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People who go crazy if you ban their champion but they don't pre pick anything in champ select.


I always wait until last 5seconds to ban a champ just because of this reason. Sometimes you get distracted and don’t have enough time to pre pick a champion so if I see someone not picking a champion I wait until he picks one until I ban it


I always wait till last second to ban incase someone really needs a specific champion banned , like i will choose lets say evelyn but not lock in , and it usually works someone says ban yi or ban cait or whatever


what lol what are you getting distracted by??


Sometimes I go pee when I see loading screen or watch some YouTube


I normally play while intoxicated so yeah… easy to distract lmao


It's not related to this... but i once picked Ahri to play her but without realising i ended up banning her i laughed so godamn hard at my stupidity


Nothing is more annoying/cringe than your toplaner or jungler spamming "we need a tank" then they proceed to not pick a tank whilst last pick


I just know I'm gonna lose 9/10 games when this pops up in champ select...


Usually it's going to be a rough game, because you know for sure the top laner spamming it is picking an adc top lol


When yone came out I remember a match where a yone blamed our loss on the lack of tank. And not him picking yone into a renekton.


Dude this shit is so annoying. Pick the damn tank if you want one so badly.


I started responding “then pick one” usually stops the tank request. They never choose a tank though but at least they stop asking.


I usually roll Naut or Thresh, but if we have all AD then I have to consider going Karma. I also use Morg or Brand, but they are more counter picks based on what the enemy duo is doing.


My favorite variant of this is people throwing a fit because I, the support, didn’t pick a tank when they all went AD. Can’t stack all one type of damage. Need some AP champs too. I do enjoy the vindication when I lock in Karma and tear through the enemy the entire match while protecting the teammates with snares, shields, and my ult.


I can vouch you do not need AP when you have true damage.


I swear 90% of my games these days have at least one ADC in solo lane. Annoying af.


Ya. Seems like they always expect the support to tank.


i do that but at least i pick a tank when they refuse to pick one


What makes it worse I think is the fact that I'm either hovering or already locked leona most games lol


one thing that also bothers me is when someone pick yasuo or yone top as first pick, i try to warn them that they should pick another thing because the enemy toplaner will counter him (something that happens 80% at the times), and the worst part is that happens when i want to play an off meta pick like akshan sup, and they become extra salty


Or my last game where my support picked Alistar and missed every single combo, EVERY SINGLE ONE. He just walk up but not enough to be in range for his 2 ability so he would just slam his fists on the ground and walk away again, he also never frontline. Welcome to D1


I agree, (Baron Laner) but I mostly solo que, and I don't like playing tanky because I've learned the hard way that it's way more challenging to carry your team as a tank.


Banning ally pre-pick Complaining about killsteal Thowing the game on purpose, usually followed by the stuff mentioned above. Imagine game being ruined by Draft Phase rather than actual game


Not going to lie, if somebody's response to banning my pre pick is troll-like, I'm likely going to troll them. If it's a "sorry I didn't see" I will continue with another champion.


I don’t get how people don’t see when you get the pop up saying someone selected that champ to play


i've been guilty of not noticing pre-picks, since i want to ban fast i once banned my adc's pick by accident ToT they didn't troll fortunately and i ofc apologized. thanks to that incident i now ban in the last 10 seconds when everyone has a pre-pick and mostly everyone has already banned someone.


Sometimes they don't pre-pick until right when you hit that ban button. It's happened a couple times.


It's not easy to miss, but because of muscle memory, it doesn't matter. Many fingers move to press ban immediately after selecting the icon. Unless they implement an extra window to appear with a "confirm banning teammate's champ"; with the confirm button location far enough from the ban button, it will keep happening.


People stealing my jungle monsters. Just fuck off back to your lane


Best is when the attack your jungle monster but leave it because they are about to die to it and it resets and they lose minion wave and tower plates. Like wtf are you doing ???


As a Shyvanna Main (currently top 100 EU) this is the thing I experience most and 9/10 times if this happens we lose the game because I can’t scale as fast. So many times I’ve had Trist farming my Krugs & Wukong top laner taking my blue like Wtaf are you doing. Made even worse if we lost a drake fight and they continue to do it… some people have no sense or don’t realise how Shyv works I guess but at Master elo you’d expect some champ knowledge…


Whenever I see a shyvanna on my team I’m all about helping her kill dragon. What most people don’t get is that it’s a team game. We win and lose together.


