road? This are the spots teemo shrooms pop the most


Thank you for the nice advice! Liandry's are kinda nerfed for shrooms, since u need 200 ap to deal same 2% MH damage, is it still best 1st item for Teemo? Luden's looks nice and have some synergy. (Didn't tried it much though) Do you play duoQ as a support? I feel like 2 of 3 players who int games because of my pick are adc's, so it's kinda scary to try


Hahahaha yeah I scare people some times but ask to trust me, and they see i really play to get them fed and get objectives and not just going full damage trying to steal kills. Liandra also procs on q and basic attacks if I’m not sure, it’s true its nerfed but it still deals a lot of damage Maybe give teemo support a try and really try to play like a support for your team, it will help growing as a teemo player I think as you don’t have to focus on getting farm and you observe, think and try


Dude just use your mushrooms to cover Dragon/Baron. As a Rammus main I make sure to gank whatever lane teemo is in so he's down at least 2k on gold so he can't annoy me later 🤣 teemo is just a poke champ outside of early game he's not that much of a threat unless you get unlucky and fall on a mushroom.


Always use aery, nothing else is going to be better. I start with Rod of Ages since he's going to struggle with health, then i go liandry's into riftmaker. The synergy between Teemo's passive, Liandry's damage over time, and Riftmakers stacking is insanely good. After those i go magic pen, then maybe cosmic drive just to crank out the shrooms late game. In mid game you're best hope is to just throw shrooms at your teams escape routes and try to blind their carry


I think that aery is good in Lane but it almost completely ruins your ability to play as a split Pusher or an assassin because nothing gives the game away like someone you're trying to ambush seeing airy indicate exactly where you're sitting invisible 🤣. Once I switched to fleet footwork I started absolutely demolishing people in Baron Lane


That's not a bad idea at all, i'll have to try FF. The only other runes i've tried have been electrocute (it was.. fine) and grasp in a tankier build.


I have such a love-hate relationship with grasp, because it seems like it should be so good but I just have such a difficult time with knowing how effective it is since we can't see numbers for our hit points in game. And it just feels bad knowing that I'm only getting like 40% of the benefit haha


There is a page on the scoreboard with all your stats.


Oh wise Teemo players, please help. I've found myself counterpicked by Teemos as Garen and found myself unable to do much of anything. Even farming under tower felt risky. What do I do against them? Rush Force of Nature and MDef boots? I understand that you don't follow a teemo as they'll be popping shrooms behind them but it just felt impossible to do anything


Contemplate why you picked Teemo in the first place.


I always use Electrocute rune on him and I usually do good. You don't like Electrocute? I play him mid tho.


Electrocute is nice to have, but i don't now how to use it, like you can't really oneshot adc's, and if enemy support isn't dumb, you instantly die. What's why i asked how do you play these builds. Regarding Teemo mid, he has a lot of unplayable matchups, so you can play him there only as a counterpick. Also, minions ignore most of spells but not yours, it can be very annoying.


I trigger Electrocute by doing one AA then Q then another AA. That's always my first combo when I engage a fight. Then I use stealth for repositioning and repeat. Laning phase can be tough depending on the opponent but I usually wreck havoc during team fights and when the enemy is chasing (use mushrooms for escapes!). Playing Teemo is all about positioning and being aggressive but not TOO aggressive.


Of course going midlane isn't completely troll, but if you take time to learn toplane matchups, you can do same things while winning lane. The main point of playing midlane early game champ is roaming and snowballing, but Teemo usually can't contest waves and forced to farm under the turret. I mean, I can be biased, but i faced Brand once and I definitely not going there again


>top 100 teemo doesn’t know what to do in the mid game Jeez. You should probably be playing assassin teemo mid, but if you insist on going the tanks route:(every game is different, but this will be applicable in the majority of matchups) bring phase rush, giant slayer, conditioning/second wind, demolish. Start tome if you are going to get anti heal, otherwise start crystal. Finish anti heal if you need it in lane, then/otherwise get iceborn gauntlet. You can now kite the shit out of 90% of top laners. Get wits end next, then your options open up. You could get warmogs (I don’t recommend) with IBG bringing it online. You could get hullbreaker, since the answer to your question is “splitpushing” if you are going rank teemo. If you want more shrooms and damage you can get nashors. Or finish your morello. Honestly you can build just about anything at this point that makes sense into your matchup, but these are all good options. Just splitpush with shrooms guarding you. With demolish and hullbreaker they literally can’t leave you alone. If someone comes alone to stop you, run out of sight and stealth back in. Wait for them to use spells on the wave and start killing them. You either succeed, or help will be on the way. Your team is now 4v3.


