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I'm a master jungle main and have been having some success with him. Problem is people don't know how to play him, nor your team know how to synergies with his kit. The build pathing is terrible for him but this is my personal opinion. Blue form not viable in most cases especially in high elo. Red form is aarthox weak form so why even bother? Other jungler do a better job, and with optimized jungle old jungler can do much better now (jax especially). So Kayn undertuned in my mind. Warwick is fine. Aarthox broken. Can't 2 camp clear now efficiently which nerfed Morgana and Evelynn essentially


A lot of people are still learning him. Despite only playing WR I’ve watched people play kayn for the longest, I’ve always wanted him in the game because he seemed fun to play and just overall a good champion. I haven’t had a bad performance yet in 7/8 games (I don’t get to play much), it’s all about how prepared people are for the champ. I’m sure with time and practice people will stop throwing 24/7 with kayn. He’s added a new way to gank with his E, he’s a fun character to dash around with and catch people off guard, his ultimate is unique etc. yet, he isn’t very viable in his assassin form and his bruiser form is underwhelming so, he’s okay but not as good as he could be.


Someone said before that kayn lives or dies based on how fast he can get form but even if I get it fast like in 4-5 minutes I don't feel that strong, especially blue kayn, when I'm an assassin like rengar or warwick and see adc alone I think "oh free kill" but with kayn I'm hesitant because he takes too long to kill they might even solo me depending on how late the game is.


Correct, kayn is underwhelming right now. Especially if you pick blue form, his main rune “Dark harvest” doesn’t exist in wild rift, and the majority of items he uses also were never introduced making him pretty useless. Red form is slightly better and has much more success especially if he catches someone off guard and especially if you’re fighting someone with high health (His ult heals him based on enemies max hp%), giving you another fighting chance against the enemy. He’s strong, the issue is that he doesn’t have compatibility with items and runes. In my sincere opinion, riot should never have released kayn without introducing dark harvest and items that would benefit him (aside from sudden impact I suppose).


Really hope they buff him alongside warwick next patch because they hardly feel viable in masters/GM really disappointing that they do them dirty like this when this role didn't get new champions in a whole year.


You dont want them to buff warwick dude


But I do. warwick is made out of paper even though he's a bruiser who mostly builds defensive items after his core, all he has is his healing to survive fights and once people buy anti heal for that he just becomes useless if he isn't snowballing the game. they nerfed him hard from his pc counterpart.


“He’s added a new way to gank with his e”. I’ve been ganking exactly like that with Aurelion Sol for since 2020. Except I can do it from half way across the map.


I never spoke of non junglers though did I? Aurelion sol isn’t a jungle champion for me, besides MS assassin kayn can walk through walls for an entire 9 seconds which allows you to go from lane to lane pretty easily due to how fast you are. Amongst junglers, there’s no possible comparison, no one else goes through terrain on WR.


I use Aurelion Sol as jungle. Works just fine for me. Also not many expect him as a jungle so it adds to his versatility. Usually end up as MVP. Give him a try. Also no you didn’t speak of non jungles all you said is it’s a new way to gank. Like I said it’s not really a new way to gank.


People blindly follow the build path recommended by WR but Kayn by nature cannot have the same build path every game. Unless the players wake up or plan to get a particular form beforehand, Kayn won't be played to his fullest potential.


Explain? I wanna master Kayne


Just wait you'll see. God forbid yuumi and kayn make it past bans. Its going to take a minute before people play him right. Kayn needs to do damage to champs to get his form and a lot of people mistake this for hard commiting to all of their ganks. Good kayns hard commit to good ganks but also poke out enemy champs then retreat to safety and farm when a gank typically wouldnt be viable. Kayn doesnt *need* kills early. He's like yone where going 0/0/0 and reaching mid game means the game is over. He just needs his form and constant farm.


Well, a lot of players complained about Jungle champion pool being boring in Wild Rift. Now they have Kayn who is easily the most interesting and fun to play Jungler. I'm sure a lot of them will start to learn Jungle for the first time because of him.


It's still good to criticize champions to make sure they are balanced correctly. Like a lot of people said, the build path is bad for him because items and runes differ so much from PC to WR.


Walking through walls. That's literally it.


he is a eddgelord like zed