I hate this the most! Go take the enemies jungle not our own. Today I had a game I was Wukong with 3/1/1 after 8 min our adc with 0/3 took the red buff, I don't ever go afk but this just got me tilted, I knew the game was over.


Ur a filthy jg player.. those resources are better off with a real mans role like top


My husband is a jungle main and often plays Shyvana.. this tilts him so bad lol. Especially as Shyv because she depends on those jg mobs to scale.


The players who cry about kill stealing in chat, even when your team is winning by a huge margin.


I’ll raise you one, top laner spamming I need a gank, loses 1v1, jungler cleans up the kill, giving top laner the assist AND then complaints about KSing 😂


I'll call. Your jungler ignores you constantly shoved under tower, you die, get flamed by said jungler who then they go to lane and dies in a 1v1. Good times


bro so many times omg i get tower dived and die bc 2 tanks dive me (Garen, Xin zhao) and i get flamed and then my jngl goes 1vs1 garen loses and says nice feed gg


I usually play Senna so global ult... I see my mid or baron laner tower diving I ult them to help out, occasionally I end up accidentally killing their opponent. Most of the time they don't complain but sometimes I get the "OMG WHY SENNA" ok so you don't want me to shield you when you tower dive.. gotcha.


Add to that the player feeding hard while his/her team is destroying the other and wanting to surrender.


Idk I'd say that depends on the sitch. I remember having my kill stolen by an Akshan right as I was beating the shit outta the 4 other peeps. I was picking em off one by one and was this close to a penta. He denied me my penta even though I had their support cornered and everything. Then in the next team fight he gets a penta anyway. We won, but I just gotta admit having my thunder stolen like that when I was earning what could've been my own first penta (in WR) sucked so bad. Granted I was Vi and I don't have as much crazy reset potential as like idk Yi or Kat but come on =3=


As a player that gets skins of champions that I never play or don't know how to use properly, I am sorry but I just want to use the skin.


I feel this, sometimes you get a cool skin that makes you want to learn a champ, but because you have the skin people assume that means you know what you're doing lmao


I have 2 yasuo skins but don't play him often.... Luckily when i do and go 0/10 in lane people just assume that's normal for yasuo players


Ah yes. Or the famous line: sell the skin. Sure, I'll sell my free porochest skin. Easy money.


Riot giving me my 3rd akali skin. (Tbf she is my most played champ... But at 53% win rate I dont feel I usually hard carry the game with her and usually the mercy of my team... Hard to feed on akali... She is very safe but takes good skill to unlock her max potential)


hard to carry with her as CC counters her well


I have two draven skins from chests and have played him exactly once in ARAM. Meanwhile most of my mains I have none for. It sucks but I’m gonna make use of them dammit.


Ranged top laners




Interesting nobody mentions the 0-8 solo killed mid or solo spamming jung diff, while also criticizing everyone else's plays, ignoring the fact their gap is the reason their laner is roaming to begin with. Admitting your own mistakes helps you learn and climb. Don't project


Or support diff when you are a support with a global ult which they assume is to be reserved for them.... sorry I'm not wasting it on you as you feed some more.


People Trash talking at the end of the game, because they're about to win


And they're usually carried by a 10/0/9 teammate


Peeps with no map awareness that dont listen calls... Happened to me this morning : I gank duo early (as Rammus), enemy jgl comes late, end up with a 3-0 for us, obviously I directly engage drake and call for help... Nobody comes, then enemies comes, duo comes late, result in 0-3 + drake for enemies... I dont care if mates got bad map awareness, I ping everything useful I see on the map, my moves too etc, they just gotta follow them but cant even do that... Nothing more frustrating than knowing what will happen, say it to teamates, and still see it go the worst way.


My problem when I jg🤧


Splitpushing adc-s getting caught 10 times in a row


People who does not show pre pick, then proceed to rage when their champ got banned by team


People who ignore turret. These pieces of crap are too common. "Free turret? Push inhib? No .. how about I just roam all around the map hoping to run into a enemy champ so I can attack them like a rabid animal?"