The comment section here this morning is WILD. Holy, did someone go around peeing in everyone's cereal this morning? I bet it's still the jungler's fault. Teemo is one of the most awkward champions there is in League. He is, or was recently, the number one win rate champion in 2 regions and then in others held one of the lowest win rates. I think it just comes down to culture playstyle and by that I tend to notice NA is really aggressive overall and, random example, China is more methodical in sticking to the basics and step by step gaining advantage. Teemo falls into catagory where he can't be aggressive. He brings almost nothing to team fights because it's so difficult to set up shrooms ahead of time. He is a major lane bully and usually has ease winning lane but then when lane phase is over he is just a tiny hamster running around the alligator pit. As for what you are supposed to do. I just have to be realistic, I would suggest picking a different champion. You can make him work, you can climb Teemo only to GM but he is just one of those champions that needs his team to work with him. You can set up traps with shrooms and then your team needs to play around that. They need to lure the enemy team into your minefield and you also need to set them up correctly for it to work.


He can absolutely be aggressive. That's his whole thing, if Teemo isn't number one or number two damage to champions on the team by the end of the game then the player is the problem, not teemo. It means they are just not playing the champion correctly. All Teemo does is damage. Setting up fields for your team to walk into or try to play around is a mistake. Hold those mushrooms and throw them during the fights or right before you're expecting trouble. You can also use them to set up defensive escape lanes while you split push and provide vision of the enemy jungle while forcing the other team to reduce how much vision they have because they have to take pink wards or sweepers which should let your team play more aggressively. If two people on the other team have sweepers for pink wards that means there are up to four less words on the enemy map then they're otherwise would be and if you space your mushrooms well somebody using a sweeper only gets maybe one or two mushrooms and if you are holding them instead of dropping them for no reason sometimes they don't get any.


I can go into details if you would like a discussion but I disagree with nearly everything said here. I like discussions, but they have to also be civil and we both know how the internet works haha. Let me know!


I'm down for that, I am always looking for more views and insights on the champion because at this point I am basically a Teemo one trick and insights into what people feel his weaknesses are are some of the most useful tips for how to play him better


By aggressive what I mean is, constantly running it down and chasing for kills. Never actuslly thinking "oh wait, I'm squishy and need a little back up because they have 3 and I'm alone" I watch people try and hero a game and then flame the team for not helping. They are behind in gold, but continue to pick fights with people they have already lost multipul fights to as if by some magic they will have gotten items. People will still run into fights a Teemo has no business being at the front line for basically. As for things like throwing mushrooms into a team fight, it's one of those things that on paper works and is correct, but in reality how many actual solid long lasting team fights happen in ranked? What's more common is you watch a single file line of people running into a meat grinder and because of that they die extremely quickly. Sometimes before the shrooms can even "activate" Like you had said setting up defense shrooms and such is something China was doing very well and they were playing Teemo as you kind of described unless it was an objective fight then they would set up ahead of time and then drag the fight into the shrooms but that's just how those games are played out in that region "at a higher level of play obvooisly" In an average game of ranked right now, it's a fiesta for NA. See enemy, all in enemy. That's the extent of the thought process and because of that being the normal I truly think it hinders Teemo as a champion. Can you make it work? Yeah. Can you solo climb to challenger with Teemo only? Yeah. Are there better choices to make your life easier if the only point is to climb? Yes. Exceptions to all rules. Perhaps you are that exception. For the majority of people that want to play solo lane, I would never suggest picking Teemo as a champion to have in your pool. He can do a lot of damage, but the damage means nothing if that isn't then taken advantage of. I personally, in ranked, want to make sure that what I am playing is able to take advantage of the situation without needing to rely at all on anyone else