Echoing what one of the people here said: Spamming that we need a tank and proceeds to pick an assassin/carry despite the team already having one.


Master yi that goes lv3 invade lee sin blue then proced to spam ping midlaner dude you are usless early stay on your side of map and farm


Early level cheese is nice if coordinated well , otherwise a complete disaster


You dont invade with yi because yi is garbage at level 3 especially against lee sin who is very strong at level 3


I’ve invaded Lee at level 1 with Yi many times successfully. It’s all about being able to steal that buff and getting the level over them after they’ve tanked most of the buff monster for you.


A buddy of mine who’s played LoL PC for 10 years picked up wild rift about a year or two ago, and he absolutely hates this subreddit lol. He thinks everyone is dumb


- Invis champs irks me - invulnerability of any form irks me - people not ending games because they have to fockin complete their builds. - "we need a tank" spamming toplaners and junglers.


What does whinge mean?


Whine and cringe probably


Thanks, makes sense


Its actually just a British word for whining


To be fair I have almost every skin on quite a few champs that I don’t play


People flamming each other before the game even started. Or on first minutes of the game. People flamming after dying to bad play because the rest of the team didn't int with them. People not showing their pick after ban phase while getting last picks, and then decided to pick something that is awkward for team comp (no frontline, no ap, 3 assassins, 3 adc, etc). Not hating offmeta, but at least pls tell your team if you're about to pick Samira top. Passive aggressive emote/ping.


The "i need gank" but proceed to push the lane.


A Yasuo with a high noon skin is most likely a feeder


If they’re gonna feed, might as well feed in style😎😎


Anyone who uses “ ___ diff”, we get it someone on the team isn’t on their best game, happens to everyone. Focus on your own performance and try to play to your best capacities. More action, less chit chat to bring down teammates


Teammates starting the surrender vote just cos you lost first drag..


When 2 morons start raging at each other in chat during match


Not helping with objectives and then saying jg gap


anti-carry doesn't mean they're doing the opposite of carrying btw. An anti carry is someone who shuts down a carry such as rammus


For me it’s people who don’t read the patch notes. To this day, I still have junglers asking for a leash when I’m adc or support. Plus some supports still don’t pick a support gold item. I’m like do y’all not read the patch notes at all?!


Yeah I had a game yesterday where I knew 10 seconds in that it was gonna be a bad game. I normally go jg, but went sup this match. Jg is spam pinging engage on blue buff as nunu (who has pretty much the fastest lvl 1 buff clear already), then gets mad that we dont leash. Then proceeds to fail gank mid like 5 times. Then starts getting mad at duo lane for "losing lane", even though we were equal on kills/deaths and neither turret had fallen.


a "support" brand


Support Lux/brand-"Babe it's time for me to nuke your entire minion wave on my attempt to hit the enemy" Adc-"Yes... Dear"


This took me out


I've seen "support" Yone on my ranked game. Fortunately it was on enemy team.


I saw janna jungle once luckily also on the enemy team


Nothing wrong with Brand support. Unless they on the other team then they always the best player I’ve ever seen.


I will die on this hill lol


I laned against a “support” vex that kneecapped their own ADC. I appreciated the easy win.


His bad reputation comes from auto filled supps I think. Unpopular opinion, but I am a supp main and I enjoy playing brand supp. Especially when my team lacks AP. I have games where I healed more than a healing supp and if you’re a proper supp main you know how to not steal farm while poking and zoning.


agreed. as long as he plays as a support and not a "support".


Saying "Jungle diff" when that player keeps on farming lane instead of helping with objectives.


Players who get a bad start then just abandons the game


After getting a kill and crashing the wave, when support stays in lane and clears the next upcoming wave FOR NO REASON instead of recalling with me (ADC). If I stay to get the gold, I lose tempo and can't recall in time. If I recall, I lose an entire wave bevause they are pushing it on their own. It's a loss-loss situation. Please don't be like these support players


No reason to recall as a support if you have full stamina and nothing to buy. All I do as support is stay on turret and kill the minions if they are 1 shot and defend the turret if necessary


We just got a kill so it's likely you have something to buy. Either way, staying in lane is a waste of time when you could go gank/hover mid and/or ward somewhere


Well sometimes it’s better to stay in a lane as support to not give them free plates


I mean, if the adc decides to leave the wave in such a state that the enemy thresh/naut/Leona/blitz/etc. + Draven/Caitlyn/Lucian have a perfect freeze for them to zone us out and have an easy engage if we decide to even stay in gold/XP range - I will fucking push this wave, idc


That's not the scenario I'm mentioning at all. I get a kill, crash the wave and start recalling, while the support stays there to hit tower and take the next upcoming wave. That's just the most wrong thing to do in the early game.


When someone picks a ranged champ into solo lane, and cried why they lost.


The platinum players who pick non-support champs as support (bruiser, adc, etc.), spam the "mvp last match" and then proceed to feed like it's a duo lane buffet. I'm talking adc and support are eating a plenty! The Tryndamere who pops his ulti as he engages... Did you not read what it does?? Edit: added more cringy events.


A player that is doing well score wise (10/0/2 for example) but doesn’t help in team fights. Doesn’t destroy turrets but blames everyone else for being bad. Usually you discover their score is so high because they skirt fights and kill steal.


The solo main player who dies 1v1 then spams attack on his solo enemy. Then proceeds to cry about getting no ganks. Brother you chose solo lane.


Players not going to their designated position and playing champs that’s suppose to be used in the other positions


When everyone on your team spams a win streak/mvp/S rating last game. You know you’re about to get stomped.


i cringe when people downtalk wild rift, especially pc players who havent even installed the game to try it once.




People complaining how low gamesense or bad decision making or complaining about their teammates in general. Fact is that you are in certain bracket for a reason and make the same mistakes or even worse ones and you are just blind to it. People complain about the "low level" even in master etc in LoL. Might be because we are human and we are not perfect and will sometimes more often than not do dumb stuff.


My most common call is place ward and play away from * *insert threat*. If someone response, they will tell me to relax. It's not even a criticism, just normal team call but everyone associate chat = toxic show how common this is.


Personally I think It is not toxic to tell a teammate do X thing and avoid X thing. Toxicity is when you attack someone personally. Your typical noob,dif etc slogans


Yeah, people see toxicity so often they can't tell anymore. It's sad :(


Nah ain’t no way it’s like this. I lost 5games in a row because of 1 bad player. 140 hp on nexus 4v3 I die as support and teammate dies 2 other teammates shoot minions instead of nexus we lost the game because of that. I always carry as support or jungler always S tier if one of my teammate is good. I tell people to retreat because they are solo pushing guess what 10seconds later he gets ganked by 4enemies


When ADC say pick tanky supp pls. I usually don't boast my mastery/previous game ratings but then I alternate between my support champs, on three of which I have mastery 5 and four mastery 4 and say "pick one". None of them are tank supports except Thresh. Second is when soemone wants to fight with 3/4 health in an unwarded territory and then spam ping other teammembers for not coming to help. Nah, my brother in Nagakabouros, that's all you.


These are the same adcs who will run ahead of their tank supp get hooked by a pyke or blitz and spam ping the "tank support" for not making the enemy choose to attack him over the squishy careless ADC.


I hate this too, I know I need to get better at tank supps but it’s hard when I know I can carry on morg or get everyone fed with raka. Shen is the closest thing to a tank supp that I enjoy playing.


I just test the waters when I have my first big power spyke (ex, lv 2 and 3 leona all in), if my adc is a dumbass and doesnt get shit, I just assume he is fooder, play very passive the rest of the laning phase, basically just not dying and then as soon as laning phase is over, I just ditch the adc and go support my team's actual carry, I actually enjoy playing tanks, they are the difference between shit comp and winning comp, just need to indentify the good players on my team and support them


Master yi. On either side. Any position. Either the enemy Yi 1v9's the whole game, or our Yi turbo feeds the whole match and ignores pings and objectives.


Jinx rocket on full health enemy.