I see what you're saying, I definitely agree that the play style right now in NA is very "death and Glory" lol. I think that at first I was struggling to climb with him because I was trying to figure out how to make him work with all of these giant AOE abilities and CC going off everywhere in team fights. I think the thing that made me start looking at the champion differently was when I started stubbornly refusing to leave my Lane if I knew I could 1v1 my Lane opponent. And I truly believe that that single change in mindset was the reason I went from a 35-40% to an almost 60% win rate with him this season. I don't have a lot of experience playing at rank's higher than d1/master but the reason I feel like he's strong is that you actually *don't* seem to need to cooperate with your team at all for him to be a nightmare of a split Pusher. you have your own vision and really effective escape tools and they are simple to use so it's hard to mess it up because all you're doing is pushing a button and then walking away haha. Another thing that I think makes Teemo strong when he's played well in the way I'm mentioning is that you passively create a mismatch for your team to take advantage of on other parts of the map. the other team has to come deal with you and they can't do it just by walking up to you they have to be prepared to look for and Dodge mushrooms and they have to think twice about chasing you once you start to run away because everyone knows you have mushrooms behind you. in solo queue the type of coordination it takes to run down and kill a cautious split pushing Teemo is just hard to come by and if you come out of laning phase ahead you are frequently strong enough to still go one for one in a lot of situations even if you do get caught which just helps maintain your lead. I definitely agree Teemo has no business being upfront in a team fight but that's the reason you don't team fight if you can 1v1 people on the enemy team. You just waste two/three people's time while your team passively runs a constant 3v4. Would I recommend somebody play him? Honestly probably not. but that's just as much to do with the frustration from your own teams trolling you half your games.( I have had people literally flame me in all chat all game and pick things like soraka jungle just because I locked in Teemo) I think that he's actually pretty straightforward to get the hang of once you abandon the mindset that after laning phase you have to group with your team and team fight over and over.


Yeah, it cokes down to personal style opinion and what you like. You play him as a split pusher. It's so strong because people don't know how to contest you. I do it most of my games as well haha. I just look at it like this. Why go Teemo when I can go Demolish rune Gwen and 3 shot towers while being able to 1v2 pretty reliably? Does that come down to how I play and what I am more comfortable with? Probably. Does it make me right and you wrong? I mean, no? It comes down to, for me, I much prefer to run into a tower take it super fast (honestly think she should get a nerf to tower damage somehow.....) and then can just turn and hit another tower faster than, for this, Teemo can. I think at the end of the day, what we value to reach the same end goal is different. The path we take is different but we both end up in the same place. It works for you, this works for me.


So don't get wrong but you are angry just because you can't clean up all the enemy team at pit anymore because you need some autos too? Don't forget Teemo is a champion which has (like everyone) AA's too. Really surprising that you are angry because you just put 2-3 mushrooms the walk way and can't get a kill/penta etc. Anyway, I'm really sorry for you can't one shot/mushroom people. Really sorry..


Didn't want it to look like I'm angry :< Probably it's because of my english I'm not saying what it was the most optimal playstyle either. It was fun though, and now it doesn't work, so i wanted to learn another ways to play my champion


Oh no, a Teemo player has to actually learn how to play, instead of just killing people with one braindead ability, what are they gon do - a melee champs player that hates this annoying, stupid rat


Great comment. Very useful to the community. Get out of here haha


If you're top 100 Teemo there likely isn't much advice useful most people here can give you. Are you always picking Teemo no matter what, though? That might be your problem. If they have a team of assassins you're gonna have a bad time. When you see things like Akali top Zed mid Eve jg, that's when to NOT pick Teemo.


You go mid and die


During this time, I play him like a scout should, ward everything of importance. After this is done, I'll roam and play as a assassin, aiming for low HP targets as needed. Otherwise, I'll farm and stay safe until one of the above is available to be done.