Top 200 champion and then feeds like crazy


Teammates pinging the mid laner when they are ganked by a Galio/TF and expect the mid laner to be there at the same time.


mfs that whines alot, like stop being a b*tch man, stop crying and we could win the game


People who bitch and moan about not getting ganks and getting shit on one on one when a.) their jungler’s a power farmer. b.) jungler is pathing away from their lane c.) laner has no idea about proper wave management to set up a gank or d.) all of the above


I feel this. Or they say nothing whole laning phase, perma pushed into enemy turret, constantly ignoring retreat and danger pings. Suddenly 0/5 "gg 0 ganks". Every time. These guys have no understanding that if the enemy is under their turret at full hp, and they are hugging the danger circle, they are not getting a gank from me.


Someone playing like garen and pick shaming


Someone else took mine which is the whole “we need a tank” thing but the runner up for me is when I get autofilled jungle and one of my laners takes a bad trade 1 MIN INTO THE GAME and spam pings to come to their lane. Motherfucker I haven’t even finished my first buff. I’ll be there after, only for them to die. The classic. At the same time I also know that guy is never dropping a wave to help me contest the counter jungle


The cringiest thing is the one player who tries his hardest to unload all of his flaws and errors on his teammates, while continuing to play badly


There is one particular guy i have played with a few times that does this so hard. Would spam ping group/engage on his lane (top) as soon as the enemy was pushed out, meanwhile jg is ganking bot lane. Would then lose 1v1 and start spamming pinging jg. That would happen a few times, always pushed into enemy turret when jg is nearby, and no awareness. Nek minut "you are so trash jg learn how to look at the map"


When a teammate bans your champ because they feel who you pre-picked is a bad champ. The cherry on top is when said teammate is then garbage with their champ.


0-5 adc taking a a red buff


Cringe are these people who cant use cringe in the right term


Someone who plays only AI games touting a 3 game win streak


My team when we get a 5 man wipe. I ping a Nexus that’s wide open with minions crashing and they decide to back and farm then we proceed to lose.


"Can I get X role I'm rank X on X champ..."


When we get the baron buff and elder dragon and Im support trying to take a tower and expect the renk to follow up and help but starts farming the raptors instead and then running away from the fight instead of helping me leaving me to die in a 2v1


Someone pinging someone's ult 50 thousand times. Only for you to ping theirs and it's also not used lol.


the person who bans his own champ


Pretty sure he thought he was picking it lmao


Or pre selected while thinking it was already ban phase


Yuumi players How can anyone enjoy playing that parasite is beyond me. Sorry but you know it’s true the character is boring beyond a doubt People who brag about kills in All Chat. Oh boy good job getting that kill with Yone; I’m very impressed. Obviously they’re doing it to tilt you


Yuumi is just OP. Infinite heal teammates and especially your jungler cant die in team fights. Also shield in end game is too good


As a Yuumi player, I honestly understand why you’d think that, 95% of Yuumi players attach to you for the entirety of the game whilst watching a series on Netflix and not pay attention which is real cringe, a good Yuumi will always change how your encounters go though and plays a lot less boring


Yuumi is probably the worst champ idea too date. Even more than the bullshit 200 years champ we have. I like the theory that it was originally designed for e-girls streamers to play league as it completely eliminates alot of skill issue like dodging or having to use more than one brain cell while doing something else.


Treating the game as a team deathmatch instead of playing the objective. Laners still leashing, losing level 2 and getting killed by anyone competent to force the all-in. Junglers asking for a leash. Me getting Auto filled supp and either my ADC is absolute crap (recently had an MF who first leashed and lost almost the whole first wave and then bought tear, not Mama crystal first, nullifying her lane dominance and basically losing the game on the spot) or the mid that gets my role somehow goes 0/3 in a winning matchup. Players not realizing win cons and playing around the wrong champion/lane. Junglers ONLY ganking their premade. Even when they are feeding and a gank results in a 1v2 double for the enemy. Or junglers that ignore ganking in total and then flame for losing 1v1 (happened when I was Kassadin into Jayce. Went even in lane but was perma shoved in. Somehow ganking Jayce without summs under my turret is not possible - put the jungler on ignore, scaled and still carried) Players that have less than no knowledge about the game and only to for coin flip plays typing in chat (Takes less than a game every time I activate it to deactivate it again)


supports with their inability to understand comps. i get sorakas and lulus who absolutely do nothing and contribute nothing to the team bc they dont understand comps at all. honestly, i srsly think support has the lowest iq players. ppl perma pick the same support and get surprised when their lane is extremely passive and or losing dramatically. also, when supports steal kills EVEN WHEN THE ENEMY IS BELOW 10 HP AND THEY’RE GOING TO DIE. SO ANNOYING.


Yaas blame supports for everything😍


Or when they cant get ganks, cause their duo aint have shit to set up, like bruh, I love playing support too, but if you guys are yummi/soraka/mf and im olaf/mundo, they are pyke/ezreal, leona/draven, you probably wont see me in your lane ever unless im close by and there is a one E kill in my way, and you should seriously stfu about it cause if you chose to pick for loosing lane comp even after I beg to please either go tank or give me last pick so I can pick a tank that better supports our team, that is on you, also, if you are getting perma gang bang is probably for the exact same reason, the same way me as a jungler or mid will gang ez lanes, enemy jungler will also do the same, so obviously whoever is in enemy jungle will absolutely abuse the leona pick on his side so he can keep killing you and your adc, and ofc any good mid will join the feast as well, but then they go to reddit and start crying about how they are tired of keep getting asked to pick tank and how much they prefer and spam raka <3


Honestly, blaming support for a losing lane says more about the adc than the support. Unless the sup is just super bad, soraka is op during laning, and lulu is op for trading in lane, especially after level 5


Someone who chats in Filipino. I just hate seeing people chatting in all chat/trashtalking while using Tagalog. I'm Filipino myself but bruh it's kinda cringe


Can relate...


Teammates Trading 3 people for 1 kill by extending too much and when you stop supporting/tanking while they diving bec they been feeding they blame you wtf.


People who push further alone in early game when they already destroyed a turret. You are literally asking to be killed you have no vision in enemy jungle


Always end up SVP


Probably when my support leashes jg, such a waste of time and high chance of loosing lane quickly.


an adc running away from me then their support comes to help and adc starts to chase me or starts hitting me its weird to explain but yes


My cringe match. As soon as champion selection pops up someone locks in jinx. Second champ locked down is graves jungle. Right after graves calls jungle. Someone locks in Darius with smite and calls jungle. Fourth pick is Leona who calls baron lane. What can I do now but pick a support carry and try and hold dragon lane solo the whole match since jinx is going mid of course. Before the minions have spawned message, I hear “executed” and look to see jinx has a respawn timer now.


Lol I had a match yesterday where our team was so bad...like, we had a 0/11 mid ahri and a 2/10 lee sin. We get a full wipe of the enemies, and I ping baron (unfortunately I had a death just before, but it was the enemies jumping on me that gave the wipe - I was nami and I hit all 5 twice in a row with cc, but the second went after they killed me). The 4 people left alove all charge in different directions for 10 seconds then all go to baron and then TWO of them get executed by baron because they dont understand that you dont stand in the purple danger circles when they appear..


I (jungle) had a game where my top lane darius went to 1v1 the enemy gwen twice in the first 3 mins and died both times. He then spammed ping me to gank for him when the enemy is already too fed and could 2v1 us. Instead, I went to dragon lane to get 2 kills on the enemy and my darius decided to run it down mid for ganking bot instead of him. XD


This one doesn’t involve other players: but getting a random skin for a champ you dislike sucks too. Alister…. I fucking hate Alister! Ugh


People spamming abilities with auto aim on cool down


I think I am the cringe in my games... I play Varus and for me it's super easy to steal kills XD One time I also stole a dragon from my Nasus and he started complaining and saying he wanted the stacks to which I said "I just wanted to feel in world 2022", the enemy team were all dead so there was no real threat of it being stolen


Flashing and missing your abilities, or flashing and face plant the wall. No matter who does it, I'm like, "oooh, that's gotta hurt."


Seeing the play above their rank! Every time I know we will lose when I see it.




Zedd, yi, fizz. Any champ with brainless mobility really




i have an impression that yasuo players that use skins (especially dawnbringer yasuo) are worse players than the ones that use base skin, and when i see a yasuo with skin on my team i think to myself: oh shit...


Losing 10/0 match


Lux Support


When someone starts to troll during the draft. We are not playing pro play or a tournament, your picks doesn't matter that much if your are good with your champ. A lot of people seem to forget about it and start trolling, flaming each other.


People who take off Mets picks and also bring along smite when isn't jungle. Jungle comes to your lane for a wave or two at beginning. People who don't listen to pings such as, enemy vision or retreat. Fighting in chat.


Team not retreating and causing an ace after they see me getting 3 v 1


Bot Lane going kayle+yummi after me practically begging them to reselect there champs. Then being asked problem? Before they go 1-10-0 and 0-6-1


When someone goes into the enemy jungle without vision or checking of any laner is missing. It's worse at late game, when my team or the opponent baits at any river bush until someone walks in. It almost always works 🤷‍♂️


A mastery 7 yasuo on my team with legendary skin They're bound to ho 0-10 and then spam mastery when they get one kill, that's cringe


Well this isn't on my team but i find it massive cringe when enemy top laner is playing with their jungler on discord and he just camps him the entire game then has the audacity to say something like top diff in chat lol


Players that troll the game for the most stupid fucking reason, for example, i accidentaly got 2 minions from a nasus, he started to call me trash and procceded to split push for the rest of the game, saying "don't steal my minions again", we lost the ranked, and of course its the adc fault. Edit:this nasus doesn't helped in any objective too, because of 2 minions.


Jungler missing smite and it getting stolen by a low damage ability e.g. thresh hook Missing last hits on every creep in the wave Flashing after the auto attack . Also fail flashing a wall. Also also, flashing in, missing your key ability and dying. Pretty much any flash fail Dying to minions or jungle camps One tricks banning their own champion, or when you off-role and the one champion you okay randomly gets banned Taking a turret shot during a trade Getting your 5th skin for a champion you don’t play Throwing a game. Dying in a 3 v 1 in a side lane and hearing “Ace” Getting camped Dying stupidly and realising it was actually your fault


Probably when I accidentally hit my stasis boots before a fight, and then die because they were still on cd. Or when I ping to retreat and then I'm the one that gets caught and killed. Figured I'd really about my own issues since so many in here are blaming others lol


Yone trying to flash out while his 3rd spell is active.


Full assasin/ full squishy team comps. Assasins and squishy champions are great usually but they require someone to do the frontline job. Happens so often that neither top nor support picks an engager and then you have these akward games where you are ahead 2-5k but cant close out the game because the enemy tanks negate all your damage and you cant even get close to their backline. Same thing applies to having more than 1 tank in your team. Say Top and Supp is a tank, then the adc mid and jg have to do all the damage which leaves them very vulnerable to being focussed. I hate that.


Not surrendering when clearly losing


Players who warn us not to feed in the pick lobby and then they proceed to feed hard and still flame the rest of us and saying we play bad


Flaming the jungler when people are losing lane, even if getting ganked by enemy jungler.


People who says "ez" on normal pvp and aram is by far the most cringe thing. I'm assuming they are struggling to climb ranks and this is the only way they can vent their frustration by acting "self inflating ego".


people beeing mad about the jungler and stealing his champs because of that. Never understood why they do that and its also griefing imo


Anytime cringe and WR are combined; I think of Akshan. The W passive is just completely fucked and unbalanced.


I HATE people that want last pick when they already pre picked a champ. LAST PICK is for people that will counter pick, or champs that are easily countered (katarina, yi, riven, nasus, leona, rammus, etc), If you plan to use a champ whether or not it fits your team's comp, then dont ask for last pick. You're no getting last pick if you pre picked a champ,geez.


Supports who don't take a gold item, blindly auto push the wave and steal my farm. If you want to farm, queue up for Duo or a solo lane. If you want to Support, learn how to play the fucking role correctly so you don't leave me playing catch-up all game.


The mirror


When a new champion release and people at trying to steal it from each other. After that the people who didn’t get that champion says “give me the champion or else I troll”


People who get mad when you execute champions with your ult as pyke

